Middle-Earth || The Hobbit an...

By Fan_of_everything_38

3.6K 20 52

Oneshots with all your favourite characters from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. ||REQUESTS ARE OPEN|| Cha... More

Just for reference
Not Too Strong || Kili
You're on || Kili
Dreams || Legolas - Part 1
Dreams || Legolas - Final Part
Don't leave me || Fili
Sacrifice || Thorin

Dreams || Legolas - Part 2

231 1 17
By Fan_of_everything_38

Legolas doesn't see me again for weeks. Almost a month has passed by the time I return.

After weeks have passed without seeing you again, Legolas is beginning to worry that you have forgotten him. He spends those days scouring the forest, hoping to find you, but to no avail. One day, when he is least expecting it, he suddenly hears a familiar voice calling his name. He freezes in his tracks and looks around for the source. His eyes finally settle on you, standing before him once again. "(Y/n)!" he says excitedly, taking a step towards you with a smile on his face. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever return to me."

"I could never leave you forever, Prince Legolas."

Legolas's face glows with joy at the sight of you and he quickly gathers you in his arms, embracing you tightly as he expresses his relief to see you. "I missed you," he whispers, his eyes twinkling. "Where have you been all this time?" His tone is soft and gentle, as if he doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions just yet. Instead, he just wants to enjoy the moment and feel your presence once again.

"I was far away; my mother was sending me on many errands and quests that I didn't have much time to return and see you as soon as I would have liked to. "

Legolas nods in understanding as you explain why you were gone for weeks. "I see," he says, feeling a wave of relief pass over him knowing that you weren't avoiding him, but rather fulfilling the duties expected of you. "I missed you," he says again, his voice tender and sincere. "But I hope that your time away wasn't too hard on you," he adds softly. He wants to learn more about your adventures, but he also doesn't want to push too hard and risk losing the special connection they've built over time.

"I missed you too, Prince Legolas. My time away was hard, but only because I had to be away from you."

Legolas smiles at you, his chest swelling with pride that you missed him enough to make the time away harder than it otherwise would have been. But despite his pleasure in knowing that, he also wants to make sure you are doing all right. "How were your duties and quests?" he asks, his voice sounding concerned. "Did they allow you time to rest? And to keep yourself safe?" He holds back his questions for now, wanting to focus on your wellbeing first and foremost.

"They were difficult and I was unable to find much rest anywhere I went. The poeple were always unwelcoming, and it was difficult to find people that were kind to me."

Legolas looks at you with concern, noticing the shadows under your eyes and the subtle strain in your voice. In his heart, he knows that you deserve better treatment from the world, but even he wouldn't be able to change the perception that your people have of you. Instead, he tries to find the words to comfort you. "I'm sorry you didn't find the kindness you deserved," he says sympathetically. "But I promise that you will always find a friend in me." His voice is sincere and sincere, hoping that his words will lift your spirits even a tiny bit.

His words almost bring me to tears, but I gather a hold of myself before they fall.

"Thank you, Prince Legolas. You have no idea how much those words mean to me."

"I know more than you think," says Legolas, his tone turning to one of sadness and empathy. He steps closer to you and places a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I know what it's like to be treated as an outsider, (Y/n), and it's never easy." He offers you a comforting smile, his eyes shimmering with emotion as he looks at you. "Please, do not be afraid to seek me out, even if nothing more than to talk and to spend time together. "I know I may not be able to change the world, but at least I can make it a little brighter for you."

I have no words, my throat clogged with emotion, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall. All I can do is pull him into a hug.

Legolas happily accepts the hug, his eyes looking down at you with genuine concern and empathy. He holds you close to his chest, taking a deep breath in and breathing out slowly, his tone sounding calming and reassuring. He wants to hold you as long as you need, hoping that his presence will provide at least a momentary refuge from the cruelty of the world. His tone is soft and gentle as he breaks away from the hug, his eyes still glistening with emotion and care. "(Y/n)," he says, his voice lingering in the air for a moment, "I'll always be here for you."

At his words, I can no longer hold the tears back, my body shaking slightly as I silently cry against Legolas' shoulder.

Legolas holds you closer, his voice full of warmth and tenderness as he speaks to you. "Let it all out, (Y/n)." His arms wrap around you, offering a safe haven for your sobs and tears. He rubs your back gently, trying to provide comfort and reassurance. He knows that his words aren't enough to heal your wounds, but he hopes that his warmth can at least make this moment a little more bearable.

After a few minutes my sobs lessen and I pull back and look at Legolas.

"Thank you, Prince Legolas." I thank, my face stained with tears.

"Of course, (Y/n)," Legolas says gently, his tone still sounding empathetic and gentle. He offers you a reassuring smile, hoping to lift your spirits ever so slightly. "It's the least I can do." His hands softly cup your face, his eyes looking into yours with honesty and understanding. "Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?" he asks, his voice full of concern and worry. He wants to do anything and everything he can to ease your pain, however small it might be.

