Travel to a Primitive World t...

由 The_Emmanated

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Yang Yi crossed over the world with a storage space with him. He ended up in some desolate wilderness populat... 更多

Chapter 26: Dry Wood
Chapter 27: Black Pottery
Chapter 28: Suspension Bridge
Chapter 29: From Place to Place
Chapter 30: Reading Room
Chapter 31: Theory and Practice
Chapter 32: Green Python Tribe
Chapter 33: Man-eating beast
Chapter 34: If you want a fight, then let's fight
Chapter 35: Communication
Chapter 36: Living Hell
Chapter 37: The Application of Technology in Warfare
Chapter 38: Both material and spiritual
Chapter 39: Lan Xie's Talent
Chapter 41: Goose King
Chapter 42: Sparks Tribe's New Era
Chapter 43: The necessity of showcasing strength and prosperity
Chapter 44: First Customer
Chapter 45: Fusion is just that simple.
Chapter 46: Experiencing Pain and Joy Simultaneously
Chapter 47: Unite all available forces.
Chapter 48: Super Large Iron Pot
Chapter 49: Change
Chapter 50: Chili Pepper Bumper Harvest
Chapter 51: Paper Making
Chapter 52: Bountiful Harvest
Chapter 53: To The Land of the Gods
Chapter 54: The real world within dreams
Chapter 55: The Western Continent Caravan Arrives
Chapter 56: Arrogance is always defeated by novelty
Chapter 57: Humility is a necessary virtue
Chapter 58: No one can escape the law of True Fragrance
Chapter 59: Prelude to trade with the Western Continent
Chapter 60: Joining
Chapter 61: Coal
Chapter 62: Proof of Transaction
Chapter 63: The birth of a new trading area
Chapter 64: The problem behind the appearance
Chapter 65: I believe in you
Chapter 66: Ostrich Transport Team

Chapter 40: The charm of animation

438 9 1
由 The_Emmanated

"Lan Xie, come lend a hand here."

The training was over, and Lan Xie was preparing to leave when someone called out to him.Lan Xie hurriedly ran over. Since he had approached the Divine Envoy, his reputation had spread even further. After all, he was the first survivor who had dared to actively approach the Divine Envoy. At a time when many survivors were still fearful and respectful, his bold actions stood out prominently.

After Lan Xie returned, everyone gathered around him, asking about the situation.

Lan Xie didn't hesitate to praise the Divine Envoy's kindness and generosity. He even mentioned the delicious sugary drink he had been offered, causing everyone's mouths to water and making some individuals feel restless.

As for Lan Xie's purpose in seeking the Divine Envoy, he openly shared it. He was well aware that the moment he decided to seek the Divine Envoy, this secret would not remain hidden. There was no need to keep it a secret any longer.

The Divine Envoy had advised him to continue with his military training instead of urgently searching for metal. This left Lan Xie somewhat disappointed, but at the same time, he felt less pressured. His ability was indeed special, but it wasn't to the point of driving him crazy, which meant he was safe.

As he noticed the changing attitudes, especially among the members of the Sparks Tribe, the slight sense of being overlooked dissipated.

People in the tribe were delighted to know about his unique talent, especially those who had experienced the convenience brought by metal. They were well aware of the significant impact metal had on the entire tribe.

However, during training, Lan Xie was treated just like everyone else, without any special treatment. But if something needed to be done, they would be more likely to call him, expressing their acceptance and welcome.

Together with Bing, who had been summoned along with him, Lan Xie inserted long poles into the ground and hung a large white cloth between them. Two large black boxes were placed nearby.

After finishing these tasks, Bing took out a strange metal box.

"What's this for?" Lan Xie asked curiously.

Bing had a mysterious look on her face. "This is something the Divine Envoy just got from the deity! After dinner, come and take a seat here. If you come late, you might not find a place!"

Bing was one of the first students in the learning class. Currently, she mainly assisted Yang Yi and had one of the most enviable positions.

Being closest to the Divine Envoy, she often got access to the freshest and most interesting things.

After saying this, Bing thought of something and regretfully added, "It's a pity you don't know how to read yet, otherwise, it would be even more interesting. Remember, the Divine Envoy likes diligent and eager learners."

