The Storyteller (Male Reader...

By TheGastlyGarden

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(Y)... a mysterious boy who tells story's at Camp Half-Blood for more then 20 years. No... he arrived right b... More

Bio & Notes
Chapter 1 - Camp Half-Blood
Chapter 2 - Tour and Info Dump
Chapter 4 - Quest
Chapter 5 - Eldritch Murder

Chapter 3 - Begin

867 33 16
By TheGastlyGarden

It's been 3 days since Percy has arrived at Camp Half-Blood. He was getting adapted fairly quickly. However he has still yet to be claimed... (Y) knew however, that it will be very, very soon.


I was currently watching Percy get ready to spar with Luke.

I Knew Luke hated me... but all I felt towards him was pity. To him Luke was someone who became lost when someone he loved "died"... and because of that loss something manipulated him into being more... twisted.

Thalia watched the two intensely. She knew who Percy's father is now... Thalia was learning how to tap into what I gave her. Which he was proud of.

One of the campers next to (Y) spoke out to Percy.

Camper: "Good luck, Luke's the best swordsman in the last three hundred years."

I knew he wasn't... there are many more people who are nowhere close to God-hood or Divinity, yet can beat Luke...

Percy: "Maybe he'll go easy on me,"

(Y): "Don't worry, Percy. Just remember to always be aware... and remember the fact that Paranoia is a key to the truth."

Percy looked at me weirdly. Not that I couldn't blame him... he thinks that he already knows the truth. Everyone does... except me and Thalia.

Luke then started to beat Percy up... that's the best way I could put it.

Luke called for breaks every now and then, which Percy took with zero hesitation.

But I could tell Luke didn't like me being here. So was I surprised when he asked for a dual? Nope.

Luke: "(Y), you've been sitting there watching us train. Why don't we duel. Obviously you think your better then us."

Everyone then looked over to me as I raised my eyebrow. Thalia, who was next to me, looked like she was about to erase Luke from existence... but then she looked at me with a smirk. I instantly knew what to do.

(Y): "Hmm, why not. I never actually duel anyone, anyways. Plus no ones ever seen me fight, yet."

Luke looked both cocky and pissed at the same time. I noticed a bunch of campers start to gather around, Annabeth, Percy. Hell I could see Mr. D and Chiron watching with curiosity.

(Y): "What weapon to use~"

Thalia: "Do you have that cain thing? The one you like to use when you tell a lively story?"

(Y): "I don't want to kill him... ah well this will have to do."

The ground next to (Y) broke apart as a Sword pushed its way though the earth. The sword itself was... well a bit graphic. The hilt looked like flesh, it breathed as Two eyes opened up, one in the hilt and one in the middle of the blade. Teeth pearcing out off a flesh like hilt. The blade itself looked like regular steel... the flesh then quickly bloomed... roses overtook the sword and made it into something horrifying, yet beautiful... but only I and Thalia could see it.

To everyone else it quickly morphed from scary... to well a bit boring, yet beautiful.

Thalia: "Okay... that's fucking awesome."

I wink at her. Of course only she could really see my eye's. Everyone knew I was "Blind" but could still see.

Luke looked at me with a hardened glare. What I wanted to show off a bit.

(Y): "Swords are a bit too clumsy to use for me. I would much rather use 2 daggers, or a spear. But this will have to do."

I grabed the sword as only I could here the wispers of madness around all of us. That of course didn't mean there wasn't a... heavy feeling for everyone else in the air.

Thalia: "Yea! Kill his ass!"

(Y): "Gio usw Xy ridt esin nx lus'd wi dtud. Tx'z akjiydusd di dtx jqid."

Everyone around me clutched there head with there hands.

Thalia however pouted.

Thalia: "Still... at least give him a scar?"

(Y): "Asqg rxluozx gioy uwiyurqx"

Thalia blushes a bit before rolling her eye's.

(Y): "Well then my friend. Let us begin."

Luke immediately rushes me. To others he may seem fast... but for me.


He was slow...

Blood trickled down Luke's cheek as a fresh cut made its way on his face. Everyone was silent... but we all knew that Luke was far from done. Plus my cute little Tomboy asked for a scar. And that wouldn't do.

Luke rushed at me again as I perrie his sword. Luke goes for a faint only for me to be a bit more aggressive and stab his foot.

Luke hissed in pain. As I decided to do Thalia proud. I twisted the sword in his foot before ripping it out and slashing across his chest. His clothes tore as a deep gash made its way from his hip to his neck. Blood started to leave his body like a waterfall as Luke immediately passed out from shock.

