A Father's Love (Adopted Book)

Galing kay IcyWillowSong

4.8K 410 646

After being the Flash for two years our hero Sabre falls. He receives and injury that will effect his powers... Higit pa

The Incident
My Hero
Some new Colors
Slowing Down
Blue and Green
Physical Therapy
More Adjusted
First Time isn't a Charm
Side Thoughts
The Park
Heart Attack
Christmas Special
Lessons in School
Detective Work
An Unlikely Rainy Day
Beach Day

Burning Futures

130 16 61
Galing kay IcyWillowSong

Hai Ranger :)



The next day came too quickly, and so did the morning of me eating breakfast with Sabre, the school hours, going home, and him helping me get ready to meet these possible... new parents. Sabre even helped comb out my hair and seemed happy for me... Happy for me to have a chance at a new home. I wanted to be happy too... but, I didn't want to go. Thanks to him I can go into cars now without panicking so much... I can better learn how to read and write, he helped me get to a school where I have made friends... He made me feel safe to sleep at night and has never let me down... not even the night he was missing when the bridge collapsed. I didn't want to be with anyone else.

I just wanted him.

I couldn't care less about living in a small apartment, I liked the room and the small balcony I sit at when I study. I had the entire city to explore with him! Going to the mall like we did, even that weird store where I met one of his friends and we got pop rocks! All of it... the park where he defended me from my parents, the late nights we spent together when I couldn't sleep. Going to his therapy appointments. Seeing his life... This was the life I wanted! A life where I could be normal! I could even feel safe when my powers slipped up since I knew he still cared about me with the abilities I have... but he seemed so happy now.

Watching him get dressed- and also combing his hair out and adjusting his casual wear of clothes... He seemed so happy at the idea of me getting a forever home. He wants what is best for me... So why can't my best be with him? Here? Why can't he adopt-

"Are you ready to get going Rainbow?" Sabre looks at me as he heads to the door.

"Yeah... I'm ready." I head to the door with him making sure to turn off the lights. I looked up at my foster dad. He smiled brightly as he got his shoes on and grabbed his cane against the wall near the door. I smiled back, but it was forced. He tilted his head to the side.

"Are you alright Rainbow?" He asked me before kneeling down to my level. He always does that when he knows we need to talk seriously about something.

"I... will you be mad if they don't want me?" I lied to him. Well, it's kind of true, especially since I am not sure what he will think if this doesn't go well. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course not, if this doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Even then, these things take time. We would need to meet up with them a few times over to see if it will work out. Just try not to worry about it so much. After all, we are just getting to know them. If you want to be with them, then we will try to get things figured out. This is all about you." His smile softens and I relax a bit.

"What if there was someone else I had in mind?" I half blurted out.

"Someone else in mind? What do you mean by that kiddo?" He gets back on his feet while I put my shoes on.

"Like... what if there was someone I knew... who might want me as there... son you know?" I stumbled with my words. Am I really going to try to tell him that I want to be with him? Now? Right as we are about to go to a family that wants me?

"Well, you can tell me and I'll try to talk to the parents about the idea. Did you have someone else in mind already? If you do we will have to do it later alright?"

"No! I uh... didn't have anyone else in mind... I was just curious." I finished tying my shoes and opened the door for my dad- Foster dad. He laughs a bit.

"I'm no lady, but at least you have the memo of ladies' first in mind." He teased a bit as he stepped out the door. I laughed with him as I got out of the apartment and into the hallway. He locked the door right after I closed it and we made our way to the elevator and out of the building. We went into the car where I sat shotgun, Apparently, foster dad is surprised that I am big enough and weight enough to sit in shotgun safely. Just like that, we started driving out into the busy streets and to whatever restaurant we would be heading to.

"Where are we going to eat anyway?" I asked him hugging myself slightly while in the car. It was still nerve-racking being in here, but as long as I keep looking outside and stay up front... I should be fine.

"Oh, just a small pizza place. It's near the center of town and close to something else I thought you would like to see after we eat and talk to the family for a bit." Sabre tells me while he keeps his eyes on the road. He is a very safe driver... I don't think I've ever seen him road rage, break any laws, or even speed over the limit.

"That sounds nice... what did you want me to see afterward?" I asked him a bit confused. I saw him grin.

"That's a surprise for later." He didn't say more about this surprise while we drove into the center of the city. I am not sure what took us longer, getting there or finding a parking spot. He finally manages to park the car in a safe spot and stops the engine.

