Yokai Academy's Half Breed Fox

By ManuelMandujano1

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Hiroshi Iwatani is a delinquent boy that sent to yokai Academy by his father but what people don't know is th... More

Chapter 1: First Day in Yokai Academy.
Chapter 2: Succubus trouble and tasting Cajun style lizardman tail with a witch
Chapter 4: A Fox's beef with a Werewolf
Chapter 5: Going against an artistic Gorgon and a Blackmailing Slug cameraman
Chapter 6: A reunion with a Yuki-onna and Technical wrestling with a kraken.
Chapter 7: The Witch's Ranch Part 1: Entering the human world.
Chapter 8: Witch's ranch Part 2 A Witch's Past
Chapter 9: (PSC Part 1) Hiroshi's lyrical and physical smackdown on the PSC
Chapter 10: (PSC Part 2) War declared and Secrets revealed.
Chapter 11: Visiting the Family and Dojo Punishment
Chapter 12: The Great Roshi vs Troll Hogan
Chapter 13: A Kitsune's Heat problem (+18)
Chapter 14: Tutoring problems with a Lamia
Chapter 15: (Anti Thesis) Hybrid Warfare
Chapter 16:(Anti Theses 2) Tsukune's Ghoul Time
Chapter 17: (Anti Theses 3) Hospital trouble with a Puppeteer.
Chapter 18(Anti Theses 4) A Neko-Raiju's Cyclops beef
Chapter 19: (Anti Theses 5) Fighting back
Chapter 20: When your children visit from the future
Chapter 21: (Anti Thesis 6) Taking the fight to the enemy.
Chapter 22 (Antithesis 7 finale part 1) Hokuto's agenda.
Chapter 23(Antithesis 8 Finale part 2) former human beatdown
Chapter 24 Meeting the Future in laws in the School festival
Chapter 25: (Season 1 finale) Hitomi's (Failed) revenge.
S2 Chapter 26: Sibling trouble Part 1 The letters
Chapter 27: Sibling trouble part 2. Family fight.
Chapter 28: Shoto's blast from the past.

Chapter 3: The Fanboy retaliation and Mermaid fishing season

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By ManuelMandujano1

The two boys are heading to the dorms making a conversation after what happened in class.

Hiroshi: You're having doubts about staying here?

Tsukune: Yeah but you guys are the reason I stay here because you and Moka are the only one who know my secret.

Hiroshi: How about this, I'll teach to you defend yourself, we might face some random monster trying to either hurt you or our friends I'll also lend a few talismans as well.

Tsukune: Thanks Hiroshi.

As they were walking three guys blocked their way.

???: You're Tsukune and Hiroshi right?

Tsukune: Uhh yeah?

Extra: I got to say We hate you!!

Hiroshi: Ok what the fuck are you guys talking about?

2nd Extra: You two are our No.1 Enemies.

Tsukune: Hold on a second enemies? what are you talking about?

The guys then came out with fanboy stuff of the girls Hiroshi and Tsukune hang out with

Extra: I am the president Moka Akashiya fan club.

Chubby Extra: I'm the unofficial president of the Kurumu fan club.

Glasses: And I'm the president the Yukari Sendo fan club.

The 3 extras: and we are the cute girl fan club coalition!!

Hiroshi: So a bunch of fanboys? Sheesh and one of them has a fanclub of my mate.

Chubby Extra: Mate!? You are my No.1 Enemy.

Hiroshi: Whatever dude just leave us and the girls alone before you will get an ass whooping.

Chubby Extra: Yeah right.

Hiroshi: Are you sure about that?

The half yokai sent a chilling aura that threatened the fanboy, they ran in fear as the girls came to them.

Moka: What is that all about?

Hiroshi: Well a bunch of fanboys tried to declare war on both me and Tsukune for we hanging out with you girls and I've threatened them by kicking their asses if they try to bother us or you four.

Kurumu: oh those guys?

Jeanne: I agree those guys tried to bother me as well.

Hiroshi: Well looks like we gotta make sure those Jackasses don't do anything to us and I might give Tsukune some fighting lessons as well.

Kurumu: Why is that?

Hiroshi: Well I since we might face some monsters I want to make sure Tsukune gets to defend himself as well.

Jeanne: I agree good luck You two.

After they headed to the dorms the two decided to teach the basics of fighting as Iwatani taught him how to throw a punch as a well to how to block as well.

Meanwhile the fanboys are in a room planning on taking down the boys to get the girls. The next day at lunch girls were talking about the fanboys bothering them.

Jeanne: those boys are being total creeps I swear those guys make me wanna tear them to shreads

Kurumu: I agree and I rather have my picture taken by a small pervert than being stalked.

In the Mha world a small pervert then felt something as he was peeping the girls bathroom.

???: All of a sudden I feel happy.

What the small man didnt expect was a Hellhound puppy appearing and biting him in the ass.

