Home Sweet Girl

By SleepingBeau_

36K 1.3K 95

Will there ever be a home as sweet as she? Homelessness is all Maryanne knows. Yet, sheltered by her fairly o... More

Author's Note
Chapter | One
Chapter | Two
Chapter | Three
Chapter | Four
Chapter | Five
Chapter | Six
Chapter | Seven
Chapter | Nine
Chapter | Ten
Chapter | Eleven
Chapter | Twelve
Chapter | Thirteen
Chapter | Fourteen
Chapter | Fifteen
Chapter | Sixteen
Chapter | Seventeen
Chapter | Eighteen
Chapter | Nineteen
Chapter | Twenty
Chapter | Twenty one
Chapter | Twenty two
Chapter | Twenty three
Chapter | Twenty four
Chapter | Twenty five
Chapter | Twenty six
Chapter | Twenty seven
Chapter | Twenty eight
Chapter | Twenty nine
Chapter | Thirty
Chapter | Thirty one
Chapter | Thirty two
Chapter | Thirty three
What is going on?
Chapter | Thirty four
Chapter | Thirty five
Chapter | Thirty six
Chapter | Thirty seven
Chapter | Thirty eight

Chapter | Eight

965 34 0
By SleepingBeau_


"Benjamin get up!" I yell at his collapsed body on the ground.

It has to be drugs.

At the worst of times he decides to get strung out.

"Benjamin I'm not kidding, if you don't get up right now. I'm going to get the police," my brows quirks up.

that will get him up.

I get no response when I gently kick him and he doesn't budge.

"Benjamin?" I slide through the gate, get on my knees to move him. Forcefully, his body rolls over. The scary part is that I no longer see pupils, just the white of his eyes.

"Benjamin! Oh my god!" I scream. his body responds by foaming at the mouth. I've seen this happen once to a dear friend of mine and it didn't end well.

"Someone help! I need an ambulance," I yell. One of the men in our community hears my cry and I tell him to run and get help.

I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. I have to be calm for him.

I search through his pockets. In his left jacket pocket there is a brown bag with an empty bottle.

What was in this?

Checking his pants pocket I find his phone. With a shaky hand, I dial 911.

A woman's voice projects "911 , what's your emergency?".

I swallow, "I need an ambulance, I'm sitting with a man who is unconscious and foaming at the mouth".

"Okay, how long has he been unconscious?" She asks.

"About four minutes, I need someone to get here now!". I'm afraid that he's not getting oxygen to his brain.

"Okay ma'am. I need you to check his pulse and see if he's breathing". I put the phone down then i go to put my head on his chest then press my index and middle finger to his pulse on his neck.

"His breathing is very shallow and he has a very weak pulse".

"Alright, we have your location and the ambulance are on their way. I need you to keep him still and comfortable," She advise.

"Yes, please hurry!" I hung up. I look down at his helpless body and imagine what could happen if help doesn't come in time. How will I be able to tell that precious girl that her father died. I beg to differ reply his last words in my head for the rest of my life.

"Why Benjamin!? Why are you doing this to yourself!" I break down and sob.


Not a minute later , I avert my attention to the sound of the ambulance truck coming our way—the red lights illuminating the night sky. The ones in uniform rush towards the pitiful scene of me on the floor with Benjamin's head in my lap.

"Ma'am, can tell us what happened," the man lifts Benjamin's eyelids, waving a small light at them. He takes a stethoscope out of his bag to check his heart and feels for his pulse.

"He fell out right in front a me and when I rolled him over and he started foaming at the mouth," I tell him.

"Pulse is severely low, heart rate low, barely breathing" he turns to his partners and tells them to retrieve the stretcher.

"I found this in his pocket." I showed him an empty bottle that looked like it carried pills in it. He examine the bottle, announcing on the radio it's a code T40.

"Alright ma'am we are going to move him in".

"What's wrong with him?" I ask, but I don't get an answer.

"We have to get him in now!" They rush to lift his body on the stretcher and shift him in the truck. The others are in the truck hooking him up to a small machine and putting an oxygen mask over his face.