"I need a distrcation, I want to do something fun." I say, drying my eyes and face on my sleeves.

"A distraction, you say?" Legolas thinks about what would be the best thing to cheer you up under these circumstances, and he eventually settles on a simple but fun activity. "How about a game of archery?" he suggests, his tone light and playful. "It'll be a good way to pass the time and take your mind off things. And who knows, maybe you'll even hit the target a few times." His eyes sparkle with amusement as he makes the suggestion, eager to try and put a smile on your face once again.

I smirk.

"I think youre a bit muddled up there, Prince Legolas. you would be the one lucky to bit the target."

"Oh? Is that a challenge?" says Legolas, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Very well then, let us see if your skills match up to your words." He steps back and gestures for you to follow him, making his way to an open area in the woods. "Come, (Y/n), let's see who is the better archer." He smiles at you as he pulls an arrow out of the quiver he is carrying, its tip glistening in the sunlight. "Ready to begin?" he asks, his tone full of bravado and confidence.

I pull out my own bow, notching an arrow from my own quiver to the string.

Legolas takes a position opposite you, facing you with a playful grin as if waiting for you to fire the first arrow. "Ladies first," he says, gesturing to your bow. "Let's see what you've got." He steps back, ready to fire his own arrow the moment that yours is loosed from the string. He is confident in his archery skills, but he still holds back a bit, as if holding out hope that you might be able to surprise him with your own skill and perhaps even win the competition.

I pull the arrow back, my form perfect, and release the arrow within a second. The quick drawback and release startling the elven prince at my side. His eyes widen as my arrow hits the dead centre of a tree that is a mile away.

Legolas's expression is one of pure surprise the moment that your arrow hits the middle of the target a mile away. He was expecting a good shot, but nothing like this. His eyes glint with admiration as he turns back to you and smiles. "You're quite the archer, (Y/n)." He steps closer to you, his tone sounding impressed and awestruck. "Where did you learn to shoot like that?" he asks, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity.

"I taught myself. My father thinks that archery is no skill for a woman, a princess no less, but I was determined."

"Your father was wrong," says Legolas, his tone sounding proud and impressed as he looks at your bow. "Archery is a skill for anyone who has the ability and drive to learn it. And you've clearly mastered it, (Y/n)." The warmth in his voice and the look of admiration in his eyes don't leave the slightest doubt in his mind. "You must be very determined to teach yourself and become so skilled at something that your father doesn't believe in." He offers you a playful grin as he speaks, his eyes glistening with admiration.

"Yes. I don't really let my fathers opinion influence my decisions as he isn't really around much anymore."

"That's good," says Legolas, his tone becoming more solemn. "You shouldn't let others dictate your path in life, (Y/n). You are your own person and have the right to forge your own path and make your own choices." He steps closer to you, his voice sounding sincere and concerned. "Did something happen between you and your father, (Y/n)?" he asks, his tone gentle and soft as he places a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"No, my father was abusive towards my mother and she was able to divorce him, he now only gets to see me once a year." I explain, surprised that I am telling him this.

Legolas is silent for a moment, his face showing signs of shock and concern as you explain about your father and how you barely see him anymore. "I see," he says after a moment, his tone sounding serious and understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that, (Y/n)." He keeps his hand on your shoulder, his tone sounding caring and gentle. "Does it affect you much?" he asks softly. "Your father, I mean."

"No, he wasn't really around much when I was a kid, but when he was it was him screaming at my mother and then leaving for the tavern again."

"I see," he says softly, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him as he hears of your experiences growing up with a father who was seemingly neglectful and abusive. "I'm sorry you had to endure that, (Y/n)." He moves closer to you, still keeping his hand on your shoulder as he offers you a gentle smile. "But I'm glad that he wasn't around much, at least. It must have been hard to deal with him as a child." He hopes that his words will provide you with a small amount of comfort and reassurance.

"He would've had his hands full with me, thats for sure," I say , my tone lightening, "I was a difficult child."

"We're all difficult children at times," says Legolas, his tone sounding reassuring and understanding as he speaks. "And if your father had a hard time dealing with his own child, then perhaps he wasn't the best role model for you." He offers you a warm smile, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. "Besides, it seems that you've turned out just fine despite your upbringing." His tone is kind and reassuring as he speaks, aiming to offer you at least a small degree of comfort in this difficult recollection.


"So tell me, (Y/n)," asks Legolas, his tone becoming more curious. "Who taught you to shoot like that? I know you said you taught yourself, but I can't imagine a young princess learning to shoot a bow all by herself." His tone is light and playful, as if trying to engage you in conversation and perhaps lighten the mood a bit. "That's quite an impressive skill you have there." While his eyes sparkle with admiration once again, he also notices a slight shift in your tone and demeanor. "Is something bugging you, (Y/n)?" he asks, his tone growing more concerned.