The sword in my hand was then eaten by reality as it disappeared. For the ones who cannot see the truth it simply crumbled like stone.

I sigh as I get an Ambrosia. I stuff it in his throat and walk away.

(Y): "Someone nurse him back to health. We have a game tomorrow, no? I will be participating. Don't worry. I won't do what I did to Luke to any of you. After all... the story has only just begun."

Thalia immediately hovered over to me with a huge grin. As we both walk to my tent... well not before hearing Percy say.

Percy: "Well, Shit. Guess Luke isn't the best. Got his ass beat by a dull sword that was just a rock."


You know, while yes, Fridays are normally the best day of the week... I didn't expect everyone to be THIS excited.

It's probably because I'm joining whatever team Luke isn't on to balance the game out. So now a lot of campers are excited to see what will happen.

Thalia: "God I want my body back! I can't do anything in capture the flag!"

Thalia was walking next to annoyed. She was like this every time capture the flag rolled around.

Me and Thalia then notice Grover and Percy talking by the docks... I mean there the main character of the canon story... so let's go talk to them.

Percy: "But Hades doesn't have a cabin here."

Grover: "No. He doesn't give a throne on Olympus, either. He sort of does his own thing down in the underworld. If he did have a cabin here... well, it wouldn't be pleasant. Let's just say that."

(Y): "I forget how many people fear that man... it's disappointing. He's by far the most likeable God in the Greek Mythos in my eye's."

Grover and Pecry turn too see me walking up to them.

Grover: "How is Hades the most likeable?"

(Y): "Simple... he's not hiding behind false hoods. He knows who he is and what he represents. He's by far the most respectful of the big three. And I believe people only fear him by proxy of him being a God of death."

Grover: "Who doesn't fear death?"

(Y): "Hmm. Me. I shall accept my fate with open arms. I may pull strings but I will never tug on my own. Anyways are we talking about the promise Zeus, and Poseidon forced Hades to do."

Percy: "What promise?"

Grover: "About sixty years ago, after World War II, the Big Three agreed they wouldn't sire any more heroes. Their children are just too powerful. They were affecting the course of human events too much, causing too much carnage. After World War II, you know, that was basically a fight between the sons of Zeus and Poseidon on one side, and the sons of Hades on the other. The winning side, Zeus and Poseidon, made Hades swear an oath with them: no more affairs with mortal women. They all swore on the Ruver Styx."

Thunder Boomed overhead.

Percy: "That's the most serious oath one could make."

Grover nodded.

(Y): "For thoes who are tied with the Greek Mythos... yes, yes it is."

Percy: "And the brothers kept to their word - no kids?"

I felt Thalia sit down and cuddle up to me... she was obviously a bit uncomfortable. Grover's face flashed with regret and sorrow.

Grover: "Seventeen year's ago, Zeus fell off the wagon. There was this TV starlet with a big fluffy 80's hairdo - he just couldn't help himself. When their chief was born, a little girl named Thalia... well, the River Styx is serious about promises. Zeus himself got off easy because he's immortal, but he brought a terrible fate on his daughter..."

Percy: "But that isn't fair. It wasn't the girls fault."

Grover was about to continue before I decided to speak up.

(Y): "Percy, children of thr Big Three are very, very powerful in there domain. They have strong aura that monsters are very fond of. Hades wasn't happy that Zeus broke the promise... so he sent monsters. Thalia ran here with two other half-bloods... and a satyr. They were so close... yet there were to many monsters. Thalia decided that she shall fight alone. She was wonded and tired... but her friends mattered more. She fought alone for as long as she could... before her final breathes, Zeus took pity on her. Turning her into a beautiful pine tree..."

Percy looked over to my tent next to the tree and asked me something.

Percy: "Why do you stay next to the tree."

Grover also perked up at this... he didn't know either... nobody truely knew why I stayed there.

(Y): "While I usually say I just find it symbolic... the Truth is that she feels lonely... I can't let someone so brave and beautiful sit alone... after all... Immortality only lasts till your forgotten. And I will never let her fade."

Percy and Grover's eye's widen as Thalia briefly appears into there reality, cuddling next to me... before fading back.

Percy: "Who?"

Grover: "That was... Thalia."

I get up with a smile.

(Y): "What lies in the corner of your eye's is the Truth... remember that."

I start to walk away as Grover yells out to me.

Grover: "(Y)! Is Thalia really...?"

(Y): "Every story has meaning... sometimes you just have to look past rationality."


It was after Dinner when everyone got excited.

Capture the flag was apon us.

I was with Clariess and her friends. As we faced Percy, Luke and Annabeth.

