《My way of doing things 》OC x...

By Anyaforfriends

10.6K 663 386

Following the grand Football Frontier events of the previous year, misfortune befell upon Suzuki Sumire, as s... More

《Quick introduction 》
《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 25》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 27》
《Chapter 28》
《Chapter 29》
《Chapter 30》
《Chapter 31》
《Chapter 32》
《Chapter 33》
《Chapter 34》
《Chapter 35》
《Chapter 36》

《Chapter 16》

280 17 0
By Anyaforfriends

Sumire POV:

After the match, me and Goenji and the rest of the team walked to the Rairaiken to celebrate the win in the semi-finals.

After a while, I decided it's best to go for now and think of a next move

"Me and Shuuya will be going now, we both still have a check-up in the hospital"

I say to Endou, and he nods his head, smiling

"Of course, both of you need to heal quickly"

Kazemaru popped his head of the door of Rairaiken

"Get well soon"

I widened my eyes slightly before nodding my head

"Yeah, thank you"

"I will get going too"

Domon said, and after receiving approval, he went in the opposite direction than me and Goenji

Goenji and I walked away slowly since both of us had problems with walking now

"What will you do with Domon?"

Goenji stated as we were in a safe distance

"I have 3 options... Firstly, I can expose his doings to the team. Secondly, I can tell Natsumi so he can kick him out by chairman's order without the team's knowledge... or thirdly, I can wait for the best moment and confront him alone..."

Goenji nods his head before asking

"Which one do you plan on doing?"

I was unsure, Domon had some doubts about Kageyama's doing... Maybe I can talk him out?

"The third one, for now"

Goenji's eyes widen

"I expected the second one... Why?"

"I will do things my way, alright? Let me play it out, as I think it should be."

He looks at me, truly unsure, scared...

But nods reluctantly

"I trust you"

We exchanged smiles

Next day/Sumire POV:

Goenji went to school earlier, so I had to go alone for the first time.

While arriving near the gates, I met Aki and Domon, we talked a little till Domon suddenly said

"I forgot something in a clubroom"

Before fastly walking away, leaving me and Aki dumbfounded

Aki looked at him, confused and unsure

I was about to tell her I will check up on him before I saw Fuyukai-sensei walking into garage where our bus is located

Kageyama is making his move

"Aki, I will check up on Domon-kun, don't worry"

She looked at me for a second before nodding her head

"Thank you, Sumire-san."

She smiled sincerely before continuing to walk to school

I'm sure Domon-kun is now taking data for Kidou... but Fuyukai-sensei doings are little bit more extreme

I walked up to the garage where I have seen Fuyukai-sensei

Domon POV:

I really can't do it... It wasn't just plain acting skills to me...

Why is that garage gate open?

I walked up under the rose up gate, walking deeper inside

Fuyukai-sensei showed up from behind the bus


He looked angry till he saw me

"Oh, it's you"

He breathed a sigh of relief

"Don't surprise me like that, please."

"What are you doing in a place like this?"

I asked, not even a bit believing his facade

"Well, I wonder"

Fuyukai-sensei said while walking up to me with a filled up bucket behind his back

"By the way, I'll give a piece of advice."

He said, standing right behind me, our backs almost touching

"Don't ride this bus."

My eyes widen

"Bye then."

Fuyukai-sensei said before disappearing behind the gate

I still looked ahead of me, not turning around

"Is this Commander's order as well?"

I thought out loud, kicking the tire of the bus

"What should I do? Damn it!"

I say before I hear familiar clicking of the cane

I feel like blood drained off me

Sumire POV:

"It's how Teikoku does things... Domon-kun"

I say, standing right in front of the metal gate of the garage, with my phone.

I waited a second before showing the screen, I recorded Fuyukai-sensei doings

He looks pale at me, I simply put my phone back into my bag


"My predictions were correct, even if you and Fuyukai-sensei are working for the same person, you don't know of each others doings"

His eyes widen

"How did you-?"

"I knew since the beginning... A match with Nosei Junior High was a breakpoint that my assumptions were correct"

He looked at me terrified

"So you knew..."

He mutter defeated, scared of what I will do

"I don't plan on exposing you to the team"

I say and watch as his head perks up, shocked

"You won't?..."

"I won't, but that doesn't mean they won't know sooner or later. And if that happens, don't expect me to defend you once they get angry"

Silence falls, we just stare at each other

He takes a breath and asks

"So you know what I was doing?"