At this moment, Lan Xie didn't quite understand what was going on. It wasn't until evening that he was glad he had followed Bing's advice and secured a spot early!

Because those who arrived late were pushed to the back, unable to see the spectacular and magical scene up close!

With a white cloth, a large speaker, and a projector, Yang Yi revealed the solar-powered generator he had brought with him. It charged during the day and was used to display TV shows and movies at night.

[T/N: Yang Yi is getting more and more ... absurd, in bringing out stuff, I'm quite worried]

After the drones were introduced, Yang Yi became increasingly open. However, he still didn't allow anyone to see actual humans from Earth.

Although the movies being played were animated, the projection technology itself amazed everyone. For primitive people, seeing something move and talk was nothing short of a miracle.Once the initial awe subsided, everyone focused on the content of the movies. This group of people, starved for entertainment, quickly became engrossed.

Magical! Entertaining! Fantastic!

These were the sentiments of everyone present.

The movies Yang Yi selected were lively and engaging. Although they couldn't understand the language, it didn't prevent them from enjoying it.

The training grounds were packed, with everyone who wasn't on duty at their workplaces gathered to watch. Regardless of whether they understood or not, they couldn't take their eyes off the screen.

"If only we could understand the words on the screen."

This was the common sentiment among most viewers.

Even though they could roughly guess what was happening from the images and sound effects, not being able to comprehend it was frustrating.

Those who could read were surrounded by a crowd, listening to their translations and explanations, which made the experience much more interesting than just watching.

Listening to others translate with such enthusiasm, wouldn't it be even more enjoyable if they understood it themselves?

To understand, one needed to be literate.

After dinner every day, as long as it wasn't raining, they would play animations for about two hours after nightfall. The content was regularly updated and becoming more story-driven, enticingly alluring.

This group of primitive people was fervently obsessed with animations, igniting a learning frenzy. Even the survivors became active and approached the literate members to seek guidance.

Although the library had triggered a wave of excitement and attracted some people to study, it couldn't compare to the allure of this dynamic form.

The enthusiasm for learning was once again ignited, and the daily task of learning at least ten characters became less monotonous.

These ten characters were selected from phrases in the animations, making it easier for everyone to remember through practical application.

In the most prominent spot at the center of the tribe, there was also a display of screenshots from the animation segments. Combining these images with the content of the animations made it even easier to remember.

This task was handled by Bing, who Yang Yi had noticed during previous classes had a talent for drawing. Despite having received no formal training, she was able to create a portrait of him using just a pencil and white paper.

The style belongs to the realistic school, exactly the same as Yang Yi himself, and that kind of charm is captured very accurately.

Originally, Bing had secretly completed it, because both the paper and ink were limited, and everyone cherished them greatly. It was accidentally discovered, and only then did it come to light. Such a talent, of course, Yang Yi couldn't let it go to waste. 

Although it's not useful in other areas for the time being, he placed her by his side. In addition to designing black pottery, she also assisted in completing the city's structural drawings and maps. He even provided her with brushes and pigments, allowing her to freely showcase her artistic talent. 

Creating scenes from animated films was not difficult for Bing. The screening of animated films added another special form of entertainment for the entire tribe. Every night, the area would be packed with people, increasing interaction among them, boosting the efficiency of learning to read. 

"The reading room is not big enough anymore." 

Yang Yi would often pass by and worry that it might collapse due to overcrowding. Luckily, these people adhered to the rules, and once they entered, it would become very quiet. Otherwise, who knows what it would turn into if people were pushing and shoving inside. 

The screening of animated films fueled everyone's curiosity about storybooks, encouraging more people to read in the reading room. Even though they couldn't understand much, they managed to figure out some of the simpler books with images and relatively straightforward content. Seeing characters they recognized brought them a sense of satisfaction, and they became more eager to learn unfamiliar characters, greatly enhancing their learning efficiency. 

In addition to the upcoming exams, everyone was studying diligently, and the eradication of illiteracy was within reach. Yang Yi was pleased to see this and planned to stock more books, though the capacity of the housing was limited. 

Both Black and Jiao opposed the idea of moving books out of the temple, as it would compromise the mystique and preciousness of the books. Yang Yi respected their customs and agreed with their opinions. 