Me and Clariess wanted to win this and were both relatively good friends so we decided to have an absolute blood bath.

Chiron slammed his hood on the marble floor.

Chiron: "Heroes! You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All Magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more then two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing it maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"

Chiron waved his hand as armor and weapons were promptly displayed.

I picked up two daggers, a spear, and throwing knives.

Clariess: "No protection, Blind Boy?"

Clariess said with a grin.

(Y): "Who would need protection, when your enemy is already down?"

Clariess laughs and pats my back, both of us grinning. I definitely knew I looked far more sinister then normal. Even those who can't see past the vail started to see my... trueself. My share like teeth grew razor sharp as more roses bloomed from my body... all of which had an (E/C) eye in the middle. I grew a bit more tall... but I also slimmed down.

Clariess for a second backed up in fear... before her grin came back ten fold.

Calriess: "Well I'll be damned. Your better at Illusions then I thought."

To them I was using Illusions... of course that is the only way they could comprehend what I am.

Me and our team strolled into the forest. We eventually find somewhere to plant our banner. I start to set up traps.

Clairess: "Hey, Storyteller! Go hunt around the border, once your done with your traps!"

I nod as I finish... the shows going to begin soon... and I'm not going to miss it.

(Y): "Just watch out for Annabeth. She has an invisibility cap. My traps should be able to tagret her even while invisible but it's better safe then sorry."

Clariess nods as I hand her a seed.

(Y): "This Magic item will alow us to gather information quicker. It will also in a time of need heal you of all damage."

Clariess nods, but before I leave.

(Y): "Well I found a target... if you want Percy is by the lakeshore. I kinda want to test him. But I think you'd do it better... allow me to be defense for a while."

Clariess: "Oh, you shouldn't have. Let's go!"

Clairess and a few of her siblings start running to the direction I told them about.

(Y): "I think it would be best if I'm solo defense. Luke is pretty strong but I know he will rush towards me. We have a higher chance of getting there flag if I distract him."

Ares member: "Ya' sure?"

I nod as they all start to go towards the battle field... leaving me alone with Thalia and the monsters lurking in the shadows.

Thalia: "So going spooky?"

I nod as my body starts to deform... I walk over to the flag as my body becomes a horrible tree... lanky and more human like then a tree should. More trees around me start to do the same... like humans trapped in bark... poetic. Blood red roses line my branches like leaves. (E/C) eyes are in the center of every rose allowing me to see all...

I can see him... Luke was here.

He looked around with caution. And then he started mumbling.

Luke: "Did the monsters already Kill (Y)?"

To him it was quite... to quite. He looked up at me in disgust.

Luke: "I hate roses."

I see him pull out a Dagger and attempt to stab me...


Luke looks down to his leg... my elongated wooden finger pierced his leg. He looked up at me with shock as I slowly turned back to my regular form... licking the blood from my finger.

It tasted horrible.

(Y): "Disappointing..."

Before Luke could respond he hears impacts behind him... where he found his monsters petrified into mangled trees.

(Y): "Let me tell you a tale... of a boy blinded by loss and love. There once was a boy who loved a girl... this girl was beautiful and punkish. She was strong. He wanted nothing more then to start a family with her... sadly the monsters wouldn't allow it. Injured he was carried away as he watched his crush turn into a beautiful pine... he grew hateful and resentful... and that only grew when a rose bloomed with the tree. Does this remind you of anyone, Luke?"

Luke turned to me horrified.

Luke: "What are you!"

(Y): "Shhh... Zjiaqxyz, Luke... we don't like Zjiaqxyz."

I heard more rustling as I Knock Luke out. One of my team members returns with the flag. With a smile I hear a horn.

Chiron: "TEAM ARES WON!"

I smile as I walk towards the direction of Percy, I noticed hell hounds try to attack him so I decide to take action.


Percy looked at the hell hound in horror. Annabeth had her sword raised.

It was looking straight at him.

Annabeth: "Di immortales! That's a hellhound from the fields of punishment. They don't... not supposed to..."

Chiron: "Someone summoned it. Someone from our camp."

Annabeth: "Percy! Get to the water!"

Percy was to tired... he moved toward thr creek.

The hell hound jumped to attack him but before it could even lift itself of the ground it was killed... (Y) was casually strolling out of the tree line spinning a throwing knife in hand.

Percy when entering the creek immediately felt better.

All the campers just stared at him... well except for one.

(Y): "Well. Mario is just Italian Poseidon no?"

Percy: "Wait..."

Chiron: "Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Percy Jackson, Son of the Sea God!"

(Y): "So it begins~"

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