"Yes, I do know that. And I have a proposal for you since I know you had doubts about Kageyama's doings."

"You know that too... Huh...? What proposal?"

"You will expose Fuyukai-sensei doings by writing a letter to Natsumi anonymously as evidence and call Kidou to the Raimon Grounds. In exchange, I won't tell anyone what you were doing, only Fuyukai-sensei previous crimes. What do you say?"

He stares at me for fewer seconds, debating what to do


He said, taking out his phone, showing me Kidou Yuuto, written with phone number below

I wrote the number down as Domon makes a call

Once he finishes, I nod my head

"I once again remind you, I won't tell them, but if they found out themselves. No help from me"

I say, turning around to walking away


He said before he jolted to me


I look over my shoulder

"Thank you... Suzuki-san"

I stare at him dumbfounded before saying

"It's nothing... Now hurry up for morning practice... Domon-kun"

He nods, his head looking like a weight was taken from his shoulders


Managers are sitting on the bench watching the Raimon Eleven running on the field

"Fight! Fight!"

They chant

Domon looks at the ground before looking up at me

It's a signal

I look at Aki, as the team is now close to where we are sitting

"I will go to the bathroom, please excuse me"

"Suzuki-san, maybe I can help you?"

Domon asks staying behind as the team continues to run around

"It would be nice, thank you"

I say, standing up with cane in my hand

"Aki, Haruna, monitor the team, please"

With that me and Domon walk away slowly, trying to not raise any suspicion

In a corner of my eye, I see Aki motioning Haruna to check up on us soon

"We need to be quick, Domon-kun."

I say, and he nods as we arrive behind the building. He walks to the wall first, leaning back

I stay silent, not making my presence known

"Where is Inabikari Training Center Individual Ability Data?"

Familiar voice asks

"I don't have it yet"

Goggled boy turns his face confused

"Then why did you call me here?"

"Kidou-san, are you sure about this? This is just going overboard. "

Domon says, looking at the ground, angrily

"Putting a trap on the transportation bus..."

"What did you say?"

Kidou asked, dumbfounded

"I knew it... you didn't know about this either, Kidou-san?"

Domon turns around and look at him

"Is this how Teikoku does things? What is Commander thinking?!"

Kidou just looks away, silently

"I can't keep following the way Commander dies things. He's going too far."

Domon is getting angrier

"Does he want to win so badly?!"

"Don't speak another word. We're not allowed to criticize how Commander does things."

"So you will watch from sidelines like a coward?"

I walk from behind the wall, past Domon to look at Kidou

Kidou's eyes widen


"I asked you a question. Will you watch it from the sidelines like a coward?"

Domon just stands next to me, shocked since it's the first time I raised voice at someone. It's out of my character


He mumbled, looking at me from the side, I ignored his flabbergasted look at me focusing on Kidou

"I never knew that 'Genius game maker' will look simply as his coach uses dirty tricks to win. I am deeply disappointed now..."

I close my eyes at the last sentence to calm the nerves


"Sumire nee-san! You are a genius! I want to grow up like you! And play soccer like you and onii-chan!"

Yuuka said, jumping around

I take a breath

"That's all I have to say on that matter..."

I say not giving a chance for Kidou to speak

"Domon-kun, Haruna will be here soon. We should go now"

At mention of Haruna, Kidou's eyes widened

As me and Domon started to walk away, I heard


Before I can make another step,
Domon pulls me by my hand to hide us, and my back collide with his chest, dropping my cane, while hissing a little

Thank god it landed on the grass otherwise, it would make a noise

I look up at Domon, and he sends me and apologetic look, mouting 'I'm sorry'.

Angry Haruna didn't notice nor heard us.

"Are you here to spy on Raimon Junior High?"

Kidou stops leaning on the wall and starts to walk away


She grabs his wirst to stop him

"Let go."

He says weakly then slaps her hand away, shocking Haruna

"We're not to be meeting."

He says back with his normal voice and walks away, leaving Haruna behind. She looks hurt

I take my cane and motion him to get away. Me and Domon fled away as soon as I picked it up

"So they are connected after all"

I say as we slow down, and I crouch a little to massage my right ankle, it hurt as I check it

"Ootonashi and Kidou are siblings?"

Domon mumbled before looking down at me, as realisation hits him

"I'm sorry, are you alright?"

