Soul Path

By Keplerski

99 15 9

When 457, a regular blue-collar soul collector in the Reaper organization, comes to work one day, he's forced... More

chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 2

7 2 0
By Keplerski

As soon as you step one foot inside, a blindingly bright light appears. You can't see anything for a second, but when the white light behind your eyelids fades away, you open your eyes and see that you're in a room.

The floor is littered with lots of toys, ranging from cars to dinosaurs; the walls are lined with different posters; some have the alphabet on them; some have maps of the world; and others are simply animals.

The carpet is a race car track And there's a single crib in the corner of the room with a mobile with spaceships and stars hanging over it.

But looking in the centre of the room, you see a small baby chewing on his toe, not paying you a single thought, and happily enjoying the full-course meal.

Its fun is interrupted by tires screeching outside the house and a car door being furiously slammed.

As you listen intently, the sound of footsteps gets louder and louder against the cement driveway. They lead up to the door, and the same as with the car, the front door is slammed shut.

Unfortunately, you can't hear the conversation outside the room, but you can get the gist of it; the voices start quiet but muffled. However, they rapidly decrease into a shouting match when you suddenly hear skin making contact with skin and plates smashing. Soon after, you can hear light sobbing and hurried footsteps running past the door.

"So that's the pinnacle of human love, the more you know, I guess," you say, letting out a light chuckle, but for some reason, you get a strange feeling of Deja vu from their interaction.

You're interrupted by a blinding, bright flash once again that slaps you across the face.

When you recover, you know that on a street, the area has more of a suburb feel. In the distance, you can hear the grass being mowed, and looking around, you see a group of kids playing football, another group riding their bikes on the street, and some other kids playing tik-tac-toe on the sidewalk.

Looking down, you see little Jerry playing with a toy truck when suddenly, from around the corner, you hear the sound of tires screeching

As you peer up, you see a car peeling down the road. From the corner of your eye, you see Jerry running towards the road. Looking in the direction he's running, you spot a child not paying attention and walking out onto the street.

As Jerry dashes furiously toward the child on his short, stubby legs, he shouts at the kid to get away, but the child is not hearing him as he strolls even further out.

He finally reaches the kid, grabs his hand, and pulls him away in the nick of time. They both fall back and land on the grass. Jerry is trying to catch his breath while the rescued child keeps thanking his savior, while Jerry simply looks up at him like a blank slate.

Before you can see the end of the situation, you are once again engulfed in a bright light.

When you can finally open your eyes without them burning as if you were looking at a furry convention,

You see that this time you're in the back seat of what appears to be a 2002 Honda Civic driving down a dark, empty back road. You try to inspect what's going on, but its dark out and you can't see much. What you can see is that in the front seat sit Jerry and a friend.

It appears to be the same child he rescued. But you just barely recognised them since they're now teenagers.

As the music blares in the car, you can smell the distinct smell of weed, and the boys are having the time of their lives.

"Man, today was wild. I said I would make your 21st birthday special, and I did," Jerry's friend gloats.

"You didn't have to get the hooker, but this pot is so good; where did you get this?"

"Oh, I got it from Josh."

Before he can finish, a loud bang can be heard from the front, then from the roof, and then from the trunk.

The friend brings the car to a screeching halt, and they both hastily get out. Following suit, you phase through the door and calmly wander behind the car to find Jerry and his friend standing over the body of a young teenage boy.

Both the boys are panicking, pacing back and forth while Jerry drinks from a vodka bottle to calm his nerves.

Finally, his friend snaps and looks at him. "What the fuck are we going to do?!"

But before Jerry can answer, the boy moves his head lightly, so Jerry smashes the bottle over his head, breaking it into multiple shards and piercing the boy's head.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" Jerry's friend scream's out while holding his head.

"I panicked, okay!"

Thinking for a moment, Jerry grabs his head in frustration and starts walking back and forth in a straight line.

And after a while, he says, "We have to hide the body; we can't tell anyone about this, especially not the cops."

Before his friend has time to argue, Jerry grabs the boy under his armpits and starts dragging him toward a more secluded location.

Eventually, his friend picks up the boy by his legs and starts carrying him, and you follow suit. Jerry and his friend drag the teen through the woods for what feels like 40 minutes and around 2 kilometres until they eventually stop.

They both take a good minute to catch their breath, but when they do, Jerry cautiously looks around, and once he's made sure it's clear, he takes another deep breath and gets on his knees to start digging with his hands, shortly after his friend joins in.

After an agonizingly boring 2 hours between which you fell asleep twice, they finally dig a hole big enough to fit the boy, rolling him into the grave, and they start covering him up with dirt from the legs up.

When they reach the torso, the boy suddenly jerks up, grabs Jerry's friend by the collar, and pulls him down.

Acting out of instinct, Jerry grabs a big log that was next to him, jumps into the pit, pushes his friend off him, and starts smashing the boy over the skull with the log.

Blood is flying everywhere, and the boy is screaming with all his might. He tries blocking the blows, but after a couple of strikes, you hear the snapping of bones and even louder screams.

By the time he's done, his face is covered in blood, and his once-white shirt is now soaking in blood with a deep red tint to it.