The machine stars beeping rapidly.

"Heat rate is dropping," someone yells. Immediately performing CPR, they put a chest compressor on his body. I watch his body jolt and this goes on for 30 seconds. The whole time I'm nearly fainting. Finally they are able to get heart steady, pushing more air into his lungs.

"Where are you taking him?".

"He's going to be placed at Mercy hospital".

"I'll meet you there," I cry. The paramedic's face is sympathetic.

"Don't worry, we will take care of him". The whites and red truck takes off in a hurry.

It's been a few minutes and I'm pacing back and forth, lifting the dirt beneath.

Where could she be? Should I have told them that Mary was missing?.

In the middle of my inner conflict. I see a small figure coming my way. I narrow my eyes and see that it is Mary. My eyes go wide as she runs to my open arms.

I hug her tightly, bringing her close."Oh, precious," I can longer hide my tears. She senses my distress and goes on to apologize, though I cut her off.

"I know, I know, now it's not the time. We have to go the hospital, it's your father". She looks up at me with the most genuinely concerned expression. Her mouth parted.

"What happened!" her breathing picks up. She's gripping on my shirt and shoves her face to my chest.

"Precious, I need you to calm down for me. Breathe," I'm coaxing her from her spot to look at me while I coach her. "The paramedics just left. They are going to do what they can for him. But right now we need to get to the hospital." I state in a calm tone.

"Is he sick?".

"I'm not sure, but whatever it is I believe he'll pull through" I resume her rubbing her back. She nods her head and continues to wipe her face with the sleeve of her shirt.

"It's going to be all okay" I hold his phone in hand and call for a taxi so we can get catch a ride to hospital because I know for a fact we will never make it on foot especially at night where creeps lurking around.


The driver tells us that it's a fifteen minute drive to the hospital. I keep a close eye on Mary. I can only get glimpse at her face whenever the streets lights cast over us in the dark car. Her head rests on my shoulder. I rub my thumb over the back of hand. I can only imagine what's it's like to be so young living a life you never signed up for.

The situation brought me back to a time that changed my life forever. All I could remember was blood and feeling numb. It was an exchange gone wrong. Let's just say that the 'dealer' wasn't too happy about his damaged goods. Good thing there was another mule on my side that got me to the hospital urgently. I could have bled out and died. That day was my wake up call and from then on I gave up my rebellious ways.

Every time I look upon my absent appendage, I'm reminded there are always consequences to your actions. Now, I choose to help the younger generation make right decisions in life the best way I can.

Before I knew it, the taxi pulled up to entrance of the hospital. I give the driver some of the money I stash away In case of emergencies . I speed walk through the sliding doors the bright hospital lights makes me squint some. I can feel Mary's sweat hands as I hold it tight. She hasn't spoken at all since I told her the news. I bet this had been such a traumatic day for her.

I'm eyed by the security as we walk up to the nurse behind the desk.

"Excuse me, we are here to see Benjamin Ellis! I was told he would be here with the paramedics," I rush out. The woman behind the desk sized my appearance, then at Mary. She looks down at something before responding

"Yes, paramedics rushed him in an hour ago," she simply says, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay, can we see him?!". This witch clearly has an attitude.

"No. I have yet to be updated on his status, for now he is off limits".

"Then call someone! I have his daughter right here and she needs to see her father!" I slam my hand on the counter.

"It's not that simple. Family or not, I can't let you in. So, you can either sit quietly and wait, or I'm gonna have to get security to escort you out for causing a disturbance". The lobby is practically empty.

I'm about to burst.

"That's okay I'll wait, but I'm only doing it for her," I point to Mary.

"Sure," the woman shoots the fakest smile. I gave her a death glare and walked to the seating area.

I make sure I'm sitting where I can see her directly. She makes eye contact me, then she takes out a spray bottle and wipes the counter. I envisioned myself marching up to that desk and punching that woman right in the face and hoped that the person who hired her felt it as well. Thankfully, Mary's whimpers bring me back.

