My Cancelled Stories: Transfo...

By AnimalX23

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Probably the most ambitious project from my history as a writer, Transformers: Re-Animated was a story idea t... More

Arc 1: The Trial of Megatron
Arc 2: Combiner Wars
Arc 3: Predacons Rising
Arc 4: Children of the Axalon
Arc 5: New Spark
Arc 6: Shattered Glass
Arc 7: Techno-organic Virus
Arc 8: Stunticon Job
Arc 9: Sword of Light
Postmortem 2: energon boogaloo

Arc 10: Finale

120 2 0
By AnimalX23

The tenth and final arc of Re-animated would have the Stunticons finally bust Megatron out of Trypticon prison, followed by the Decepticon leader storming the Metroplex to have a word with Sentinel Magnus, the Stunticons holding Sentinel Magnus hostage with Megatron broadcasting his message to all of Cybertron about how all of Autobotkind will fall and Cybertron will belong to the Decepticons once more along with revealing to all of Cybertron that it was he who set up Optimus Prime and his crew, Sentinel exclaiming "you decieved me!" Megatron replies with "isn't that why we're called Decepticons?" revealing that he needed Sentinel to exile the ones who defeated him from Cybertron so that no one would interfere with his planned insurrection of Cybertron and the broadcast ends with Megatron killing Sentinel, smoke coming out of his mouth and optics like Prowl in the 1986 movie. meanwhile on Earth the Autobots and the Sumdac family all watch the broadcast on their TV screen, as the spacebridge on Sumdac Tower managed to pick up Cybertronian radio signals. things go from bad to worse when the Decepticons all break into Sumdac tower, hearing Megatron's call to arms and holding Isaac at gunpoint forcing him to activate the Spacebridge atop Sumdac Tower (of which the Autobots have been using to go back and forth from Cybertron to Earth) meanwhile Sari hears Leah crying from her room and walks into Laserbeak stealing Leah from her crib like a demonic stork, flying out of the window carrying the crying techno-organic infant, Sari giving chase with her scooter-jetpack, Sari's maternal instincts kicking into high gear as she exclaims "give me back my baby you slaggin' metal turkey!" only for her to get shot out of the sky by the Starscream clones who damage one of her wings, however she is caught by Lance on his motorbike-jetpack like her knight in shining cybertronian armor. Shockwave, Strika, Lugnut, Blitzwing, Oil Slick, Cyclonus, Spittor, Blackout, Slipstream, Thrust, Dirge, Ramjet, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Sunstorm, Crumplezone, Ransack, Thunderblast, Astrotrain, Soundwave, Swindle, Brawl, Vortex, Blast-off, Onslaught, Bludgeon, Flatline, Scalpel, Bombshell, Kickback, Shrapnel, Waspinator, Inferno, Tarantulas, and many, many, more bridge to Cybertron to reunite with their dearly-missed leader. turns out the Decepticons wanted to get their hands on Leah for a particular reason: the Allspark shard on her forehead, of which Flatline uses to power Megatron's new upgraded form: Marauder Megatron, this new form giving Megatron to triple-change into a Cybertronian jet and tank. but Flatline has managed to finally perfect the triple-changer technology with help from Leah's allspark shard, meaning Megatron won't go insane like what happened to Blitzwing and Astrotrain.

Upon gaining his new body, Megatron gets up on a pedestal to give a hate-filled speech to the crowd of Autobot citizens:

"My Cybertronian brothers and sisters, your Magnus is dead! I am now Cybertron's rightful ruler and you will all submit to me, or die in defiance. Decepticons, transform and rise up!"

However, all the citizens start booing Megatron, you can even hear some among the crowd chanting "we want Optimus!" angering Megatron to the point where it scares his subordinates.

The ghost of Prowl watches this with great concern, only for the ghost of Starscream to appear beside him and say "You know Autobot, as much as I hate your kind... I think I hate Megatron even more" the two Allspark ghosts finally agreeing on something for once.

Meanwhile little Leah resides inside the chest-cockpit of Marauder Megatron literally plugged into the Decepticon as he draws energy from her Allspark shard. in this state she is basically in a coma, unaware of her surroundings.

Meanwhile on Earth the Autobots gather as many allies as they can for the coming battle again, Optimus broadcasting a message to all over Detroit to help him and his crew. Arcee, the Dinobots, Wheeljack, Perceptor, Blurr, Cliffjumper, Jetfire, Jetstorm, Wreck-Gar, Depthcharge, Barricade, Elita-1, Drift, Nightbird (who decided to switch sides) and even Sideways and the Constructicons agree to help Team Prime on the mission to take back Cybertron as they all board the Ark to blast off through the Spacebridge.

Optimus and his crew arrive on Cybertron at the Metroplex to find a dying Sentinel Magnus, Sentinel telling Optimus his last words "Optimus, I was so wrong. I should have listened. you... are the new Magnus" before going offline for good. now Optimus must carry that title along with the hammer and Powermaster Armor in the final battle against Megatron. meanwhile Lance, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead help console a crying Sari as she fears what the Decepticons have done to Leah as she clutches Leah's bumblebee stuffie close to her chest. they all assure her that they'll try their best to save her. but Sari suddenly senses Leah's allspark energy... and it's coming from within the chassis of Megatron. this creates a moral dilemma for the Autobots, as Optimus knows what must be done saying "Megatron must be destroyed no matter the cost" but can't do it without hurting little Leah, knowing that Sari would never forgive him if any harm came to her little one. we also get the return of Prowl and Starscream, the two returning to the mortal coil agreeing to help take down Megatron. although the alliance with Starscream is tenuous at best, but hey the enemy of my enemy is my friend. also don't ask how the two allspark ghosts become alive again, just chock it up to another Allspark Deus Ex Machina.

