By BiancaSantana880

3.9K 88 20

when the bad guys and diane take a trip to green hills for little vacation they caught in a huge adventure wh... More

Meet the bad guys
The fateful meeting
The road trip plot
Dawn of a second day
We're here
Uh oh
Uh-oh: part 2

The military gets in action

357 9 2
By BiancaSantana880

The Pentagon, night. The top members of the United States military sit down at a table in a joint meeting, held by Commander Walters, commander of the U.S. Armed Forces.

"20 minutes ago, an energy surge knocked out power across the entire Pacific Northwest. What do we know?"

"Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP. But electromagnetic pulses don't have that kind of power"

Air Force Chief of Staff: NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares.

"The Department of Energy says it's not a power plant malfunction"

"Well...sounds like we're really good at figuring out what it wasn't"

"This could be a prelude to a larger attack. I'm suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment."

"No, no, no, no. This needs a much more sophisticated mind. Someone...who understands technology."

"You want to send in a lab rat?"

"Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth"

"You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting"

"I know he's a little weird"


"No. No. No way"

"He's a psychological tire fire! Who's got an wanted immate out and has him working for him"

"But he's also brilliant; Five PhDs, (and an) IQ off the charts. And his drone tech is revolutionary! Plus the immate has proven himself to be useful and resourceful"

"You're sure he can handle this? I'm more concerned about this immate"

"He has a perfect operations record. Remember the coup in Pakistan?"


"Or the uprising in Azerbaijanistan?"

"That's not even a country"

"Exactly. And you can thank Robotnik for that"

"I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this and this immate of his"

"Neither can I. But...we have no choice"

"But his immate, I heard what he's done, he's devious dangerous and insane, the tales I hear from him, he's-hes-"

"INSANE!" Diane was on the phone with the government that their sending in dr robotnik to green hills with his so called new partner.

"You can't be serious...I know dr. Robot I'm is a genius but his partner, he's crazy, you can't let this happen"

The bad guys were over hearing her conversation, they were concerned.

"Ok yes I know this is serious but you have to know what this immate has you can't be serious right now, Thomas chesterfield"

Everyone gasped in horror by an old foe's name.

"He's unstable and he tried to kill his own daughter...but you can't....ugh"

she heads towards tom's house where the bad guys are visiting him for old times

Baseball diamond, day. The military has set up a detachment at the baseball diamond.

As this goes on, a large black truck slowly pulls in, catching the attention of ''Major Bennington''.

"What the...?"

A fold-out staircase opens and sets up as Dr. Robotnik steps out of the truck, wearing heavy sunglasses and an all black suit with red trims on the inside.

He makes his way over to Bennington along with his partner Thomas who was in his prison suit, he takes his glasses off as the latter warily puts a hand on his sidearm holster in case he needs it.

"Are you in charge here?"

"Yes, I am-"





"I'm in charge! Isn't that right Thomas?"

"As I recalled yes"

"is Major-"



"I'm in charge"

He shows Bennington his badge that is being held by his thomas.

"You've never seen anything like this before? It says I'm the top banana in a world full of hungry little monkeys" He points upward, "Allow me to clarify"

He then turns his head to the side while making a servo noise.

"In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on a level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. Agent Stone?"

He walks away to give space for Thomas to translate the intricately delivered insult from the doctor.

"The doctor thinks you're basic"

"I'm initiating a sweep sequence"

The latter presses some buttons on his glove control panel in the meantime.

"Ten miles in every direction should suffice..."

On the top of Robotnik's truck, his flying drones prepare to be dispatched.

" he still looking at me funny?"

"Yes, he is"

" Tell him to stop or I'll pull up his search history"

"If you don't stop looking at the doctor, he'll take a closer look-"

"I'm not...deaf"

" And tell him his men report to me now, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah!"

"Excuse me? Listen, pal, I don't know if you realize-"

I'm sorry, major; What was your name?"


"Nobody cares!!" in a mockingly sad tone before sulking towards him, "Nobody cares... Listen, Major know why nobody cares who you are?" projecting towards the former as he walks around him, "Because nobody cares...about your feeble accomplishments. And nobody cares how proud your mommy is that you're now reading at a third-grade level. Have you finished Charlotte's Web yet? Spoiler alert: she dies in the end. But she leaves a big creepy egg sac"

He then stops to see his drones being deployed, Thomas examines the scene.

"Awww, my babies...! HOoh...! Look at what came out of my egg sack! You know what I love about machines?" He turns to face his drones.

"They keep you from going insane" Thomas says.

"They do what they're told; they follow their programming; they don't need time off to get DRUUNK and put the boat in the water!"

He turns back to face everyone, now specifically pointing at Bennington in this case and scenario.

"Now, you do what you're told; stand over there on the edge of your personal abyss..." while opening his arms, "...and watch my machines do your job. THOMAS!"

A disgruntled Bennington walks away as Thomas turns to face his partner.

"You don't have to shout I'm right here"

"Can you feel it, Thomas!?"

Thomas with a smile on his face, "I can feel it, Doctor"

"It's evolution, Thomas...", "now clenching his fists, "IT'S EVOLUTION"

The drones slowly fly off into the distance. Woods, day. The drones are then seen spreading out into the horizon. One of them finds and scans a nearby rock with a peculiar shoe print on it. Robotnik's truck interior, day. Back at his truck, he is supervising the sweep operation on a giant holographic screen.



"Do you see anything useful in this image?"

He presents him the image of the aforementioned shoe print.

