THE destination | the Rebel...

By TsukiNoYoake

536 1 56

Dissatisfied with his life of a relatively successful BL Thai actor, with no proper plan B or ideas of where... More

THE destination
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 4

51 0 2
By TsukiNoYoake

When you meet the one

You've been waiting for...

There is no way Dian would find this magical place by himself even though he was strolling the streets of Kerkyra already for two days.
Maybe the entrance portal to this dimension opens only for locals and the tourists who are passing by see just another shady side street that is not worth their precious time.
But if they by chance hear some music or smell the scent of the delicious cuisine, they might be drawn to surpass the narrow bending passage. Only then one would be shown a place that not even the internet knows...

The little marble-paved square looked like someone's private yard, with white and red flowers climbing the walls of the boarding Venetian houses, grapevine wrapping the wooden pergola over guests' heads. The few historic-like lamps of the public illumination caused more shadows than they provided light, however the scented candles on each table and the little lanterns hanged here and there on the trees and pergolas illuminated the famous taverna with a soft yellow light.
In the middle of this universum, circuited by restaurant's tables, a centuries old decorative Venetian well reminded silently of who built this part of the town.

Dian got immediately hypnotized by the surreal ambience... So much that he forgot to feel inappropriate as a tourist sitting in this restaurant together with all the locals enjoying their private evening. It did not even crossed his mind to make any pictures, he simply breath in the transcendence of the perfect atmosphere.

On the contrary, Thanos was feeling very comfortable in this place that he has known well for years, sparkling nice memories about the past times in his mind. However, he never met someone he would like to show its secret charm.

Until he knew the one who would appreciate the serene atmosphere and the genuine moment. Someone who will not consider his favourite place a scenery for another meaningless selfie.
Until now.

Just by looking on the motionless boy, Thanos could tell he has chosen rightly. A light smile appeared on his lips.
What a confusing reaction. What's more, what an unexplainable behaviour he was showing in the last days. But it was worth it.
He was enjoying the deserved intoxicating feeling of relief melting with excitement.

He glanced at his still companion whose soul was floating somewhere, enchanted by the spirit of this place. The candle reflected its dancing flicker in his silken black hair that Thanos remembered moving in the sea breeze while the boy was sipping his cappuccino on the terrace in Paleokastritsa. Soft features of his boyish face and the perfect complection made it hard to guess his exact age. His eyes, now looking somewhere behind the horizont of the present times, seemed completely black in this twilight. But Thanos knew one could see they are actually brown when the sunrays lit from a certain angle.
Thanos was wondering how many other details he could recall from that day...?

The waitress' silent greeting dragged them both out of their thoughts. She put their drinks on the table. Right behind her, a grey-haired man in white shirt appeared holding a tray with three little crystal glasses of local raki.
Thanos smiled widely and stood up to greet with the older man. He introduced him to Dian as the owner of the taverna and an old friend of his family. Though Dian does not drink strong alcohol, he could not refuse this welcome drink offered by such an important person.

Watching the men for several minutes, Dian could tell there is a joyful and hearty conversation going on even though he did not speak a word Greek. Before the charismatic chatty man left, he put his hand on Thanos' shoulder and switched from Greek to English for his last sentences: "Be brave in your life. Do not do a mistake like I did."

Thanos sit down and looked at the pale slim boy he thought he will not meet ever again.
Dian was sipping the ice tea trying secretly to to cool down his burnt taste buds.

"You do not have to drink the τσίπουρο if you do not like it."

"It is very strong for me," Dian looked down a bit ashamed but relieved. "Do you often dine here?" he tried to start the conversation.

"Actually, this is the preferred taverna of my mother, we used to come here every summer when we were in Corfu for holidays. The owner is my mother's friend. Her best friend." He paused for a moment to think about the advice that he was just given.
"Kostas likes to say that I am his biggest mistake," Thanos smiled softly before he explained to the puzzled boy: "He was in love with my mother for years but he never told her. And then it was too late. He always looks at me and says that I am the son he could have had but because of his lack of courage he let his happiness slip away."
And he remained alone.

Thanos fell into his thoughts for an instant.

A simple sentence and the course of the life can change forever.

One just needs to have just a little bit of courage. What is there so hard about it...?

To be brave.

In the end...

"...we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make," Thanos heard Dian citing the famous quote by Lewis Carroll, like he could read his mind right now.

"I guess we all fight with this demon in our lives, no matter how brave we are against fire or other life hazards..." Dian concluded pensively like he was speaking from his own experiences.
And Thanos had to agree silently since he lost his battle to that inner demon only few days ago. Thankfully, he realized his mistake just in time to be able to reverse the course of the events.
So here they are...

Dian got a bit uneasy under Thanos' speechless gaze and tried to restart a normal conversation: "But it was really a coincidence that we run into each other again."

Was it...? Thanos smiled irresistibly: "Perhaps destiny again?"