This leads to an epic climactic final battle in the streets of Cybertron: EVERY autobot vs. EVERY decepticon (we're talking an Avengers: Endgame level of epic final battle here) including Omega Supreme fighting against Bruticus, all the while the Powermaster-armored Optimus Magnus is having a knock-down, drag-out fight with Marauder Megatron. but Optimus pulls his final punch during the last second when Sari reminds him that Leah's still in there, and Sari places her hands on Megatron's chest using her technopathy to communicate with Leah telling her "It's okay, mommy's here" while Optimus holds Megatron in place. Megatron's chest compartment opens up, with Sari disconnecting the cord from Leah's forehead and clutching her infant daughter in her arms fearing the worst as she doesn't feel any sign of life. Sari starts grieving, only for Leah's eyes to open up and utter the words "Mama?" Sari's tears turn into tears of joy happy to have her child back safe and sound. this shows that while Sari may be just a teenager, she still has the heart of a true mother who loves her baby girl so much that she would risk sacrificing her own life to protect her.

When Megatron threatens to burn all of Cybertron for the ground having had enough of his "fellow cybertronians" refusing to comply, all of Meg's fellow Decepticons (who LIVE on Cybertron) betray Megatron and side with the Autobots, leading to their combined forces ganging up on Megatron who has now been weakened by having Leah removed from his spark chamber. the enraged Optimus Magnus then delivers the killing blow to Megatron by charging up the Magnus hammer for an energy strike that goes right through Megatron's spark chamber, extinguishing the Decepticon leader's spark splattering glowing pink Energon all over Optimus's chassis. the other Autobots are shocked, as they've never seen Optimus this angry nor have they seen him take the life of another cybertron since the Optimus they knew is a pacifist. Optimus looks at the energon splattered all over his hands and looks down at Megatron's lifeless shell. all the Autobots and Decepticons start cheering on Optimus Prime, all the while Optimus has conflicted feelings. one one hand he saved the day, but on the other hand it was at the cost of crossing the unforgivable line of taking the life of a fellow cybertronian. real poignant stuff.

During the epilogue, we see Alpha Trion formally knight Optimus as the new Magnus of Cybertron, along with promoting Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl (who's now sporting his G1 colors), Ironhide, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker to being members of the Autobot Elite Guard alongside giving Jazz his Elite Guard status back with Elita congratulating Optimus as his promotion while leaning on her sparkmate, the two watching Ratchet's heartfelt reunion with Arcee. Bulkhead bro-hugs both Bumblebee and Ironhide in celebration (maybe squeezing them a little too hard). we also see Jazz put his hand on Prowl's shoulder and tell him "It's good to have you back, old friend" the two cyber-ninjas exchanging glances to throw the shippers a bone, alongside Sideswipe and Sunstreaker having a bro-hug the twins happy to finally have a better life from where they started, Jetfire and Jetstorm telling them that they'll fit right in. while Sari is busy playing with Leah, Alpha Trion informs Sari that he had the Autobot high council bring someone from Earth who wanted to see her. this turns out to be Isaac who has a happy reunion with both his daughter and granddaughter. meanwhile the Decepticons are being apprehended and taken back to Trypticon prison because in spite of helping take down Megatron they still need to answer for all their crimes. meanwhile Lance has a reunion with Josie (I kinda forgot about her, sorry about that) who tells him to come with her and Sideways, saying that Circuit Breakers gotta stick together. Lance and Sari share a goodbye kiss before Lance takes off with Sideways and Josie to travel the galaxy as drifters, going wherever the cosmic winds take them. in a celebratory moment, Optimus raises the magnus hammer and exclaims "With Megatron finally gone, let this be the new age of peace on Cybertron! Till all are one!" all the Autobots exclaiming "Till all are one!" in unison.

We then jump ahead 8 years later, where we see a new alliance has been formed between the peoples of Cybertron and Earth thanks to the efforts of Optimus Magnus with both Humans and Autobots walking the streets of Detroit while living together in harmony showing that Cybertronians have gotten over their fear of organics in those 8 years since Optimus has been Magnus. we then see Bumblebee in his vehicle mode drive by an Elementary school with an adult Sari in the driver's seat and a now 8-year-old Leah (same age as her mom was when she first met the Autobots, it all comes full circle) riding in the backseat. as it turns out Sari is here to drop off Leah for her first day of school. Sari gives her daughter a goodbye kiss on the cheek before she leaves, Bumblebee (now sporting an Elite Guard autobot symbol on his chest) transforming into his robot mode to sit next to Sari as they watch Leah walk off to meet up with her friends to brag to them about how her mom is friends with the Autobots. Sari sighs, saying "they grow up so fast" while Bumblebee says "she's just like her mother" Sari and 'Bee both wave Leah goodbye as the school doors close, ending our series on a high note.

And that was the end of Transformers Re-Animated, after all that effort what was the exact reason why did I choose to cancel this fan-series? you might ask, well kind sir I will go into detail why in the next chapter titled "Postmortem" where I will explain why I decided to make the call to pull the plug on Re-Animated.

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