"After the military training ends tomorrow, a large group of people will be assigned to quarrying and excavating soil. The second batch of dried wood is almost ready, and this time we'll have a lot of wood, enough to construct many houses." 

According to the plan, the first thing to be built was the temple. If Yang Yi had followed his original idea, he would have prioritized people's housing. However, considering the maintenance of his 'divine authority' and local customs, he gave priority to the construction of the temple. It would not only be the first building but also the most grand and magnificent in the entire tribe. 

However, Yang Yi also planned to diversify the functions of the temple, rather than just serving as a place for worship and offerings. He thought it would be wasteful to keep it that simple. The temple would not only serve as a place for rituals and offerings but also function as a library, hospital, school, meeting room, and reception area, making full use of its space. Rather than calling it a temple, it would be more like a comprehensive office building. 

"This is quite a challenge for the first official building." 

Yang Yi felt a bit apprehensive. He wasn't from a construction background. Even though he had read many books during this period, he was still an outsider and lacked confidence. Fortunately, the construction team had gained some experience and wasn't solely relying on him for direction. 

The construction team had prepared high-quality clay that was suitable for building. The compacted earth walls were even sturdier than ordinary bricks, and they were resistant to water damage, with the ability to last a long time under normal conditions. The temple would stand in the very center of the tribe, approximately three stories high, made up of three interconnected houses. 

The two smaller houses on the sides were relatively low, while the central one was the tallest and most imposing. The foundation would be built with stacked stones, requiring people to climb a tall staircase to enter the temple and enhancing its sense of majesty. 

However, Black wasn't impressed: "You've managed to build something so challenging. When it comes to building regular housing later, it will be much simpler." Yang Yi chuckled. He and Black had formed a symbiotic bond, and they seemed to understand each other's intentions with just a few words. However, they were still two separate individuals with vastly different personalities and perspectives. He was cautious and sometimes even pessimistic, always prepared for the worst, while Black was the opposite—bold, exuberant, and always looking on the bright side, an optimist. 

The two of them complemented each other nicely, a dynamic they hadn't foreseen when they formed the contract bond. As the military training for the survivors ended, they were assigned to various positions based on their individual circumstances. After weeks of training, the original Sparks Tribe members had a better understanding of these newcomers and had an idea of which roles suited them. 

Those with exceptional combat abilities were chosen for the hunting and guarding teams. The physically strong individuals were assigned to the quarry or transportation teams, those with slightly weaker strength were sent to the soil excavation team, and the remaining people were distributed among the planting, breeding, culinary, and logistical teams. 

Lan Xie was assigned to the newly established Metal Prospecting Team, led by core warriors to ensure his safety. Given the tribe's heavy reliance on metal, the members of the Metal Prospecting Team were all elite individuals equipped with the best weapons and wilderness survival supplies, including tents. Bing was also assigned there to create detailed maps of the surrounding areas. On the day the Metal Prospecting Team departed, Yang Yi personally saw them off and gave them his blessing. 

"Divine Envoy, I will definitely not disappoint you!" Lan Xie's eyes were full of determination. 

The baptism he had undergone over the past few days had transformed him from the time when he first found Yang Yi.

The whole person was filled with even more confidence. Everything that had happened in the tribe over the past few days had diminished his previous anxieties and allowed him to see hope and a future. 

He now only wanted to do something for the tribe, to sustain this kind of brilliance and witness the "City of the Future" that the Divine Envoy had mentioned.

Even though the architectural plans for the city were currently just rough sketches according to the Divine Envoy, Lan Xie still felt immense awe. He wanted to see a tribe like this, and he wished to become a part of it! To achieve this goal, he had to contribute his efforts to the "City of the Future."

His natural talents had once brought him distress, but now he felt incredibly fortunate. Yang Yi smiled and touched his forehead with his hand. "I believe you have the ability. Go forth, warriors of the divine, and we await your triumphant return."

Just after Lan Xie's group departed, Qing approached Yang Yi. "Divine Envoy! The first batch of chili peppers has ripened, and the leafy greens are ready to eat too. After eating, they'll grow again, or else they'll get old!"

Yang Yi was surprised. "So soon?"

Calculating the time, it had been about a month since they were planted. It was indeed time to start consuming the fast-growing leafy vegetables.

