Cassarian August AUs and Shor...

By ElizabethShelby

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A fellow Cassarian shipper hosted a Cassarian Month in August 2023, and I decided to turn my entries for it i... More

Day 1: First Meet
Day 2: Falling In Love
Day 3: Gifts
Day 4: Look Of Love
Day 5: Sweetness
Day 6: Villains
Day 7: Flowers
Day 8: Age Difference
Day 9: Kiss
Day 10: Fight
Day 11: Holding Hands
Day 12: Cassandra's Revenge
Day 13: Soulmates
Day 14: True Love
Day 15: Free Day
Day 16: Dance
Day 17: Declaration
Day 18: Great Expotations
Day 19: Number One
Day 20: Meant To Be
Day 21: Pain
Day 22: Cassandrium
Day 23: Nothing Left To Lose
Day 24: Comfort
Day 25: Favorite Moment
Day 26: I Love You
Day 27: Engagement
Day 28: Nicknames
Day 29: Protection
Day 31: Love Has No Age

Day 30: Together

326 8 77
By ElizabethShelby

AU: Disney Fairies

Varian is a tinker fairy, who lives in the Tinker's Nook in Pixie Hollow. He works along with the other tinker fairies to build and repair useful tools that the nature fairies need to accomplish their tasks. But he also enjoys inventing his own creations, which don't always work out the way he plans...

Cassandra is a fast-flying fairy, one of the rarest talents in Pixie Hollow. She can fly faster than any other fairy, including the other fast-flyers, and she can also master the element of air by creating strong breezes or even tornadoes.

In Varian's eyes, Cassandra is the most amazing fairy he has ever known. He has a humongous crush on her, but she barely notices him. She comes to Tinker's Nook on occasion to request a new tool, or to have one of her old ones repaired. And when big events occur, Varian always sees her around. But this is about the extent of their relationship.

"What can I do to get noticed by her?" Varian wonders. He is currently searching for supplies to bring back to the nook, when something sparkles in the distance and catches his eye. He follows after the sparkle, and is surprised to discover a human ring! Sometimes human items find their way to Pixie Hollow, but he has never found something this beautiful before. It is huge compared to his tiny fairy frame, but the stone attached to it... It's purple!

"That's the color of the fast-flying guild!" Varian says excitedly. He rushes back to the nook to grab a few of his special tools, and returns to the ring. He works for days, chipping away at the purple stone. Finally, finally, he manages to crack off a small piece. Just the perfect size!

Flying back to the nook, he turns the piece of purple stone into a necklace. It will go perfectly with Cassandra's gorgeous dress! He can hardly wait to give it to her.

The problem is, Cassandra is always so busy... Every time Varian attempts to seek her out, he only seems to miss her. Finally, he gives up and decides to wait for her to come into the nook.

Eventually, she does come. Varian is so surprised when he sees her, that he almost forgets all about the necklace!

"H-Hey Cassandra," he stammers, fluttering his wings nervously. "Need another tool fixed?"

"Well, actually, I—" Cassandra starts to say.

"Because, I, um... actually have something I'd like to show you," Varian says, not meaning to interrupt Cassandra in his excitement.

"Oh... okay," Cassandra says. Her facial expression says that she has no idea what to expect, but that she is optimistic. She follows Varian, and gasps happily when he shows her the necklace.

"I made this for you, from a human ring I found," Varian tells her. "I just thought it would go well with your dress, you know?"

"Thank you so much, Varian!" Cassandra says, immediately putting the necklace on and giving Varian a tight embrace. "I love it!"

Varian is shocked both by the hug, and the fact that Cassandra just called him by his name. "You... You know my name?"

"Of course I do!" Cassandra chuckles as if this notion is absolutely ridiculous.

Varian's cheeks turn pink. "I, um, wasn't sure if you even knew I was alive."

Cassandra smiles. "Why do you think I come to the nook so much? I don't need those tools for my job. Do you see many other fast-flyers coming here?"

Now that Varian thinks about it, there really aren't many fast-flyers that come here. Garden fairies? Sure. Water fairies? All the time. Animal fairies? You bet. But fast-flying fairies? Very rarely.

"So, wait... What does that mean, exactly?" Varian asks.

Cassandra shakes her head, but her smile remains. "I really have to spell it out for you? It means I like you, Varian! In fact, the reason I came here today was to request that you accompany me to the Mainland on my next trip there."

Varian's blush glows brighter. "Really? The... The Mainland?" Where the humans live?! Varian has never been there before! "But, tinker fairies don't go to the Mainland."

"I'm sure Queen Clarion would be willing to make an exception," Cassandra says. "She and I are pretty close. I really want to get to know you better, and she'll understand that. And besides, I think you and I could get some pretty amazing things done in the Mainland. Together."

(Sharing this one without the background as well, so you can see the colors on their wings better.)

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