"It's nothing, I promise, Prince Legolas. But it is your turn to shoot. Let us see if you can beat my dead centre shot on a tree that was amile away>"

"The pressure is on, isn't it, (Y/n)?" says Legolas, his tone still light and playful, though his eyes show a flicker of concentration and focus now. "Very well then, let's see if I can manage an equally impressive shot. I'll just take a few moments to prepare myself for this, if you don't mind." He steps back once more, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as he readies himself. After a moment, he opens his eyes and draws an arrow from the quiver on his back, aiming carefully before releasing it.

The shot flies through the air , whistling as it sails towards its target. He doesn't miss the tree completely, but his shot is off to the right compared to my dead centre shot.

Legolas's eyes widen as he sees the difference in the accuracy of your shot versus his. "You know, (Y/n), there might be some merit in your claim that I am a bit muddled up there." He walks back over to you with a sheepish grin on his face, his tone light with amusement and admiration. "That shot of yours was truly impressive," he says, his eyes twinkling with excitement as he looks at you. "How can I ever compete with that?" he asks, sounding almost impressed despite himself.

"You couldn't." I say playfully.

Legolas can't hide his surprise at your playful tone and playful response to his question. "I've been outdone by a girl," he says with a grin, his tone dripping with sarcasm and teasing banter. "My pride will never recover from this." He offers you a playful grin as he speaks, but he also holds back a small amount of his usual pride and confidence, as if not wanting to push things too far. "You are truly an impressive archer, (Y/n), and I don't say that lightly."

"I appreciate the kind words, Prince Legolas, but flattery will not convince me to give you your reward just yet."

"Ah, yes, my reward." Legolas lets out a small chuckle as he remembers the promise of a reward for the winner of your archery contest. "What reward are we talking about, (Y/n)?" he asks, his tone sounding curious and excited. "I have to admit, it's been a while since I last won a contest of any kind. It's been far too long since I've been treated to a reward." His eyes sparkle with anticipation as he looks at you, eager to see what kind of reward he is in for.

"You wished for your reward to be a kiss, if my memory serves correctly. Do you not remember that you won the archery contest we held when we first met?"

"I... yes, yes I do. I won the archery contest, and as the winner I remember asking you for a kiss. Or to kiss you if you preferred it that way." The words come out faster than his brain can understand them, as his mind tries to process the information. "But I thought you declined my request." His tone is genuine and honest as he tries to remember this part of the story, though his heart is now racing at the idea of finally getting his promised reward.

"I didn't decline, I just told you that you needed to wait and be patient."

Legolas lets out a soft gasp of air at the revelation. "And now it's my turn to wait and be patient for this reward?" he asks, his voice laced with anticipation as he looks at you. "But what if I cannot wait much longer, (Y/n)?" He holds his breath for a second, his eyes glinting with excitement and anticipation like a small child waiting for his birthday gift. "You can't possibly make me wait much longer, can you? I only have so much patience left," he says, trying to sound stern but ending up sounding more playful and eager.

"You will have to wait to the end of your patience, Prince Legolas."

"My patience is waning, (Y/n)." His tone becomes more serious and determined now. He moves a step closer to you, wanting you to know that he's not joking around. "I won this reward, and you agreed to give me a kiss as my prize." He looks at you with a serious expression on his face, but his eyes still sparkle with anticipation. "I can no longer just wait and be patient," he says, his tone firm but not aggressive. "I've waited too long without any kind of reward for winning the archery contest."

My face flushes at the proximity.

"Your reward will come when the time is right, not before."

"And when will the time be right, (Y/n)?" He steps even closer to you, his tone sounding slightly less playful now. "I've waited for too long already, and my patience has almost run out." His tone is firm, but it still doesn't entirely hide the eagerness and excitement in his voice as he waits for your response. "I know you agreed to this reward, (Y/n). You can't keep me waiting any longer."

"Oh, but I can, and I intend to."

"You can't do that, (Y/n)," he says, more sternly now. "You promised me a reward, and I won that reward fair and square." His tone is now firmer, yet still playful, as if trying to make sure that you understand what you agreed to. "You can't deny me the reward that is owed to me." He takes one last step closer to you, his expression serious and determined as he tries to gauge your response. "I know you can't be serious when you say that, (Y/n). Please, don't deny me what you already promised."

"I'm not denying you your reward, I am simply telling you not yet. The wait will be worth it, I promise."

Legolas's expression becomes a mix of irritation and confusion as he realizes that you are still planning to deny him the reward you promised. "How can you say that not yet?" he asks, his tone becoming more impatient and agitated. "It's been too long, (Y/n). I can't wait any longer, and I need that reward right now." His expression is serious now, with a hint of desperation in his eyes as he looks at you. "Why can't this wait be over already?"

