One shots (18+)

By Frostgiantsage-Queen

53.1K 124 10

Just a few steamy ideas I made up and decided to let my creativity flow. Hope you enjoy. This compliation of... More

Raina & Kairo #1
Raina & Kairo #2
Raina & Kairo #3
Raina & Kairo #4
Raina and Kairo #5
Maisie & Rowan #1
Maisie & Rowan #2
Miles & Clara #1
Miles & Clara #2
Miles & Clara #3
Josie & Nolan #1
Josie & Nolan # 2
Leilani & Arlo
Astrid & Julio
Zephany & James
Matalia & Lamberto Rizzo # 1
Phoebe & Dario & Mykel
Phoebe & Dario & Mykel #2
Phoebe & Dario & Mykel #3
Gemma West & Katya Myers
Eleanor & Nicolai
Allegra & Eros
Allegra & Eros #2
Calista 🔹& Cyrus🔹
Veronica & Charles
Yours sincerely ~✴Lulee
Dewian 💠Evelyn💠Yasmin
Holly and Jordan
Daphne & Oliver
Lydia & Ruth
Flora & Vladimir
Secret admirer~~~❇
Raven & Marcellus
You first (bxb)
Feyre: Steamy encounter ❄
Tabitha & Stephen
10k Read‼
Lyvia & Ian
Destined or ill-fated (gxg)
Valentine's; thrill
Valentine's;thrill 2: (Let's try it)
◽▫Zaide & Wren▫◽


640 1 2
By Frostgiantsage-Queen

Warning: Rape and Dubious consent .May be triggering to some viewers.

Clutching the books close to her chest ,she silently hoped the grey clouds would wait until she made her way home.

Almost tripping in the 4 inch heels in her hasted steps she cussed out loud when drizzles of rain poured down.

The flash of lighting sparked her straight path but almost fainted the girl's weak heart.

"No ,no, no"

Too caught up in her journey home she wasn't aware of the car trailing behind her.

Stopping under a sheltered abandoned door way she took a few deep breaths calming her racing heart.

'So unfit. '

A loud earth shuddering thunder sounded causing her to grip the ends of her coat.

" Sofia?" A voice said catching her attention.

" Mr. Rodriguez. What are you doing out here ?" Sofia asked looking to see if his cab viechile was in sight ,in hopes for a ride home.

"I was driving around and I saw that familiar coat of yours." He said chuckling.

How?. he has bad eye sight...

"If it isn't too much trouble could you give me a ride home?" Sofia asked her shivering arms begging for warmth.

"Come on. It's pretty cold here " he said guiding her underneath his umbrella.

After walking towards the black rolls royce they stopped.

"I hope you don't mind. I have two old friends around the back " he said opening the door to reveal the passengers silhouettes.

The flash of lighting allowed her to see enough to know they were men.

"Go on in" he said and she swallowed clutching the books closer to her chest before hopping inside.

Once the door closed she leaned back relishing in the warmth of the car.

She had the distinct feeling someone was looking at her.

"Um Mr. Rodriguez can you turn the light on for a sec. I need to check on my books"

In truth she mainly wanted to know who were the two people beside her.

After all if she was going to die or get kidnapped might as well she knew what they looked like.

A sudden groan made her stiffen up.

"Apegarse al plan" ( stick to the plan) a very masculine voice spoke.

Their Hispanic. Just fantastic.

Mr. Rodriguez sped up after replying with a curt yes.

The windows were tinted on the inside which made her very confused.

Why would anyone do that?. Worse when could he afford a rolls royce?. I need some answers and quick.

She felt knees brush against hers which made her swallow the invisible lump in her throat.

She could then hear steady breathing before it brushed near her ear.

"How long until I'm home?" Sofia asked hoping the desperation in her voice wasn't too apparent.

"Just give it a little more time." He said turning off of the road.

Before she knew it he was turning through a forest path.

Her trembling hand reached for the door to pull it but her eyes widened.

It was locked.

She turned to the strangers before reaching in the front to push at the man.

"What's going on. Let me out!" she yelled yanking at the door handle.

Even with all her screaming there came no answer but the zooming car driving down the unknown cut out trail.

He swerved stopping the car at a random cabin in the woods.

"Mr Rodriguez-

A sudden click made her quiet ,the quivering driver started begging for his life.

