taekook smuts...

By btstaekookofficial

213K 2.3K 140

only bottom kook... and top tae... More

step mom
kim twins part-1
kim twins part -2
your mine mother part-1
your mine mother pt-2
obsession 2
neddy hubby...
i got you baby...1
i got you baby _2
addicted...part _1
i got you baby_3
I got you baby -4
addicted part _2
mother- in- law....


4.6K 86 0
By btstaekookofficial

It's been six months taekookv are
Married and they have been got
Intimate with echother many time
But from some days kook have
Noticed some changes in his body
Suddenly like his natural bukly
Figure started to turning into
Feminine one...like his chest started
To get big and soft like boobs and
It make kook confused and also
A little bit nervous as he is scared
If the twins will hate him or be
Disgusted with him as he is an
Alpha but his body started turn into
More like An omega...

Because of his this self conciseness
Kook have unknowingly started to
Distance himself from his mate's
Like whenever Tae and v Tryed to
Get physical with him he stops
Them While making some lame
Excuses wich is confusing the true
Bloods to the core...they can't
Understand why suddenly there
Loving mate started distancing
Himself from them....it's also
Making them frustrated and their
Wolf restless Because of not being
Abel to be close to their mate...

Let's see what happened...

Like An regular day the twins have
Return after completing there
Diuty as an pack leader and as
After coming back they immediately
Started to find there mate who is
Nowhere to be seen...

Tae: koo ...we are home....he said
Calling for his mate ....ploping down
On the couch tierdly...

Maid: welcome home master young
Master is not home yet...she said
Offering them water...

V: what but it's already very late
He said Worriedly as kook never
Come this late...

Tae: OK you can go ...Tae said coldly

Maid: OK master should I serv
The dinner for you...

V: no we will eat with kook...

Maid: OK master...with That she left

Tae called kook ....

Jk: yes Tae....

Tae: baby were are you it's already
Very late why are you still not home
Are OK should we come to get you
Tae said in one breth as he is
Worried for him..
Kook cuckel at his cuteness and

Jk: relax love I'm fine ...and no need
To come to get me hmm I will be
Their in an hour...

V: but it's already late how can
You come alone ...let us get you

Jk: hmm my overprotective hubby's
Did you forget that I m an Alpha
To hmm nothing will happen OK
I will be there soon...

Tae: OK bub come soon ...we are
Waiting...with That they
Disconnected the call....Tae put the
Ph down both of the twins is In
Deep thoughts about kooks in
Different behavior.. wich is making
Them think all the negative
Thoughts that why their mate
Being so distant towards Them...

V: tae...he said slowly... wich Tae
Hummed in response...do you think
Our kook is cheating on us...or he
Fall out of love with us...he said

Tae: v our kook can't cheat on us
Nor he can stop loving us OK don't
Think like this...

V: then why she's behaving so
Distant ....I can't take her ignorance
Anymore...he said eyes getting
Teary....nothing can hurt more then
Your own mate ignorance and also
When you don't know the reason

Tae : you are right v we will talk
With her today we can't let this
Continue... he said in wich the other
Nobbed agreeing..

With kook...

After his work he went to pack
Doctor who is also his best friend
Lisa..they are childhood friends...
Kook told her everything and she
Sujest him to meet her so she can
Examine him...

Jk: lis I don't know what's
Happening to my body why my
Body Suddenly changing like this...
Kook said Worriedly...

Lisa: kook baby I know what's
Happening and I want you to
Listen to me very carefully OK bun
Lisa said softly in wich kook
Nobbed...OK so relax and Listen to
Me very carefully....

Lisa: as you know even if you are
An Alpha but your wolf is an
Omega right...kook nobbed so what
I m saying is your body is
Changing because of your wolf
Your inner omega is changing his
Body as per his nature for the
Mating process....if I m not wrong
You guys still didn't complete your
Mating process right...

Jk: yes we did got Intimate couple
Of time But before we complete
The Mating process we wanted to
Take some time and get to know
Each other better...Lisa nobbed

Lisa: hmm that's means I was right
Your wolf preparing you for the
Mating process so he can attract
His mate's and satisfie them...she
Said smailing softly...nothing to
Worry koo it's just your wolf is
Ready to be theirs already...but
Kook keep looking Down sadly...
What happened bun is something
Bothering you hmm...tell me

Jk: what if they don't like this
Changes in me ...he said eyes
Getting Teary...

Lisa: koo you know they love's you
So much to not to like anything
About you ...you should talk
With them i m sure they will accept
You as you are...

Jk: you are right I will talk with
Them ...but...

Lisa: but??? ..Don't tell me you
Did something stupid...

Jk: I unknowingly kind of distance
Myself from them...he said closing
His eye's ready for scolding...

Lisa: yeah you coconut head what
Should I do with you...she said
Annoyed...now what are you waiting
For go to them and clear everything
Kook quickly nobbed and hugged
Lisa taightly and left from their

At home...

Jk: I m home...he said whaile
Coming in ..both taev came hugging
Her taightly but frown smelling
Other wolf's sent on their mate...

