
By Taashies

309 86 65

The tale of Joy to make his own world of peace. It is the story of how Joy, a young boy, and Ciceroni, the ki... More

Naks Attærî and the man sage
Destiny of The Seventh Gyrate Lord
solo to duo
The last wish of Joy
House of the Discreet Gyrate
To Esdelir
A meeting in The Dark Domain
The Stone Prison
The Goner
The Sublime Gathering
Dusk & Dawn Ruwards
The Black Celestial Knight
The Boy & The Dragon
The Land of The Rising Sun and Three Brothers
The Temples of Ved
Four Brothers and the fifth
Three allies of the Ananta
A Normal Man
Return of the dark domain
The Ananta
The Separation
The Veil
A Grand Meeting & The Goner
The Third Pheonix

Og & Olgaron

7 2 1
By Taashies

'Tartarean!' said Shavsh, walking down the stairs on the dark pillar. 'Last accessible land in the Ananta. It was quite amusing when I witnessed two terms in the land of mind. Well, to put it in an understandable way, there are people who were once lost their lives and sent here to fulfill what they couldn't do it in their homeland. Besides, among those who have faith see it as heaven, while the opposite side is for the faithless beings...'

There were black clouds behind him, bearing the golden thunder more than two miles away.

The pillar that Shavsh and Og were walking down was turned white, but much further they went and defined it as transparent beneath the white cloud after the dark ones.

'It seemed like there is no foundation for this walkway,' said Og. He looked down in avidity, and then queerness thrived in his notion as he perceived that their path was broken quite far up the valley. And he asked, 'Is that why this is the last reachable land?'

Shavsh smiled, looking at the kid, and twirled his head in refusal. He kept walking down, and Og followed him, thinking, 'Does he want to see what chaos can reveal of oneself? Or there is something I have failed to notice...'

'Indeed, you do!' said a grim voice in his head. He closed his eyes and saw there was a purple aura in the dark shadow, and it said, 'You are going to see wolves and foxes. The land my brother once owned when I was...' it laughed, manifesting his teeth. 'It does not matter now...no, it does not!' and the aura disappeared, asking, 'Would you swap with me if I tell you the secret for surviving in this land!?'

When Og opened his eyes, he heard the weary voice of an old man telling him, 'Be mindful, my little friend. It will play with your thoughts, just to get feed on. You must learn to be heartless if you want to leave this land...must not show any emotion as if you are not a slave to your feelings...your cravings, I mean!'

Shavsh was still holding the kid's hand that turned warm to cold; light to heavy, and then he halted, looking at the young life. But when Og headed up, he saw him smiling, and then on his right, a hut, and he heard, 'Seems we have reached just near the down landing!'

The puzzled face of Og remained still until the night runner lifted him and stepped to the transparent path. So shocking it was for Og, that he did not understand if he was going to die, but when Shavsh's literally stepped ahead, the great ivory light struck the kid's vision, took his eyesight, and he asked, 'Am I going to die?'

There was the sound of a whirlwind in his hearing, and he thought, his words were muffled, and he became weak.

However, when he was able to see more than ivory, the first thing, he noticed was the valley he had found was his route to the hut that was not hovering anymore, and Shavsh whispered, 'It was my home just before I abandoned it in search of wisdom! And now, I belong to the open sky! Ridiculous, isn't it?'

The hills were green, and a river was flowing in the valley. Walking alongside, there were bushes, and over it, there was the gray sky, while ahead, it was a longer road than expected.

One after other valleys, Shavsh and Og passed by, and they kept walking in silence until Shavsh said, 'The land of mind is seven times wider than the one we first travel. This is the seventh timeline of the Ananta. Seventh of past!'

'And you want me to live here as the beginner of the Ananta!' said Og, walking on the mushy grass.

'Well, if you can break through to go above, means you are worthy to live upwards,' Shavsh stated. 'I will wait for you just above one more sphere, Aulerda of the Ananta. The fifth of the highest. But if you fail to be an exception, I fear where you will go is unexpected! It can be the highest, the Mith where even Olamdiar was refused to be taken. Or the Despair!' Shavsh smiled one more time, and added, 'I know nothing about you. But if you believe, you can become like Yos. Err, first, you must overcome this and Uttain at once. Just figure out yourself...'