"Please you promised. I did what you said and I won't tell anyone "

"Nosotros mentimos " another voice spoke up before an unfamiliar sound whooshed out causing Mr Rodriguez to suddenly slump forward in his seat. -( we lied).

It didn't take much of a guess to know what just happened.

Sofia started screaming at the top of her lungs but the two strangers came out the car.

How isn't the door locked.?

One of them pressed something in the front and suddenly the door on her side swung open.

"Make this easier for us and we won't hurt you" he said but she shrunk back in her seat.

"The hard way then" he mumbled before pulling her out kicking and screaming but she couldn't over power the towering man.

Once they got inside the other man went ahead of them up the spiral stairs.

"What do you want with me ?" She asked but to her disappointment no answer came. They followed behind him up the stairs.

A door opened and all three stepped inside.

The lights were suddenly switched on causing a twinge of discomfort for her eyes.

Once she did adjust to it she hesitantly gazed up at the man holding her arm.

The furrow of her brows caught the attention of the man across the room as he chuckled seeing her mouth slightly part.

A look of total disbelief crossing her features.

"Had enough?" He asked letting go of her wrist.

Sofia's eyes soon averted to the one across from her which made her swallow nervously.

Their beautiful...

The one beside her had a scar over one of his brow. His blue sea like eyes staring at her intently.

As for the one a distance away he had shoulder length brown sandy hair. His facial hair enhancing his handsome face.

" I just want to go home. I'll do anything if you promise to let me go" she pleaded dropping to her knees.

"Anything bebita ?" The scarred man asked.

She nodded then lowered her head feeling hopeless.

What's the use?. They just killed a man after promising him they would spare his life. They'll definitely kill me.

"Then take off your clothes"

The dreaded words made her stomach drop in shock but she closed her eyes and got up hesitantly wobbling over the bed.

The brown haired man knelt by her side.

"Don't be afraid just do as we say and you'll be okay. You said you would do anything ,yeah?" He spoke with a beaming smile.

Under any other circumstance she would find his smile warm and inviting.

Tears glossed over her eyes as she started peeling off her clothes with tremendous nerves and fear.

Shaky breaths exited her stuffy nostrils feeling so vulnerable under their watchful gazes.

The one day she should have worn a bra she didn't so once her blouse went over her head ,a deep intake of breath came from them.

"How about we tell you our names so you feel less afraid?" the man beside her asked.

She immediately shook her head.

Sofia knew the moment she knew their identities it was over for her.

"ella es una chica inteligente" ( she's a smart girl) the scarred man spoke with a smirk.

"I'll let you know anyway. I'm Enrique and that stiff neck over there is Arturo" he said pointing to the dark haired scarred man who was shamelessly staring at Sofia's naked quivering body.

"Are you going to let me go after?" she asked tears streaming down her cheeks.

"We promise" Enrique said wiping the tears from her cheek.

She felt so meek in front of them and deep down she hoped they weren't sadistic assholes.

"I'll let stiff neck unwrap you first since it's what we agreed to" Enrique said rubbing his finger through his slightly peppered grey hair.

They have to be in their 30's to 40's . They must have children, daughters even. How could they be so callous. Unwrapping me?. What do they think I am, some piece of meat.

Before she could register anything the smirking man patted Arturo on his shoulder before walking through the door and closing it.

Her head started feeling light as he took careful steps forward.

He stopped and looked down to her thighs and instantly she closed it.

In a blink of an eye he launched forward almost dropping his weight on top of the girl whilst capturing her wrist down on the bed above her head.

"Don't be afraid." He said and her brow furrowed at what he had said.

"Your going to rape me. I am afraid"

"It's not rape"

Was he crazy?.. Here I am thrashing in his strong iron grip ,half naked when he has full intentions of taking me against my will and it isn't rape?. Make that make sense.

"Stop fighting" he said sniffing her neck, his pointed nose grazing Sofia's delicate neck.

For a few minutes she continued trying to break from his hold while his nose remained at her neck taking sharp inhales of her scent.

"Get this over with so I can go home" she said. All the fighting and writhing has come to a stop. She was exhausted and afraid but most of all nervous of what he was going to do with her.

A sudden gasp escaped her mouth as he sucked unto the flesh of her neck.

