The Animal I've Become.

By Whitewolfspirit29

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This story is about how a young man's life is forever changed. He was just a normal man one day, And the next... More

The Man Known as Inuyasha.
A New Man.
I Put Animal and Demon DNA Inside You.
Change's part 1.
The Changes part 2.
The Mysterious Jane Doe has Been Identified.
Happily, ever after Beastie.

The Date and the Mysterious Kill.

10 1 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

So, Inuyasha had to learn a lot about himself, he is supposed to eat and control his hunger. He needs to take care of a lot of issues, Sango wrote down a lot of the warning signs for him and herself she made copies for them both. 

Miroku and Sango seem to have hit it off, and she had been feeling a bit lonely since her ex left. And she wanted to be taken care of for once, so she and Miroku hooked up. he was happy with this, Miroku didn't get much female company much.

Miroku has successfully made 3 hybrids. Shippo, the fox kid. Inuyasha and the mysterious Jane Doe. But we will get into all that later on. But for now. Inuyasha finally called the girl for a date.

Sango did give Inuyasha some warnings and comfort, but she also wanted him to be happy, but to be careful.

So, let's begin where I left off. Enjoy.

As it was early in the morning, Inuyasha was in a place he shouldn't have been.

As he woke up with no clothes on and a dead cow ripped to shreds. As Inuyasha quickly tried to get out of there before he was seen.

But someone thought they had seen a suspicious character running away from the scene of the crime.

He was nervous. As Sango looked at the TV. As the Police were all called to investigate it. As he felt scared. Sango looked at him.

"Did he do this? Asked Sango, " whispering. "He swore he ate a lot last night. He was so sure it wouldn't happen again. 

As Sango tried to cover for him once again. Sango was starting to think maybe he should go stay and live with Miroku until he can prove he can control this new change inside of himself.

As He shouted out, no. He has a date; he has to go on, and he would not skip it. 

But it would appear another attack happened in a not so far off area, and a hunter was killed. A man who was hanging upside down from a tree nearly skilled alive.

As everyone identified him as Hunter Walkens.  As Inuyasha knew he was not involved with this, he wouldn't know how to do that.

As Miroku secretly sneaked on down posing as someone else. As Sango and Inuyasha covered for him and helped him on the scene. As Sango asks, please tell me Inuyasha didn't do this? Asked Sango, " whispering to him. 

"No, this isn't Inuyasha's doing," said Miroku, worried. "Then who did this? Asked Sango, " Worked.

"Please tell me it's not sweet, Shippo? Asked Inuyasha" curiously.

"No, it nether of you two doing this...!  I am afraid this is the work of...! Stated Miroku," worried. As everyone looked at him. "It's who? Asked Sango and Inuyasha at the same time. 

"This is the work of...! it's Jane Doe, I know her work anywhere, the only time she draws in attention or reports like this happens like this, I know it's her, she's done this before, long after she was created but then she left for a long time and the killings stopped, but this is her handy work for sure, all right, Said Miroku" honestly. 

"I thought you said that the Hybrids weren't supposed to be killers, that they were made to be protectors and assisted by helping the human race. Asked Sango, " Worked. 

"They are...! Supposed to be protectors, but sadly Jane Doe does...! She...! is a real predator too and when it come too killing, when she does do this kind of stuff, it's too kill Poachers, she does not like hunters who kill for sport, who leave the animal's body behind and not eat it or take what they need, she hates trophy hunters above all things, she is friend to the animals, she is at home with them, she only does this as a sign and warning to other hunters not to kill for sport or else that will be there fate too, Stated Miroku" honest with these two.

"You must know where she's hiding. She has to be in this town then if she is able to kill in this area? Asked Sango concerned about this news.

"The last I heard about her, she was trying to save a forest from being taken over and she was trying to save endangered species, but then she disappeared once again, Replied Miroku" honest with them both. 

"Endangered Species...! Spoke up Inuyasha," beginning to wonder, could it be?

"Well, besides Shippo and Inuyasha's appearance, is there any way for her to be able to be found, like details what does she look like, I might be able to track her down quietly? Asked Sango curiously. 