He asked, crouching in front of me

"Yes, I just put too much pressure on my leg."

He extended a hand to help me up, which I accepted, gladly

"Thank you..."

I steady myself with the cane

"Do you plan on continuing to report everything to Teikoku?"

My question took him off guard, he looked at the ground debating


"Then go back to the practice, our teammates are waiting for you."

I emphasize on 'teammates', smiling

His eyes widen at my faint smile before he nods his head

"Yeah, my teammates"
Evening/Kidou Yuuto POV:


"- But winning their consecutive years is easy..."

Father smiled

"... as long you leave everything to Kageyama-san."


"Will you watch it from the sidelines like a coward?"

Why does she despise Commander that much? Domon is no longer a spy...

Next day/Kidou Yuuto POV:

"You have become quite daring, actually giving me an opinion. Right, Kidou?"

Kageyama said, turning on the chair to face me

"No, it's not an opinion"

"So it's criticism. You don't agree with how Fuyukai does things, right?"

He smiles

"Don't worry, I did not give any orders to lay a trap on the bus. I just told him to stop Raimon Junior High from entering the finals."

Kageyama chuckles darkly

I am taken back

"You don't have to that either..."

"Are you saying you can win?"

I nod my head slightly

Kageyama jolted up to me

"Can you assure 100% that we can win?!"

I open my mouth, still shocked at his outburst

"I'll tell you one thing. With a brilliant commander on the team, you have already won before the match starts. You do as I say. You don't have to think about anything else."
Aki POV:

"That technique just now, how about calling it Grenade Shot?"


Shishido exclaimed

"Everyone is doing their best..."


Endou exclaimed

With Sumire and Domon

Sumire POV:

"Go on, Domon-kun"

I say, pushing him a little to leave the letter under the door

Soon enough, I heard footsteps, so I motion him to get away

He takes the phone while walking away

"I'm sorry, Kidou-san"

And with that, he is gone

Natsumi arrives, I point at the door

She takes the letter and reads it

"You knew it?..."

She asks me unsure

"Most of it..."

We both walked down to the field, Domon long gone, we arrived and noticed Fuyukai-sensei with a smug face on the field

"Come on, Natsumi"

I say, walking up, clicking the cane on the pavement, she followed me

"Let's show him how's done"

She says before asking Fuyukai-sensei


She grabbed his attention

"Yes, what's the matter?"

He turned fully to me and Natsumi

"I have a favor to ask, can you do it?"

He clasped his hands together, leaning forward

"I have no reason to object the lady of the school"

Natsumi and I exchanged smiles

She brings her arm to her hip

"I want to check on the bus that's going to the match. Could you drive it for a bit?"

"Th-The bus?"

He exclaimed loudly

It gained the attention of the team, as they come closer

Natsumi crossed her arms on her chest

"Making such a request suddenly... But I don't have a license to drive large vehicles."

"Don't worry about that. It's a private property within the school, so you don't need to have a license."

I said, not giving up just like Natsumi

"And I'm only asking you to drive around a little."

Natsumi adds


He takes napkin out

"Oh, I thought you didn't have any reason to object?"

Natsumi asked, showing a finger up


Our patience is thinning


She demands now


Raimon 11 is on the left side of the bus, I and Natsumi on the right, her arms crossed.

I stand next to her, holding my cane in front of me, we both stay calm even thou we know the outcome of these scene

"Just drive around a little, and you can stop after that."

Natsumi said to frantically looking Fuyukai-sensei, who holds the steering wheel with shaky hands

Raimon 11 looks at us dumbfounded, except for Domon, who is standing in the back. He looks unsure

"What's wrong, Fuyukai-sensei?"

Natsumi asks

"Ah.. That..."

"Hurry and start the engine"

I say

"Y-Yes.. "

He tries to start it, but it doesn't work

"Huh? This is strange. I wonder if the battery is dead."

"Stop joking with me!"

Natsumi demands


Engine starts

"Now, drive the bus out"

Natsumi says and motions her hand out

He doesn't budge, Fuyukai-sensei is frantic

"What's wrong, Fuyukai-sensei?"

She demands, her and my patience thinning

He looks with terrified eyes at the steering wheel before lying his head on it

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

I ask him, coldly

It's a glare from me at him at this point

"I just can't"

His hands are shaking

Natsumi holds out a letter

"This letter here..."

She starts

"...exposes the terrifying criminal act that could occur here."

