Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)

By MindOnJupiter

4.2K 105 63

This is the sequel to Antecedent. Following the attack and death of her friends, Lori is still in the firm g... More

Malevolent: 1
Malevolent: 2
Malevolent: 3
Malevolent: 4
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Malevolent: 20

130 5 7
By MindOnJupiter

If one saying was true, it was this. When one door closes, another one opens.

The opportunity in this circumstance being Junior dragging in a familiar redhead into the kitchen with him. Through his freshly skinned mask which still bled and leaked, he groaned an incomprehensive noise. She in turn just took the seat he pulled out to her opposite to me quietly keeping her head down and not wanting to bring attention to herself. Alfredo had taken the woods to search for the missing woman knowing the location of most traps and Tinker set out on the road. It left Tex leaving out orders, in this case there was not enough ground to check and as he linked Brittany's foot chain to the table leg opposite to mine, he told Junior where to go and what to look for.

They were frantic, concerned that if the girl was to get far that she could alert help, actual assistance unlike the kind that 'Hoyt' could offer. It was amusing, to see the fear written on their faces, the laughter being a mix now of actually meaning to and not. Karma was beautiful sometimes and even if they found her, they deserved to go through this more often. Running a hand through my hair, I shook my head and sat back smiling at Tex who didn't seem to find the funny side.

"Ten minutes, I left you for ten minutes." He breathed irritably. I shrugged in return.
"Hey, I'm the one still here. It wasn't me that ran." I replied hotly, to emphasise it more I lifted my leg so the metal chain rattled as it collided against the legs of the table. "I stayed right here."
"You didn't stop the bitch either." Tex argued fractiously.
"No, I didn't." I agreed simply as he shook his head.
"All you had to do was holler!"
"Noted." I told him dishonestly. Placing his hands against the table top, he drummed his fingers impatiently on the surface watching the window like a hawk in hopes that he would catch the intended victim or there would be some news. Mama was remaining close to the radio waiting for some news that would bring their stress to an end. So far it hadn't come and I was elated. The fact they hadn't found her yet meant there was a chance she had managed to get far or at least remain in a good enough hiding spot until the coast was clear. "Wasn't aware I had to stop her." It was the truth to an extent, they hadn't left me with a job on watch duty. When I had been attached to the table it was to prevent my escape, not the other woman's. My lips twitched into a smile, as I leant my head on my hand.

"Not that you would." He stated, turning around to look at me while folding his arms in agitation. Propping a leg up against the cupboard door he propped himself up. "You are going to be in a world of trouble later, just you wait."I didn't answer, the grin on my face said it all and despite my face stinging I kept it up.

Beside me, Brittany lifted her head slightly to watch me fearfully. She was expecting a reaction as I was a catalyst to the Sawyer's nerves. Truthfully I did also but Mama's threat had mostly left my consciousness, it was a beating I would most likely get and I had received many before. Taking deep breaths, the cowboy turned back around again facing the window before lashing out. Kicking the door of the cupboard he gave a small yell. Brittany flinched violently at the loud bang that resonated from the collision before stomping out the kitchen and calling for his mother to know if there was more news from the police radio. Charlie was also on the hunt.

"Desperate time, desperate measures."

Blissfully, I inhaled and crossed my legs before tilting my head in the direction of the young lady at my side. She didn't look well, it was the only way I could really describe it. There was a gauntness to her face signalling that she had most likely been sick as well as deprived of the sunlight, tired circles formed shadows under her eyes. It seemed more likely than not that the Sawyers' suspicions of her were correct and on that note I remembered the message. The rest was up to her as I couldn't help but doubt that it would be some time before I saw her again. As Tink had so nonchalantly suggested, Junior was nesting and when he did he was a bit more reluctant to leave his shed which meant access to her was limited. "Grandpa's suit." I told her simply as she cautiously glanced up in confusion.

"What?" She questioned unsure what I was trying to indicate. I repeated the same two words slowly and she blinked once more.
"It's in Grandpa's suit. Check the right arm, might find a surprise there." Her bright eyes widened in realisation as she replayed the words in her mind as I tapped my own arm for good measure. Her tired and sickly pale face lit up slightly as I did. Mama would no doubt ensure that Junior wasn't being selfish and hauled up as much as he probably desired and sooner or later Brittany would end up in the sitting room. If anyone could make him listen, it was her.
"Yes." I confirmed before placing a finger to my lips simply before laughing once more at the sound of irritation from the other room. Worriedly, she leant over my shoulder to see if anyone was coming.
"They're going to hate you." Despite her concern, she appeared amused and only more so at how idly I was taking it. I had been there, done that for the most part by now and while I knew it wouldn't be pleasant there was more I dwelled on. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me." If I had managed to get us out of here then gratitude was acceptable but this was the extent of what I could do and it still seemed miniscule in the grand scheme of things. Had I been in her shoes, I would like to think someone would do the same. Still when it came to the matter, I had been somewhat fortunate. Tex enjoyed pain more than sexual gratification and when it came to the combination he preferred to do it in a less traditional way. Frowning to myself, I slid my glass to her. It was still half empty and in Texas heat and in her likely position she needed to stay hydrated.

