Left At The Aisle //yoonseok\...

By hobsi_epiphany

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" In every Love story there's always an third person who gets hurt / left alone.. In our story it was me, i a... More

My Moon
Best Friend Forever
❀ flower ❀
jin's restaurant
Wedding day Pt1
Wedding day Pt2
wedding day pt3
Partners in crime
Sexual tensions
Yellow Rose
Cotton Candy
late night walk
love me
the decision
Heart Break
Falling apart
not the only min


281 29 3
By hobsi_epiphany

"Poor hobi hyung. I can't believe he had to gone through such a sad phase " jimin said while pouting

"It was only the beginning jiminie, the story is still unfinished " taehyung said as he took a sip from his wine.

"What are we waiting for then, Let's get started " jimin said and made himself more comfortable on the couch

Few month's later

It has been more than a week since hoseok last saw or hear yoongi, it was getting difficult to handle him, as he would go to look for yoongi himself. Hoseok still can't accept the fact that yoongi would hurt him so badly

Hoseok was sitting alone in his room, staring at his and yoongi's picture when jungkook enter the room, he quietly walked near hoseok and placed one of his hand on hoseok's shoulder, hoseok drifted his gaze from the photo and looked at jungkook

"Did you find him?" hoseok asked as he looked at jungkook with hopeful eyes.

Jungkook heart clutching on his chest as he saw his hyung hopeful eyes looking at him for a positive answer. But jungkook doesn’t have a answer, he still couldn’t find a trace about yoongi, it feels like the oldest has disappeared into thin air

Not trusting his own words, jungkook, shook his head as no, hoseok hopeful eyes immediately lost their light as they filled with tears, he looked back at the photo frame, he trace one of his hand on yoongi's figure, and few drips of tears were falling from his eyes

Jungkook steady his breath and sat infront of hoseok, he took hoseok hands on his own and looked at the oldest into eyes

"H-hyung we looked everywhere but we couldn’t find him, we don’t think we will ever find him " jungkook said holding hoseok's hand tightly on his own

"What do you mean we will never find him?" hoseok asked a little hurt by jungkook statement

"He is not missing hyung, he left with his Own will, we would have easily found him if he Were lost but hyung he Isn't lost, he is hiding with his own will " jungkook tried to explain hoseok that yoongi left him, without actually hurting hoseok

"Who would he want to hide from? Yoongi hyung would never do this. He knows how much i get worry when he doesn’t come back or answer my phone, he would never do all this with his Own Will " hoseok tried to protest, he Isn't ready to accept the truth, not yet.

"Stop lying to yourself hyung! We Both know yoongi hyung is hiding from you because he doesn’t want to marry you, i doubt if he ever truly loved you " jungkook snapped, he was tried of seeing hoseok denying the truth for the last few months. It was doing no good to hoseok, in fact all this things were taking a troll on hoseok's health

Both hoseok's physical and mental health. Hoseok has completely stopped eating on his Own, sometimes he goes days without showering , he doesn’t come out of his room, he refused to talk to anyone unless It's about yoongi. And jungkook hated it. He hated seeing his once lively hyung turning into a depressive human being.

Jungkook doesn’t know what to do or how to bring back hoseok. He looked everywhere for yoongi but couldn’t find a single trace of the oldest. Not to mention jimin was also missing with yoongi, jungkook doesn’t want to assume anything right now, he doesn’t want to believe what his mind was telling him to.

This couldn’t happen, yoongi love hoseok and jimin love jungkook and taehyung, the three of them loved eachother as long as they remembered, they were just waiting for the right moment to get together, since poly relationships wasn’t normal in Korea

"Yoongi hyung does love me, and he will come back sooner or later, i just have to wait for him " hoseok said as he wiped the tears spilling from his eyes

"Hyung jimin is also missing since that day " jungkook quietly said looking Down

Hoseok looked at jungkook with eyes full of confusion, jimin was missing and he didn’t even notice? Well how could he notice when he was busy mourning over yoongi, hoseok put down the photo frame and took jungkook hands on his own

"Maybe he went to see his parents?" hoseok said not sure about his own statement, jungkook shook his head and bite his lips, his own eyes filling with tears

"What if their parents forced them to " jungkook didn’t wanted to finish his sentence, he didn’t wanted to hurt hoseok or put any kind of doubt on the eldest head, but there were huge possibilities since yoongi and jimin were cousin, not to mention both their families were sure their sons were going to fall in love with eachother

"No, they would never do this, jimin loves you and taehyung and yoongi hyung loves me " hoseok was quick to defend. Jimin and yoongi can't betray them, they never will, hoseok believed no hoseok knew that

Jungkook nodded his head not trusting his voice, neither he wanted to argue further more with Hoseok,