"Wolf? She looks like a wolf. Redish colored hair like Shippo but darker, and a super fluffy tail and ears that match with a splash of white on the tips of her ears and her tail and red eyes, stated Miroku" honestly.

"Does she have a name? You never once found out who she was? In life, when she was alive before she was raped and beaten? Asked Sango, " Writing things down.

"No, I wasn't able to find anything on her no information, the man who did that stole everything and left her body to die, she was thrown into the creek's river naked and alone, she had golden hair though, before the surgery afterwards she changed just like Inuyasha had, so I have no clue how she's hiding from me, she managed to remove her tracker that I implemented on her, Replied Miroku" honestly.

"Tracker? Are you saying I am implanted with a tracker? Asked Inuyasha, " annoyed.

"Yes, how do you think I knew where you were, Shippo has one too, but she doesn't she managed to find a way to rips her out, she is a clever girl that one, Spoke up. Miroku" honest with them both.

"Why do this, though? besides for the hunting for sports? Asked Sango, " confused. 

"In Jane's Doe's eye's, we humans skin Animals for their hides or bad people take more than what they can eat, so she protects the natural order, she feels we may only kill to eat or keep from being eaten, she is very Intune with nature and the laws of nature's true savage ways, so she thinks why can't, a hybrid show the humans what Human's look like when someone skins a human, it's the same way when we humans kill and skin in animal and not take the meat, but waste it, she is making a threat towards hunters, it's a warning, Spoke up Miroku" serious tone voice and guessing he knew she isn't a bad murderer.

As everyone cleared the area and kept eyes out for anything else. As Inuyasha was being beeped. He looked at his text. "Looking forward to our date tonight, see you at 7 tonight, don't be late, I am truly looking forward to it.

As he grinned and said Well this is all entertaining and all, but he's got a date to get back for, and to get ready for, so he needed to be at home so he can prep for his date. As Sango and Miroku were forced to head back to the lab.

Meanwhile, as for Inuyasha.

So, Inuyasha went straight into his bedroom for a long time before his date started. He forced himself to masturbate as much as possible he was determined to not lose control, he would make this the best night ever, he would be a gentleman, he would be kind, he would be sweet, he would do whatever he could to enjoy her and act like his old self as much as possible without his demon or animal parts getting in the way, so he'd be able to control himself. He ate as much as possible. He packed up some extra meat and a few extra things. As he dressed nicely for the night.

He managed to keep his hat on his head. As he was at the restaurant that they agreed to meet at. he was early, he wanted to get a table. As Serena came walking into the restaurant so beautiful. She was dressed in a black tight dress, she did her hair, she looked so lovely.

As she approached Inuyasha's side. As he walked up to her. "Wow...! You look amazing," said Inuyasha," shocked. "Thanks, so do you, you're not so bad looking yourself sparky," replied Serena." Happy to see him. As he smiled happily and accepted her hand as she took his.

As he pulled out her chair for her and she sat down across from him, Serena sat down he pushed her chair in. As he sat across from her. As the waiter that was to work for their table and said take a look at her. And look at the mess she is with. They make it so easy for men like him.  As Inuyasha oh here this is for you...! spoke up Inuyasha" giving her a rose. 

As she looked at the flower it did bring back some past trauma, but he didn't know that he was just trying to be sweet. So, she took the flower from his hand. "Thanks, but in the future, just so you know now, my favorite flowers are Lilic's and Tulips, Sometimes Daisy are super nice too, Said Serena" honest with him.

"I'll try to remember that for the future and our next date, if you give me a second that is, Said Inuyasha" seriously. As she smiled and kissed him on the cheek for being thoughtful and she said thanks. 

As their waiter approached the table. As he approached, he started in quite heavy with the compliments at Serena's beauty. As she brushed him off as best as she could but in a respectful manner, so she didn't get kicked out of the restaurant. As he started in on such flirty comments. As Serena did roll her eyes a bit.

As Inuyasha was getting pissed off, he started to feel territorial over her his own inner animal took this as a threat and he felt aggressive, and he wanted to beat his ass. he didn't like him flirting with her like this right in front of him acting like he wasn't eve here. 