The white light again struck in the eyes of Og, and when he came back to his senses, he was in the hut that was not ruined but well crafted and seemed as if serving the roof to many entities. It had all the supplies: from water to the grain and the stone burner. And there was a motto on the wall: 'Surviving is all about finding fortune for our physical self!'

'And I am uncertain about what my physical self actually needs!' murmured Og.

He roamed around the house, perceived the pots of water, a table with no chairs but a stack of glass and steel plates and bowls on it—he counted them eleven in total—further ahead he walked to the green window and found that he was watching a river once he had twisted it upward, and he gazed far ahead and scrutinized more valleys and grassy hills. Besides, he got a glimpse of a mountain fully covered by trees, and there above, the grey sky remained with a downpour.

He thought to wait till it became the dry day or night, and beheld that the floor itself had turf; there were pegs and wardrobe filled with clothes and hats, and there were weapons by the chimney. However, there were no mirrors, neither pictures nor flames to warm the cold.

The little kid just laughed out of nowhere, and left the hut, thinking, 'I would better go now!' and in his head, a voice said, 'What about running, Og? Or!'

'You are so desperate, aren't you?' asked Og, opening a round door. And he walked up the hole in the ground. 'Very well, let's give it a try, old man!' And as he came out the window, his hair that were short became long ivory threads; the loose, black cloak was then a fully fit cloth, and the staff then made sense on his hand, though his skin was shining silver, without any scratch and stretch; but in the next moment, he camouflaged himself by hood of the cloak, and only thing that was visible of him as he walked out was his hand clasping the staff and a plain, silver ring dazzling like a mirror.

'Surprised, huh!' said the voice of the old man. 'I can overcome all of this now. Though...' He vanished to the sky then to the darkness, and at once, in front of Ciceroni, while holding a silver cloak.

'Are you sure of it, Olgaron?' said a kid's voice in the hooded guy' head. There appeared a white aura. 'Ahm—since it was tingling in your mind, I am accepting your course of action; ever since you undertook to follow the clock master's words, all consequences will be solved by me as I agree upon any of your foolishness...and the term will be turned!'

There was a brief moment when a smile was seen out of the shade, and the old said, 'Farewell, little brat!' And the white aura vanished.

Olgaron saw the half-dead Ciceroni, unable to move. He asked, 'Would you like to join me, brother? We can conquer....'

'No!' exclaimed Ciceroni lying on the brink of his death. 'I can still do it!'

The smile was flickered one more time, and he said, 'Let's skip this time! I will mend you for your past when you saved me from Milieu! Then I will send you back here.'

Before lord Cilus would react, the white light shone out of nowhere when Olgaron clicked open a silver pocket watch, and in another moment, those guys and the light faded at once, and they reached the valleys after the hut on the Tartarean.

The downpour remained there, as did the grey star and the mountain ahead. He thought to get a clear glimpse of it, ergo he planned to climb the steep hill. But even though he climbed the hill and a few more of them ahead, the sky remained the same, and the cloud engulfed the mountain.

'So, no night in this land; a lot of change than what I really heard from him.' he wrote in his diary when he sat on deodar by the river, and continued, 'Perhaps, the broadness Shavsh mentioned is also related to the dawn and dusk, so there will be a long day, I presume!' he closed it and walked further, but this time, along with the river.

However, Ciceroni appeared in his head as an invisible entity and hissed, 'This world has been changed. It is now so close to representing the Mith. And therefore, I am so angry. I want to annihilate it!'

'We will, brother!' said Olgaron. 'But I must unravel the mystery of this land. We must study it before making any move...' and his steps did not stop till he arrived at the bottom of the mountain. He saw a river began to flow there and went round around that huge rock, and there was a dog sleeping by the door-like structure made by the enormous woods. 'King, isn't it!' and Ciceroni manifested his evil grin.     


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