TOH Oneshots (With Angst)

By BiAutisticMess

332 7 44

I will once in a while add my own oneshot but feel free to request a prompt in the comments! Warning: ULTIMAT... More

Forgotten Nightmares
Reminders Of The Past
Guys' Night
The Ultimate Villain's Lair (From Disney Animation) Part 1

An Unwelcome Return Part 1

49 2 20
By BiAutisticMess

My worst fear had come true; it was hard to believe, almost impossible. We defeated him four years ago and things were going oh so well. The Isles was free, I was free! I was dating the girl of my dreams, I had a parental figure who didn't think me as a tool and several other adults were there if I needed, I had graduated school and earned a job as a palisman carver and was being taught under probably the most experienced person in the Demon Realm, I was going to therapy and healing from all the shit he put me through! And he just had to ruin that, didn't he? He has to ruin everything in my life so that I live a miserable existence; always his victim.

I had just gotten home from the workshop as Darius was making dinner in the kitchen. Usually, I would make the dinner but I was being held up at work since it's alisman making season and my therapist suggested Darius makes the meals ever once in a while so as Luz would say, it's a win win! "Hey, kiddo! I'm making snorse casserole! It'll be ready in about 15mins tops!" he said as I walked into the room. "Thanks, Darius! I'm just gonna go upstairs and watch some Oracle, call me when dinner's ready, ok?" 

"Sure thing! Just don't be watching that thing all night, ok? Don't want you to be addicted to that thing, do we?" he joked which made me chuckle a bit.

"Don't worry, I just want to watch the next episode of Lover's Woods. SHouldn't take too long and then I'll go and read a book or something."

"Ok, hey do you know when your next therapy session is? I keep forgetting," he asked checking the calendar. "Oh, it's the 17th of October!" I rose my head.

"Right, right. Thanks I don't mean to forget, it's just with the counsil and there still areas of the Isles that need repairing and *cough*other things. It's hard to keep track.I'll promise I'll keep trying to remember, ok?" he reassured me laying a gentle hand on my right shoulder.

"Don't sweat it! I know you have a lot on your plate, and no one's perfect! And you don't need to hide it, I know you like Mr Blight." He then blushed a bit and gave me a shocked look.

"Just because you know, doesn't mean you get to blab it out to everyone!" he turned back to the dinner. "Trust me Darius, I'm the best person when it comes to keeping secrets. You can count on me! You just tell him when you're ready."

"Yes well, dinner's nearly ready so how's about you go and wash up and then we can eat?" he said. "Yes, Darius!" I replied going upstairs into the bathroom to go pee and wash me hands. As I walked to the table, my bag was buzzing.

Probably my scroll

I took it out to see that Luz had been messaging me none-stop. It was a certain rate of urgency I haven't seen before; atleast in a long while. 



                                                                                                                                               Why? What's the matter?


                                                                                                                                         Now? I'm having dinner! Can't
                                                                                                                                          wetalk about this later?



"Err, Darius? Luz says to come to The Owl House, she says the safety of the Isles is at stake," I told him. "Huh? What does she mean? It's been safe for years! What could possibly put it in danger now?" he asked.


                                                                                                                                    What are you on about? What's                                                                                                                                        gonna put the Isles in danger?

I know you're gonna find this hard to believe,
believe me I can barely believe it either ! But
I just think it be better if I tell you in person

                                                                                                                               Why? What aren't you telling me? 
                                                                                                                            What could possibly put the Isles in                                                                                                                               so much danger?



There's no way, right? She's joking, she has to be! He's dead! She killed him along with Eda, Raine and King! SHE HAS TO BE JOKING! HE ISN'T BACK! HE'S DEAD! HE'S LONG DEAD AND IN THE GROUND! LITERALLY! HE WAS STOMPED OUT OF EXISTENCE! THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY HE COULD BE ALIVE! 

"Well, what did she say?" Darius asked turning around again from the food. "Hunter? Are you ok?" he said as he looked at my terror and confusion ridden face as my breathe started to quicken with every thought. My forehead and palms were as sweaty as the time I asked Willow out for the first time. I even sweated in places I didn't even know I could sweat!Like the insides of my arms and the back of my neck. My head started to ache as so many thoughts crammed in blocked the traffic of other thoughts and I held in in my hands to try and stabilize it but injust ached more and so I dug my fingers in to my scalp to try and halt those endless thoughts My mouth became dry as a Human Realm desert and my knees shook as if I took a bath in freezing cold water (believe me, I know what it's like). "Hunter? Do you need to sit down?" he crouched down to my level and put a hand on my left shoulder. I gave him a slow and narrow nod and he guided me to a seat without touching me, we learned not to do that as if by pure instinct, I get 'defensive'. I felt horrible after that but he reassured me it was okay. "Hunter, you are safe. Ok? You are in a safe environment and I will not threaten or try to harm you or make you feel bad," he reassured me in a cal and soft voice. "Would you like to hold my hand or would you prefer not to?" he asked as he lent out his hands incase I agreed. I shakely nodded again as my hands almost hesitantly landed in Darius's.  "Now, take deep breaths with me. Ok? Deep breath in, deep breath out." Every deep breath felt like a tiny portion of the weight on my chest was being lifted but a large part was still present. "Do you want to tell me what's got you so upset or do you not want to talk about it?" 