The younger boy hit back half seriously: "Maybe..." He thought about his own inner struggle of past days. "I...wanted to call you to thank you again after I recovered yesterday. But then I thought... actually I do know what I thought."
Dian now realized that it was just a kind of shyness or embarrassment, that hindered him. On top, he hid it behind an excuse that he does not want to bother anybody. He scolded himself for that immature behavior.

"You should have called me to bring you some medicine. Or food. Or if not that, then after feeling better, to show you around the town or the island. Not to thank me, we already cleared that before," Thanos was scolding him with serious face but smiling eyes.

Dian already explained before, that after Thanos dropped him off in the port of Kerkyra, he spent the next almost two days laying in bed with headache, nausea and fever - the direct consequences of the sunstroke. Only yesterday evening he dared to come out for a walk in the old town.

The town of Kerkyra is very different from what (not only) an Asian tourist expects from a town of a Greek island. There are no white houses with blue windows and doors. There are no donkeys carrying the tired visitors up the steep hill. There are actually no really steep hills at all.

Instead, you will be presented with two imposing old Venetian forts, Venetian houses and palaces, a French promenade and a pitch for a British game of cricket. The dominant light ocher color in all its shades lends the streets a soft, pleasant feeling even in the harshest sunlight. The historic center hides several Christian churches, the most important of which is the patron saint of the island, Saint Spiridon, and even a synagogue. What it lacks compared to other parts of Greece are mosques, as the island of Corfu is one of the few places in the Balkans that was never conquered by the Ottoman Empire. However, throughout history, the people of Corfu had to endure the rule of many other different empires, each of which left the imprints of their existence behind - until they finally joined the modern Greek state in 1864.

Like many other crossroads or boarding areas in Mediterranean Sea, Kerkyra and the island itself, developed into a vibrant multicultural and welcoming place where even the visitors feel like home rather than in a museum of history.

"What are you thinking about?"

"That it was really a pity to spend two days in bed. However, good that it passed so quickly, if nothing else," Dian was angry at himself for his irresponsibility. "The punishment for my foolishness may be that I have not enough time to explore the island."

"Because you did not find another accomotiation?" Thanos already knew that Dian had to find another apartment or room in next few days. Or leave.
He also knew that Dian wanted to stay directly in Kerkyra which, even without thousands of tourists, had a housing problem for university students, seasonal workers or essential people like teachers and doctors who came from other places of Greece.

Dian nodded.

Although Thanos did not know whether Dian will contact him or if they will meet again, he tried to increase the chance that, if they do, Dian could stay longer: "I will give you a number of an elderly lady. She just moved out of her apartment to a lower floor because she cannot make it up the many stairs anymore. The apartment is near the centre so one could rent it via Airbnb but she wants to have a serious tenant that will not cause troubles. Preferably recommended by somebody she knows," Thanos smiled at the Greek reality where if you want to do or finish something, the quickest and sometimes the only way is to know somebody who knows somebody. Even in the online-world and all the possibilities that the globalisation offers, you may break your tooth in Greece - speaking in a good sense.

It gives an incredible touch of humanity to one's life and an emotion of solidarity that is almost gone in the world of neverending competition where the customer is a fish that can be catched on the decoy of the brightest website with the "best" prices, preferably multiple times. On the other side of the rope, the customer evaluates many offers and tries to make the best deal while in some areas he is competing literally with the customers of the whole world. Just imagine getting the best price for a flight ticket...

One may complain it is not economical enough or what ever. But it gives you a feeling that you are not just another creditcard's number.

"If you want, call her and tell her I told you," he was about to write down the phone number on a napkin but Dian stopped him. He took out his phone and in an instant his contact details including his phone number popped out on Thanos' display.
Thanos felt that confusing emotion again - a feeling of a small victory. What is this all about? He is just helping a stranger. Just meeting the codex of φιλοξενία, isn't he?

"Two weeks or several months, she said she is fine with it. The only catch is in that it is 4th floor and, as you probably understood, there is no elevator," Thanos grinned.

Dian smiled: "Some things are worth a sacrifice," he saved the received number and looked in the blue eyes of a man that was satisfied with himself: "Thank you for help. I can imagine there are some places in Corfu I would regret not to visit."

"Great! So in that case I will be your guide!" Thanos winked theatrically leaving Dian no space for a refusal.
Dian felt he is not going to protest, but he wanted to make sure he will not be a burden: "But don't you have to go to work? I do not want to bother y---"
Thanos ended all objections with a brisk hand movement.
"Yes, the season began, normally the owner would have to be in the hotel, but I found very reliable employees that I can trust. Everything works. If they need help, I will come. But right now..." I am looking forward to spend the time with you. A complete stranger I do not know anything about. A person I yearn to talk to like I knew you for ages...

Thanos was relieved that the waitress ended his inside monologue. She brought the meals Thanos ordered after getting a free hand from Dian to do so.

