Tragedy - Conrad Fisher

By jjismyfavmanwhore

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"What happened to you?" "A lot." Bonnie Elle, a kind and light girl who up until 3 months ago, was a bright... More



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By jjismyfavmanwhore

Chapter three
Tell me

After the police officers had caught the group of teenagers, they were now sitting in the entrance of the beach house waiting for Laurel and Sophie to finish talking to the cops. 

"Officers, thank you." Laurel smiles at the frowning Police Officers.

"It will not happen again; I can promise you that much." Sophie says, keeping her arms crossed over her chest.

"Tell Mr. Fisher the chief wants to set up a tee time when he gets back in town." The male one smiles at the moms.

Laurel smiles and nods her head, "Absolutely."

"Sorry for all the trouble... Have a good night, Officers." Sophie says, opening the door for the pair to leave.

Bonnie crosses her legs as she watches the pair of moms walk back in with an angry glare. She shuffles back on the couch slightly, knowing her mom's glare all too well.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible?" Laurel says, throwing her arms up in anger.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal. All right? Seriously. The cops were just looking to break up the bonfire." Steven steps forward.

"Not a big deal?" Laurel laughs lightly at the boy.


"I would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a big deal." Sophie says, looking at her daughter who just looks down at her hand, picking at her nails.

Steven looks down, suddenly hyper aware of the smell on his mom and Sophie. "Wait..." Steven scoffs lightly, looking back up. "Wait, were you guys smoking tonight?" Steven asks.

Bonnie's head fly's up at the statement, shocked to hear it and even more surprised that her mom would do that even after knowing what could happen. Sophie looks at her daughter's face with concern, knowing that she wouldn't take smoking weed lightly.

"What?" Laurel says, looking at Sophie's helpless face as she glances at her daughter. "Keep your voice down, Susannah's asleep on the couch." Her voice grows louder with authority.

"Well, I wasn't yelling. You- you were." Steven says, backing up.

"You smoked weed?" Bonnie asks, glaring at her mom with pure anger.

"Bonnie, honey..." Sophie begins.

"Are you serious?" The girl asks, standing up and rushing up the stairs towards her room. 

"Hey, Bonnie!" Sophie yells, rushing after her. "Wait!"

"I can't believe you!" Bonnie yells, turning around when she knew the other's downstairs couldn't hear. "After everything, you went and got high!" 

It was a satirical conversation. Almost as if Bonnie was the mother, scolding her child because she got high at a party. In reality, it was just a terrified daughter, scared about the future.

"Bonnie, it was just a bit of weed. I'm not high. I just... did it." Sophie says, trying to reason with her.

"You just 'did it?'" Bonnie scoffs, growing more and more betrayed as the seconds tick over.

"Bonnie, enough." Sophie says, trying to calm her daughter down. "Listen to me." She says sternly.

"How dare you. You seriously did-" Bonnie is cut off by her mother's stern yelling.

"I am your mother. How dare you try and lecture me about drugs?" Sophie yells harshly into her daughter's face.

"Right. You're gonna turn this on me? On my past?" Bonnie says a look of defeat on her face. 

"You're damn right I am." Sophie says, nodding her head.

"Ok." Bonnie says, scoffing lightly and stepping back with tears in her eyes.

"Listen, sweetie." Sophie voice softens as she watches her daughter's eyes sink lower. "I know how much you're going through. I know that you've seen what drugs do to people... but I promise to you, baby, that is not going to happen to me. Or Laurel or Susannah." She holds her daughter's shoulders softly to try and comfort the girl.

Bonnie looks up at her mother, her face growing sadder at her words. "I've heard that before, mom." She looks away from her mom who frowns sadly at her words. "Goodnight."

She walks away from her mom with a lone tear dripping down her cheek. No sleep was going to cure the dread pooling in her stomach.

She couldn't get it out of her head. Suddenly everyone in her life is doing drugs and she can't stop them. 

Conrad. She knows he won't stop. He's stubborn like his father and easily fixated on things like his mother. If he wants to do something, he will... and with all of himself.