Actually, Yang Yi had already tasted some when the young greens had just sprouted. The entire vegetable field had been lush and needed to be thinned out a bit. At that time, he tried a bit of the tender young greens. They were boiled with plain water and were incredibly delicious even without any seasoning. They had a hint of sweetness and left a refreshing feeling after eating.

Yang Yi could swear that the greens here were the most delicious he had ever tasted. This wasn't just a result of filters. Although he had brought these ordinary seeds from the commercial mall, and he had sacrificed quality for efficiency, opting for varieties with shorter growth cycles and resistance to pests and diseases, typically resulting in poorer taste. However, these greens were more delicious than any he had eaten before. Even in their home garden, which used organic fertilizers, they didn't taste like this.

Time had flown by, and with recent affairs keeping him busy, Yang Yi hadn't visited the vegetable garden for a while. Unexpectedly, it was now time to officially start harvesting.

"Let's go and have a look."

Yang Yi followed Qing to the vegetable garden and widened his eyes. "Is this Shanghainese bok choy? Or mustard greens?"

"This is Shanghainese bok choy, and the mustard greens are over there."


The animals here were big—did the vegetables also need to mutate and grow this large!?

The Shanghainese bok choy he knew wasn't much larger than the size of a palm, but here, they were nearly as tall as mustard greens back on Earth. And when he looked at the distant mustard greens, they were almost half the height of a person.

This situation was similar for other types of vegetables too—they were generally larger in size. They were all a brilliant shade of green, making them look exceptionally appetizing.

To be honest, they looked so beautiful that Yang Yi almost hesitated to eat them. They were almost like carvings made of jade, too perfect.

Thankfully, he could still see some insect damage, which reduced that eerie feeling a bit.

"How did they grow so big? I haven't seen wild vegetables grow like this."

Yang Yi was utterly puzzled. He had eaten toothwort before, and they were roughly the same size as those back on Earth—just a bit denser. So how did the seeds he brought with him undergo such a mutation?

"Can we eat them?" Yang Yi was somewhat worried.

Qing laughed. "Of course we can. These are gifts from the gods! Divine Envoy, haven't you tried them before?"

"When I tried them before, they didn't grow like this. They looked normal when I saw them. Why are they growing so quickly now?"

"It's been more than ten days since you last saw them. They were just starting to grow back then, but they've grown quickly since then."

Yang Yi didn't know how to describe his feelings, but this was good. People in this world had hearty appetites, so the vegetables needed to be larger to satisfy them. Hopefully, the staple foods would have the same effect, boosting yields and meeting everyone's needs.

"Let's go and see the chili peppers. They haven't grown as large, have they?"

Lan Xie had unintentionally ripened the first batch of chili peppers, so they could be harvested in a month. The other chili peppers had just started flowering.

Arriving at the chili pepper field, Yang Yi found that the chili peppers were about the same size as those he knew. There wasn't much of a difference. However, the chili pepper plants were extraordinarily tall, nearly as tall as a person. Moreover, the plants were densely covered with peppers. The healthiest plant was a brilliant red expanse that looked like a giant red ball when viewed from a distance.

Upon seeing this, Yang Yi couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow!"

There were so many chili peppers that the leaves were practically obscured, and there were quite a few unripe green ones too. How many pounds could be harvested from a single plant?The yield was astonishing!

A tree with so many fruits, and yet the fertility of the soil had been maintained. It hadn't been robbed of nutrients, leading to stunted growth. It was truly remarkable.

At the beginning, Yang Yi had been quite attentive to the planting process. Later, when he found out about Qing's abilities in this area, he hadn't paid as much attention and had forgotten to tell her that some plants needed to have their tips pinched off, otherwise they wouldn't grow properly due to insufficient nutrients.

Fortunately, he hadn't said anything!

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to witness such a spectacular scene.

It seems that while absorbing Earth's experiences, one must also consider the differences here. You can't rely too much on knowledge from books; most of the time, you need to experiment more. This place is very different from Earth.

The chosen land is incredibly fertile, even richer than Earth's black soil. Plants grow exceptionally well here without much need for fertilization. The current use of fertilizers is mainly to maintain this fertility; there's no need for frequent additional fertilizing. This conserves their limited resources, as with the increasing population, they're about to cultivate more land, and the fertilizer supply won't be sufficient.

