The 3 Angels of Death

By WGS564

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What if Rimuru went to Demon Slayer as The older brother of Tanjiro and Nezuko and changed the fates of vario... More

Obieta ō
Selfish Fighter Vs. Selfless Swordsman
Fire Vs. Ice
Moon vs. Sun
Tsuzumi Mansion
To the Wisteria Mansion
Mount Natagumo
Hashira Meeting
The Storm Hashira
Boarding Infinity
The Mind's Paradise
Don't Wake Me Up
Nightmare Awakened
The Entertainment District
Calm Before the Storm
Battle Against the Upper 5
True Strength
True Colors
To the Swordsmith Village
Kanjō no kurōn
Reason to Fight
True Nightmare
What's Next
Bitter Work
This Story will be Cancelled Here I'm Sorry
Shōjikina ketsuron


1.1K 42 287
By WGS564

Nezuko's eyes began to open

Nezuko: (What's going on where am I the last thing I remember is)

Nezuko tried to move but couldn't she noticed her hands and feet were gone and she was confined in a flesh-like substance

Muzan: So you've finally regained consciousness

Nezuko's eyes became furious not a day in her life since she was turned into a demon had she forgotten that face or what he did that day

Muzan: So tell me how does it feel to be the perfect being


Nezuko's struggle yielded no fruit

Muzan: Your struggle is pointless I've learned from watching your battles you need your hands and feet to use those troublesome flames of yours

Nezuko stopped struggling

Muzan: I'd expect you to be more grateful after all it's thanks to me you've turned into the perfect being

Nezuko: It's also thanks to you I lost almost everything dear to me and I never asked to be THIS

Muzan: Well then since your life is so awful I'll take it from you then

Nezuko: . . . No you won't

Muzan: I will

Nezuko: I meant you can't can you otherwise you would've done it already 

Muzan didn't answer

Nezuko: I'm right aren't I for some reason you aren't able to absorb me so now you're trying to emotionally break me in hopes that I'll give up but I won't

Nezuko: So try your hardest

Nezuko was correct the moment that she was captured and unconscious Muzan immediately began his attempt to absorb her but the moment he did Nezuko's cells rejected and overpowered his and began to disintegrate, devour, and destroy Muzan's cells had he continued his attempt he would've died he was shaken beyond belief in all his years of life and all the different demons that he's created nothing like this had ever happened before veins grew on Muzan's face

Muzan: Your cursed bloodline causes nothing but problems for me

Nezuko: Is that true what an honor

Muzan: (So long as this girl still has the will to live I'll never be able to absorb her I need to shatter that will and there's only one way to do that her brothers are the closest thing she has to weakness but they're both too strong and we're lacking the power to defeat them with only Kokushibo and Douma remaining victory wouldn't be assured and losing them as well would put the Demon Slayers at an even bigger advantage than they have now . . . wait of course)

Muzan began chuckling which led to an awful laugh that concluded with his hand on his face

Muzan: Since you're such a clever girl tell me how can you stand being in the constant company of someone who hates you more than anything

Nezuko: I like to believe I've gained the trust of various Demon Slayers and even if I haven't-

Muzan: I wasn't talking about them are you truly unaware of how much your older brother despises you


Muzan: You mean you truly don't know of his activities he may seem to fit the criteria that passes for kind among humans but that's just a façade he's a cruel monster who hates demons and loves nothing more than watching them suffer


Muzan smirked

Muzan: See for yourself

Muzan speared Nezuko's mind and showed her the eyes of past demons and what they've seen she first saw Rimuro's back turned

Nezuko: Brother

Rimuro: You filthy scum

Nezuko looked at the demon behind her in shock

Rimuro: The only thing your kind is good for is disturbing the peace and causing destruction you all deserve nothing

Nezuko: (Those eyes and that aura they're so cold this can't be brother can it)

Rimuro then walked past Nezuko and held the demon's face as it was pinned to a tree by several sticks and stones

Rimuro: But don't worry justice will be done I'm going to gain true vengeance for all the people you've slaughtered their rage lives within me this is justice

Rimuro then began slowly driving his finger through the demon's eye and then his hand as he did this his smile increased


Nezuko had her hands on her mouth as she was horrified at what she saw

Rimuro: Well I suppose if nothing else you're satisfying to watch suffer since pity is wasted on the likes of you

Rimuro then began reaching through the brain of the demon and ripped it out equally as slowly Nezuko turned away and covered her ears

Nezuko: Stop it please stop Brother it's enough THEY'VE HAD ENOUGH

But this was just the beginning

She was shown countless similar scenarios that she couldn't stop seeing and couldn't stop hearing all she could do was watch and the sounds she heard the laughter the overwhelming laughter of insanity she couldn't understand how this could be the same kind brother she'd known all her life this awful process continued for 5 days until she was finally brought out