The table filled up with several plates with portions of traditional Greek dishes starting from typical Greek salad χωριάτικη σαλάτα and stuffed wine leaves ντολμάδες to grilled fish and seafood prepared in different ways.
"They have also some chicken in lemon sauce or some traditionally grilled lamb if you prefer..."
Dian shaked his head. "No no, this is perfect, I have not eaten proper seafood since I left Korea last year... The English and Czech people are not big seafood-lovers," one could see he is going to enjoy the dinner.

Although the smell of the dishes was not like the one he grew up with, the quality of the ingredients and the professional preparation made each meal a delicious experience for anybody. The short silence in conversation did not last long since in contrary to some other cultures, here the dining was not about simple nutrition. It was a scenery for the event of people getting together.

In Greece, as well as in many other cultures like Italian or French (just to name few - and just few in Europe), the event of a dinner with somebody was more about the social contact, spending pleasant times together and enjoying the emotional connection with persons that are special to you.
However, it is something so genuine to all people that even hosts to who it is not a habit, feel the unity and harmony like they have always done this before.
So it was for Dian, who lived in Bangkok only with his mother after parent's divorce and who went to live alone maybe a bit too early in his life. Not to mention he was travelling alone in foreign countries for almost a year now.

In the two hours during which they talked, joked and laughed, a feeling that they know each other for years prevailed over the truth and the fact that it is not even possible.

A counterpart to eachother, a mirror.

"Are you sure you will find the way to the apartment?" Thanos worried when the night wore on and they had to part near the massive Venetian fortress that dominated the east coast. It's size was impressive even for today's standards.

Dian grinned: "Google maps."

"Hm, alright, but please let me know you got back safely, could you?" a basic request common among close friends and family...but Thanos was not feeling embarrassed to ask for it this boy he practically just met.

And he knew he already crossed the standard boundaries of the φιλοξενία since he could feel again the confusing happiness as Dian just simply agreed to do so.

After Thanos saw the slim boy disappear in the streets of the nocturnal town, he turned his gaze on the orange waxing moon hovering over the port, mirroring it's light in the waters.
The illuminated fort made him a silent companion till the awaited message sent him home as well.

In the time when Thanos arrived to his room in his hotel in Benitses, Dian was already laying in bed with washed hair, recalling today's implausible (but real) evening. As said before, he could not believe they met in the crowds of the tourists despite the relatively small size of the city.
He took his camera to check the photos he made yesterday evening and during today. Sliding the pictures he could feel the town's spirit once again.
However, although the photos caught the atmosphere very well, he sensed it is not just about the old houses, buzzing streets and hidden squares with trays of flowers and inviting lights. The energy that could not be embodied in a simple rectangle, no matter how many pixels, was the essence that is available only to those who have the fortune to be present there.
In the right place and in the right time.

Dian came to the last photos he made tonight - the ones that he made closely before he literally run into Thanos a minute later. He was very curious how they came out since he actually made them "blindly".
He was almost turning back home after whole afternoon and evening browsing the old town when he turned into a little square full of people. He was curious who made the crowd clasping in a strange rhythm of a Greek song but too many tourists had the same idea and were already filming their holiday videos of the authentic experience. Since he could not beat the dense wall of bodies, he lifted his camera over his head and made some pictures just like this. After a quick check of the outcome he decided to take the rest as a video since he discovered that inside the human circle there are two boys dancing a (probably) traditional dance. He already saw some improvised dancers on the streets but these two looked like they are getting the most attention.
When the song was hitting its final phase the audience suddenly jumped and applauded so strong that the man near Dian almost knocked down his camera.
Only now he could see what the fuss was all about: One of the young dancers took a chair from the taverna and in one brisk move he hopped up on it as a part of the choreography.
Unfortunately, the recording was not that good as the photos, too many people getting their hands and phones in the way. And the studded end because of the almost-accident, made it worth nothing.

Dian recalled how he checked his camera and decided to leave the way he came.

He could still hear the song playing in the nearby narrow street when he found himself surrounded by a big group of Asian-looking visitors. He subconsciously turned back to avoid them and almost knocked down the man behind him.

Thanos did not expect Dian to change the direction but he managed to stop himself just in time so that they both did not fall.
He was rushing after him immediately after he saw Dian's face in the crowds a minute ago. But very soon, he was about to loose his faith as it looked like the boy disappeared among all the other thousands of unknown heads. "Is it possible that I lost another chanc---" with the question still on his lips, he caught up the person he was following just on the corner of the next street.

A moment of realization.

A flash thought that a blessing by the destiny is always needed.


Dian lifted up his sight to look at the stranger that just released his embrace.

To find out that karma cannot be deceived.

To see how a smile lit up a pair of familiar azure eyes.

And to hear the silent sigh just before he took a step back.

"...I thought I lost you."

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