"You think she'll get far?" Brittany asked concerned. Hesitating for a moment, she slowly sipped at the water.
"Even if she doesn't, it's nice to see the look on their faces."
"What are they going to do to you?"
"Their worst I'm sure." She gave a fearful look. "I've been here long enough, after a while there isn't much more they can do."
"They could kill you."
"That's the dream." I muttered sarcastically.
"You could try dreaming of escaping." She suggested innocently, I couldn't help but scoff. I had been there, I had tried and unfortunately it didn't appear to be on the cards. As Mama said, no one was even looking for me. Perhaps it was normal to go missing around these parts. It would explain there only being one cop poking around and not to mention their graveyard of vehicles in their yard. Many faces had been and gone. "I don't want to give up on that hope."
"Then don't." My way of thinking and hers were different. If it helped her to sleep at night then I wished her all the best. Life had made me bitter, losing Joel made me bitter...even in my memory he was beginning to fade. The thought of his face barely being an outline now, the colour of his eyes forgotten. It only made me more gloomy. It was a testament of time and I found myself detesting it with a passion. Every second that ticked was another one I had been away from him. My eyes stung slightly but I blinked it away. Crying didn't help anything, it just became a show to the family who would take advantage of the weakness. "Hope all you like." I encouraged her frostily. While it was nice to think the best, I no longer could.
"I'd take you with me." She promised as I sucked in a breath and focused my attention back on the commotion in the other room. Still no sign of the escapee. "Lori..." I shushed Brittany immediately at the sound of footsteps along the corridor before Tex reemerged. A scowl was written against his usually gleeful features. Noting the silence instantly, he looked sceptical and tucked his thumbs into the belt loops of his trousers.

"Now what were you two girls gossiping about?" He questioned cooly. Brittany's voice caught in her throat trying to cook up a lie while I sat back and cocked my head in his direction.
"Alfredo's finger." I lied. His blue eyes connected with my green ones distrustfully. "Was just telling her that I ripped it off."
"Uh huh." He finally replied. "What were you really talking about, remember now that you're already in a world of trouble honey."
"Brittany was asking what you were going to do to me." I remarked, deciding that perhaps to him it would be more believable. He focused on the redhead who bowed her head wanting to remain unnoticed.
"Is that right?" Tex seemed to believe that more and clicked his tongue, his hands remained on his hips. Silently and wanting to remain undetected by him, Brittany raised the cup to her lips for a drink. It was better than sitting with a guilty expression.  "And what did you say?"
"The same things you always do as you're getting quite boring and predictable." Brittany choked on her drink as I responded inadvertently. Tex furrowed his eyebrows testily.
"My patience is growing mighty thin tonight honey." He warned slowly. "Don't make it worse." I pursed my lips and straightened up satisfied that his attention for now was off of Brittany. They preyed on vulnerability and she still had some left that they could feed off. "That's much better. You just stay hushed now and hope Tinker won't be long." I bit my tongue but part of his order failed me. I truly wanted the opposite and for Tink and Alfredo to be gone for quite some time. Watching like a hawk, Tex brushed aside the chopping boards and sat on the kitchen work tops to surveillance more efficiently distrusting the both of us. "This problem is a big one sweetheart. Seems I'm getting predictable as you put it, maybe I should let Tink decide what he thinks we should do." Remaining quiet, I watched as Brittany popped the cup back done and heard the testy noise from the cowboy. "You listening to me?" I sighed annoyed at his testy mood. "Damn it honey I am talkin' to you!"
"You told me to stay hushed." I reminded him by turning my head quickly, my neck hurting and becoming stiff in the shoulder as I did. "So do you want me to talk or not?"
"I want you to respond." He ordered hotly.
"Then yes, I'm listening."
"You better be."

The look on Brittany's face was one of pure horror. When the men returned they were empty handed. Tinker especially was on edge fully aware of what the consequences would be if the woman managed to get some genuine help and as the head of household, he worried for his kin making it clear that he wanted the roads to be watched convinced she wouldn't get far on foot and no one knew the land like him. It gave him some reassurance they would all be fine but at the same time, he had to discipline me for my 'careless behaviour' as he put it.

Alfredo was sent back in his truck to scout, having suggested his own lewd form of punishment. Tinker already had some ideas. Tex allowed him to think of something having clearly taken insult to what I had said to him about being mundane and it ended with this. Pulling my leg out, Tex held down on my ankle, Junior on my thigh as Tink held the hammer in his hand.

