Chapter 23

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"You can't be here, death eaters have taken over the school" Mattheo says,

"I can't just leave now" I say looking up at him,

"You have too, i don't want you to die for real" He answers takeing my face in his hands,


"Shhhh love, we will see eachother soon, find a safeplace to stay"

"I-i wanna be with you" I say feeling tears burn in my eyes,

"I know angel, but it's too dangerus"

"D-don't make me leave you"

"I don't want to but i want you to be safe"


Mattheo and i are walking with a big group of other students on our way to the greathall, i'm trying to hide my face with my hair so i don't get regioniced.

The school is so diffrent, all the paintings are gone all the life, all the light, it's depressing.

Once we stand in the greathall Snape walks up in the front to some teachers and death eaters. All the tables are gone with all the floating candels,

"Many of you are surely wondering why i have summoned you at this hour" Snape says his voice is sending shivers down my spine, "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter and Y/n Black was sighted in Hogsmade"

Everyone starts mumbling to the person they stand next to,

"Now, should anyone stundet or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter and Mrs. Black they will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression, furthermore any person found to have knowledge of there events who fails to come forward will be treated as equally guilty"

Everyone is just standing,

"Now then if anyone here has any knowledge of mr. Potter and mrs. Black's movements this evening i invite them to step forward... Now"


Just like that Harry steps out of the crowd, 

"It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster" He says as the doors to the greathall opens, revealing the order of the Phenoix,

"And i'm afraid it's quite extensice, how dare you stand where he stood?" Harry asks, "Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eyes, a man who trusted you and killed him, tell them."

In a fast movment Snape grabs his wand, McGonagall quickly pushes Harry away, all the students quickly runs. Leaving me standing there like an idiot,

"AVARDA KEDA--" A death eater yells at me

"STUPENFY!" I yell, "Sick son of a bitch" I mumble and walk over to Mattheo,

"Are you alright?" He asks worried laying his arms around me,

"Never been better" I answer sending him a little smile,

I look down at the order seeing them all pointing their wands at Snape,

McGonagall starts casting nonverbal spells at Snape. Snape quickly transfers into black smoke and flies out of the window,

"COWARD!" McGonagall yells after him, all the students starts chearing,

"Why are they so happy?" I asks Mattheo. I have a feeling like shit just startet, some rumbling noices starts coming from the walls and cealing,

A girl starts screaming, wtf is her problem? Another joins her,

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