Fuck It I Love You

By _spidey_fan

3.7K 168 16

A Student-teacher romance ONGOING!!! -------------------- I HAVEN'T GONE THROUGH AND EDITED THE STORY, SO IGN... More



97 6 0
By _spidey_fan


Jane and Ava manage to arrive at the lesson five minutes late.

"You're late." I say, not looking up from my work. I hear Ava mutter sorry while Jane comes to stand in front of me. I sigh deeply and look up.

"What is it, Jane?" Her fingers drum against the table as she stares at me intensely.

"I forgot my pen, may I borrow one sir?" I narrow my eyes but reach for the pen that is in my pocket anyway.

"What're you up to?" I whisper but she just shrugs and smiles at me as she takes the pen out of my hand. She then walks away smirking, causing my eyes to narrow even further. Once she's sat, I clear my throat and stand, ready to begin the lesson.

"Okay so today-"

"Can't we do something other than GCSE revision." I close my eyes and look at Jane and smile.

"No." I say firmly and turn away when she rolls her eyes. "Anyway, today you'll be carrying on with your English Literature and-"

"Sir?" I look at her once more, to find her hand in the air and Ava fighting back a laugh.

"Yes, Jane?" She clears her throat and pauses for a moment.

"I've finished all of the English Lit. What should I do?" My brows knit together as I walk towards her.

"How have you already finished?" She shrugs her shoulders and hands her book to me. I flick through all the pages, my eyes widening. I look at her again when I place her book back on her desk. "I'll give you something to do when everyone has started." The entire class are looking at us now, and I grow uncomfortable. I walk to the front of the class and grab all the copies of Macbeth. "Here's a copy of the play to help you." I say and start handing them out. Everyone begins to work silently, and I sit at my desk again. I glance at Jane, who is on her phone, and feel mine buzz in my pocket. I reach for it and see that I have a message from her.


?? Well what?

I glance at her and catch her rolling her eyes again.

What should I do?

I pause for a moment.

Reread Macbeth. 🤷

I watch her look at me in exasperation and I chuckle.

Also, stop rolling your eyes, or they'll get stuck.

I glance at her again and see her furrow her eyebrows before begining to type furiously.

Then give me a reason to roll them

I wasn't expecting that response, and my eyes widen. I glance at Jane again, but she's got a book in hand and is refusing to look at me.

"Sir?" I jump at the sudden voice in front of me and look up, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Yes, Jack?"

"I need help with this." He points to one of the questions on the worksheet we started a couple of weeks ago, and I'm happy to have a distraction. I lean forward to explain it to him, but I can't help catching glances at Jane.


The day flies by and before I know it, I'm sitting in my car waiting for my brother to get out of detention. I scroll through instagram on my phone, before opening Jane and I's messages.

Then give me a reason to roll them

I'm honestly not sure how to respond to that, and I find myself trying to think of something to text her for the next five minutes. I groan frustratedly and rake a hand through my hair, before seeing the three dots pop up on my screen, telling me that she's typing. I hold my breath, waiting to see what she has to say, but she sends nothing. I grind my teeth together and bite my knuckle, before I see a message pop up on my screen.

You ignored me.

I pause for a moment, thinking of an appropriate response.

A student needed help at that time. And it was inappropriate.

I can practically see her look at that message with wide eyes through the screen.

It was a joke. You need to take a chill pill.


I hesitate.

No more jokes about that

There's a long pause.

Fineeeee. Do you play any instruments?

I audibly laugh at the sudden change in topic, and find myself smiling as I type out a response.

Maybe I do, maybe I don't. What's it to you anyway?

Well you can't be completely boring can you? You have to have a hidden talent. Is it cooking? Video Games? Sex? Wait let me guess, cleaning.


What?! It was a joke. But seriously, what is it?

I pause for a moment.

I play the guitar, and yes, video games and cooking too.

Ahh, I see. Not sex?

I narrow my eyes, and hesitate.

That's a lie.

Is it?


I see the three dotted lines pop up, and my heart is hammering in my ears, when the door suddenly opens and I have to shut off my phone.

"Hello bud." I say as my brother enters the car angrily. I widen my eyes and fight back a smile, turning the keys in the ignition. "Wanna tell me why you were in detention?" I ask and I see Lucus' eyes roll.

"Mrs Smith." He grumbles and pulls out his phone. I put the car in drive and click my tongue.

"That isn't an answer." He scoffs but doesn't answer and I chuckle again. "Alright then." The car ride is completely silent until I pull into the drive of our parents house, but Lucas just sits there and stares out the window. "Come on, let's get inside." He mumbles something in response but grabs his bag anyway and gets out of the car, with me trailing behind him. We enter the house to find it eerily quiet. I head upstairs and look around, to find the house empty, which is normal. "I'll order takeaway, go do something." I say to Lucas and he skulks off to his room while I head for mine. I enter my room and look around. Hundreds of vinyls are in the corner of my room, along with a record player. My guitar is on its stand collecting dust, my wall of books are still neatly aligned, which causes me to sigh. I change out of my work clothes and into a pair of joggers and a shirt before heading to Lucas' room.

"Lucas?" I say, and knock on the door lightly.

"Yeah?" I open the door and lean against the door frame, folding my arms across my chest. He looks away from his monitor momentarily to face me, before turning back and pausing the game he's playing and taking his headset off.

"I'll stay the night if you want." I whisper, and I see Lucas nod slightly as he starts to play with his hands. I look around his room before facing him again.

"Movie night?" I see him trying to fight a smile, but he loses and nods. "Come on then." I say, and we exit the room without another word.

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