As Serena brushed him off and said, "Excuse me, I am going to the bathroom.

As she walked away. As Inuyasha wasn't so happy with this piece of work. As he was checking out his date.

As he walked away. As Inuyasha felt a lot of feelings right now, but his inner animals kicked in yet again, he lowers himself down in his seat, and lightly unzipped his pants, he lightly peed on her chair and the table he was marking his territory.

As she slowly came back and sat back down. As she noticed the smell right away, though. As she asks him. "Do you smell that?" As he acted like he smelt nothing, it was probably the weird food next table, he replied covering for his own scent. 

She wasn't stupid it smelt like pee like someone took a pee outside of the bathroom. But she left the subject alone.

As Inuyasha and Serena managed to try and talk to each other finally. As she told him she was sorry about that, she didn't like them all hitting on her like that.

He told her it's kind of hard not to see why. She's a knockout drop dead beautiful, stated Inuyasha, " honest with him. "Do you honestly mean that? Asked Serena, " blushing.

"Yeah, totally, I'd never lie about that, I was being honest. You are beautiful," says Inuyasha," honestly. "Thank you," replied Serena," enjoying his company. 

As he started talking about the animals and how they were doing at the shelter.

As she smiled and talked almost all night about the pet fundraisers that she threw, and a lot of pets might finally be able to be adopted. As he told me, that's great news. 

As she bent down a bit to pick something up. As Inuyasha took one look at her bare back exposed, he was feeling hot and a bunch of feelings. 

As Inuyasha asks if she might excuse him for a second. As she said, OKAY. He went to the men's bathroom, and it was totally empty.

He ended up jacking off fast, his blood and his body were pumping fast, and he was horny. He almost made a loud howling sound that sounded like a dog.

As everyone thought, there was a dog in the building. As he was done. He was finished. As he brought himself back out to his seat.

As Serena was eating her food that she ordered. As he sat back down and said great food, it was finally out. As she smiled and asked if he was sure that he was okay. As he nodded, yes, of course.

They ate their food and tried to eat without looking at each other's. As Inuyasha was being somewhat goofy, but then the waiter came back and started in on her again. 

As Inuyasha snapped and told him to beat it, they happen to be in the middle of a date, and he's being super disrespectful in going him like he wasn't even here, he was hitting on her right in front of him, Inuyasha didn't approve of this. 

As Serena also stated that it was very obvious, just because he thinks he's better looking that a girl like her should only be seen with men like him, and not men like her date, she isn't some game, and she didn't like it at all, so she ordered him to go away now before she had a word with his boss and he'd be out of a job. 

As she apologized again. As Inuyasha realized, he let his own temper get in the way.

"I apologized, Serena. I didn't mean to sound like I was claiming you as mine, I just got annoyed, I am sorry, it's just ever since Kagome's betrayal and her cheating on me, I feel a little like I have to defend my territory if that makes any sense to you, said Inuyasha, " honestly. As she placed her hand over the top of his hand.

"He was starting to bug me too, I mean, just look at him. He's at every table doing that, all the pretty women in here not just me, so I know a player when I see one, and I am sorry you're bitch of an ex-did that to you, but I won't backstab you, said Serena," pointing it out to him. 

As he looked at the other tables. As he felt this guy needed to learn his lesson. As Serena turned around again. As he told her, he'd be back. As she said, OKAY.

As he went outside where the waiter went for a smoke. As Inuyasha knocked his ass out cold. 

As he came back and spent the rest of his night enjoying Serena's company. As they shared a little ice cream dish. As Serena liked him a lot and she knew there was something special here.

"Can I ask you something? Asked Inuyasha" curiously. "Sure? Asked Serena" curiously as she was chewing her food.

"Did you see what happened on the news or in the paper about the hunter that got killed? My Police force found a dead body, and this is new for us, we were a little stumped by it we've never had a murder like this before but either way, well, I am just curious if you saw it is all, "said Inuyasha," serious tone voice. 

"Ad this makes you curious for what reasons? Asked Serena, " changing tone a bit.

