special agent | evan buckley

By sil1623

518K 14.8K 1.9K

"aren't we just terrified?" 9-1-1 and criminal minds crossover 9-1-1 season 2- criminal minds season 4- evan... More

special agent
season 2
season 3
season 4
season 5
season 6
season 7


8.2K 212 12
By sil1623

season 2 episode 15

Oceans 9-1-1

Lindsey had been suspended for two weeks. She didn't care. In the end it was worth it and Maddie was safe, which was all that really mattered.

During her two week suspension, she spent most of her time with her parents. Her mom was still doing well. Shes finishing up her last rounds of chemo. Which so far have been working.

Also during her two week suspension, she spent a lot of time with Buck and Maddie. She would go over to their place for dinners and they would sometimes meet for coffee or other things. Buck would even pop over at her place sometimes to tell her about his day and to just give her some company.

After everything that happened, they all seemed to grow closer.

It was Chimneys first day back. Lindsey still had two more days of suspension so she decided to stop over at station 118 to help set everything up.

When she walked in she saw Buck and Eddie on ladders hanging up a sign that said, "Chimney: 2 Death: 0." Hen was trying to direct them and was obviously getting frustrated with them.

"Hey guys, nice sign. But uh, Buck your corner is just a little too high." Lindsey said as she walked over to them. "I told you!" Hen exclaimed. Lindsey could feel the tension between everyone, "Okay...well I brought brownies. And don't worry, their safe."

Eddie and Hen laughed, thinking back to that crazy day while Buck made his way down the ladder. "Wait, you made them right?"

"Of course!"

Buck threw his hands in the air, "Yes!" Hen and Eddie both turned to him with weird looks. "Linds makes the BEST brownies." Lindsey blushed at the compliment, "I wouldn't say their the best, but I mean, they are pretty good."

Buck made his way over to her and grabbed the brownies, "I can take those for you." He started to walk away, "Buck you can't have any till Chimney gets here." Lindsey yelled to him and he yelled back, "I know, I'll wait!" She couldn't see his face but she just knew he was lying.

"So you bake?" Eddie asked. "Not really. I can only make brownies. Maddie and Buck invited me over for dinner one night and I didn't want to show up empty handed. Buck devoured almost the whole plate." Lindsey laughed and so did Eddie, "Yeah, sounds like him."

"So...I heard you had a pretty big save the other day." Lindsey said, trying to keep conversation. There had been an outage with the 911 system so everyone had to go old school. It was a crazy day, and Lindsey felt bad leaving Athena all on her own.

There had been a gas leak which caused multiple explosions and fires. Eddie had scaled one of the houses and broke in through a window to save a kid. "Yeah, it was crazy. Like I didn't even think, I just did it. My mind was just set on saving that kid."

"I understand. Anything that involves kids, your mind just zones in on saving them. All rational thinking, out the door." Lindsey said and Eddie nodded. "Yeah. So how'd you even hear about it?"

"Well I heard about the whole gas leak and stuff from the news but Buck was actually the one to tell me about your save." Lindsey told him. "I see..." Was all he said. Lindsey looked at his face but for the first time she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"So you and Buck...you guys have been hanging out a lot?" Eddie asked her. "Yeah, I guess the whole thing with Maddie just brought us closer. You know? But don't worry, I'm not stealing your best friend." Eddie laughed, "I wasn't worried." He told her and then they were silent again.

"So...how are things with you and Shannon? You know, you never told me you were married." Lindsey had finally brought it up. She hadn't gotten the chance to ask him, until now. "Uh yeah, well she had only just recently came back into my life. It's kind of hard to explain."

"That's okay. I bet Christopher's happy." Lindsey said. "Yeah, he is. He misses you, you know." Eddie told her. "I miss him too. I'll have to come visit soon, as long as that's okay with you?" Eddie smiled at her, "Of course. You're welcome over anytime."

Later that night Lindsey made her way back over to station 118. She had heard about the bank and what happened to Hen. She wanted to check on them and make sure they were doing okay.

When she walked in this time, she was not prepared for what she saw. First she saw the cop cars, then after passing those she saw the crew with unhappy and surprised looks on their faces. "What's going on?" She asked, making her presence known. Her eyes kept moving and they landed on a big pile of cash on the ground, and then when she looked up she was met with a familiar face.

"Detective Walsh." She said though her tone wasn't happy. She was glaring at the man. "Lindsey Scott. Aren't you supposed to be..."

"I transferred." She said, cutting him off. "What's going on here?" She crossed her arms, taking a couple steps closer.

"There was a robbery today at the bank." Walsh said, looking between the money on the floor and 118. Lindsey laughed, "And what? You think they are the ones responsible?" Walsh raised his brow, "The money did come out of their truck and they were there during the robbery."

Lindsey did have to admit that it was suspicious. But she knows these people and she knows they would never do anything like that. "Look Walsh, I can vouch for them. They're a good group, okay? So why don't you just move on to your next suspect."