His teeth came intact with her flesh and she inhaled sharply, his cologne arising an unknown emotion in her.

He started kissing down her neck all the way to her breast and she whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

His rough hands subtly caressing her breast going down to her hip bone rubbing circles on it.

Why was he being so damn gentle and caressing me?. Is this some kind of manipulation tactic because it will never work.

Her legs were parted and he took out a knife causing the feeling of dread to rise in her chest.

He cut her under wear off and threw them both on the floor.

Arturo naturally stoic expression turned into one of surprise.

For a moment Sofia found her self feeling relief in his expression before reminding herself he's the villan.

Taking off his coat he started ridding his upper body of any clothes and went for his belt taking it off all while knowing she was staring at him.

He crawled untop of her in only his boxers and placed his mouth to her ear.

"Don't fight" he whispered and she closed her eyes turning her head away.

The bed dipped and sofia's heart rate increased at the unknown.

He parted her legs and pulled her hips closer. A whimper sounded from the confused girl at the feeling of his tongue writhing on her heat.

She tried moving her hips away but it was as if her brain and body was at odds because her hips were moving into him.

Sofia's lips parted once his mouth nibbled on her clit. It hurt but it was perfect mix of pain and pleasure to have her cumming all his over mouth.

On purpose he continued torturing her clit mainly attacking it and watching her hips rock out of control.

It was so comical to him that once she started begging long enough he stopped wiping his mouth.

A smug grin plastered on the man's face causing her cheeks to flush in embarrassment.

Just as I thought manipulation.

He pulled her by the hips at the end of the bed all while looking at the glistening cunt.

Pulling his dick out , her head rose from the bed to hope it was small but to her dismay it was anything but.

" If it hurts too much let me know" he said fighting the grin itching to grow at the fear on her face as she stared at his obvious huge package.

Her soaked sex allowed his head to slid into her effortlessly.

She covered her face ,biting the inside of her cheek ,blood pooling in her mouth.

A hiss sounded from his mouth from the way she gripped him.

He went to remove the hands from her face and she looked at him in surprise as his face drew closer to her's.

His dick sunk even further into her causing her lips to part giving him perfect accesses to roam her mouth.

The huge man's tongue searched her mouth thoroughly before his tongue grazed the bruised flesh on her inner cheek.

His tongue ran over it making her eyes widen, the action allowing her lower half to swallow him deeper inside. The uncomfortable grip easing up.

Stroking in and out of her ,soft sounds came from her and she gripped the sheets.

"Don't do it again" he said before kissing her lips aiming his hips at a angle that would make him go deeper.

Just breath and go along with this and it will go away faster.You'll get to leave the faster he cums.

She opened her eyes to see him already looking at her.

He stopped moving and just intently stared ,eyes darting all over her face.

She sighed and begrudgingly wrapped her arms around his neck.

A groan broke through before he started thrusting steadily picking resulting in both breathing rapidly at the change.

Her finger sunk in his shoulder, whimpers and moans emiting before any thoughts could form telling her to stop.

"suenas sublime" he grunted (you sound sublime).

As much this felt good it was painful so she wanted comfort and seeing as he was the one inflicting these mixed emotions it was only fitting he gave her that.

She pressed her lips on his hoping it would be enough to tame her sudden urges of comfort.

His body started shivering the moment their tongues started moving against each other.

He wasn't thrusting anymore which confused her.

Maybe he had enough?.

She opened her eyes to see his was pinched close, movement still occurring under his eyelid's.

Her hand slowly rested on his head as she felt the pulsing and twitching of his dick ever so often.

"Do it again " his voice sounding strained.

She blinked before looking at his lips carefully bringing his face closer until she started kissing him again.

It was like a switch occurred when their pink muscle connected.

He picked her up and started bouncing the small girl on his ridged length ,penetrating her deeper than before.

She clung to him as he had his way with her.

Sofia stomach tighten as she started cumming back to back under his watchful eyes.

His hand carefully removed one of her's from around his neck placing it on his chest.

The barbaric man dipped his head down to her subtle breast's and sucked the erect bud between his teeth.

With a cry her head swung backwards. The wall of her pussy clung to him twitching every time his pelvic bone tickled her clit.

"Please just ..." She begged.

Sofia's face contorted into several emotions confused at what she was really begging for.

