Slayer Corp's Immortal Wolf

By SoraTempezt

29K 794 416

Sekiro/Wolf was a skilled Shinobi that fought Warriors, Monsters, Demons, Dragons, and Gods as he became Immo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

3.2K 88 65
By SoraTempezt

Sekiro took a stance and was full on guard. He doesn't know this man nor what he's capable of so he's wary meanwhile the man observed Sekiro and was carefully watching him as to see what's he gonna do

Sekiro focused on the man and his surroundings as he touched the top of his katana on the blood puddle on the ground from the man that the demon killed and the blood ran up to his blade and covers it

Sekiro then quickly rushes towards the demon who summons multiple sharp and spiked tendrils to try and attack Sekiro with it but the Shinobi blocks the every attack that tries to get close him

More tendrils came and Sekiro cuts them off with his sword while dodging

He shot multiple Phantom Kunais that tried to get close the demon who knocks them away but they're actually coated with wisteria thanks to Shinobu. And those aren't meant to harm him but to distract him as Sekiro got close to him with the Mist Raven and uses the Tengu Fan and forced the demon to face the opposite direction which allowed his back to be open as he stabs him in the neck and decapitates him

Sekiro was about to leave until he senses danger and uses the Spring Loaded Umbrella block incoming attacks as the demon he decapitated is still alive and is seemingly regening a new head

So decapitating him normally is out of the question so now he has to use something but Sekiro was stabbed from the back by a tendril which pierces through him. Sekiro looks and saw that the demon had planted a tendril from the ground and it got close to Sekiro without the Shinobi knowing or realizing as he drops on the ground, Dead

The Demon needed to take him out quickly since he is a dangerous one but then petals appeared above the wolf's corpse as he stands up again like nothing happened. Then the demon finally got a good look at him

Black hair with a little bit of white, Short, Has 2 swords, And has a noticeable prosthetic arm. He is the One Armed Wolf that was warned by the Uppermoon 1

The demon quickly got serious as his hair turned white and sharp teeth and multiple mouths appeared all over his body and endless tendrils sprouts out from his back

He quickly decapitated the wolf but then he resurrected as his head is back on its body and the decapitated head turned into petals and vanished

Sekiro jumped away for some distance but a wave of tendrils which are hundreds have come to kill him as he parries every single one but then more came from every direction and he was caught of guard as it ripped him to shreds and the only things remained are his weapons and bits of him but then a small tornado of petal surrounded his weapons as he was brought back to life again

But this time, Sekiro uses the Divine Confetti which created a Kanji on his back and his sword had a bright purple and blue flame covering the blade as he rushes at the demon who tried to attack back but he uses the mist Raven and appeared in front of him and slashes him on the chest

And a slash from that burning sword was painful, No its AGONIZING! HORRIBLE PAIN APPEARED ON HIM. IT'S AS IF THE FLAMES FROM HELL HAS LANDED ON HIS CHEST. WHAT KIND OF FLAME IS THAT ON HIS BLADE!? The demon panicked a little and jumped which left him opened as Sekiro uses the Mortal Blade and charged it before releasing it at the demon who was at the air as it hits its chest as it then lets out a load and powerful shriek that can make everyone deaf, It was so powerful that everyone was able to hear it

The pain was unbearable, It's mind shattering, It's like being struck by a god or what hell tastes like. It felt like his mind and body was giving up on living while it felt like his soul was rejecting life. No words can describe the pain

The demon creates a smoke using his own blood and leaves without a trace but Sekiro sees a remnant and chases after it but it unfortunately was able to get away as Sekiro curses himself. He failed to kill something evil

The Shinobi sat down on the roof of a random building but then he was alerted by a bird. A white owl

Every Demon Slayer has their own crows but some are a different type of bird and he is one of those exceptions

He got the owl after getting his own blade as Shinobu commented on how Ironic it is for Sekiro to have an owl and not only that but the owl is clever and cunning which gave him a deja vu type of feeling, It's as if the world is toying with him

The owl is neutral, It's mostly friendly but it also smart enough to deceive others to its advantage

The owl landed on his arm and looks at a direction which Sekiro nods at and runs towards that direction while the owl flies off. Sekiro ran saw a wall which he jumps over as he saw something and he immediately hid in the trees

There was a building and then he saw 1 Demon Slayer fighting 3 demons.