"It's my fault," she says under her breath. Her hair riled up like she had just been in a fight.

"No it's not precious. Don't blame yourself," I take her hand.

"I ran away and he got sick an-"

"You stop it right there. Maryanne, there was nothing you did to cause this. You have to learn that some things just happen.— and you running away wasn't the reason," I say in a frustrated tone. I look at her again, I can tell that something is eating her up inside.

"What precious?" I gently say.

"I don't like it here, it smells weird," she scruches up her nose.

"I want you to close those pretty little eyes. It's well past your bed time," I say. She was rubbing her eyes earlier.

"I can't. I wont," she protests.

"You will and that's an order from grams," she tilts her head.

"Dont look at me like that," I pat my thigh to signal her to lay down. She grabs a hair tie from her wrist and puts in a sloppy updo, huffs then rest her head.

It takes a minute for her body to relax and her breathing calms. I examine her restful form. I don't want this life for her. It is beyond my control, but I'm hoping for a miracle.

Unconsciously, I stumble upon her red cheek and specks of red on her shirt.

Could it be blood?

I try not to jump to conclusions, I will ask her about it later. Something happened to her out there.

"Are you here for Mr. Benjamin Ellis?" a woman in scrubs and a lab coat appears in front of us.

"Uh-yes," I say in anticipation. Sitting up, only to make Mary stir awake. "Is he okay?" I anxiously rub my leg.

"He's still under observation, he's currently in ICU." I exahale, releasinging my anxiety. I'm looking at this as a good sign. Mary looks to me for a clear explanation.

"Can we see him?" I ask.

"Once he's stabilized I can allow it. However, I cannot guarantee if or when he will awaken. But it's truly a miracle that he's alive." The doctor states.

Another hurdle.

I pray that he wakes up because I do not think I'm capable or qualified of taking care of Maryanne if he never comes out of it.

"What does she mean Grams?" The concerned eyes is breaking me apart. I have to tell her.

"He's in a coma"


"Little girl, I hope you're not thinking about climbing that tree," The older woman said, watching the young girl place her shoe on the trunk of an oak tree.

"You father will be mad at me for letting his daughter end up in the hospital with broken bones. You're already missing a few teeth". 'Good thing, they are baby ones,' she thought.

The young girl huffs and backs away from the tree.

"I'm nine years old". The woman thought it was adorable to see the young girl speak confidently about her minuscule age.

"Oh yeah? So you're a big girl!. Huh?". She responded with a big 'yes'

"I'm glad you think so, but even big girls can get hurt Maryanne". The little girl came over and touched the part where the older woman's hand no longer resides. Rubbing her fingers along the scar tissue.

"Like you?" she asked.

"Yes. like me".

Suddenly, The little girl's father comes into plain sight. Her eyes lite up when she noticed him and runs with glee.

"Daddy!" She yelled She reached for him. Holding her arms up. He picked her up.

"Aren't you getting too big to be held?" he questioned.


The older woman watches their interaction."Please, give me a warning next time you leave. She was in tears all morning".

"My fault, it won't happen again," He placed his little girl on the soil ground, causing her to adjust the shirt that has risen.

"Hope so. Come on precious. Let's see if we can find you something to do."

"Can we go on an adventure?" The little girl asked. That's what she called it—the older woman taking the young girl to the farmers market for free samples.

"Fine with me. You have to ask you daddy first." The little girl looked at her father, who stared at his phone.

"Daddy, can I go on an adventure with Elaine, please?" She clasped her hands, then cheered when her father agreed. The older woman took the girl's hand again, in search of things to prepare for their journey.

"When you get back, I'm taking Mary on a little adventure myself," he said.

"Where?" The older woman asked.

"The beach! we'll go swimming and watch the sun set," he looked toward his little girl with excitement in his eyes, hyping her up.

"Yay! I get to have two adventures," she jumped up and down, clapping.

"Make sure you bring her back safe and sound," it's not that she didn't trust the man, it was the fact that Mary has recently become a part of her life, she couldn't picture a day without her.

"Why, wouldn't I? I'm her farther".

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