She felt torn.

Between her mind and body.

How could I ever come back from this?.

From this experience Arturo and Enrique is inflicting upon me...that's if that's their real name-

His groans snapped Sofia from her train of thoughts.

"With me" he grunted gripping harshly on her hips as he drove into her relentlessly until she came once again.

He hugged her closer than she thought was possible, a deep moan emitting from him.

Once the over whelming high started to fade ,his eyes widened at what just happened so he placed her on her back and turned away with a deep sigh, leaving the girl heartbroken. He quickly pulled up his boxers.

The door opened and in walked Enrique with a smirk.

"How was it ?" He asked waltzing over as if this was a normal thing.

"He didn't tell you to fuck off after he nutted did he ?" He asked looking over at the trembling girl.

Arturo fixed his boxers on his waist before heading for the door and walked out.

"If he was too harsh don't mind it. He needs time to process his feelings" he spoke patting her knotted hair.

"F-feelings?" her voice came out hoarse and broken.

"Yeah he'll probably come storming up  here for another round with you" he grinned.

I don't think so. Not after he got what he wanted and I'm guessing he's up next. As I said before I'll give them what they want so I can go home. I honestly want to survive this mess.

"He didn't even have the decency to clean up after himself. Such a pig" Enrique mumbled going for a damp towel.

Her brow furrowed confused at what he meant before he reached between her legs.

Sofia's mouth hang open at the disrespect.

"I can do it myself " she spoke up with attitude.

His damping came to a stop and his eyes met her's. The cheery glow behind his hazel hue's vanished.

"Drop the attitude or I'll spank it out of you" his voice oozing stern dominance.

She quickly nodded remembering her  place.

After cleaning her Enrique pulled Sofia on his lap wrapping his huge arms around her waist.

"Are you alright ?" He asked and she swallowed a knot forming in her throat, flashing memories of the scarred man returning in her thoughts.

Why am I thinking of that man?. I hate him.

She was hurt by how he acted so gentle before just to cum inside her and walk away like it was nothing.

'He's a cold blooded killer and you need to do what you have to Sofia. So you can go back home'  her subconscious encouraged her.

"Are you thinking of him?" He asked caressing her hair in a low tone.

She shook her head grabbing his face to plant her lips to his.

Enrique's eyes resembled the size of saucer plates. He then closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss that soon started escalating.

Carefully placing her down unto her back she broke the kiss and pulled off the best puppy dog eyes.

"What's the matter ?" He asked and she caressed his bulging biceps.

"Can I ride you?" she asked.

His brows furrowed before one of them lifted feigning confusion.

"Why is that muñeco?" He asked pinching her cheek lightly.

'What if he's seeing through this?. Oh damn but does it matter he's going to get his fun and then we can part ways. You're this close Sofia just hold out a bit longer.'

He smiled before laying down on his back watching as she looked at him surprised that he would comply without her even answering yet.

"I want to experience it for the first time guapo" she responded crawling on top of him. ( handsome).

Against his better judgment and control he found himself feeling shy and amused.

He wanted to laugh out loud at her buttering him up so he could cum quick.

....Unfortunately for Sofia he planed on enjoying every bit of her.

"Thank you" he said waiting on her to make the first move but she stuck there, arched on top of him ,eyes darting all over the room.

Here I am flirting with a damn callous murder. He could be part of a gang for all I know. Why can't I move ?. It's not like I actually care about what he thinks. Right?....

"Crees que eres tan inteligente y es linda" he spoke reaching for neck smacking her breast so hard it left a red mark. (you think your so smart and it's cute).

"Say, Soy una puta para papá" he spoke huskily in her ear which made the pointed hairs on her skin stand straight.

"I- I -

"Go on" he said patting her ass ,giving it a squeeze. She was so caught up in her little task that she didn't even feel the discomfort or cared that he was staring and touching her up like a piece of meat.

"Soy una puta para papá " she repeated slowly at the best of her abilities trying to roll her tongue like his. (I'm a whore for daddy)

He titled his head laughing out loud striking a gutteral feeling of embarrassment in Sofia.

"Cute but I think we've stalled long enough haven't we?" he asked tapping her cheek.

Easy for you to say you weren't the one being ripped apart with a pole of a dick for your first time now were you ?...