"Can't do. As of now they are the only suspects and they will all be coming in for questioning. Including you." He said and her eyes went wide. "You want to question me? I wasn't even near the bank at all today."

"It doesn't matter if you were or not. You know this group and your here now. That's all the evidence I need."

The following morning they were at the LAPD to begin questioning. "Scott, you're first." Walsh said.

She had sat in many interrogation rooms before but she was normally the one asking the questions, not answering them.

"Now I want to make one thing very clear before we begin, this is my case. So don't think you can try and worm your way into it. You can call as many people as you want but you will not get me off this case. Do you understand?" Walsh asked.

"Yes." Lindsey answered in a bored tone as she looked between him and his partner, Mercer.

"So where were you during the bank robbery?" Walsh asked. Lindsey sighed, "I was at home."

"You weren't at work?" Mercer asked, and Lindsey turned to her, "No, i'm suspended. Did you not do your research?"

"Oh no, we did. Just wanted to hear you say it." Lindsey's eye twitched at Walsh's words.

"How close are you with Station 118?" Mercer asked. "Pretty close. I've only known them for a few months but it feels like years." Lindsey admitted. "Touching. So it seems you are close enough to where you would do anything for them. I mean that is what you did right? Risked your job to help save Evan Buckleys sister, Maddie Kendall."

"Yeah but risking everything to save someone's life is different then risking everything for robbery." Lindsey said, not understanding where he was going with this. "I see it as the same thing." Walsh said and she had to resist the urge to snap back.

Walsh continued on, "Especially if the money from the robbery could help your friends. I know a good amount of them are struggling with some financial problems."

"Whatever is going on in their personal lives is their business. We talk about a lot of things but financial issues isn't one of them. And I can tell you, right now, that none of those people out there would rob a bank just because they were struggling." Lindsey said.

"But didn't you say that you've only known them for a few months? So how can you be sure that they wouldn't?" Mercer asked and Lindsey groaned. She leaned back in her chair, she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of these people's mouths.

"Look Scott, I know you have quite a lot of connections and a lot of those connections would do anything for you." Walsh said and Lindsey asked, "Are you implying that I reached out to the FBI to help me rob a bank?"

"To help your friends rob a bank." Mercer corrected. Lindsey couldn't believe what she was hearing, "I'm sorry, did you even hear what I asked? I can speak slower if you need me too."

"That won't be necessary. We heard you the first time. And I'm sure Garcia and the others would help you out. They helped find Maddie Kendall, right?" Walsh asked. "Yes because she was kidnapped. She almost died! Oh my god." Lindsey raised her voice.

"I'm gonna need you to calm down Ms. Scott." Mercer said. Lindsey groaned as her head dropped into her hands.

Lindsey had finished answering their ridiculous questions and made her way back out to sit with the others. "Ok, Bobby Nash. You're up."

Once they were out of the room everyone turned to Lindsey. "So how was it?" Hen asked her. "Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. They just went in circles. Even accused me of using my connections in Quantico to rob the bank. I wasn't even there! God, Walsh is so stupid!" Lindsey vented to them. She was still angry about everything, especially the fact that Walsh is lead detective on this case.

"How do you know him anyways?" Chimney questioned. "A couple years back I was brought out here to help with a case. Walsh was the lead detective on it. He completely ignored everything my team and I said. He was so set on who he thought the suspect was that he completely ignored all the other evidence, which clearly showed that he was wrong. It ended up causing some problems but in the end we caught the guy, no thanks to Walsh."

"Damn." Was all Buck said.

"Yeah, he's a total narcissist. He's not gonna let this go. Which is why we just have to be honest. No one here robbed that bank and even though the money was in your truck doesn't mean that's enough to pin it on you guys. Hopefully Walsh will soon realize that he's got nothing to back up his theory and will move on to his next suspect."

Athena was going with Hen back to the crime scene. Lindsey wanted to go with them but she was only a day away from her suspension being lifted. She didn't want to take any risks.

Athena had been updating her on everything. Apparently Hen is their number one suspect, even though she was passed out the whole time. Lindsey was doing her best to help from her home but there was only so much she could do.

Lindsey was reading an article that Athena sent her when she heard someone knocking on her door. When she opened it she was met with Walsh. He didn't even need to say anything, she knew why he was here. He held up the warrant and she let them in.

She watched them tear her home apart. And when they were done they left with nothing but her laptop.

The following morning Lindsey woke up to a text from Athena. They had figured out who the robbers were. Apparently it was the guy from the bank vault and station 118s repair man, which explained how the money got into the truck.

Lindsey was happy, not only was Walsh wrong and they didn't have to have anymore interrogations but her suspension was officially up. She was going back to work.

a shorter chapter but we are getting to the end of season 2
only 2 more chapters then we get to move on to season 3!!

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