???: OWW!! You stupid mutt!!

The small pervert then felt an ominous presence as some of the boys appeared pissed as hell

Broccoli hair: So you're peeping our girls Mineta?

Spike hair: That is just unmanly bro.

Skull man: Let's get him boys

The guy summoned a sub machine gun as small man ran for his life as the boys chased after him.


The noise was heard from the girls showers as they were hearing Mineta getting beaten up.

Rabbit girl: Looks like Paco found Mineta

Ponytail: I agree.

Back in the R+V universe.

Hiroshi: And I would still kick that pervert's ass just for looking at you.

Kurumu: I agree but we need to protect Tsukune as well as give those fanboys a lesson. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

Jeanne: I agree but I think we need to teach our friend Tsukune some more fighting skills.

Tsukune: That's OK we'll see ya.

Tsukune grabbed his plate as he walked away. The girls and Hiroshi noticed his tone of voice it felt like he was tired.

Hiroshi: I'll go ask him.

That half yokai walked to him as he was heading to the dorms.

Hiroshi: Dude are you ok?

Tsukune: I don't know, I just feel like I wanna go home.

Hiroshi: Ah so you're Homesick? That's nothing wrong about that, I sometimes miss my old man but I know that he sent me here with good intentions.

Tsukune: It's not only that it's just I really am weak, I try to protect you guys, I end up getting protected.

Hiroshi: Look Tsukune, I get why you are saying, that's why I was training you, but you're letting your doubts cloud your mind, believe in yourself to protect them and if you fall down, you pull yourself up and keep on fighting.

Tsukune: I agree, thanks for helping but I got to go send a letter to my parents.

Hiroshi: See told you, don't doubt yourself man.

As Moka and the girls came to see Tsukune run they went to speak to the Kitsune.

Moka: So what was troubling Tsukune?

Hiroshi: He was having doubts about staying here but he was also feeling Homesick since he couldn't contact his parents. Thankfully I managed to help him.

Tsukune went to walk as he headed to the bus stop. But on his way the three fanboys appeared to ambush him.

Glasses extra: We have you now Aono once you and Iwatani are gone Moka Kurumu and Yukari will love us instead.

Tsukune: you do know they won't love you infact, they will despise you.

Jeanne: I agree

The Rougarou jumped and tried to jump them as the trio turned into their monster form.

The kitsune and the girls appear as they surprised and disappointed by their forms.

Hiroshi: Those are your monster forms? That is just embarrassing and disappointing. For a minute, I thought you three were intimidating monsters.


Kurumu: I think Tsukune might have a chance to beat them up.

Tsukune dropkicked the long neck monster in the knee as Yukari sent a golden tub when Tsukune dragged the fanboy into a ddt to the tub hurting the long neck monster. But then he got swatted by the Chubby one.

Hiroshi: You did good Tsukune let me deal with the Slimy boy.

Chubby Extra: Kurumu let me hug you with my body.

Kurumu: As if.

Chubby Extra: I can't have you, no one can!!

The succubus tried to slash him but the attacks did nothing. Hiroshi appeared in his monster form as he kicked monster away.

Hiroshi: you OK, my Sexy Angel?

Kurumu: I'm ok, my attacks can't hurt him.

Hiroshi:Let me have a go, Kurumu.

Hiroshi used the talisman but he used it on his arm as he went for an attack


The sludge monster was blown away from the talisman fused Lariat as Kurumu was surprised.

Hiroshi: Ok I didn't expect that to do that. I might try to experiment the talismans with the Puroresu Style.

The fanboys were fed up by the attacks as the decided to fuse together into a fucked up version of ChessMarimo from one piece.

Hiroshi: Ok that's just horrifying and laughable at the same time.

Jeanne: More on the Laughable side Hahaha!!

The fusion monster tried to attack the 6 as they dodge the attacks until one of them was about to hit Jeanne and Kurumu.

Hiroshi: Shit!!

The half yokai pushed the girls away as he took the blow as he was out cold.

Kurumu and Jeanne: Hiroshi!!

Tsukune went to pull out the rosary as Inner Moka has entered the fight.

Inner Moka: I'm surprised that You managed to defend yourself Tsukune.

Tsukune: I agree thankfully Hiroshi's training did great effect.

Tsukune then pulled out one of the talismans that had a snowflake and activated it.

Tsukune: Frigid Heaven!!

The fanboy trio were frozen from the talisman as Moka roundhouse kick them as they were defeated the girls went to Tsukune to check on him.

Moka: So why were you heading to the bus stop you weren't trying to run away?

Tsukune: It's not that Moka, I'm actually trying to send letters to the bus driver since I couldn't call my parents here.

Moka: Ohh no wonder you were walking with something.

As day later Ms Nekonome then announced about Academy now using phones to contact their families.

Hiroshi: Finally I get to call the old man and my sisters.