"Well, everyone is trying to think about what, could do that to someone, but reports state that this has happened in the past because someone else hate Poachers, I mean you did that story way back, you save that forest from being ripped down, so did you ever see anything that could bring down a person like that? I am confused with the facts because it sounded like the person who did it, wanted to make a statement and wanted to threaten anyone who dares harm an animal out of killing for good reason, Said Inuyasha" honestly. 

"Oh, yeah that story, I read it, I get it, but honestly they don't have all the facts, we animal people can be pretty protective over Animal's rights, but at the same time, if you go hunting it should be for feeding your family or you need clothes because some of the animals fur is used to make clothes or sometimes old homes back in the day, but wasting the meat is disrespectful, but if your just doing to kill for sport and trophy hunting, it's not right at all, I can't stand those who only take the pelts and leave the body it's disrespectful, and then you waste the spirit and the meat of an animal, Stated Serena" honest with him.

"So, you think whoever killed that man deserved to die that way, Spoke up Inuyasha curiously.

"I think it's fair, a life for a life, but then again what would I know, I don't hunt plus never had the time, I take care of animals 24\7 never really have the time to do much anything else, Replied Serena" shaking this conversation off.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the mood," stated Inuyasha, thinking he board her just now. 

As she shook it off and said it's fine, she just doesn't like killers who do it for sport, there has to be a reason for it, and whatever those reasons are, it's either kill to eat or keep from being eaten, She told him.

As this shook him, the strange thing Miroku said was how Jane thought things through.

As he thought about it, but then looking at her, I mean there is nothing animal about her, she is complete human, she isn't the person Miroku was talking about, he had to be wrong, but when he said the woman did have golden hair it did make him wonder, but then he shook the idea off. 

"Sorry baby, shall we go for a nice walk, Said Inuyasha," changing the subject.

As they both were leaving together, he wished to take a nice walk under the moon, would she like to go with him? As Serena smiled and said OKAY.

As he couldn't bring himself to stop looking at her. As she kept her eyes on him. As they made it to her house. As he found it nice and charming, it was a small cottage near the woods.

As he told her nice place. As she told him that she liked her space. "I can understand that feeling," replied Inuyasha" agreeing.

As Serena asks if he wants to come in. He told her its best that they had taken this slowly. He wanted to be a gentleman with. He he'd hate for her to think he was just a predator after her body. As she grins, and said that was very upfront, but thanked him for being respectful. As she kissed him goodnight. 

As his body became excited, he kissed back pretty hard. He he smelt something on her, she's did have a strange smell on her not like anyone else, it did almost smell like the animal's shelter.

But she did care for animals also all day long, so he figured it was just an animal lady. He was happy when she hugged him and then kissed him. They both felt so close together.

So, as she went into the house for bed. As Inuyasha did come back quickly for one thing, he marked her house next. He peed on it and then walked away. Soon later on that night, another attack seems to take the life of a rich man. 

So, the following day they were forced to attend to the site and find out what happened. Sango and Inuyasha and everyone else was totally stumped but honestly this was starting to get creepy for everyone, but Inuyasha wasn't out of the woods anymore.

"What in the hell is happening around here? Asked Sango, " confused. As Inuyasha swore, this wasn't him.

But then the Chief asks for a word with Inuyasha. As he was forced to relive him from duty. As he looked at his boss. 

"Why? Asked Inuyasha, " confused. As he showed him the drawing of the suspect leaving the field of who ate the cow.

As he was worried about this. As everyone thought, He was the one murdering people. He swore he wasn't doing this.

As he asks if he had anyone who could witness that or claim his statement was true. As he said no, he was alone last night he was sleeping. 

But because he can't get out of this one. As he was forced to leave his badge and the job. As Sango said, she was so sorry. As she told her it wasn't him; he did eat the cow but not the people.

As Sango said she was digging she would find this other Hybrid and bring her to Miroku where he'd unmake her, he never meant to make a monster, She claimed that Miroku would undo what he did with Jane Doe.

But the man that was killed was named Darien Chiba. He was found murdered, and his heart ripped out of his chest. As Inuyasha threw the newspaper.

Who is behind this. As everyone thinks it's the mysterious hybrid, the cops think it might be him.