"Well... Are you ready to meet them?" He asks as he gets out goes over to my side and opens the door for me. I get out of the car as he closes and locks the car. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," I tell him as we walk a small way to the restaurant. It was fairly busy and was packed with a few people. Outside there were a few people well, two guys and a small girl. They seemed to be waiting. One of them seemed fairly tall with blonde hair, and blue eyes, and was wearing an orange tank top with brown jeans. He was the one holding the little girl with brown hair and green eyes. The other guy stood a little shorter than the other. He also had blonde hair and was wearing a brown shirt with black shorts. He has grey eyes though.

"Hello! Are you Sabre and Rainbow?" The taller man asked. Sabre nods to him.

"Yes, I'm Sabre. You are Jake correct?" He asks and reached out his hand. The man Jake reached out his hand and shakes Sabre's hand.

"I'm Rick. And this is our daughter Ella. Do you want to say hi?" The shorter man looks at the small child. She looks at the two of us then hides her face. I guess she is really shy. Jake laughed a bit.

"It's okay Ella don't worry." Jake rubs her head as he continues to hold her.

"Hi..." My voice trailed off before I could try to say my name. The two men looked at me and waved.

"You must be Rainbow, you look even cuter in person!" Rick says. I manage a small smile as thank you.

"Lets head in and order a pizza okay? So we can all eat and get to know each other." Sabre suggests and gestures to the front door. Everyone seemed to silently agree. We waited in line for a few minutes and soon were seated down at a table. I quickly sat next to Sabre while Jake and Rick sat next to eachother with Ella in the middle. The adults stared to talk and Ella looks at me.

"Hi...." She mumbles looking at me.

"Hello." I say back to her. She then points to my head.

"Why is your hair red and orange?" She asks me.

"I just like them this color really. D- Sabre says it's okay to express yourself in different ways, even through changing your hair color." I explained. She smiled a bit.

"That means I can make my hair pink if I wanted too?" Her eyes widen with this new realization in life.

"Yea... but you might want to ask your dads first-" she started tugging on Rick's arm. He looks down.

"What's up little pumpkin?" He asks.

"People can change there hair like he does! Can I have my hair pink!" She asks excitedly.

"Hmmm yea, they can. We might not turn all your hair pink... but maybe we can do the tips." He suggests.

"Yay!" She smiles a bit and then seems quickly disinterested in me as she draws on a menu. I listen to my Foster Dad.

"... work with Professors Watts and later I am going back to my detective work." He says as I only began listing to his conversation.

"Ooh fun! I work in the fashion line for women. Really trying to add pockets to as many skirts as possible." Jake smiles a bit then Rick chimes in.

"I'm a writer. I work on biographies." He smiles a bit.

"Thats good for both of you! It must be fun." Sabre adds.

"Not as fun as an actual detective though! Come on that was a childhood dream for me when I was younger." Jake laughs a bit and it makes the two of them laugh with him.

"Yea... Rainbow do you want to tell them a little about yourself?" Sabre looks at me as if now noticing I was listing.

"I um...." Butteries flew in my stomach. What would I even say about myself. I have super powers? I'm scared of cars? That I really want to be with Sabre and not you guys even though you all seem really nice. "I uh.... Like reading books?" I managed to get out. Rick smiles at me.

"Oh what kind of books?"

"Uh... books about super heroes."

"Do action and adventure books. It's a good genre of books." Rock smiles at me. Then conversation began to pick up. I told them about school and my classes, what I like to do when I am not busy. Foods I like, places I like to see. The more I talked the more relaxed I felt and the more found the two seemed of me. Even Ella was listening. I could see Sabre smiling while I talked to them.

Even as the food got ordered, and we slowly ate the two pizzas we ordered. There was more for me to say and there was a lot they told me about them and spoke about Ella. Ella did chime in when she wanted too, but rather than that they spoke about her while Sabre let me speak about myself. Soon the plates were empty and a hour had gone bye. Ella seemed tired and was laying on Jake with cheese on her lips.

"I'm really glad we got to meet you Rainbow... if you like we can see you later? Talk more about if you want to join us... and our home." Rick smiles a bit. Sabre chimes in.