Her mom. She couldn't figure out why. Why would she get high on the first night here? With kids in the house as well? She didn't seem to understand why Sophie would recklessly get high... what if someone broke in and she was too zonked to do something.

It broke Bonnie's heart in two seeing Conrad so casual about smoking weed... It hurt even more to see him kissing someone else. 

As she lay in her bed, facing away from her door with tears still streaming down her face, she realized something. This summer is going to be different. 

With everything going on in her life, the mood was different, and it was clear that Conrad felt the same way. He seemed deflated this summer. 

Quitting football and smoking pot were just the result of something happening in his life. It was consuming him just like Bonnie's thoughts were doing to her. She wants nothing more than to wake up tomorrow morning and find that her mood was happy, that she could simply move on. 

But she couldn't and she had to live with everything that happened.

It was now late at night and Bonnie was laying in her bed with these thoughts plaguing her mind and dried tears staining her face. 

"Bonnie?" A voice says as the girl's door creaks open. 

She closed her eyes at the voice in exhaustion. "I don't want to fight with you, Conrad." She whispers softly. 

"I know." He whispers back to the girl softly as he enters the room properly. "I'm not here to fight, I promise."

"Then why are you here?" She asks, rolling over to watch him. 

"I just want to talk." He says, walking over and sitting down on the bed beside her. 

"Ok. Talk." Bonnie nods, watching him lay down to face her. 

"What's wrong?" He whispers, looking at the girl's eyes. He noticed how they used to be like warm pools of honey but now they looked as though they had been drained of the warmth. "I can tell something is wrong, Bonnie." 

"I... What about you? You've been really sad recently." She diverts his question. He watches the girl in front of him look away from him with a slight frown. 

"Bonnie. You can tell me." Conrad says, reaching out and brushing her hair away from her eyes. "I'll never stop caring about you."

"I-" Her eyes fill up with tears. Finally, someone is listening to her. She could tell him right now. Get it off her chest and let the guilt and pain flood away. "I-..." She pauses and thinks things over. What if he judged her? What then? "I just don't want you to get hurt." She settles with.

"Bonnie" Conrad whispers, looking at her with a frown. 

"Look, I'm sorry I overreacted. I was just... I am a little bit drunk." Bonnie looks at him smiling softly. "Teenagers smoke weed sometimes." She shrugs, pulling up a façade to shield herself from the possibilities.

The what ifs.

"Bonnie. I can promise you that nothing is going to happen. I just do it to cool off sometimes." He smiles at her.

"Right." She smiles back at him. Cool off. "Just don't become reliant on it." She says, smirking at him mischievously.

"What, like your mom?" He smirks back at her with the tilt of his head.

"Puh-lease! Your mom passed out on the couch. Probably greened out." She says, looking at him and watching his mouth drop open with a gasp. She mimics his movements with a light laugh. 

"Ok!" He shouts, laughing loudly.

She laughs at him as she slaps her hand over his mouth. "Shhh!" She whispers loudly, watching him grow offended at her. "Everyone's trying to sleep." She speaks. "Poor Belly is just across the hall."

Conrad smiles beneath her hand as he watches her smile at him. He had barely seen the girl put any emotion on today. 

Her smile grows larger as she pulls her hand away from his mouth. His bright smile captivated her as he grabbed her hand softly in his.

"I really missed your smile, Bon." He says, "Your real smile." He adds, watching as the girl looks down with a blush.

"Goodnight, Connie." She says, rolling over with her smile only growing.

"Good morning." Conrad smiles, standing up as he watches Bonnie roll over and look up at him with a sleepy smile.

"Good morning." She says, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" She asks.

"It's about 6:30." He says, pulling the blanket off of her body.

"Hey! What was that for?" She asks, shivering at the sudden loss of warmth.

"You and I are going to get muffins before my hangover hits." He smiles, throwing the girl warmer clothes.

"It's so early!" She whines, standing up and throwing on her clothes over the top of her others.