"No, no. It's ok. Um," I continued to stutter. It was so hard to get out, something this big felt like a rock was lodged into my throat and I was trying to get it out but to no avail.

"You know you don't have to tell me now if you don't feel comfortable, but I need to know what's going on so I can help you," he reassured me by squeezing my hand a little. "No, I-I-I think it would be better if I show you," I mumbled loud enough for Darius to hear as I handed my scroll to him. He then began to read through the text messages and his eyes began to widen; he then tried to mask his anxiety but I could see right through it.

"How do you know she knows where he is?"

"I don't, that's why I think she wants me to go over to The Owl House so we could talk about it."

"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked reassuringly.

"Yes, but can we eat first?" I asked him back nervously.

"Of course we can, you can text your friend to say that we'll be there after we've had dinner. If you want to go," he said as he reached his hand out with my scroll in it.   

"No, I want to go, I'll text her now," I said as I took back the scroll and texted her.


Hunter? Are you ok?

                                                                                                                                                   Yeah, I'll be over after                                                                                                                                                           I've had dinner; no buts.

Ok, see ya later. Hope you're doing ok.
Stay safe

                                                                                                                                                  Yeah, see you later.


After I had texted Luz,we had dinner; it isn't my favourite but I do really like it. Though, I didn't really touch my food as my anxiety was taking over my hunger. "Are you not hungry?" Darius asked as he had barely touched his casserole either. "No, I guess I just wanted you to eat your dinner."

"Oh, Hunter. You didn't have to do that!" He then stood up and put his fork down. "I'm not hungry either, come one. We can go to your friend's house if you still want to," he said standing up and lending his hand out to me. "No, I still want to go," I replied accepting his offered hand and stood up. "Let's go."

We began our anxious travel on Waffles and Indigo (Darius's abominations palisman) to The Owl House with the sun slowly began to retire for the night as the moon began it's shift. We both had our coats on as it had begun to get cold with Winter fast approaching. The wind was ripping through my hair; pushing it out of my face. It touched my scars which reminded me of the time He tried to possess me, as if I were some kind of tool to him; a means to an end. I still remember how it felt on my body, how I couldn't even control my body. His slime degrading and consuming my flesh until I finally took back control. I wish to never feel that way for as long as I live. "Are you ok? We can still turn back if you want to," he offered.

"No thank you, I'd rather to help Luz and try and keep him away from everyone."

"Then I will try and keep him from you."

"You don't have to do that, Darius."

"I feel like I have to. It sounds weird but after you told me what happened while you were in the Human Realm for all those months, I've had this sudden protectiveness I've had towards you. To try and keep you safe."

"You know what Eda say, 'Us weirdos have to stick together,'" I quoted as we both shared a quiet chuckle. "We'll protect each other," I stated as we caught sight of the house. I don't think it was much of a surprise but I was terrified to see what was beyond that door. 

What happened? DId he hurt anyone? DId he hurt my friends? Or Willow? No, Willow's too strong, she atleast wouldn't have gone down with out a fight, neither would the others. Especially since he's greatly out matched. 

The blinds and windows were closed and Hooty had also stationed himself in the door with spikes coming out the ground; probably as a safety precaution. Nothing was damaged or broken; no signs of a fight. We then landed on the path leading to the house and walked up to the door, awakening the Bird-tube, thing that had a sign saying 'Brb' on it. "Hi, friends! Sorry, The Owl House ain't open at the moment, Boss's orders!"

"Luz told us to be here, see?" I said showing him my texts on my scroll.

"Okie dokie chokie! Welcome friends!" he screamed opening the door into the living room. A terrified looking Luz was sat on the couch with Amity rubbing her back next to Willow and Gus with King sat on the floor. Eda was pacing up and down the room with feathers coming out of her; probably scared out her mind with Raine trying to calm her down. Lilith was probably the only one keeping her composure with her arms crossed though she also looked stressed. "Hunter! Oh, Hunter you're safe!" Willow hugged me feeling relieved. "If he got his grimy hands on you I would have punched him back to the hell he crawled out of!" slightly pulling away from our hug and looked my in the eyes.

"I'm ok, Willow. I'm ok," I put our heads together as a way of comforting her, and myself.

"Are you? That kind of news, especially for you..." Luz started rubbing the back of her neck.