Inuyasha went home, and without his job, he had nothing to help keep his mind focused, and then he turned to have his house into a den. He started letting the animal in him take over even more.

Until Serena was walking through his yard, she noticed the house looked like a huge, nest slash den.

Serena knocked on the door. He answers it but then finds her here. As he told her, she shouldn't be here right now.

As she told him something was going on and she wanted to know what was happening to him. As he told her, it was hard to explain it.

As she told him she wasn't scared of him, he could trust her, she wasn't leaving until she got the truth. As Inuyasha began to explain everything.

Soon, he told her he was losing control. As he explained everything and showed his true self to her. He didn't want to scare her before.

She smiled and hugged him and told him he is not a monster, he is not a killer, she can be sure of that, stated Serena" honestly. 

As they spent time together for a long time chatting. As he looked up at the sky's moon. he told her she should leave at night.

He started losing control, and he didn't want to hurt her. As she told him, she wasn't going anywhere. 

She should have told him a secret of her own, but she was scared knowing that he is a cop in a way, stated Serena" nervous. "What?" told me what? Asked Inuyasha, " confused. But then she kissed him.

"I really like you a lot, and I like it when we're together. You make me feel safe," said Serena, " honestly. As he told her the same thing, since the day he first met her.

He told her after his wife left and what she did, it wasn't easy trying to gain his feelings or trying to work up to trusting anyone, but he's been trying to be a better person, he wanted to take this gift and make something of himself and do good things with it.

As She told him he had done those things, she's seen it. In every story, he is a miracle, Say's Serena" honest with him. 

"Serena...! You have to go, I can't control it, at night, I don't want to wake up and know that I did something bad to you? I want you to go for your own safety, maybe you should find a new boyfriend, someone who is normal and not dangerous, Spoke up Inuyasha" worried.

"Shh...! I am not going anywhere, and you stop it with that new boyfriend crap, I am with you now, and I want you only, you're the only one for me, Said Serena" serious tone voice. 

As she kissed him pretty hard, he started to lose control slowly again. He started to turn her around he felt her butt enough and sort of put the dragon on her back basically. As she felt him hard right now. As she told him, he is going to need a lot of work on controlling himself, but she had a lot to teach him.

As she gave into the act in some ways and let him feel her up for a while until she told him, that if things were going to get serious tonight, he needed to know something important, but she was scared he'd never look at her the same either.

As he told her if she was going to stay and if she could accept him for what he is? they should take some safety precautions.

"What are you talking about? Asked Serena" curiously. As he lifted his handcuffs. 

"You're going to tie me down, so I can't hurt anyone or you most of all, I want you to chain me up until morning, understand, Said Inuyasha," seriously. As she felt strange about this interaction between them. As she allowed it, though.

As she chained him up, it was pretty good and tight. As he felt her kiss him and he kissed back for a while until she pulled away for a while. As both fell asleep in his house together or so, it would seem. As neither one remember exactly what happened but they both were in Inuyasha's bed naked the next morning when they came too. Both of them were cuddling up together and naked both of them. As he opened his eyes and felt happy but then noticed his chains were off. As he asks why, she removed the handcuffs. 

As she said he looked so uncomfortable, he was wearing them for a while and then she worn them for a while, and he fucked her pretty damn hard, which was an amazing and then she fell asleep, she stated she remembered.

As she called him an animal, he was an animal. As he giggled after a while with her, they both laughed and enjoyed each other. Until the wall of his house got knocked into. As the public was in an uproar and a hunter was killed again last night and 2 more cows. Inuyasha was suspect number one now, and everyone wanted to hunt him down and said he is a man beast.

As Serena screamed out, Inuyasha get out of here right now before they catch you. She'd be fine, go. He hated to leave her behind, but she told him to go now. As he was running as fast as he could as everyone was on the hunt for Inuyasha.

As Inuyasha booked it as fast as he could. As Sango and Miroku see what happens on the tv. As he knew he was in trouble. They both went to go and try to get to him before humanity does.

So, what will happen next? Who is the true monster? Or perhaps they all don't get the reasons behind the killers. So, To Be Continued.

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