"That sounds wonderful! What do you think Rainbow?" Sabre asks me and all eyes suddenly stared at me. They were all waiting on me to say if I wanted to see them again... to get even adopted by then... my heart started to ache and I swing my legs under the table queitly. I... they seem nice and I don't want to say no... but it's not them I want... I... I just... want Sabre... but I know I can't stay forever! He probably did all of this so he can let me go... it's for the better right?... for me to agree to this... maybe I am just being selfish. I have a chance to get a home now! And... if it makes my foster dad happy then... maybe it's the right thing to do.

"I-" The sound of glass shattering cut me off. Some people fell silent while others only did a quick glance around the room before going back to eating. Sabre stood up very quickly looking around more throughly than anyone else there.

"Someone probably just broke a glass bottle or something-" Rick tried to calm Sabre down, but he caught off him, and everyone else in the room.

"Everyone get down!" He yelled at the top of his lungs before a loud slam hit something hard causing the ground making the ground shake. Rick, Jake and Ella quickly got under the table. Sabre pushed me under the table with them. A sound of a little girl laughing rang through the room. People quickly started to panic.

"Hehehe~ I'm back~" I... wasn't that- the villain with the hammer? She... she escaped the prison?! People started screaming and running in all directions. I watched as Sabre without a second thought got into the line of danger. His voice echoed through the restaurant as he started pointing and guiding people to exits. He then pointed us to a direction. I did exactly what he said without hesitation while Jake and Rick were a bit more hesitant. As we made our way to the exit we heard the sounds of smashing, shattering, breaking, and a little girl laughing.

"Awww where is your hero? Wouldn't of he been here by now?" She traded the fight red crowds. I looked over and saw her blocking the exit. I hid under the nearest table with the parents and Ella. Ella was crying and Rick was trying to calm her down. I looked around and saw Sabre no where to be found.

"Awww come on~ no one else is willing to stand up against me?!" She hissed and I heard her footsteps and heavy hammer drag on the ground. It was heading towards us. Suddenly Jack pushed me behind him and Rick... he was protecting me.

Soon I saw her... the renowned Villian's feet. I begged for her not to see us, but before I could even blink she was looking right at us.

"Look! I found some new friends!" She gleamed before I heard the wind rush around us and slam down deep into the table. I felt a large piece of wood hit my head, but a hand grabbing me and pushing me to the side. I closed my eyes shut as I heard her laugh. When I opened my eyes again I could see blood running down my face. I could see Jake holding there arm in pain that was now twisted in a funny position. Rick was holding Ella with his back facing all of us. Ella was crying even louder at this point.

"Awww let's see... let's get you first!" She grinned and without hesitation raised her hammer above her head. Facing Jake. Anger suddenly boiled in my skin. I was not letting her hurt anyone else... I'm tired of watching other people suffer.... Just like Sabre did protecting me from my old parents... during the bridge... simply walking around on a hurt leg... all of it I just... watched.

Not this time.

I reached my hand forward as it glowed in a red color. A wave of fire suddenly shot out of my hand. The bright red burning flames burned her skin and caught on to the broken table behind her. She looks at me with her eyes widen as she recoiled in pain. Jake, Rick and Ella just looked at me in shock. I looked at them with the fire still burning on my hands the flames sinking into the floor. I knew that look they were giving me. One of absolute fear... I held my head in pain with my hand that was not in flames as blood dripped onto the ground.

I watched as Rick took Jake and Ella... they ran away from me and her... in there eyes...

I was no different than her.

"What the hell kid?! I don't care what kind of witch craft you just pulled but I don't like it!" She ran up to me as I stumbled up and moved to the side. My last bit of flames hit a pillar it going up in a flame as my hands stopped glowing. Her hammer hits the wall next to me. She screamed at me in anger before once again trying to hit me with her heavy hammer. I moved and stumbled out of the way with each swing. My head was pounding as much as my heart.

The flames around me grew in a angry rage as anything wood became red and black. I... I was burning this place to the ground... I... I didn't mean too... I soon reached a dead end as I was backed into a corner. Her eyes glowed from the fire around us.

"Let's get this done and over with kid." She swung once last time and I shut my eyes tight. I waited for the painful blow only... to hear a whoosh of air. Then nothing... nothing but the crackling sounds of the fire around me. Then an angry voice.

"I was hoping you would be late Flash!" She hisses. I opened my eyes to see him... The Flash! He was here! To save everyone! To save me! He as holding the handle of the hammer to keep it from hitting me.