"It's ok, I'm ok now," I repeated as I rubbed my arm. Luz then gave me another hug closely followed by Willow, Gus and Amity. "Guy, I need to breathe," I barely took a breathe as they were almost squeezing me to death. "Sorry, sorry," Gus apologised. "We were just so worried that you might have been-"

"Possessed? Don't worry, Darius wouldn't let that slimey man anywhere near the house let alone me," I joked.

"I would also be protecting you!" he replied ruffling my hair.

"Stop! I hate it when you do that!" I chuckled pushing his hand away.

"Oh, but it's so-" 

"People! If you don't mind stopping family time, that would be great!" Eda shouted as more feathers came out of her skin.

 "So, what actually happened? How do you know that He is back?" I questioned.

"Well, there have been reports of a rogue green abomination but it smelled alot, lot worse," Gus squinted. "How do we know this isn't just rumors or town myths?" Darius asked.

"Because a journalist from the Bonesborough paper had took and given me this picture," Lilith replied showing a blurred picture of a small green blob with two glowing blue eyes. "How long ago was this? We all know that the longer we leave him, the more time he has to possess and despose of his victims as he gets stronger and bigger." 

"It was given to me about 5 or 6 hours ago," said Lilith leaning up against the wall.

"Why didn't you contact us sooner?" asked Darius.

"Because Luz and her friends were either at school or work and honestly, I was a bit scepticle at first when I was first given the pisture but as I began to ask around, this 'green abomination' has travelled all over town. About the size, some say it's as big as a small puddle. Some say it's as big as a tissue box and others say it's nearly as big as King.

"I've tried contacting the Collector but he hasn't answered since Luz's King-cenera," King spoke holding up a star tablet in which I assumed he used to comunicate with them."So, they are a target?" I asked nervously.

"Idealy but they have returned to traverse the Stars; I'm not even sure how he would even get to him so, I don't think so," King said.

"Has anyone else been acting, off? Perhaps he's already possessed someone," I said.

"I don't think so, Boscha's the same and all my team were present," Willow answered.

"My students were all acting as usual," Gus replied.

"No one in my class was acting weird, well you know, the bad weird," Luz followed.

"Has anyone checked their body? Maybe he's possessed one of us," Amity pirked up.

"Everyone, go one at a time and check in the bathroom. If you need any help, just shout," Lilith advised. "Hunter, you're up first." And so I entered the bathroom, locked the door and started undressing. First I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror to get a better view.

Hmm, nothing there

I soon put my shirt back on and start to pull down my trousers to check my legs.

Nope, not here either

Then, I checked my my buttand as Luz says it- my 'No-no square' which honestly seems a bit childish but this is Luz we're talking about.

Nope, nothing here either. Phew! That was a relief!

I then swiftly got dressed again and opened the door. "I'm ok!" I announced.

"Oh, thank the Titan!" I heard WIllow say under her breath.

"Right, I'm next," Raine said as they walked into the bathroom, shut the door and locked it. 

"Damn it, I forgot! Matty!" Gus blurted out, turning red as soon as the words slipped from his mouth. "Matty? You mean Mat? I thought he didn't like you calling him that," Luz teased.

"I know, I know! I need to check on him!" Gus blushed even more but seemed more worried about his 'friend' as he pulled out his scroll and started typing on it vigorously. "And what about your mom? Don't you need to let her know what's going on?"

"I already have! She and Vee are not going to be using the portal until we say that it's ok," Luz answered.

"How long are we going to stand here? Belos is out there and he's doing who knows what to the town! He's running rampant out there while we're just, sitting here!" Eda shoutedand Lilith went over to try and calm her. "Eda, you need to calm down, your curse is acting up again!" Lilith tried to comfort her. "No, Lily. I shouldn't, we shouldn't be here! We should be out looking for that ransid son of a-"

"I know, Eda but trust me! You worrying about it isn't going to make this any better!" Luz said.

"Try deep breathing with us," Willow said as her and Gus used there breathing technique, thing that helps them calm down. Eventually, Eda joined in and was slightlymore calm. "I'm alright too! He hasn't got to me this time," Raine opened the door and smirked as Willow went in next. 

"Lilith, who was the last person to report?" I asked.

"Morton, the potion guy," she replied.

"When did he see it?" Willow continued.

"A few days ago at his stand. He said it was riggling about inside the cracks in the cobblestone in the side-walk [pavement for my fellow British readers] when he went to go to the restroom [toilet] and was almost as big as Tinella Nosa."

She's had a name this whole time?

"That's not too far away from here, do you think he's trying to follow us?" Luz asked nervously.

"It's a possibility, that's why I've put Hooty on lock down," Eda replied.

"Maybe, if so we better get some weapons. Well, those who can't do much magic," I suggested.

"Good idea, Hunter. You guys can go get some weapons while we wait here," Gus said.