Muzan: Do you finally see the truth he despises you

Nezuko was still recovering from what she had seen

Muzan: (This should be it once she loses her will to fight her cells will also lose their will in response finally the power of a Sun Walker WILL BE MINE)

Nezuko: . . . I understand now

Muzan: So you finally see-

Nezuko: I understand how much He has been suffering all because of YOU

Suddenly it felt as if the room had gotten hotter

Nezuko: He always takes care of everyone around him

It felt as if they were inside an oven

Nezuko: Rimuro is and always has been a KIND PERSON

Meanwhile, Tamayo was writing a letter to The Tsugikuni

Tamayo: (Rimuro, Tanjiro, Nezuko I thank you for providing me with the blood from Nezuko and the 12 Kizuki the blood of Upper 3 played a significant role in creating the cure that turns demons back into humans it is complete and as for the cure for the curse of the Demon Slayer Mark it is close to completion I just need to run some tests with Tanjiro we'll be on our way to the Storm Mansion soon apologies if this provides any inconvenience for you there's one more thing I believe I should tell you and it's about Nezuko I ran some tests on her blood and there may be a slight explanation on how she's conquered the sun so quickly . . . it's hard to explain but it's as if her body is constantly adapting to whatever she desires she conquered the sun because it was her desire to walk along side the both of you to protect those she cares for and to be human again which may explain how she never once lost her sense of self . . . this power seems as if it was in no part given to her by That Man it's as if an outside force intervened and gave her this power it's more than a simple blood demon art it's an unrivaled ability an Ultimate Skill if you would and with a power like this . . .)

Nezuko's flames had turned from black to white they incinerated everything near her including Muzan himself

Nezuko: (I see with that I can escape this dimension I just need to let it burn Brighter AND BRIGHTER UNTIL IT ENGULFS THE VERY THING I DESIRE IT TO NO MATTER WHAT IT IS)

Tamayo: (. . . May come close to surpassing Muzan himself)

It seemed as if everything around in the Infinity Castle was lit a flame even the air the flames got hotter and hotter until a chain reaction of explosions were set off throughout the entire Infinity Castle

Tamayo: (That is if it hasn't already)

Muzan was staring upwards as he was blown away by the blast

Muzan: . . . (It seems that I may not be able to absorb her well then there's only one option left I'll brainwash her and turn her into an Upper Moon with her power on my side The Demon Slayers will be wiped out and with time to study her I'll figure out how to conquer the sun eventually I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they're murdered by their own sister her new name shall be Nisshoku)

Muzan got up and slowly regenerated

Muzan: Nakime, send all the demons in the castle to capture her and they should wear her down

Nakime: . . .

Muzan: Is there a problem

Nakime: . . . Forgive me My Lord but I cannot locate her

Muzan: You mean she has evaded even your vision

Nakime: No I mean she is gone from the castle

Muzan had a face of utter disbelief

Muzan: (Has her power truly become so great that she was able to incinerate the barrier between the Infinity Castle and that world)

Muzan's veins grew enraged

Muzan: Then send someone to retrieve her

Nakime: I'm afraid that in her outburst she has also destroyed the the very fabric of this world it took everything I had just to search the castle it may take days before anything can operate normally

Muzan punched the ground he was standing on


Nezuko was in an unknown town all she knew was that she was still in Japan but nothing else

Nezuko: (What even was that power I don't recognize it was it with me this whole time . . . well it doesn't matter I need to get back to the Storm Mansion but I feel so exhausted I'm tired and starving I can barely stay conscious right now)

Nezuko tried to get up but couldn't

Nezuko: (It's no use I'm too tired I may black out soon)

???: Well it must be my lucky day to think that I would find you here

Nezuko looked up at who was speaking in horror

Nezuko: No no NO not you stay away

???: Come now no need to be like that don't be afraid this won't hurt a bit

The mysterious figure got gradually closer Nezuko tried to resist but she passed out before she could

Look Chloe I need my memes back

Chloe: Do you intend to take them back by force I welcome you to

I'm no fool I've come to bargain

Chloe: Bargain

Our sadistic author manifested a photo

If you give me back my memes I'll give you this picture

Chloe looked at the picture and was red upon looking at it


All yours if you would just-

Chloe immediately handed our author the memes and swiped the photo out of his hand while running off with it

Figured that would work but not that it would work so well well now time to give the audience what they want let's see what we got here

Definition of WORTH IT

I don't even know how to comment on that one 😑

No comment needed 🗿

They'll need more than that

Fool he was the best EVERYTIME plain and simple

Time for a Taisho Era Secret Rimuru gave Nezuko was created by him since I'm not familiar with the skills though the name could be changed if something similar exists it's name is the Ultimate Skill Adaptive Lord Chimera yeah it's not that good it's definitly open for editing Thanks for Reading

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