She gasped at the feeling of his hard of dick rubbing against her.

So he's a damn pole too. Oh great what more could I ask for in a situation like this.

"Focus on me cariño" (sweetie) he whispered out holding her hips down.

Enrique smirked upon seeing the small red spots, obviously finger nail marks embedded on her hips. He would definitely have a word with him later about this.

"E-enrique." she moaned softly,her pink lips falling open letting all the sounds free which only made him more excited.

"Put it inside for me Bonita" (pretty).

She lift her hips ,her hand reaching inside his boxers to reveal his firm ,ridgid length in it's entirety. The tip moist and red pointing up wards facing her.

Please tell me I'm hallucinating and I'll wake up any moment now in my cozy warm bed.

"Afraid ?" he asked the side of his lip twitching in a effort to not laugh at the look of defeat painting her features.

"Maybe I can lay down and-

"Swallow your words and make me cum Sofia" he said sternly.

Is he bipolar?.

"Enrique -

"Quit the excuses and know your place" he hissed causing her to shrink back to her meek self ,remembering who he was.

She whimpered as she guided his aching head to her entrance before it slowly went inside.

A tear ran down her cheek, not anticipating his girth slowly sliding in.

He sighed and leaned up wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Don't cry. Your not some hooker that's a pro at this, I-.....I apologize" he said kissing her neck and cheek.

A faint smile grew on her face and she went to wipe her tears.

He pushed his nose in her hair enjoying her scent.

His breath fanning her neck made Sofia breath along at the same pace unconsciously.

He brought his lips to her small pink ones slightly brushing them together,until she parted her lips ,her tongue licking over his in a slow tease.

He groaned, planting his lips over her's in a rough kiss.

Sofia's hips started rocking back and forth gradually which got to him grunting deeply at how good her pussy snuggled him inside.

She swirled her hips in a circle and he held her closer to his chest.

His hips rose ever so often to meet hers which resulted in her squealing at the depth.

Feeling overwhelmed she eased her hips off him a little but as soon as he picked up on it he brought her back down again deciding to take matters in his own hands.


Holding both of Sofia's hips and thrusting upwards made her feel trapped.

His teeth on the flesh of her breast above the nipple made her yelp out. She screamed quivering in his steal like hold.
Her core convulsing around him when she orgasmed.

"Joder, valió la pena la espera." He sputtered out between the moans coming from himself. ( damn it was worth the wait)

Due to his reactions she was sure she could tip the scales in her favour and finish him off.

Wrapping her arms around him and purposely leaning her lips to his ear.

She moaned softly all while circling her hips faster.


She kissed the spot behind his ear and ran her fingers through his hair.


She smiled and whimpered as the boiling sensation of her stomach tightening.

Sofia's noddle like legs shook cumming all on him and he groaned when her tongue darted out licking the tip of his earlobe.

The feeling of superiority taking over, igniting like a match in her stomach.

Her back arched, a moan accompanying the action. His teeth suddenly sank into her neck.

"Please..." she whispered intentionally squeezing around him.

A few rapid thrusts later and he found himself shooting ropes of white in her.

"Pequeña descarada" (little minx/little cheeky) he smirked in her small moist shoulder.

His hand started patting her messy hair down.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.



Soft breathy snores started as soon he titled her body up on his shoulder.

"I guess not"


Sofia opened her eyes to blink ,adjusting to the dimness of the room.
Looking to her left , she sighed in relief.

She was alone.

Tossing her clothes on. She carefully opened the door and tip toed all the way to the stairs.

Half way down the stairs she froze seeing the scarred man sipping beer whilst staring at her.

Pursing her lips she averted her eyes and cussed turning away.

He's probably planning on killing me.

Gathering enough courage she timidly waddled over to where he sat to see the text books and purse that belonged to her.

Quickly she reached for them and rummaged throughout her purse.

Where's my phone?...

Through her side peripheral vision, Arturo was still staring at her without sipping on his drink.

Way to make it obvious. Thief.

She cleared her throat ready to walk away but he abruptly stood up catching her completely of guard.

Sofia's eyes averted over to him as he reached behind him jiggling a set of car keys.

Walking around the table he made his way to the front door and stopped looking back with a raised brow.

"Uh, oh" she uttered running ahead.

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