"We had better results when we started breaking bits of you last time." He informed me simply as I just closed my eyes trying to hide any form of fear and apprehension. If they heard my heartbeat it would be different but so long as I looked disinterested, perhaps it would affect Brittany less. Witnessing the torture of another was not a pleasing watch or at least not to most sane people and more so when it was someone who you may have bonded somewhat with.

"Fingers ain't gonna cut it this time." Tex hissed through his teeth with a grin. "Looks like you're gonna be spending a lot of time in bed." He and his sibling snickered wickedly at the childish innuendo. "Less trouble that way."
"Please stop them." Brittany piped up towards Junior as I looked over at her. He replied in a sense of looking torn before tightening his grip making it well known that he was on the side of his cousins and couldn't be swayed. It was a sweet effort but one that was wasted on deaf ears.
"Don't bother." I told her.
"See, she knows she deserves it." Tex replied brashly, "you best learn from this as well. It's gonna hurt real bad." Brittany opened her mouth before shutting it again as I shook my head slowly so she knew not to keep it up. The probability of them doing something worse and more extensive was likely if it got a suitable reaction from her. "Now honey, you stay nice and still. Way we're doin' this makes for a clean break."
"How reassuring." I answered back curtly as he stretched my leg across the chair, my back resting on the one next to it as Junior pinned me. Tink just took a quick drag of his cigarette and breathed out slowly, brown eyes inspecting me. Lowering my head as he tilted his to indicate it, my hair fell over my shoulders and towards the floor as it dangled off the third chair they had manoeuvred for me to lay on to make this as straightforward as possible.
"Think you're going to be needing this more than me." He breathed out another cloud. I shrugged.
"I wouldn't say no." Watching as he leant down towards me, he passed the cigarette as I placed it towards my lips breathing in the tobacco. The shot was quick and accurate. A sickening thud coming with a hot burst of pain. Against my will, I screamed out earning a satisfied laugh from Tex. Tinnitus rang from my ears, the high pitch squeal filling my eardrums along with the sickening feel of trying to remain conscious. Dropping the cigarette almost immediately, I groaned and struggled to keep my head still the sight of Junior fuzzing in and out of my vision before the eldest of the three pulled me up. A widespread grin stretched under his moustache. Despite his token, it was clear as day that he had enjoyed giving me what he felt he deserved. I flinched at the reaction that came with movement. The splitting pain coming from my leg, the sight of a closed fracture being obvious with the bone that swelled painfully under my flesh.

"That's right girl, breathe real slow." Despite his malicious intent, Tink patted my shoulder before putting his hammer down on the table. "Think you can have another."
"Not so boring now, is it honey?" Tex taunted cockily. I moaned as the urge to throw up twisted my stomach. The acidic taste rising in the back of my throat as Tink lit up another cigarette and passed it. I took it with a trembling hand as my body quaked from the sensation of agony. My eyes watered and leaked but I refused to sob. As it was, Brittany seemed to be. Her face in her hands unable to watch what had happened. Junior stepped away once sure that nothing more was needed of him and returned to her side. "But hey, looks like you won't be getting any ideas on runnin' away? Bet that's what the two of you ladies were conversing about when I came into the room before."
"N-no." Brittany stuttered weakly, shaking her head. "We weren't!"
"She wasn't." I informed Tex simply after blowing out some smoke. My breathing was raspy, sweat beading as my body grew clammy, the bruising already showing on my leg from the sheer force that Tinker had channelled. "Just me." It was clear he had it in his head that's exactly what we had been doing and it made me eye the hammer more cautiously, part of me would like to think that while they were uncertain that she was with child that they would be more merciful towards her but while there was doubt in my mind, I couldn't risk her ending up like me. "But it's fine...I'll crawl." Tex glared agitated at my answer as he took the cigarette from me in one swift motion and pressed it into my thigh. I clenched my teeth and caught my breath, a pained moan vibrating from my throat.

"What have we spoken about?" He demanded as I clutched to the seat trying to support myself. Not getting the answer he wanted he pressed down onto the sight of the worst pain on my leg pushing down on the area that continued to swell from being broken. Crying out, my grip slipped and I fell backwards. My head hung once again at the end of the seats. Brittany's voice was calling out to Junior to do something but he ignored her pleas. Gasping in pain and trying to toughen up through the torment, Tex kneed by my head, my hair filling his lap as he cocked his head. "What have we spoken about?" He repeated more impatiently.
"I don't get to leave." I replied. Brittany was becoming more hysterical in her efforts to help and just seeing hers and Junior's leg under the table cloth it was clear he was holding her back from offering any assistance. My pain was coaxing her to try and aid which would only worsen her situation so I relented to what the cowboy wished to know and grinning as I acknowledged his request, he leaned in pressing his lips against my own with malicious satisfaction.

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