Tsukune: I guess most of the Academy are Homesick as well. Ah but I sent a letter to them yesterday.

Hiroshi: It's no problem mam

Ms Nekonome then came with another announcement.

Ms Nekonome: Well then everyone as this academy's goal to train monsters how to survive in human society is simple, today you're all going to take up club activities!!

Ms Nekonome: We'll get a deeper understanding of humans thru their club activities.

A student called out to the teacher for her exposed tail only for Ms Nekonome scratching him in the face as punishment.

Hiroshi: I think you should be careful when you call out the teacher on her mistakes.

Random student:(*in pain) Agreed man.

The 6 students when to look at which club to join until Tsukune spoke.

Tsukune: What about the swimming club?

Moka: I don't know if it's a good idea.

Kurumu: What about you Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: I may be a good swimmer but I swim for good reasons though I wouldn't mind seeing you in a swimsuit.

Moka stood there as Tsukune went swimming with the swimming club captain.

Hiroshi: I take it you don't like the water?

Moka: It's more than that We vampires get weak in the water.

Hiroshi: No wonder you were in pain, Tsukune should have noticed that but you could have told him what vampires should avoid.

Kurumu: That's true, why didn't you join them, Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: There's something about the swimming club that is giving me instant red flags.

The duo then noticed the screams of terror as some of the boys began to get taken out.

Hiroshi: Shit Tsukune! come on I think the swimming club is not what people expect.

The three ran to where they saw a group of mermaids draining the boys energy.

Hiroshi: Frigid Heaven!!

The spell he used froze some of the mermaids as some of the boys swam away.

Mermaid 1: What the hell!? Who froze us!?

Mermaid 2: I don't know!!

???: Never underestimate the food chain especially when someone is about to be sushi.

The mermaids then looked at Iwatani in his Kitsune form as they are now pissed.

Mermaid 1: I can't wait to suck the soul of a Kitsune, I heard they taste delicious.

Hiroshi: I would say the same about mermaids since it's Hunting season for me. Kurumu when i blow them sky high you and Jeanne take them down.

Kurumu: Alright

The mermaids are now scared for lives as they are now about to be flown by Hiroshi's Talisman.


The mermaids were being lifted by the tornado as they were being flown out of the water while Kurumu used her nails and slashed them knocking them out the same came with Jeanne as she used her Rougarou form and just punched them as well.

Meanwhile Moka got on the Ice as she went to face Tamao as she jumped into the water.

Hiroshi: Tsukune!! She can't do well in the water you got to save her!

Kurumu: The water drains her body that it could kill her!!

Tsukune then began to regret what he did without realizing what Moka wanted as he dove to where moka was as he tried to pull the rosary while the Kitsune began taking on the mermaids but the two felt it as inner moka appeared pissed.

Inner Moka: You think just because I'm at a disadvantage that I won't kick your ass?

Tamao: It doesn't matter because we will get rid off you for good!!

Just as the mermaids were about charge They felt a cold chill as the half yokai used Frigid Heaven on them.

Hiroshi: She's all yours Moka! Turn them into flying Bitch fishes!!

Moka then used her power as she kicked the mermaids out of the sky and out cold as well when Tsukune went to Moka, Inner Moka slapped him.

Hiroshi: Welp I guess Inner Moka is humbling us guys.

Inner Moka: The other moka is crying because of you, next time think about what you would do for her instead of yourself.

Hiroshi: What Moka said is true , I get you wanted to swim with her, but you gotta be aware of things that could and can harm vampires.

Jeanne: Let her have some space, Tsukune she'll be okay. I'll try to do something with Yukari to help with Moka's water problem.

A few days later Tsukune walked to with Hiroshi, regretting the mistake that almost cost them both their lives when out of nowhere, a wild Ms. Nekonome appears

Ms Nekonome: So you two didn't decide any clubs to Join?

Hiroshi: Any of the clubs were meh but something tells me the Newspaper club might be a hidden gem.

Ms.Nekonome: I see you are starting to gain interest?

Hiroshi: yes What about you Tsukune?

Tsukune: Whatever.

Ms.Nekonome: Alright you guys are our second and third members.

The duo headed to the newspaper club where moka appeared

Moka: Good morning guys!

Tsukune: Moka!

Hiroshi: Oh Hey Moka.

Kurumu: My nine tailed furball!!

Hiroshi: Hey Kurumu and Jeanne what are you doing here?

Jeanne: Well the other clubs were getting annoying so I decided what better club to join than the newspaper clubs. But I think it's more than that.

Kurumu: Well I think your Kitsune charm might have made Jeanne fall for you.


Hiroshi: I wonder how my family will react that I'm probably getting a harem?

How did you like Tsukune defending himself in the first part of the chapter, kind of surprising don't you think? And the same goes for Hiroshi using the talisman on his arm to take down the slime.

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