I finish, pointing at the letter in Natsumi's hands

"Fuyukai-sensei, you can't drive the bus because you did something to it, right?"

Natsumi asks with a knowing tone

Raimon Eleven looks at us before Endou asked

"Is that true?"

"No way..."

Handa commented, everyone looks uneasy

"Please answer me, Fuyukai-sensei"

Natsumi demands once again

He laughs, while getting out of the bus

"That's right, I took out the brake oil"


Endou asks him, he just keeps a smug face

"To stop you from entering the finals for the Football Frontier."

"What did you say?"

Endou asks dumbfounded

"Because someone would be troubled over your appearance in the finals. I did this for that person"

He says turning around to face me and Natsumi. His back to the team, his hand on his hip. The smug face present

Something in Goenji clicked, he looked at me but I gaze somewhere else as if telling him to speak his mind

"Teikoku Academy, right?"

He looks back at him shocked

"For the sake of Teikoku, you don't care what happens to your students?!"

"You people don't know how terrifying that guy is."

Now something inside me clicked

"I know more than you do."

I say walking up closer to him

"What you wanted to do is a crime!"

Teammate shouts

"I won't have teachers like you in our school."

Natsumi stated pointing a finger at him

"Take it as an order from the chairman"

He just chuckles

"Fired? That's fine by me. I was getting tired of being a teacher here."

"So I can wish you good luck on finding new job as a teacher nowhere"

I stated, as everyone looked at me. Fuyukai-sensei raised an eyebrow

"No school will hire a teacher with criminal record, doing this for Kageyama, you ruined your own way out"

I say coldly, he grits his teeth

"But... don't think that I am the only spy Teikoku sent."

Wait... Will he expose Domon?

My eyes dart around the teammates, I am taken back

Fuyukai-sensei turns to the team

"Right, Domon-kun?"

His smug face is back, and everyone turned to Domon

"Well then, excuse me"

Fuyukai-sensei started walking away with a smug face still present

"O-Oh right, he was with Teikoku..."

"How can you do it?!"

"You're horrible, Domon-kun"

Wait, no! Stop, you don't know everything

I look at the scene helpless, trying to come up with a valuable excuse even if I said to him otherwise

Endou stood in front of him

"Don't say all that silly stuff! Haven't we been playing soccer all that time? And you can'ttrust him?"

Everyone halted

"I believe in Domon. Right, Domon?"

Domon's pupils are shaking

"Endou, what Fuyukai-sensei said was true..."

He said closing his eyes with shame

"I'm sorry!"

With that he run off


Endou called after him, I take a breath

"Wait, everyone"

I walk past Natsumi to the center

"The confession letter, was something I asked Domon to do"


Endou looks at me confused, as well as the rest of the team. The least confused is Goenji

"I learned that he was a spy long time ago..."

"Why didn't you say anything?!"

Someoka angered, Goenji clasped his hand around Someoka's one to stop him

"What good would it bring?"

Someoka halted

"Everyone liked playing with him..."

I close my eyes

"... even he at some point felt wrong for spying"


Managers and Raimon 11 look at me second after second with more wide eyes

"I gave him a choice... a choice what to do"

I open my eyes and look at Endou

"I said that I won't tell anyone if he stops his actions and confess Fuyukai-sensei doings..."


Endou looks stunned

"He helped me expose him, so don't be angry at him. He already regrets his actions"

I can see some guilt at faces of the Raimon 11

"I will find him"

Was all Endou said before running off

"Wait- Endou! No! Let him be!"

He was already too far away

I sigh, looking at his disappearing figure until I feel a tap on my shoulder

I look behind and see Someoka


"Sorry... I assumed too quickly..."

He mumbled, I widened my eyes slightly

"I'm sorry too, everything I had done in the background was just so you can play freely. Everyone."

I look around the team, Goenji has a soft smile on his face, just like Natsumi and managers

Silence fall for a second before it erupted with screams

"Sumire-senpai is amazing!"

"How did you figure it all out?"

"Absolutely amazing!"

"You are really a genius!"

"Sumire-san, that's awesome"

I just shake my hand, sweatdropping. I don't like all that attention at all

Goenj walks up to me putting a hand on my shoulder

"You were right."

I tilt my head confused

"I am right many times, please specify"

I say, half playfully, whole team along with managers laughs

"About executing your plan in your own way. You have amazing way of doing things"

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