But that's not the most surprising thing the demon slayer is the boy from before and he is fighting alongside… Another demon

It is a young girl and she is helping/aiding the boy in battle and inside the building are 2 demons that are not attacking the demon slayer. Sekiro never knew that there were good demons in the first place

So the Shinobi joined in the action by jumping on one of the demons and doing a deathblow from above by stabbing in the neck from above as this got everyone's attention as the Shinobi uses the Bestowal Ninjutsu and his sword gets covered by the demon's blood

Yahaba:"Shit! He's the one that master warned us about"

Susamaru:"This pipsqueak? He doesn't look like much! One good kick is enough to end his whole career!"

Sekiro:"Boy! What is your name?"He asked

Tanjiro:"Tanjiro Kamado and I am a Demon Slayer!"

Sekiro:"You're a demon slayer yet you're fighting alongside a demon and yet you're protecting 2 as well. Why?"

Tanjiro:"I'll explain everything in after this!"

Sekiro:"Can I trust you?"

Tanjiro:"I promise my life that you can trust us!"He swore as Sekiro nodded

Susamaru:"You 2 done having a chit chat!?"

Sekiro rushes in with a spring loaded spear ready as he was gonna stab the demon girl only to be pushed away by some unknown force

Sekiro felt danger incoming as he jumps out of the way and uses nothing but pure Instinct to dodge the incoming unknown force mean Tanjiro focuses on the girl by cutting off her hand but she just regrows it

Then Sekiro felt his body being twisted as he uses the Raven Mist to vanish and appeared next to the hand demon while a lazulite loaded axe and which is an axe that that on fire but the flame's Color were not normal as he slams it on the eye demon which burns it and it lets out a shriek of pure agony as Sekiro have it mercy by decapitating it

How there is only 1 demon left as it was the demon girl as she and the other demon girl are having a fight by kicking a ball at each other

Sekiro intervenes by throwing a lazulite shuriken which lands at the ball demon's eye as it blinds it before Sekiro appeared in front of her with a Lazulite Sacred Flame Vent ready as he shoots it at the demon in which it lets out a loud shriek like the other one before Sekiro decided to end it's existence by cutting off her head

The demons the began to vanish and the Shinobi looks at the demon slayer along with the demons as Sekiro points his weapon at them


Tanjiro:"Hello, This demon girl here is my little sister and she's not bad I swear! She has never eaten a person before!"He stated as Sekiro was lightly taken back but he controlled himself and looked like a doll in the outside

Sekiro:"A demon who has never devoured a person. Sounds like a fantasy"

Tanjiro:"But it's true! I know it sounds unbelievable but it's the truth, I swear to you"He said the demon girl's looks at the wolf

Sekiro:"Does she… Have a name?"

Tanjiro:"She's Nezuko"He said as Sekiro walks up to them

Sekiro:"I'll believe you but if she does something then I will have to exterminate her. I mean no ill intention, I am just doing my job"

Tanjiro:"She won't! She never will"He promised as Sekiro sheaths his sword

Sekiro:"Now then, Explain why are you protecting these demons?"He asked

???:"Don't you dare address Lady Tamayo like tha-"His sentence was cut off when Sekiro unsheathes the Mortal Blade as they felt terror when seeing the weapon

Tamayo:"Please forgive his attitude, He means nothing bad. I am Tamayo and this is my assistant, Yushiro. I am a doctor"She introduced himself

Sekiro:"Doctor?"He asked as he remembers someone

As a doctor, I do have other uses for sake beyond just drinking


Tamayo:"I understand that you are confused but it is true, I am a doctor and I wish to help those who have been a victim of Kibutsuji Muzan"She explained


