Spring: Embrace The Winter |...

By Tales_Of_Moonchild

1.3K 234 39

It has been years since the Min Manor remains cold and calm then comes the clumsy storm named Park Jimin. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

57 8 1
By Tales_Of_Moonchild

Jimin hums as he sort out some books in Yoongi's office. The alpha's office smelled just like the alpha but Jimin could feel the hints of Taehyung's scent as well. Yoongi's scent seemed to always bring him comfort. It made him feel pleasantly warm and content.

The door opens startling Jimin a bit. He looks up and see Yoongi. The alpha looks tired. He probably is. They have been preparing a lot especially with Yoongi's vassals after it had been announced that Yoongi would join his step brothers in the fight to succeed the position of the next patriach.

After Haneul's unpleasant visit there haven't been much drama and Jimin was truly thankful for that. "Hey darling." Yoongi whispers pulling him into a hug. "Welcome back my alpha." Jimin says, his voice sweet with a hint of teasing.

"God you smell nice. I missed you." Yoongi says grumbling making Jimin laugh. "You grumpy little wolf come on we have to go meet your father. We will be late. I have been waiting for you." Jimin says. Yoongi sighs but pulls away.

That's right. Yoongi's father had invited them for a meal. The patriach clearly had something to say and Jimin could only conclude that it was regarding the succession. Jimin couldn't wait to know whatever the patriach had in mind.

Time Skip

When they reached the capital and at the Min's estate they were greeted by the maids and butler as usual. Once they arrived it didn't take long before they found themselves altogether sitting around the large dining table.

Jimin takes a brief look around. Haneul avoids his eyes making Jimin laugh iternally. The said omega was probably still ashamed about what had happened in Yoongi's estate.

"Now that we are here together... I will say what I need to say. The future of this house depends on one of your hands. Only one out of you three will be succeeding my title. And I look forward to each one of you doing your best and prove to me how worthy you are." The patriach says.

"Father... I still think it is unfair to have a bastard compete us. Our bloodline would be tarrnished. Please re-consider-." Gibeom says but is cut off by his father.

"Are you going against my wishes?" The patriach questions. Jimin watches Chieun flinch a little. Now that he took a better look he could see Chieun with one arm over his baby bump. Pregnancy seemed to have made the omega a lot more sensitive. Especially towards someone's mood change and raised voices.

"No father of course not." Gibeom answers looking down on his plate. The patriach nods satisfied. "Out of three of you... As of now Yoongi is the only one with the experience enough to be a patriach as he looks after his own land though he is still lacking in certain areas. It is about time you and Kihyeon step out from behind my shadow and prove me that you two can do these and take the responsibilities as well." The patriach says, his eyes going from Gibeom to Kihyeon.

"Yes father." Both the two sons answer in sync. The patriach clears his throat and says, "Now that the announcement is over start eating. Chieun eat well. After all you are carrying a pup." He says. A hint of fondness in his tone. Jimin can't blame him for that. No matter what the patriach was now a grandfather. A grandchild on its way.

Chieun nods with a smile as he starts eating. "Park Jimin after dinner I have something to talk to you about." The patriach says. "Of course father." Jimin says with a smile.

After the meal, Jimin is separated from Yoongi by the butler. The butler leading him to a room where the patriach was waiting for him. "You are here.... Tell me what you want. You have become a part od our family and it is customary for the patriach to welcome you with a gift of your wish." The patriach says.

Jimin feels a little surprised. Anything he want huh... "Father there is one thing I want. Well it is something where I would need father's help. But I am not sure if father would be able to help me." He says. The patriach grunts. "I said anything you wanted. Whether it is help or an object or gold. Go on. Tell me what it is." He says.

Jimin mentally does a victory dance at the patriach's words. "Then what I want is...."

[Time Skip]

After the talk Jimin and Yoongi were finally ready to depart. "What did you talk about with father?" Yoongi asked curiously. Jimin smiles. "He wanted to give me a welcome present and asked what I wanted." He says. Yoongi looks at him with a raised brow. "What did you ask for?" He questioned.

Just then the patriach walks up to them. "Take this. I look forward to see what you do with this Park Jimin." He says as he hands Jimin a badge. Not just any badge. It is a badge that belongs to the patriach with the symbol of the house on it. Yoongi looks at Jimin surprised but doesn't say anything.

Jimin glady accepts it with a bow. "I swear to use it only on good things father and I shall return it as soon as possible." He said with a smile. The patriach hums satisfied with that. With a pat on both Yoongi and Jimin's shoulder the patriach heads inside, the butler following behind him.

Jimin looks at Yoongi's step brothers and their mates. They are looking at the badge on his hand, a look of jealousy in their eyes. "Then we shall depart now. It was nice meeting everyone again." Jimin says bowing slightly at them. They get inside their carriage and it doesn't take long before the carriage starts moving getting them away from the estate.

"How did you manage to get that badge from him? I haven't seen him give it to anyone. Even my two brothers." Yoongi says feeling a little blown away by how Jimin managed to get the badge on his hands. "I just asked for a little help. I am borrowing some of his power." Jimin says with a wink as he examines the badge. The gem on it glowing slightly.

[On the ither side]

"What do you think of Yoongi's mate?" The patriach questions as sits on the chair, his eyes outside the window where he can see Yoongi's carriage drive away. The butler hums as he thinks for a while. "He is full of mystery sire. I believe he goes really with master yoongi." He answers.

"Is that so?" The patriach mused. He had been surprised when the omega told him what he wanted as his present.

"Please lend me some of your authority father."

He chuckles when he thinks back to how determined the young omega looked. He has never handed the badge to anyone. But something about Jimin had made him feel enough trust to hand it over to the omega so easily. He couldn't pinpoint what made him do that. Amusement? Curiosity?

"Well it is time to see how capable he is. The mates of my other two sons already disappointed me. All they know is luxury and power. It is time to see how Park Jimin is." The patriach says as he leaned back closing his eyes. He really was curious about what was to come.

Hello everyone! How are you guys??!! Fine I hope. I have been playing genshin so much I honestly forgot Wattpad existed- Anyway i hope you liked this chapter. Please feel free to give feedbacks.

Also what do you think Jimin will do with the little authority he has borrowed from the patriach 👀👀 Indeed I am curious.
Look forward to it everyone! See you guys in the next update hehe byeeee 💜💜

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