"Muffin shop opens at seven. I don't want to have to wait in a long line." Conrad says, opening the door and pushing her out gently. "It'll be fun." He smiles, massaging her shoulders as she rolls her eyes.

"We haven't gotten muffins in ages!" Conrad laughs, opening the door to the muffin shop. Inside the café was a display refrigerator that had over 12 different flavours of muffins. 

Bonnie's personal favourite will always be blueberry and chocolate. The flavours bring a summery feel to almost every thing. She could eat this in winter and still feel warm. "I love this place." Bonnie smiles, leaning down to see all the muffin flavours.

"Blueberry and chocolate?" Conrad asks, looking at her.

"Yes please." She says, "Belly probably wants chocolate chip, Jere and Steven would have boring vanilla and white chocolate and the moms... some fancy apple muffins. And you... double chocolate." She smiles watching his face glow.

"You know me too well." He laughs, impressed with her knowledge of him and how happy she is.

"Yeah... I guess I do." She snickers, following him to the register.

"Hello- Bonnie?" Dean says, shocked to see the girl.

"Dean!" She says, looking at the boy who stood in a uniform behind the counter. "You work here?" She asks, not remembering him working here last summer.

"Uh, yeah... Just for the summer." He replies, smiling at her. "What can I get for you?" His face emitting a positive force for seven o'clock in the morning. 

"Blue-" She's cut off by Conrad who had watched the two interact with a slight scowl on his face.

"Blueberry chocolate, Chocolate chip, two vanilla and white chocolates, three apple and one double chocolate." He lists bluntly, not bothering to use please, "To go." He adds.

"Uh, sure." Dean smiles with his lips tight, "Won't be long." He says, walking off after putting it through.

"Ok. That was rude." Bonnie says, turning to Conrad with a frown.

"It's seven o'clock, Bonnie." He says, not smiling or even looking at the girl. "Sorry I'm not wanting to wait around here for ages." 

"Conrad, It's seven o'clock for him too." Bonnie says, pointing to Dean who was collecting their muffins in a tray. "And he's working as well." She mumbles.

"Whatever." He says, walking over to grab the muffins.

Bonnie scoffs at his sudden mood and walks outside to get back to the car. "Conrad!" She shouts, slightly jogging after him. "Conrad, wait!" She says, looking up at the boy with a frown. "What's wrong?" She asks, watching as he rolls his eyes and looks back at her. 

"Nothing." He scoffs, opening the driver door and getting in. "Was that the guy from last night?" He asks, watching me get in the passenger.

"You mean Dean?" She scoffs, looking at him with a slight frown.

"Yeah, the guy you made out with before we were caught." He asks, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the busy main road.

"We were not making out." She says, glaring at him, "And If you want to talk about making out you should've seen yourself." She slightly smiles at him, watching his face tense. "You were practically screwing each other with clothes on." She almost gags at the memory of Conrad and the girl having a long dry humping fest on the beach.

Right in front of her eyes.

"You're exaggerating. And her name is Nicole." Conrad says, looking at her slightly, wanting to see how she reacts.

"She's pretty." She nods, looking straight ahead at the zooming road in front of her. "Loved how protective she was of you." She smiles slightly. "Looked like she wanted to kill me."

"You were super hurtful." Conrad pouts his lips sarcastically at the girl.

"Ew. Don't do that again." She says, grimacing at his face. "So, she your girlfriend?" She asks as she takes a deep breath.

"Uh, no... we're just chilling." He nods his head, pulling his lips into a thin line.

She hides her smile at his words, not wanting him to realize that she was thriving at his words. "Chilling." She says, looking back to him. "So you're having sex." She states, bluntly.

"God, Bonnie." Conrad groans at her, "We're fucking."

"Ew! Don't say it like that!" Bonnie cringes at his vulgar word choice. "It sounds so simple."

"Whatever." Conrad laughs at her. "You just don't like the word fuck." He smiles at her scrunched up face. "Fuck." He repeats himself, laughing harder as she glares at him.

"I hate you."

I'm so sorry I haven't been able to post y'all!!

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