Dropping the log, Jerry climbs out of the hole and lays flat on his back, breathing heavily.

After a while, he gets up and investigates the grave. The boy has a smashed face, barely recognizable from when he was alive. His left forearm was also broken in the skirmish, with a piece of bone sticking out of his skin and slowly dripping blood onto the soil.

Seeing this, Jerry bends over and throws up in the grave, while his friend simply looks at him with wide eyes and a terrified look in them. After Jerry calms down, he gets on his knees and starts covering the hole with dirt once again.

After 20 minutes, they're finally done. They lightly step on the grave, move the earth around a little, and then cover the whole thing in a pile of leaves, which were abundant at this time since it was fall.

Without saying a word to each other, they leave the forest, get in the car, and drive away. As they turn the corner, you hear behind you an oncoming vehicle, and looking back, you spot two lights and a blinding white flash.

You open your eyes only to see that you're in a cramped room something similar to a prison cell. The room only fits a small bed in the corner, a small dresser by the door, and a desk pushed up against the dresser. On the bed, you see a teenage girl reading a book; stepping closer, you see she is reading Hamlet.

But before you can get a closer look at her, you hear a door slam shut shortly after, followed by a man's shouting, "Oh, honey, I'm home!"

Listening in, you can hear the man walking through the house when the footsteps start getting louder and louder until they come to a halt outside the bedroom.

As the knob jiggles lightly immediately after the door swings open, Jerry stumbles in, barely catching himself from falling face first onto the floor.

Holding himself up by the dresser, he peers around the room until his eyes land on the girl, but unlike Jerry, the girl looks completely calm about the situation, like this is a common occurrence, which must mean she knows Jerry and he didn't just break into somebody's house.

"Dad, what are you doing? Mum told you to stay at home and, most of all, not to drink," the girl says in a demeaning voice while glaring at him.

Jerry pays her words no mind; he pushes himself off the dresser and wobbles over to the bed. This time the girl is shocked and visibly recoils.

Jerry slaps her across the face and screams out, "Shut your mouth, your dirty whore; you have your mother's face; it's disgusting."

Realizing what is happening for some reason, you feel a burning fire of hatred in your chest, so you walk out of the room and slam the door closed behind you, leaving the memory.

Then glass shattering fills your eardrums. Looking down, you see a Ying and Yang symbol split in half.

Wanting to investigate it closer, you lean down and try to pick it up, but when you do, it evaporates.

Standing back up straight, you're a little confused by the ordeal but not too surprised since it is common to hallucinate if you spend too long in memories. Looking down at the menu, you see you have one more memory to go through.

When you look back up, you see that instead of the corridor, the whole area has been whitened out. You suddenly start falling, and once again, you get engulfed in a bright light.

After your eyes stop burning from the sudden brightness, you can make out that you are back in the bank, but it's less red, which means it's before the accident.

Looking around, you see the same dirtbag, Jerry, sitting behind the desk scratching his beard and looking extremely bored. At that moment, you hear a scream behind you.

Looking back towards the door, you see four men entering the bank wearing all-black attire, each holding a shotgun.

One of the gunmen is pushing a woman, who is probably the one to be the source of the scream, and without saying a word, two of the gunmen start aiming shotguns at the people in the bank and rounding them up.

They then proceeded to put zip ties around all the hostages' hands.

While this is going on, one of the two gunmen is standing behind Jerry with the gun up against his head, while the other is standing in front of the vault door. Without the need for words, Jerry knows what to do; he pushes a button, and the goon by the vault starts opening the doors.

Having fulfilled his task, the robbers put him with the other captives; however, they don't tie his hands as they are too distracted with the money

looking terrified Jerry starts frantically looking around the room when he spots a back door that you think will lead him outside.

Without giving it a second thought, he grabs the nearest person to him, a pregnant lady, and holds her close as a hostage.

Spotting this, three of the gunmen immediately raised their weapons at him. Evidently, through the commotion, Jerry didn't notice that there were four robbers, not three. As the thought enters your mind, you see emerging from the vault the last of the gunmen.

Seeing the commotion and Jerry holding a hostage, he calmly walks up behind him, puts the shotgun barrel directly to the back of his head, and pulls the trigger.

As Jerry's head gets popped like a melon getting shot with a 50-cal round, the woman he was holding hostage drops to the floor, screaming and covering her right ear where Jerry stood a second ago.

While the gunmen in front of the splash were sprayed with what seemed like buckets of blood, they didn't seem to care and simply turned their attention back to the hostages.

Jerry's body slides down the woman's back and flops onto the floor face first, leaving his body in the position you found him in. Without even batting an eye, the thieves go back to filling up duffle bags full of money.

You no longer pay them any mind; you simply watch the blood from Jerry's head slowly creeping towards the stairs and slowly pouring down. With that sight, you return to the present.

And that's all for this week, folks, I was thinking of adding more but didn't feel like it in the end. Anyway, I don't have some long exposition like the other releases, I think we can all guess that I edited this on thursday evening cause im too lazy so im always here at 2 a.m. Anyway, stay tuned for next week, because that's when shit gets real good, If I feel like editing that far ahead, see ya

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