The sad love story

By Isoocha_0hj

53.3K 685 509

Y/n Black is a 17 year old girl who goes on hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Her best friend is Pa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 23 pt. 3
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23 pt. 2

1.2K 16 20
By Isoocha_0hj

I'm scared for what is about to happened.

And i can't find Mattheo anywhere.

Will he die? Will i die?

"GET INSIDE MISS BLACK!" Professor McGonagall yells at me, i turn my head to face her,

"You know i can't do that" I answers sending her a side smile.

Death eaters are running and flying around between students and teachers killing everyone they past.

All this is happening because of me and Harry, all of these people are dying because of us, good or bad i don't care they are dying.

"GET INSIDE!" McGonagall yells whaving everyone over to the door, "THIS WAY, TAKE COVER!"

I quickly do as the rest and runs inside.

Inside everything is chaos, students are screaming and running everywhere.

A loud chras sounds as glass is breaking a death eater is flying over our heads,

"STUPEFY!" Harry yells pointing his wand at the death eater. Harry? 

"Ginny, Neville are you all right!?" He asks as he sees his two friends,

"Never better i feel like i could spit fire thanks to Black" Neville answers and point at me, Harry looks confused from Neville to me and then back to Neville, "She safed me" He tells Harry, "You haven't seen Luna have you?" He asks looking around for his friend,


" I'm mad for her, i think it's about time i told her, since we'll probably both be dead by dawn!" Neville explains before running away. Awww that's kinda cute,

Harry and Ginny then kisses, in the middle of the staircase. Great guys don't go a bit away or anything.

After that Harry starts running, i don't know why but i feel like i should follow so i starts running after him.

We both stops at what used to be "Our place" More knowen as the room of requirement,

"So what are we doing here?" I ask him as we walk into the room,



"A horcrux"

"Okay" I mumble tbh i have no idea what it is but i won't look too stupid infront of him.

We both then starts looking for this horcrux thing, or i just pretend i am.

Theres so much junk in here it's quit funny to see.

All of sudden i hear something,

"Harry!" I whisper yell, he quickly turn to me, "Did you hear that?" I say slowly turning around, "I can hear some kind of bell" I whisper.

He nods and starts walking towards the sound, i quickly follows him,

He walks over to a table and opens a little box,

"We found it" He whispers showing me a crown looking thing,

"Good now let's get the hell out of here and help the rest" I answer,

"Well, well" A voice says i quickly turn around seeing Draco, Blaise and Theo 

"I swear to fucking god i thought you where going to kill us" I say as i run into Theo's arms,

"What brings you here Potter?" Draco asks him with liftet wand,

"I could ask you the same" Harry answers,

"You have something of mine, i'd like it back"

I look closely at Draco seeing it's his mother's wand he got, what the hell happend to his own?

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asks him looking rather confused,

"It's my mother's, it's powerful, but it's not the same" Draco answers, "Doesn't quite understand me, know what i mean"

"Maybe you should try to speak more clear then" I say i can't stop but laugh at my own joke the others just looks at me like i'm real fucking stupid,

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix, you knew it was me, you didn't say anything" Harry says

"Come on Draco" Blaise whispers,

"Yo why are you here anyway?" I ask him looking from Draco to Theo and then to Blaise,

"Y/n not now" Theo whispers,

"Don't not now me right now, cause i would like to remind you what that disgusting mother fucker did"

"Y/n later" Draco says laying his free hand on my shoulder, i send an angry look to Blaise before turning my attention to Harry again,

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione says knocking Draco's wand out of his grib,

"Avada kedavra!" Blaise says before they all run away, i look confused at the way the three boys ran and over to Harry, Ron and Hermione,

"I got a strong feeling i maybe should run with them soooo see you later!" I say before running after the boys,

"THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND YOU NUMPTIES!" Ron yells behind me, i just keep running further and further away from the door.

I finally see the boys and run the last bit over to them,

"Why the fuck did you run?" I ask them out of breath,

"Not. My. Girlfriend" Ron says pointing his wand at Blaise, Blaise quickly mumbles a spell sending a huge flame out of his wand,

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU IDIOT!" I scream at him while running trying to avoid the flame,

"Y/N COME HERE!" Theo yells pointing at the guys crawling up on a huge pile of stuff, that can't be fucking safe.

I take a look around theres flames all around me, fuck it. I run over to the boys and start climbing the pile with them, witch is harder than it looks.

"Y/N HURY!" Draco yells he's almost at the top, i feel tears and smoke burn in my eyes. I look down and see the flames right under me.