Tamayo:"Do you not know him?"She asked as he shakes her head

Tamayo:"Very well allow me to explain. Kibutsuji Muzan is the demon king that has been alive for hundreds of years and he is the one responsible for having demons roam around at night for he turns people into demons"

Sekiro:"I see"He said as he then remembered something. He remembers that the demon before turned a person into a demon as well

Sekiro:"I have a question, Does he appear to have black hair and red crimson eyes that are slit like a cat?"He asked as Tamayo tenses up

Tamayo:"Yes and he has some strange abilities as well like turning his body as a weapon"

Sekiro:"Like creating multiple tendrils?"He asked as Tamayo

Tamayo:"Have you… Encountered him?"She asked

Sekiro:"I believe I have. I decapitated him but he just regrew another head"He explained

Tamayo:"That's him! May I see your blade? That one that cut off his head"She asked as Sekiro hands her his Nichirin Blade as her eyes widen

Tamayo:"This has Muzan's blood!"She yelled as everyone was shocked

Tamayo:"Boy, What is your name?"She asked

Sekiro:"... Sekiro"

Tamayo:"I see, Sekiro, please allow me to borrow your weapon! I need to examine the blood on your weapon"She explained

Sekiro:"I need that"

Tamayo:"I'll give it back Tomorrow I promise, I just need every blood in this blade"She said as Sekiro was quiet before nodding

Tamayo:"Thank You"She bows as Nezuko walks up to the wolf

Sekiro:"Yes?"He asked as the girl pats him on the head which shocks Tanjiro

Tanjiro:"Nezuko!"He called out her sister as Sekiro remained stoic

Sekiro:"Is this… Fun? To you?"He asked as she then began to caress his face which surprises the boy as the actions reminded him of Kuro

Tanjiro:"I'm so sorry about her!"He apologized as he drags her back

Sekiro:"It is… Alright"

???:"Hoo hoo hoo"They all turn their attention and spot a white owl

Sekiro:"Tell miss Shinobu that I am coming home"He said as the birds flies away

Sekiro"Tell me Tamayo. Are you all evil?"He asked

Tamayo:"No, I would rather burn in hell than be evil"She answered

Sekiro:"I see"He then turns his attention to Nezuko

Tanjiro:"I promise you that Nezuko is not evil, I promise you"

Sekiro:"Very well, You all have my trust. I'll going now"He said as he leaves

Timeskip Brought To You By:

Sekiro arrives at the Butterfly State as he saw Shinobu sitting at the table

Shinobu:"Ara! Care to join me?"She asked as the boy nods as he sat down and they began to eat

They finished their meals as Shinobu had some special desserts. Strawberries and Bananas which are drizzled with honey

Sekiro:"What are these?"

Shinobu:"Those are fruits. The long one is a banana and the small one is a strawberry"

Sekiro:"I see, Very well"

The 2 began to eat the sweets as Sekiro was tasting the food. They were sweet

Shinobu:"Would you like to do some reaction training? Just one round at least?"She asked as the wolf nods

Shinobu:"Wonderful!"She then grabs him by the arm and drags him to a room with a table and cups full of medicine

Shinobu:"It's like a fun game! You just need to react quickly and splash the other person with the medicine then you win. You can a person's cup by putting your hand above the medicine that they picked and whoever grabs the cup and splashes the other person is the winner. Are you ready?"She asked as the ninja nods

The 2 sat down as Sekiro reacted instantly and grabs a cup but Shinobu was quick to react and cancel it only for Sekiro to grab another cup which the Butterfly was forced to stop. Sekiro is relentless and is forcing Shinobu on the defensive and every time the Butterfly was able to hold a cup, The wolf stops it everytime

Their moves became faster and faster until Sekiro was able to grab a cup and presses it on Shinobu's face but the girl splashes him back immediately as if it was on instinct as the girl realizes what she did

Shinobu:"Sorry! I reacted in instinct, You won and I made you wet"She then got close to the wolf and began wiping the medicinal water but she got WAAAY Too close

