By Idy_queen

731 11 4

To those of you who came because it started out as a httyd imagines book, they're still here, but let's just... More

•Hiccup• First Flight
°Snotlout° Overlooking
♥Astrid♥ Blush
|Eret| The Hottest Dragon Trapper I Ever Met
♥Astrid♥ Jealous Little Viking
°Rema° My Favourite Fan


143 1 0
By Idy_queen

Time Frame: Race to the Edge

Ages: Hiccup is 18, You are 18

Warnings: Swearing

Genre: Fluff

A/N: I can't think of titles for each chapter so some will be labelled, some will not.
Berk has been a normally quiet place since the end of the Berserkers war three years ago and Hiccup and the gang leaving for dragon's edge, so every time I hear high pitched squeals that can shatter glass, that signifies that the Dragon Riders have returned, probably for a short time.

Unfortunately for me, today was one of those days and I just happened to be near the group of girls who always scream once they see them.

RIP my eardrums.

I rolled my eyes at this group and just decided to go my own way, I wanted nothing to do with them,

"Ahhh, they're so hot." Another eye roll, "Especially Hiccup." I turned to look at them properly as they gossipped where they were,

"I heard him and Astrid broke up." Wait, seriously? "So he's single now~" I internally cringed at her tone and began to leave again when one sentence stopped me,

"I'm going to make him fall for me."

I obviously knew who said it, but I just wanted to confirm who she was referring to,

"What do you mean?" "I'm going to make Hiccup Haddock fall for me."

My jaw dropped open and soon became clenched because of the person who said it, It was Morgana.

She's Berk beauty, probably 3rd or 4th place, I have no idea who 1st or 2nd is, but I'm suspecting Astrid to be in one of those slots.

To Berk she was a beauty, to me she 'the slut.' Cool name, I know.

Reason being, she has managed to flirt and get almost every guy in Berk to shove himself into her and now Hiccup was next on her list.

Though I can only thank her as she was the reason I broke up with my classless boyfriend and came to realize my crush on Hiccup, but he was dating Astrid, so I forced them down.

But that doesn't make her any less of an annoying, proud, boyfriend stealing bitch.

And if she thinks that for some reason, I'm going to let her get to Hiccup, she's got another thing coming.

I got so furious at what she said and just walked away to anywhere, which is why I am now standing infront of Stoick's house.

That was a dumb move, cus I'm sure Hiccup and his friends just landed, so where else would they be, than the dragon academy?

I still went ahead and knocked on the door,

"Well, Good morning to you lass." "Good morning chief." "Please, I told you to call me Stoick." "Right."

I laughed nervously, Stoick had been like my father figure since my parents died in a dragon raid years before peace was restored, him and Gobber took care of me a lot, but Gobber was as dramatic as my mother so Stoick took the dad role.

"So, I'm guessing you've heard the news." "What news?" "That Hiccup's back on Berk." "Oh yeahhh."

I was desperately peeking behind for signs of the auburn haired boy, but to no avail,

"Lass, you know that boy better than any Berkian, you know he's not here, you can stop trying to peek." Stoick laughed and I blushed,

'So much for being discrete.'

"But you can come with me, I'm gonna go see him and probably bring him home." I shook my head profusely,

"No no, this is a good time for bonding between you too, I won't interfere." He eyed me.

"Fine, but I'm assuming you want to cook me breakfast, again?" "Don't I always?" He laughed

"Make that for two, will ya lass?" I turned to Gobber who was already heading to the academy and rolled my eyes.


I made breakfast for three, including Hiccup, why? Because I felt like.

I was cleaning up the kitchen utensils I had used when the door finally opened,

"Uhm, dad?" "Yes Hiccup." "Isn't Y/n too young to be your wife?" I choked and started coughing right there.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." He handed me a cup and started patting my back, and I looked out the corner of my eye to see Gobber and Stoick snickering to themselves.

After I finally calmed down, I did the only reasonable thing to do, I punched Hiccup in the arm,

"OW." "That's for assuming I was married to your dad, I mean come on, we're the same age." "Well what would you think if you walked into a house and saw a woman in the kitchen doing wifely things?"

I face palmed, "You're an idiot." "I know, but was the punch really necessary?" "Yeah."

He pouted at me, "Just go eat your breakfast." "You made breakfast?" "I always make breakfast."

So while his dad and Gobber were already eating, he smiled at me,

"Thanks Y/n."

Oh Thor, help me, the butterflies and the blushing will be a constant as long as he's here, but it wasn't fair so I just did what came naturally.

I pulled him into a hug, due to our difference in height, ended up in his chest,

"This is for coming back, I missed you, y'know?"

I felt a faint peck on my head as he hugged me back, could it be? He liked me too.

"Come on, knowing you,you probably forgot to cook for yourself, so you're eating with me."
"Hey Astrid?" "Hm?"

I contemplated whether I should be telling the blonde about what was being planned against her ex, then decided to just go for it

"Morgana wants to seduce Hiccup."

Silence. And as far as I knew, with Astrid, that could never be a good thing.

Then suddenly, she burst out laughing.

Me and my stormcutter, Muzzler, just stared at her like she was insane.