Theo is about to grab a chair that looks kinda lose,

"THEO DON'T!" I scream but it's too late, his hand is around the chair as he tries to pull himself up, but instand he falls right into the flames.

I scream loud. Not Theo, one of my bestfriends just died infront of me.

Tears stream down at my face as i look down in the flames where Theo just fell,

"Y/N KEEP GOING!" Draco yells. As i'm almost near the top i feel my feet slip, i scream again as i'm about to fall but Draco quickly grabs my arm and pull me up. But we then both fall, i scream once again, is this really how i'm gonna die? Because Blaise is a fucking idiot?

But then Harry, Ron and Hermione comes flying on their brooms, are they really going to safe us?


"COME ON Y/N!" Hermione screams as she flies past me, i quickly grab her hand and jump up on the broom hugging myself thingt to her.

I look back and see the boys are right behind us.

We quickly fly out of the room and land in a pile on the floor.

As everyone gets up i just keep laying there, crying. Theo is dead.

Draco kneels down to me and pull me into a tight hug,

"It's okay" He whispers, "I'm here" He says low hugging me tighter,

I look up and see the others staring at us, i quickly try to pull myself together but end up snobbing loud,

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" A voice yell, oh noooo, not Mattheo, "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!?"

"Nothing" I answer while getting up and dry my eyes,

"Clearly" Mattheo says sending a mean look to everyone and then hugs me, "What happened?" He asks me low,

"T-Theo, d-died" I say low with tears running down my cheeks,


"H-he felt into the fire"

As i say that Harry stabs the crown looking thing and a lot of black smoke eskapes it before Ron kick it into the fire, the doors then close loud.

"We should go" I say low.

Mattheo, Blaise, Draco and i quickly walks down to the greathall, it's full of people. I look around and see Pansy staring at me,

"What the fuck is your problem Parkinson!?" I ask her cold,

"I-i'm sorry" She answers low looking at the ground,

"Yea whatever" I say turning to Mattheo, "We need to help them fight not just stand here"

"Y/n you are pregnant you have to be clam" He answers pulling me into a hug,

"Promise we both are gonna make it out of here alive" I whisper into his cheest,

"I promise my angel" He answers and kiss my hair, "Now go find somewhere safe" He says before running out into the fight.

I quickly runs after him, no fucking way i'm gonna stand here and do nothing.

I see a werewolf, Greyback standing over Lavander, i never really knew her but i can't help to feel bad for her. I run over to Greybagck,

"STUPEFY!" I scream at him, as i starts running again.

I'm gonna die, i just know it so why try to stay safe if i can safe lifes before that happenes?

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain, i do not wish this, every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste, i therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity, Harry Potter and Y/n Black i now speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself" Voldemorts sounds says in the wall "There is no greater dishonor, join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate, if you do not do this i shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me"

I look around me seeing people staring at me, without thinking twice i begin walking towards the forest,

"Y/N DON'T FUCKING GO!" Draco yells behind me, i starts running so he can't follow me.

I keep falling over brenches and small trees.

After like 15 minutes of running i make it to a clear path full of death eaters. After four months with death eaters i thought i wouldn't be scard but here i am fucking scard.

I'm gonna die now.

All their wands are pointing at me

"Avada kedavra!" Voldemort says, i feel myself fall into the wet mud, "Finally" He says with a laugh.

Once again i survived. How?

I hear steps behind me, i have to bite my tounge so i don't turn around and look who it is,

"Harry? No! What are you doing here!?" Hagrid asks,

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has come to die" Voldemort says in his slow voice, "Avada kedavra!" He says pointing his wand at Harry, i hear him drop down besides me,

"Harry?" I whisper low, no reaction,

"My lord, my lord are you hurt? My lord?" Bellatrix says, i try my best not to laugh,

"I don't need your help" Voldemort answers.

I hear someone walking down to Harry and i,

"Are they, dead?" Voldemort asks

"Is he alive, Draco is he alive?" I hear Narcissa asks Harry, she stands back up, "Dead"

"And the girl?" Voldemort asks, Narcissa bend down to me,

"Y/n dear?" She whispers,

"Don't blow my cover" I whisper back,

"Dead" Narcissa tells Voldemort, all the death eaters starts laughing.

I well myself getting picked up, by the heavy snobs i can hear it's Hagrid, Hagrid and i never really got to talk before and now here he is carrying my "Dead" body, i feel Harry's numb body next to mine, but i can feel him breathe so he's alive.