"I'm never late. Now, I will give you once chance to leave before this gets messy." He held a part of his neck as he spoke. I took this chance to run and find a place to cover myself. I didn't know how to get out so... I hid near a stone wall and watched the two of them.

"Not now! This is my second chance you-" Before she could finish he drops the hammer and punches her in the stomach. She swings her hammer, but he avoids it with ease. I watched as his yellow and red blur mix with the flames around her. He was winning with ease. In a sudden realization of her losing she runs after me. As an attempt to throw him off. I try to move fast enough but she swings her hammer at me before I could react. I hear a loud thud but not the pain. The Flash stood in front of me and was tossed to the side from the heavy hit of the hammer.

"Flash!" I cried out in a panic, the villain picks me up by the neck and slammed me shaking the stone wall. I yelped in pain and she stared at me and squeezed my neck. I stared to choke. She said nothing and she continued to squeeze the life out of me. I kicked her and tried using my powers against her, but I couldn't do anything. My vision slowly started to become dark.

Please Flash... do something... I want to see Sabre again... I... I don't want this to be over.. I want to be his foster son for as long as I can... please... I want to see my dad again...

A loud zap fills the air as the villain suddenly shakes in pain in a seizure like motion. She lets go of me as she struggles to stand. I scramble away catching my breath to see something I didn't expect. The Flash with his left hand outstretched with sparks of yellow electricity coming out of his finger tips.

He's never done that before.

I watched her fall the ground. Uncouncious by the looks of it now. The Flash slowly gets off the ground holding his arm before touching his neck.

"Are you okay kid?" He asks me. I slowly nodded. I... I wasn't dead right? So that's okay. He limps over to me and picks me up. "I'll grab her in a second. Let's get you out of here first." I let him hold me up. I saw some of my blood stain his yellow suit as in a few snail sprints he takes us outside. He sets me down.

"Find your parents kid, be safe buddy." He then rushed back inside and I watched him come back wit the villain and her weapon. He goes back in one more time... then comes out before zooming away like nothing happens... the building was burning to the ground now with the fire department now trying to get rid of the flames I started. With my bleeding head I stared to look around for Sabre.

"Sabre! Sabre!" I cried out to him in the crowds. Some people tried to grab me and stop me, but I pulled away. I... I want my dad...

"Dad!... Dad!... where are you?! Dad!" I cried out louder this time. Still no response. I coughed a bit as I kept crying out for him. Looking for his blindfold or cane in the crowd. Tears ran down my face... my hands glowed blue. I hid my hands in my pockets. I saw Jake and Rick. I met eyes with them. I cried out to them for help, but the ran away from me without hesitation. I...

I sat on the ground in defeat. Tears ran down my face as it started to rain. I heard some people seem relived from the rain. I wasn't though... all I could think about was my dad... what if he was trapped in there in the fire I stared... what if I hurt him... I... where is he?! Why isn't he here... did he leave me?... did he leave like those two did... I... I don't know.. I...

Someone tried to touch me. I looked at them and screamed at the top of my lungs in panic.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU AREN'T MY DAD!" I snapped. I saw thee face and quickly went quiet. Sabre was looking at me. He was kneeling at my level and seemed... worried. Not mad at me for yelling... I just cried more.

"I'm sorry... I..." My voice cracked as I spoke. I didn't mean to yell at him... I though...

"I know I'm not your dad." Everything went quiet. The fire burning out. The pouring rain... "but... you are bleeding... will you let me help?" He asks me and reaches his hand close to my face, but he doesn't touch it. I hugged him and sobbed in relief.

"I... you are my dad though..." I mumbled. He picks me up... he was shaking as he stood as if he was in pain. Was he hurt too?...

"I know. I'm your foster dad." He reminds me as he started to take me away from the crowds. The way he was holding me was like a warm tight hug. My head rested in this shoulder so I could see behind him. I closed my eyes though not caring about the crowds or anything... all that mattered was that I was here with my dad... it didn't matter where I went... as long as I was with him.

"But... I don't want that... I want you to be my dad... dad...." I mumbled as exhaustion overcame me. I closed my eyes. He froze as he held me close. I could feel his grip on me tighten.

"Well... let's get you checked up first... We are close to the Professors' lab. He can tend to your wound..." He ignored what I said... I... I was too tired to care though... I as safe... here... with him... and that's all that mattered...

It's the only thing I want now....

(Words 3987)

Bye Ranger :)

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