Tae: where were you kook he said

Jk: I was at office ...there some
Important work left I was
Competing that's it why....he asked
Confused...both true Bloods looked
At him Coldly ...but there is
Something else in there eyes wich
Kook could not understand...

Jk: guys did have dinner... he asked
Moving towards the dining area
But v hold his Hand taightly and
Started to drag him towards their
Room and Tae followed behind...
V what are you doing leave me ...he
Said struggling on his hold...v I
Said leave me....

V: shut up ....he said using his
True Blood voice...making kook

They took him to their room and
Tae locked the door behind...

V: we are asking again and we
Want the truth where were you
And with whom...he said coldly

Jk: I...I already told ...kook also don't
Know why Can't he just say the
Truth to them ...

Tae: are you cheating on us...that's
It he finally said it...they had
Enough of her ignorance...

Jk: wh...what afcors not ...where is
This coming from...

V: then tell Us why ...why you are
Behaving so Distant from last
Week why don't let us kiss you
Why you don't make love with us...
And why the fuck your are recing
Some other omega wolf's sent...
He yelled Angrily...now kook
Understand why they are behaving
Like this ...it's Lisa's sent as she is
An omega and kook hugged her
That's why he is smelling like her

Tae: what happened can't come
Up with any lies...he said with
Cold and Angry voice...

Jk: baby it's nothing like that just
Listen to me once let me explain
Please ....The twins stayed quite
So kook continued...

Jk: I went to meet Lisa...I hugged
Her before coming here that's why
I m smelling like her... he said
Looking at the twins who somehow
Look a little relax now as they know
Lisa have mate Jennie...

Tae: and why Are you ignoring us
Running away from us from last
Week...he said seriously..

Jk: for that...he started to open his
Shirt Buttons making the twins
Confused...After kook fully removed
His shirt first twins were confused

V: what is it ...are you hurt
Somewhere...he asked Worriedly
Kook face palm at his clueless
Mate's then took tae's hand and
Place it on his right side of chest
And that's when it strike to them
Kooks chest become more big and
It became more soft and fluffy...

Tae: how they become so soft and
Fluffy...he said in amusement
Making kook blush...

Jk: this is why I didn't let you guys
Come close to me ...as from last
I noticed some weird changes in
Me ...I...I thought you will hate me
After knowing this...that's why I
Went to lis and told me that it's all
Happening because of my wolf
I can never even think of cheating
On you...he said whaile looking

V came closer to him cupping his
Face gently making Him look into
His eye's...

V: we can never hate you bun ....
And we love you as you are there
Is nothing to be scared ....he said
Lovingly...Tae also hugged him
Taightly nuzzling on his sent gland

Tae: do you know how much you
Have hurted us by pushing us
Away from you ....when you know
That how hard it is for us to stay
Away from you even for a minute

Jk: I m Sorry...he said whaile
Cresing his haire lovingly....

V: we love you so much please
Never ever push us away from you
Without you we become insane. ..

Jk: I love you guys too very much
And I promise I will never do it

After their confession v smashed
His lip with kook kissing kook
Hungryly Makin kook moan in
The kiss ....Tae started Live wet
Kisses on kooks neck holding her
Taightly the atmosphere became
Tensed being away from their
Mate for an week not being Abel
To touch him has make them
Hungry for him...

Soon they removed there dresses
As kook is already half necked
They trow kook on the bed slowly
And hover over him...painting his
Neck with massive hickeys to
Show the world who he belong to...

Tae: we want you baby ....he said
Grinding there private parts
Together... and v was busy sucking
Playing with the new found
Boobies he is playing sucking
Baiting them he have found his
New obsession...making kook
Moane continuesly.....

Tae Quickly got read of there pants
Seating between kooks legs
Kissing marking the his iner tights

Tae: I m going in he said inpatient
Whaile giving a few strokes to his
Members he flipped kook on his
Fours and slamed himself inside
His mate as kook moaned loudly
At the strch...but v hold hid hair
Taightly Making him open his

V: come on pup you know what to
Do ...he said movie his member
Inside his mouth...kook Started to
Suck him off....

Tae: fuck just like that ...oh yeah
He growning at pleasure he is
Feeling.... fuck gonna come shit...

Jk:come inside me Alpha please
Breed me ...make me your's fully
Wanna have your pup....he said
Whaile moaning loudly

Tae: oh yeah gonna breed you
Make you full with our pups that's
What you want right always hungry
For alphas come...but Kook didn't
Said anything as his mouth again
Got occupied by v who is funking
His mouth wildly...
Soon kook came with an loud moan
Following the twins....
Tae slowly pulled out from kook
Making him Whimper...

But soon moand loudly as v entered
Him funking him like their is no

Jk: mark me...kook said moaning
Making both twins stop on their

Tae: are you sure love ...we can wait
He said lovingly...

Jk: I have been this sure before...he
Said smailing at them Lovingly

Both twins nuzzles into kooks neck
Kissing there softly trying to find
His sent glad...as soon as they found
They buried there caniuns there
Marking him as there for forever
They also let kook mark them
Making kook overlamed with the
Love he is getting from. Them...
The whole night they make love
With echother again and again

Jk: I love you....he said cuddling
With them...

Taev: we love you too very much
With that they sleepd in echother

The end....

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