"Nothing at all, doctor"

"Of course you don't. Your eyes weren't expertly trained to spot tracks by the Native American Shadow Wolves" dr. Robotnik was unamused.

He then inputs a command through touchscreen pads on the control panel and scoots back a little as the supercomputer now shows what looks like an unusual, human-like foot.

"That's extraordinary doctor"

"No... What's extraordinary is, i've determined the exact height, weight, and spinal curvature of this creature, and my computer can't find a single match for it anywhere in Earth's animal kingdom" He gets up towards Thomas.

"This blackout was not a terrorist attack, and that's no baby bigfoot. This something else...entirely" voice-commanding to his supercomputer, "Divert all search units to the sight of the footprint. That's one small step for giant leap for me"

Woods, day. The military's personnel and the drones along with the former's guardian sheperds are now seen working together during the sweep operation... while Sonic watches from a distance.

"Okay, okay; everything is fine; you played some baseball, got a little upset, lightning shot out of your butt, and now they're coming for you!"
Sonic speeds back to his home.

"All right, all right; Earth isn't safe anymore. Time for Plan B: Mushroomville" as he frantically zips around and gathers his stuff* But I gotta take my stuff!

"kay, essential items only; okay, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, night-light, funny hat; this half-eaten cantaloupe; oh, my scented candle; my entire comic book collection; beanbag chair; can a beanbag chair fit in a backpack? No, no, no, of course not, that's stupid!"

Sonic frantically zips around and gathers his stuff.

"Okay, what else?! The rings! The rings, yes, of course!"

He gets a tiny red backpack on and holds the ring satchel as he prepares to toss one of its aforementioned contents.

Sonic in a reluctant but desperate tone of voice.

"Here we go...ring time...mushroom planet; here I come!"

He suddenly sees the drones flying overhead while the dogs bark as if they've detected right where he is.

"Oh no! They're right outside! I-I-I-I-I gotta go somewhere else!"

He heads towards the exit...but stops to take one last look at his home.

"Goodbye, cave...."

...he then walks out off-screen. Wachowski residence, late morning/early noon. Tom's phone rings while he is marking things down on a map. Seeing that it is Maddie who's calling, he answers.



"Whatcha doing?"

"Just coloring with Jojo and Rachel"

"Ah, that sounds...half fun. Hey, exciting stuff here; we had a power outage, the whole town went dark! It was like a sign telling me to get out of Dodge"

"Wade must have lost his mind"

"Yeah...and he does not have much to lose. How's your sister? Did she convince you to leave me yet?"

"No, but she did tell me to check your phone for dating apps"

"The only apps on my phone are the ones that came with it"

"And the Olive Garden"

"Because when you're there..."

"You're family" then he heard the bad guys repeated him, he was surprised to see them.

"Hey I got to go, the bad guys are here"

"Well tell them I said hi"

"Love you, honey, bye!"



Wolf puts princess down, "here princess why don't you go play outside"

"Ok" she says then she heads outside.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here"

"We thought we come visit you know for old time sakes, and to see you after what happened last night"

"Yeah that black out was something I never seen before"

"Yeah, I tried to to something about it but-"

Then suddenly Diane came in, she looked worried.

"What's wrong Diane?" Wolf asked

"The government decided after last night's incident, they decided to send dr. Robotnik"

"So, nothing wrong with a little help"

"The problem is, he's got a partner, I think you know him...Thomas chesterfield"

When wolf hears his name, he was immediately furious but Tom was confused.



"Wait, who's Thomas?"

"He can't come here, what if he tries to hurt princess again"

"I'm sorry wolf but there's nothing I can do"

Wolf was angry he grabs his coat and heads out, Tom follows him.

"Hey wolf wait...who's Thomas?"

Wolf was worried, thomas working with dr robotnik will make them unstoppable in tracking sonic but he's more concerned to what he's gonna do to princess.

"Thomas...well he's-"

But tom stops him after hearing something outside his garage

"No way" but Tom looks out the window to it and opens a drawer.

"What? What's wrong?"

"The raccoons are back...and they are in for a surprise"

Tom's garage, day. Sonic has now climbed through the garage window, leaving dirt all over the workbench before getting off of it.

"Okay, I'm in...with minimal damage to Donut Lord's property"

he pulls out a ring, "Here we didn't work out on Earth, but that's okay! You're going to a safe world; a nice, safe world filled with mushrooms...mushrooms that'll be you only friends"

Sonic with second thoughts, "That sounds awful, I can't do this! You have to do it, there's no other option!"

He reluctantly takes a deep breath and prepares to toss the ring in his hand.

"All right..."

But then he felt someon looking at him, he turns around to see princess staring at him, he flipped.


".....Who are you" she asked.

Tom and wolf suddenly busts in with the tranquilizer gun.

"SFPD, pending background check; paws in the air!-"

"Princess get back" he pulls her away.

They both freezes at the sight of the blue hedgehog.


Tom and wolf scream, Sonic screams back in fright, By instinct, Tom shoots the latter in the leg and wolf holds princess close to him.


Just as he starts paying attention to Tom's shirt, the tranquilizer's effects begin to kick in.


As he quickly loses strength and stability, he drops the ring, which, as a result of his most recent thoughts, opens up a portal to the top of the Transamerica Building. He collapses on the floor shortly after, and drops his satchel through the portal in the process.


The portal closes seconds before he could reach it, leaving him to finally pass out in front of a shocked Tom.


"Tom, what is that thing?" Wolf asked.

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