"Well tell her I said good luck with that.". "What do you mean?"

"Y/n, Hiccup's as thick as porridge, thicker even, he'll never notice her attempts, heck he doesn't even know who she is, he only knows the first and second beauty of Berk and those are the only two he crushes on."

"But he's already dated you, hasn't he?" "Yeah, so I guess it's just miss first place he wants now, though he's always wanted her, she just never noticed the signs."

Now I was intrigued and annoyed, who the heck was this first place Beauty of Berk and why the hell does she have MY Hiccup wrapped around her finger?!

"So who is she? Maybe I can help set them up."


She just laughed at me even more, "Oh you know her alright."

I rolled my eyes at her as Hiccup entered the academy with the rest of the gang.

"Hey Hiccup." "Yeah Astrid?" "Morgana wants to seduce you~" She sang in a teasing voice and sent a glance my way

'Note to self: Never tell Astrid about Hiccup's seductresses.' That doesn't sound right.

"Who's Morgana?"

Wow, just wow.


On the bright side, I was right, she was fourth.

On the not so bright side, I'm officially deaf.

"There are other Berk beauties? I only knew of Astrid and first place."

"Which brings me to ask...who exactly is first place?"

The look of shock on everyone's face was priceless, "You're joking, right?" Tuff grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently as I shook my head.

"Anyways, what are you gonna do about it Hiccup?" Astrid helped me ask as my world was still violently spinning.
I was aimlessly wandering through the great hall as I waited for the plan to be put into action.

Finally, I got hungry and decided to carry some food, but once I was ready to dig in,

"Y/n, where have you been? It's your cue?!"

"So much for food, I guess." I mumbled before trudging to Astrid.

"Stop being petty, the faster you finish your part, the faster you can go back to your food."

I ignored her and went to Hiccup who,quite frankly embarrassed about the whole scene,was obviously looking for me.

Upon sight and what I'm going to assume was reflex, I was yanked by the waist and straight into his chest.

Let's not lie, boy is built well.

'Shut up Y/n, now isn't the time...or is it?' Guess we're screwing up the plan.

"I'm never going to get over how much muscle you've gained babe."

The expressions on everyone's face was priceless, damn I deserve an award for being this good an actress.

I turned to Morgana with the most disgusted face, which to be fair, I would've used it on her anyway, but at least this time, it's valid.

"And who are you?" "Oh Y/n, you really think you have him for long? Oh please, I stole your boyfriend once, I can do it again."

Odin hold me or I'll smack the fake lashes off this girl's eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you for doing that btw." "You aren't even on the Berk beauty list, I'm sure of that, so what makes you think that any guy will stay with you that long?"

'If they can stay with you for up to a week, I'm sure they can survive me for a much longer time.'

""Actually, Y/n's the top of the list or scale or whatever you call it, I just know she's in first place." We both turned to Hiccup, "WHAT?!"

"Yeah, it's common knowledge that I have a crush on the first and second and since obviously I've already dated Astrid, there's only one other person and the only person I've had a crush on since I knew what a crush was is Y/n, so that puts her in first place."

The smugliest smile made it's way to my face, "Take that Morgana or should I say fourth place." I did a little victory dance as she stormed off.

I turned to Hiccup and the riders, "And you...you knew I was first and none of you said anything?!" "We assumed you knew." Was Fishlegs reply, "Y'know, with all the guys who stare at you constantly?" "What guys?"

Astrid gestured to a table where a bunch of teen creeps were staring at me, gross.

I turned to Hiccup, "So you like me huh?" He started to nervously chuckle and walk away, "Hey hey, where do you think you're going, you gave a cute but horrible confession just now. I demand a redo"

"Why?" "Because... there's no actual solid reason, I just want one so that when I tell you I like you too, it seems reasonable." I realized I just confessed myself and he snorted

"That was a cute yet horrible confession too." I rolled my eyes and just pulled him and placed my lips on his and when he kissed back, I was in Valhalla.

"That covers for it." I mumbled, "Okay since we've cleared that up, anyone want to tell her the reason we came back."

"Huh?" Hiccup scratched his neck nervously, "Y/n, you see-" "We wanted you to come back to the edge with us, because you're the most qualified rider for the job." Ruffnut interrupted clearly tired of Hiccup's time wastage.

"REALLLY?!" They nodded, "Oh guys, thank you, I'd really love to be one of you guys." I felt Hiccup snake his arms around my waist, "-but you could've said it sooner, so I could pack."

"Too late for that, I already did." I turned to see Gobber and Stoick behind us, "Want to get rid of me that much huh?" "Now why would I want to get rid of the girl who cooks me breakfast every morning?" "Stoick, you sure letting her go is wise now? We're in too deep with her cooking."

I laughed, "Don't you worry, every time we come back, I'll prepare a huge feast."  And everyone began to discuss amongst themselves, Hiccup dragged me outside,

"Hey." "Hi." "Y/n, thank you for accepting my confession, really. I was thinking there's probably like a bunch of other guys-" "I'm stopping you there if this is turning into a sappy moment, Hiccup you're perfect and I want nothing more than for you to just kiss me."

He chuckled and pressed his lips on mine

Word Count: 2099

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