"Come on, kid let me show you to the armory," Eda offered as she stood up and led me, Luz and Lilith out the living room and into this darkened room.

She has an armory? Damn this lady's prepared

She then flicked a switch that turned on the light showing the various weapons that could be used to fight a war. "Choose what ya like! I've got so many I've began to run out of storage, on the house!" she smirked for the first time tonight.

"Why do you have so many weapons, Eda?" Lilith asked almost horrified.

"Well back when I used to run from the law, I had to use something else than my magic incase the curse was acting up," she explained. "I've just been collecting over the years incase we needed it, and looks like we do."

We then heard Hooty scream something from outside, "Hoot what in the name of the Titan-" Eda started. "Old man alert! Old man alert! Old man alert! Old man alert!" he hollered.

"'Old man'? Wait, does he mean-" Luz began.

"Belos," I ended as we all stared athe door and slightly oving away from it incase he broke it down. Everyone tensed up, ready for a fight as we decided what we should do. Eda then peaked through the blinds turning back with confusion. "There's no one there," she whispered shrugging. "Other side, hoot-hoot," Hooty whispered back.

Damn, I didn't think that thing could be quiet

"The kitchen!" Luz whispered with a worried look on her face. We all took out our palisman and started to carefully enter the kitchen with the exception of King and Lilith who I'd assume was there to protect him. Eda, Raine and Darius were at the front, Willow, Gus and Amity were in the middle and me and Luz were placed at the reer. The atmosphere was so thick and tense you could cout it with a knife as we entered the kitchen. Eda then signaled to us that she would offer herself to open the door. Every step she took I gripped onto Waffles more. She then lowered her hand onto the dorr handle and opened the door. "There's nothing here," she shrugged. Then the hairs on the back of my neck started to stand up and I felt this sort of sixth sense in my gut as I felt someone unfamiliar behind me whisper, "Surpise~." 

Me and Luz turned to see it was Belos; he was wearing his blue coat and his hair was pulled back into a snony-tail [Boiling Isles version of a pony-tail] but his eyes were different. They were incased in yellow with black slits for pupils. 

His eyes were blue, not yellow with black slits

I backed away and bumped into Amity,"What's wrong Hunter-" she started as she too turned with Willow and Gus as their expressions turned to horror and then yelled, "ATTACK!!!" Soon then the adults joined in the fight, I tried to dodge his attacks but a slimey punch hit me right in the gut and then the head. As I faded in and out of consciousness, I blurrily saw everyone fighting him. Amity got scratched on the shoulder but then fireballed at him. "Hey! No fire in the house!" I muffledly heard Eda shout. "Lets take this outside," Raine suggested and led him to the back door where everyone followed them out side as Willow and Darius stayed behind. 

"I can't just leave him!"

"I'll go and make sure he's alright, you go fight."


"Everyone needs you out there, you are the most physically strongest. He will be fine." 

Then I closed my eyes and everything went black. It was like I was asleep but longer. Then I final"ly opened my eyes to see that I was lying on the couch with Viney casting a healing spell on me. "Oh! I think he's waking up!" I heard Willow say.

"Willow? What happened? Did we defeat him? Is anyone hurt?" I jumped up from the couch still feeling the pain in my head. "Easy, Hun."

"Hunter, you need to stay still if you ant me to heal that cut in your head," Viney remarked as I sat still next to Willow. "Everyone is safe and Belos was defeated," she assured me; holding my hand in hers. "So, he's dead?" I hoped.

"Well, no. We haven't figured out how to do that yet but he is imprisoned in the old Comformatoriam behind a magical barrier that will prevent him from using his magic and escaping."

Damn, though it's kind of ironic that the place he used as a way to imprison the innocent is where he's trapped.

"How's he doing? Is he- Hunter!" Luz jumped into a hug.

"Luz!" Viney warned.

"Sorry, are you feeling ok?" she apologised.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Is anyone else hurt?" 

"No, we had a few scratches and bruises from fighting him but as soon as Willow gave him a blow to the head, he was knocked out cold!" Luz said reinacting the fight they had.

"Though, something else flew out from his head, probably nothing," Luz shrugged

"Why? What did it look like?" I asked.

"Oh, I can barely remember now. Er, it was a yellow triangle with thin black limbs and a top hat," she recalled. "Weird," I contemplated.

"Yeah, it was."

"No, I mean Belos wouldn't just go head first into a fight. It's be too risky, he would slowly and stealthily take control of his host and convince everyone. Then he would secretly make plans to then destroy the Isles."

"And when we were fighting, he cackled like a phyco! Even when we were in his mind, not even his kid form laughed that hard," Luz added.

"That's not even the slightest bit like him. Almost as if it wasn't him," I pondered.

"What if it wasn't?" Willow guessed.

To be continued...

* * *

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