Behind The Screen obsession

By TomSeven0

20.2K 939 37

"I-I want to go back to my room!" Suga said as he tried to walk towards the door which was slam shut by Jimi... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17 End
Should I?

chapter 2

1.3K 63 1
By TomSeven0

When Suga woke up he was already in his bed the light were off he felt a bit embarassed thinking jimin has seen his messy room. The clothes were scattered around the room as he felt to tired to clean.

He looked at the time he still has few hours to sleep so he went back to sleeping,

Taeyung felt really hungry he could not sleep as he twisted and turned, "damn it!" He cursed as he got up and went towards the kitchen there were some rameyon in the cabinet he tired searching for it after looking around he finally found but it was too high his Jin hyung height was amazing Taeyung looked around for stool but there was nothing like that in the kitchen.

He thought of just giving up but his stomach growled at him as if asking him  to try harder.

He went on his tip toes to reach the packet...just a little bit more..he thought as his finger tips brushed on the packet.
"What are you doing?" A voice said Taeyung startled and surprised immediately called back bumping into a hard muscular chest as Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around Taeyung waist catching him from hiting the kitchen counter.

"You scared me jk" Taeyung said as Jungkook looked at Taeyung then at the Rameyon packet.

"I am surprised you said that, I should be the one saying it! Isn't it you shuffling around the kitchen in the middle of the night alone?" Jungkook said as Taeyung pouted.

"You are hungry?" He asked as Taeyung pouted making him smile. Jungkook easily got the Rameyon packet as he handed it to Taeyung.

"What are you doing?" Taeyung asked Jungkook who was looking around for something, "pot to cook it" Jungkook said.
"You know you can't cook hyung and if you mess the kitchen Jin hyung will give you a free ride to hell in the morning" Jungkook said as Taeyung blushed.

"I will share with you.." Taeyung said softly as he watched Jungkook cook rameyon for him, while he was waiting for it to get cooked he remembered a scene from a Korean drama that Hoseok was watching, the female lead asked the hero for rameyon hoseok said it another pick up line or something.

When he thought that his heart flutter..when he looked at jungkook cooking for him in middle of the night.
Stop thinking. Taeyung said to himself.

When it was done they both sat together on the table to eat it Jungkook was a really good cook.

"Mnn it's so good!" Taeyung moaned as Jungkook hand that was holding the chopsticks trembled a little. He gulped as he looked down feeling guilty of his emotions as he went to eat.

After cleaning they both went to thier rooms Taeyung now slept happily, Jungkook kept twisting and turning he was not able to sleep.

"We have got the stadium checked we have to check the instruments and other stuff before the concert, you guys can also go to the stadium and start practicing" thier manager told them as they all sat in the company meeting room.

They were having a concert in Korea after a very long time, they wanted to do thier best for the army.

When they were leaving the meeting room they bumped into TXT they have recently joined the company and really looked upto BTS.

They all greeted them as Namjoon smiled at them, soobin looked at members and smiled.

"Hyung your new song was very amazing!" Yeonjun added. As the members politely thanked them.

When they were just about to leave Suga heard a voice from behind. It was soobin who catches up to him he looked a bit nervous as Suga smiled at him. The members went ahead only jimin stopped Namjoon took a look at jimin confused but thought that maybe he is just waiting for Suga.

"What is it?" Suga asked soobin who blushed a bit and said, "h-hyung there is a song I want you to listen..I mean if you have free ti- before soobin can finished Suga cut him off.

"Sure when can I come ?" Suga said as soobin smiled, "tomorrow evening at my studio?" Soobin asked as Suga nodded he didn't had much to do tomorrow.

After they said good bye to each other Suga turned to see jimin still standing for a moment he saw a very strange expression on his face a mixture of anger and...something else..but it was soon gone.

Suga shook his head confused..."done?" Jimin asked in his usual nice tone making Suga believe he was just overthinking.
"Yeah let's go" Suga said as they  both left for the car.

The team had already checked the instruments they just had to practice thier choreography and lines.

The members messed around a little why
Practicing "hyung let me carry you on my back!" Taeyung said appearing behind suga who was taking a break his thorat felt a bit dry after practicing.

"Why?" He asked Taeyung who just pouted, "please hyung!" Taeyung said showing his puppy eyes as yoongi sighed.

"Don't blame me if I fall asleep, drop me and than you will see how sharp i bite" Suga warned him as Taeyung chuckled

Suga easily hoped on Taeyung's back as Taeyung roam around the stage with him giggling jin chasing after them..

"My back hurts" Taeyung moaned in the car as others chuckled. "Serves you right" Suga said he was leaning against jimin..who seems to be wearing a new cologne it smelled so nice. Unknowingly he snuggled closer jimin looked at him and smiled.

A little Preview..
"How can you not know he is fucking flirting with you?!" Jimin yelled as Suga flinched he really had no idea that guy was flirting with him..

"Jimin i really didn't knew..really please" Suga said his eyes turning red and teary as jimin glared at him.

"You are working out so late kookie" Taeyung said as he sat on Jungkook's back who was doing pushup he didn't even seems bothered by Taeyung weights on as he continues to do his push up making Taeyung blushed slightly.

Author's note

I hope people will read it if you guys have any idea I hope you will share your thoughts with me.

I appreciate if you will read and vote for the chapters! It is very motivating for me when you do. 😊

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