In comparison, the planting conditions here are evidently better than Earth's, which is a very heartening fact.

"Divine Envoy, this spiciness is especially enjoyable. It's even more delicious than what you brought..."

Qing's words trailed off, realizing she might have phrased it awkwardly, and she hastily waved her hands. "I didn't mean it that way! I meant..."

Yang Yi interrupted with a smile. "The gods are pleased to see the improvements you've made to what he brought. Thanks to your hard work, everything has become even better."

Qing sighed in relief, her eyes bright. "Divine Envoy, would you like to taste it? If you find it good, we can use it tonight!"

The seasonings Yang Yi brought were also limited. Initially, he bought mostly seeds from the mall; the items that could be consumed directly were quite limited for him. With the current population, they were far too few. So, besides major celebrations, he rarely used them. He mostly ate the communal meals with everyone, even if the kitchen prepared something special for him, he usually kept it simple.

The food here didn't require a lot of seasoning; Yang Yi found it delicious as it was. The people here were accustomed to the natural flavors and considered food prepared with minimal seasoning fresher and more special.

Yang Yi had been spoiled by heavy flavors, especially after entering college, freeing himself from familial constraints and indulging his tastes. But now, he was tired of the heavy taste and wanted to return to nature, savoring the essence of the ingredients.

The simple preparations and the high-quality ingredients here resulted in great flavors. Yang Yi refrained from using the spices, and it was difficult for others to experience the captivating aroma. Having tasted the chili peppers, the people couldn't forget them. The peppers' incredible growth might be due to their overwhelming desire to eat them, making them take special care of the plants.

Yang Yi plucked a beautiful, ripe red pepper and couldn't help but sigh. It's no wonder some people considered chili peppers as decorative flowers; they were indeed beautiful.

"So spicy!!"

Yang Yi had just taken a small bite and hadn't even swallowed yet when his whole body felt like it was about to explode. The heat was tingling on his scalp, surging to the top of his head! He quickly grabbed a bottle of water and took a while to recover.

"These peppers are way too spicy! How are we supposed to eat them?"

Yang Yi's eyes were teary, and while he could handle spicy food, this was too intense.

Qing blinked, then picked one and shoved it all into her mouth, chewing it whole.

"It's really spicy, but it's okay. It feels quite invigorating."

Yang Yi's mouth twitched; it was as if they weren't eating the same peppers. These people had only tried spicy food a few times, yet they had become so tolerant? Initially, everyone had been overwhelmed by the spiciness, and they hadn't used anything this spicy.

"Give it a try."

Yang Yi handed one to the guard who protected him, Yuan. He was specifically assigned by Black to provide close protection for Yang Yi.

Black couldn't guard Yang Yi at all times. After the incident with the Fang Tribe, he became even more cautious, arranging dedicated guards for Yang Yi. Even in the tribe, he couldn't afford to be careless.

Yuan had been curious for a while, so he picked one and casually popped it into his mouth. His expression changed immediately, but after a moment, he was squinting and seemed to be enjoying the sensation.

"It's quite spicy, but also enjoyable. Once you get used to it, it's delicious."

Yang Yi was a bit skeptical and tried again, realizing that after the initial intense burn, the sensation did become more manageable. Still, it was hotter than the chili peppers he had tried, yet it was strangely bearable, not the sharp, overwhelming heat. After eating, you'd start sweating, but you'd feel comfortable all over.

Chili peppers also had medicinal properties; they were used to treat conditions like stomach coldness, qi stagnation, stomachaches, vomiting, diarrhea, rheumatic pain, and frostbite. Yang Yi believed that after eating this pepper, he would feel the medicinal effects more pronounced.

"I wonder if the chili peppers grown without using the talents will taste the same?" Yang Yi asked.

Qing replied, "From what we've observed so far, there isn't much difference. They just grow more slowly. We'll have to see when the results come in."

"Keep observing and recording," Yang Yi instructed and then made a sweeping gesture.

"Let's pick all these red chili peppers, and the vegetables too. Tonight, let everyone enjoy the produce we've grown ourselves!"

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