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny asks loud, i guess we are back at the school, "Neville, who is it!?"

Harry Potter and Y/n Black... is dead" Voldemort says,

"NO! NO!" Ginny screams,

"Silence, stupid girl, Harry Potter and Y/n Black is dead, from this day forth, you put your faith in me!" Voldemort says, "Harry Potter and Y/n Black is dead" He says and starts laughing, the rest of the death eaters laugh too, "And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us! Or die"


"Draco" Lucius says, oh no not Draco, "Draco..."

"Draco, come" Narcissa says, i hear footsteps so i guess it's Draco,

"Ah, well done Draco, well done" Voldemort says.

Shivers are send down my spine by the sound of Draco's name in his mouth.

"Well i must say, i'd hoped for better" Voldemort says making his death eaters laugh, "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom" Neville answers, is he going to join them? I hear Bellatrix laugh, disgusting mother fucker,

"Well Neville, i'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks" Voldemort says,

"I'd like to say something" Neville answers, 

"Well, Neville i'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say" Voldemort says,

"It doesn't matter Harry and Y/n is gone" Neville says,

"Stand down Neville"

"People die every day, friends, family, yeah we lost Harry and Y/n tonight, but they're still with us, in here, so's Fred, Remus and Theo, Tonks, all of them, they didn't die in vain, but you will because you're wrong!" Neville says, i think he's now talking to Voldemort, "Harry's heart did beat for us, For all of us, this is not over!" Neville half yells.

Harry moves so both of us fall out of Hagrids arms, i quickly get up from the ground and starts running as fast as i can away from the death eaters,

"Confringo!" I hear Harry yell behind me, i scream loud as some briks fall down around me, but i keep running.

I run into the arms of McGonagall where i break town in tears,

"There there dear girl" She whispers hugging me tight,

"Where is M-Mattheo?" I ask her, she point over at the death eaters.

Without thinking i starts running over to him and straight into his arms,

"I-i thought you where dead" He says giving me a bone chrushing hug.

I feel a hand wrab around my shoulder that pulls me away from Mattheo, i look over my shoulder and see it's Voldemort,

"EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN OR THE GIRL WILL DIE!" He yells pointing his wand into my chin, i laugh low,

"Go on try, you have failed twice now" I tell him,

"Avada kedavra!" He says i feel myself falling to the ground with a feeling of getting elektrocutet, but after some seconds i get back up,

"See sweetie, can't kill me" I whisper to him and wink before i walk over to Mattheo again,

"You got a lighting scar" He says pointing at my neck,

"Oh" I mumble, i look up at him and he look down at me, i thorw my arms around him and kiss him deeply, "I love you so much" I say hugging him tight to me,

"I love you so much too"

"Come on we have to help theres still a war" I say taking his hand and drag him with me into the greathall where people are fighting,'

"Got a little furproblem you wanna share with me?"  Greyback asks me with a smirk,

"Avada kedavra!" I say, he drop dead to the floor,

"Hot" Mattheo mumbles,

"Not my daugther you bitch!" We hear Mrs. Weasley say to Bellatrix.

I look around and see dad laying next to Remus, i slowly walks over to them, Remus is dead,

"Dad?" I ask low, he slowly opens his eyes, "Heeeey dad i'm here" I whisper low feeling tears burn in my eyes as i sit down next to him, "I love you" I say kissing his hand,

"I love you too my brave girl" He answers and smile up to me,

"Are you gonna die?" I ask him low,

"I think i am" He answers sending me a sad smile,

"Then you can join your freinds" I say smiling down to him,

"You will be the worlds best mother" He says,

"D-don't say that, that's my tear trigger" I say,

"I'm so proud of you"

As thoes words leave his lips i break down in tears,

"I'm proud of you too" I say, i look over at Remus hand only centimeters away from dads, i move their hands so they are holding them, "Now you can be together" I say and lay my head on his stomach,

"My big girl" He says laying his arm around me,

"Now you can go meet with your love, i will be okay"

"Goodnight Y/n/n" He answers,

"Goodnight dad" I mumble, i close my eyes too as he does, i feel so tired.


I scream out loud in pain, it feels like my scream stop everyone else, they all turn to me. The curse stop and i turn my head to see who did it,

"Why?" I whisper as i look in her eyes, tears are rolling down from mine,

"I hate you" Pansy answers, i don't answer i just lay back down on my now dead father with tears streaming down my face.


2659 words.

Soooooo yea Pansy is a bitch.

There will be a part 3 of the way, i will post it today or tomorrow.

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