"Hyung Let's go eat something " jungkook said changing the subject

"I am not hungry, you can go and eat " hoseok said, he brought his knees near his chest and hugged them, looking at his and yoongi's smiling picture hanging on the wall

Jungkook sighed, looking at the picture hoseok was looking at, it was now their daily routine. Jungkook trying to feed hoseok and hoseok refusing to touch food. Hoseok has lost several pound, his bones has started to show, his face lost all It's glow, there were dark circle under his eyes, hoseok heart shaped smile also disappeared. His eyes lost all their sparkling

"Yoongi hyung wouldn’t like to see you torturing yourself like this " jungkook said in a small voice, eyes glued on the picture infront of him

"If he sees you like this he will be so upset, he will come and try to kill me for keeping his Princess hungry " jungkook tried to joke even tho his heart was hurting badly,

Hoseok smiled small at the thought of yoongi and his concern gaze, if yoongi was here right now, he would handfeed hoseok and after that, he would shower hoseok with kisses, hoseok eyes got teary Once again thinking about all his sweet moments with yoongi

"Wait here, i will be back soon " jungkook said standing up from his place, he went outside of the room, made his way towards the kitchen, he took out a plate and took some food for hoseok

He made his way back into the room and saw hoseok in the same posting he left, jungkook sighed and sat beside hoseok, he took a spoonful of food and held it infront of hoseok mouth, hoseok looked at jungkook with confused eyes, jungkook tilt his head and smiled at hoseok, his eyes were pleading hoseok to eat something

Hoseok sighed heavily, understanding jungkook worried eyes, he opened his mouth sightly and took s bite from the food, jungkook smiled at hoseok, hoseok continue to chew looking infront of him. Jungkook managed to feed hoseok half of the food before hoseok decided he had enough

Jungkook was happy that at least hoseok ate something today, jungkook placed the plate on hoseok bed side table, he made hoseok lay on the bed and put a blanket over the oldest, he kissed hoseok forehead and stroke the oldest hair, he keep stroking hoseok hair until he heard slow and steady breath coming out of hoseok

Jungkook managed to put sleeping pills inside hoseok's food since hoseok doesn’t sleep on his own. Tears were falling from jungkook eyes as he looked at sleeping hoseok

"I promise you hyung i will bring back yoongi hyung for you, i can't see you in so much pain, it’s hurts me so much hyung " jungkook said as wiped down some tears which were falling from hoseok's closed eyes

Jungkook spent the entire time hoseok was sleeping sitting beside him, he didn’t wanted to leave hoseok alone since most of the night the oldest woke up screaming and looking for yoongi.

Few more weeks passed since the day, there were still no trace of yoongi and hoseok wasn’t getting any better. Jungkook didn’t stopped looking for yoongi even for a second. He is determined to bring back his hyung happiness which was unfortunately yoongi

Hoseok was sitting alone on his bed when jungkook came and sat beside the oldest with a plate full of fruits 

"Hyung look i brought your favourite strawberry " jungkook exclaimed happily as he brought a strawberry infront of hoseok's mouth

Hoseok looked at the strawberry and then at jungkook. Jungkook heart clutched seeing hoseok's lifeless eyes and his weak body, he still manage to smile and gesture at the strawberry in his hand, hoseok stare for few more second before opening his mouth and eating the berry. Jungkook smiled softly and continue to feed hoseok

Hoseok was eating strawberry when his phone light up telling him he got a new message, he immediately picked up his phone, his eyes lit up when he saw an message from unknown number.

Jungkook looked at hoseok in puzzle, for the first time in last few month jungkook saw light in hoseok's eyes, he couldn’t help but bent near hoseok to peak at the phone

"Who is it hyung? Is it yoongi hyung?" jungkook asked curiosity evident in his voice

"It’s an unknown number, maybe it is yoongi hyung " hoseok said something hopeful in his voice as he stare at his phone

"What are you waiting for then, open the message and see " jungkook said with a voice full of hope

Hoseok nodded and took a deep breath, his hand were shaking slightly as he tap on the message option, he opened the message and his world freeze

The light in his eyes dying and replacing with hot tears, jungkook looked at hoseok with eyes full of worry

"What happen hyung?" jungkook asked biting his lips

Hoseok didn’t answer as a sob escape his lips and he looked at jungkook with tears falling eyes, jungkook took the phone from hoseok's hand, his own eyes widen

"H-hyung?" jungkook called for hoseok after staring at the phone for quite some times

"Y-yoongi i-this Isn't true right koo, h-he my yoongi cant marry someone else can he?" hoseok asked his eyes breaking

Jungkook looked back at hoseok phone, there was a photo of yoongi in a wedding suit smiling widely, a wedding ring on his finger and there stood jimin beside with yoongi with his eye smile in a wedding suit with wedding ring

Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat as he moved his body and embrace hoseok into hug, hoseok holding jungkook tightly as he was now crying loudly, small tears were falling from jungkook eyes as he kept rubbing hoseok's back

He didn’t knew how to consol hoseok, no word could describe the pain hoseok was feeling right now, no one can handle seeing the love of their life's marrying someone right when they run away from the wedding you two were supposed to have

"W-why? W-wasnt i enough? Was my love n-not enough? Why would he d-do something like this? " hoseok asked clutching on jungkook shirt tightly

"It’s not your fault hyung. Calm Down, you were enough, your l-love were more than enough. They don’t d-deserve you or your love or your friendship. I am here for you hyung, they don’t deserve you" jungkook said as tears fall from his eyes, he continue to rub hoseok back

Hoseok Didn't answer as he cried harder, jungkook hold him in his arms the entire time, he let hoseok cry, all the hope both of them had come to crushed down, the wall of hope hoseok had created were crushed in few seconds. Jungkook was hurt, his heart was hurting for hoseok, also because he thought jimin maybe loved him, but his heart was hurting more for his hyung

Hoseok didn’t deserve any of this, he didn’t. Jungkook failed to protect hoseok happiness and this thing was hurting him more than anything else. This was the moment jungkook start hating yoongi, yoongi hurt his hyung, his brother, yoongi killed hoseok's happiness along with his smile

Hoseok was staring at the ceiling above him, he was laying on his bed, jungkook left not so long ago, he didn’t wanted to leave but hoseok insisted he was now okay and he just wanted to stay alone for some moment to collect his thought. After protesting for some time, jungkook agreed and now hoseok was lifelessly laying on his bed

He looked at his bed sight table, tears storming down his eyes, he slowly got up from his bed and stumbling made his way towards the table, he opened one of the drawer and brought out the knife, he hidden there for a long long time

Hoseok wanted to end his pain, he wanted to be free, hoseok didn’t wanted to live in a world Where he and yoongi wasn’t together. Honestly he thought about doing it the night yoongi went missing, but there were still some hope left in him

A hope of yoongi's return, a hope of yoongi still loving him and will come back to him, a hope of a happy life with yoongi. But right now everything came to end. All his hope were gone so was his will to live

Hoseok sat down on the floor,his back facing his bed, he roam the knife few times above his hand, he closed his eyes, yoongi's happy face coming in his mind and before he knew it, he slide the knife into his skin, blood start falling from his hand

Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at his hand, he made another cut a tear escaping from his eyes, suddenly hoseok heard his room door opened and when he looked infront of him, he was meet with a terrified jungkook, before hoseok closed his eyes and darkness took over him, he heard jungkook sobs and call for him

"H-hyung woke up!! Hyung " jungkook yelled, he came into hoseok room to check on the oldest, he was feeling restless in his bed. He decided to check upon hoseok just to be sure, he wasn’t ready to see the scene infront of him

When jungkook saw blood dropping From hoseok's hand, his entire world stopped, his heart thumped into his cheat and before his brain could react, his body was already holding hoseok's now lifeless body in his own arms

"Hyung woke up, look It's your kookie, hyung " jungkook cried out loud, he looked around, his shirt and hands were already cover into hoseok's blood as he looked for his phone  in his jeans pocket

Jungkook dialed namjoon number with trumbling hands, his mind not working properly to call for an ambulance, so he called for the first person who came into his mind

Namjoon picked up the phone at the first ring, his voice alarming

"Jungkook what happened? Is everything okay?"

"H-hobi hyung " a sob escape from jungkook voice as he struggle to stop blood from hoseok's hands with his own hands

" what happened to hoseok, jungkook calm Down and tell hyung what happened "

" h-hyung c-cut Himself, i-i came into his room and s-saw blood " jungkook cried loudly

"Shit okay everything will be fine, hoseok Will be fine, we will save him, did you call the ambulance? "

"N-no i didn’t knew what to do. I just p-picked up my phone and c-called you. "

"It's okay it’s okay, jin call the ambulance and gave them jungkook address immediately, jungkook bub there we will be a ambulance come soon at your house, go to the hospital with hoseok and me and jinnie will be there in no time, can you do that for me? "

" y-yes, hobi hyung will be okay right?"

" yes jungkook, nothing will be happened to hoseok, we will save him "

Jungkook cut the call and soon enough the feramedical team came and took hoseok with them, jungkook silently following behind

"Please b-be okay hyung"

~To be continue~

A/N: hey guys as you can see i am alive and i am better than before. So sorry it took me so long to update, as i mention earlier my health was taking some turn and my exam is also going on. I am fine now and i don’t have any exam till later this week, i will update frequently. Thank you so much for being patience and thank you for 3k views, it means a lot to me. I am really grateful to every one of you. I love you all. Thank you<333.

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