Sekiro was able to catch her scent, She was sweet yet strong as well as something within Sekiro's body reacted as the wolf looks down

Shinobu:"Hmm?"The girl also looks down only to see a bulge

Shinobu:"Oh my!"She then backed up as she saw the confused expression on the boy's face

Sekiro:"What… is this?"He asked


Sekiro:"What's going on? Why is my lower body reacting like this?"He asked with nothing but pure confusion

Shinobu:"Do you not know what that is?"She asked as the boy shakes his head as a no as the girl remembers that Sekiro knows nothing but fighting so something sexual is new to him

Shinobu:'Oh no'

Sekiro:"Is this… Good or bad?"He asked as the girl was trying to process and think of something

Shinobu:"That is an erection and it occurs whenever a male feels something sexual or lusted but sometimes it's said to appear randomly"She explains to the boy (Or God is torturing you so that is why you have it. Not so Fun Fact: I got a boner in a school orientation before and everyone knew as they saw the bulge)

Sekiro:"So… How do I get rid of it?"He asked

Shinobu:"Sometimes an erection is something bottled inside and you need to release it"


Shinobu:'Oh dear. I can't believe I'm gonna do this'

She then looks around and hopes that everyone is asleep as Shinobu grabs the boy and drags him as they arrived in his room as they close the door

Lime Warning

Shinobu:"I need you to drop your pants"She ordered as the boy did so and didn't complain. Even though he was confused, He just followed the order

Shinobu was slightly blushing as she saw his special blade. It was 5.5 inches which is pretty average for a teenager his age but she composes herself

Shinobu:"Sit on your bed"She ordered as he did so as the girl walks towards him and sat behind him as she gently holds his manhood

Sekiro:"Mhh"He let out a weird sound as something like this has never happened to him before

Shinobu:"Please don't make any loud noises that could wake the others"She said as the boy nods

The girl took a deep breath before gently stroke his shaft as the boy tenses up as she gently strokes it up and down

Sekiro:"What… What is this?"He questioned as Shinobu didn't stop and kept on stroking

His shaft became hotter and hotter as Sekiro continues to let out even more strange sounds and Shinobu's soft and gentle hands got faster and faster

Sekiro:"Hmmm!"He then ejaculated as sperm came out of his manhood and land on the bed

Sekiro:"Haaa… haa"Sekiro was panting and Shinobu lets out a sigh or relief

Shinobu:"You let out quite a lot"

Sekiro'"What… was that?"He asked

Shinobu:"That was masturbation which is what I did to you little friend and you then ejaculated, Ejaculation is where you release this white stuff called sperm or cum"She explained as she was gonna leave but she saw Sekiro's little weapon, Still hard and full of energy as she widens her eyes

Shinobu:"It's not enough"She said as she then got back to jacking the boy off

Sekiro:"Hmm"He was caught off guard as he clenches his fist

Shinobu continues to "take care" of Sekiro's manhood as he ejaculated 4 more times until his shaft is soft again as Sekiro is panting. He has never experienced something like that

Shinobu:"Promise me that you'll never tell this to anyone"She asked as the boy nods as he tugs her sleeve

Sekiro:"What would I do… If it appears again?"He asked as Shinobu

Sekiro:".....Call me or go to my room and I'll… "Assist" you again but never tell this to anyone"She ordered as the boy nods as she walks up and left his room

The girl leaned against the wall and saw that her hand has semen on it as she couldn't help but sniff it a little bit but then she heard footsteps as she immediately puts it in her mouth out of pure instinct as if to hide it as if she tries to wipe it then she the stain would be noticeable along with the smell as she went in her room as she sat on her bed and realized what she has done. She can't do anything else as the sperm already went down her throat as the taste lingers in her tongue, in her mouth

Shinobu:"Kanae… What did just do?"She asked

Lime Ended



A man was on the ground, He remained motionless before his eyes opens as he stands up as he mutters one word


(What do you all think of the new chapter? Please comment in order to motivate me. Get this chapter over 30 votes and over 30 comments then I'll upload another chapter)

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