"Becasue I am indeed testing your patience." I say, "Come let us walk together before I must once again leave this beautiful place."

"Testing my patience?" Legolas scoffs, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief as he looks at you. "I've already shown you my patience, (Y/n). You agreed to a kiss as my reward, and now you're telling me that I must wait some unknown amount of time before I can get it. That's ridiculous and you know it." The irritation in his tone is quite apparent now, as he holds back his frustration with what you've said.

"There is good reason I am telling you to wait, Prince Legolas, and if I could tell you without you thinking I'm crazy, then I would, but is just not a possibility yet." I say, my voice dripping wit sincerity.

Legolas narrows his eyes in suspicion as he hears your cryptic reasoning. "What reasons?" he asks, his tone sounding slightly annoyed at your explanation. "Am I supposed to just take your word for it that there is a good reason, or can you actually convince me of this supposed reason?" His tone is cautious and skeptical now, as if testing your every word. "Can't you simply give me the promised reward and then give me some explanation for your reluctance without making me wait even longer?"

"Were I to give you my reward you would be utterly heartbroken when I inevitably must leave again, and you would be worried sick not knowing if I would return. I myself would be heartbroken to have to leave. So we both must wait, just a little longer, until I am able to stay with you forever. Like I told you, the reward will be worth the wait."

Legolas's expression changes dramatically as he hears your explanation, his suspicion fading away as he processes what you've said. "Wait... are you saying that if I wait a little longer, then I will get to spend forever with you?" His eyes light up in surprise and curiosity as you speak, his mind still struggling to process and believe the words you've said. "Is that it?" he asks, his tone full of hope as he looks at you, wanting to make sure he has heard you correctly.

I nod.

"If that's true... that I get to stay with you forever..." Legolas takes a step closer to you now, his tone suddenly soft and sincere as he speaks. "If what you say is true, then you are right. It would be worth the wait." His expression is one of tenderness and excitement now, as if he is fully invested in what you are saying and eager to believe. "But how can I know if what you're saying is true? Can you please prove it to me, (Y/n)? I will wait as long as I must if I get to have you by my side forever."

"I have no way to prove the truth of my words, but I need you to trust me, Prince Legolas."

"I want nothing more than to trust you, (Y/n)." His words sound sincere and genuine, as he looks at you with a soft, caring gaze. "But I have heard many promises like this before, only to be left heartbroken in the end." He steps closer to you yet again, his voice sounding more tentative and uncertain now. "Can I truly trust you? Can I truly believe that what you say is real and not just a wonderful dream?" His expression remains one of hope and sincerity as he looks at you, waiting for your response.

My eyes fill with a deep sadness as he speaks of the possibility of it being just a wonderful dream.

"It has to be your choice to trust me, Prince Legolas. I cannot force you and I have no proof to give."

Legolas is quiet for a moment as he considers your words and what he wants to believe. "No, you're right," he says finally, his tone sounding slightly more determined than before. "This is something only I can decide." He steps even closer to you now, his expression growing more intense as he struggles to make his decision. "And I want to believe." His tone is sincere and honest as he speaks, his eyes sparkling with hope and excitement. "I choose to trust you, (Y/n). I choose to take a chance and believe in what you have said."

"Thank you, Prince Legolas, your trust means the world to me."

Legolas's eyes light up as he hears your words. "Do you..." he hesitates for a moment, unsure of what he wants to say. "You know that I've wanted to say this to you for a long time now. I've wanted to say it ever since we first met." He takes a deep breath, gathering his courage as he faces you with determination. "From the moment I lay eyes on you, I knew that I wanted you to be by my side forever." His heart is racing now as the words flow out of him, his tone sounding slightly nervous yet sincere.

"I wish to be by your side forever too, Prince Legolas, but we must be patient and wait just a little while longer,"

"Wait? But why?" He sounds confused and slightly frustrated now as he struggles to understand why he still has to wait. "Isn't that what we've been doing already? Why do we have to wait any longer? Why can't this wait be over already?"His tone is pleading now, as if he cannot understand why they still need to wait. "Surely you want this as much as I do, (Y/n). You said it yourself, you wish to spend your life by my side." He looks at you with a look of hope and excitement in his eyes, his heart filled with anticipation as he awaits your response.

"I do, but there are things I must do in my own world before that can happen." I say, not realizing my slip up.

"Your own world?" His curiosity is aroused now, as he tries to understand why you haven't spoken of your own world before. "What do you mean by that, (Y/n)?" His tone sounds less confused and frustrated now, and more curious as he looks at you with interest. "Have you been keeping a secret from me this whole time?"

"I-i ... uh ... I meant ... my ... home."

"Your home?" His head tilts to the side slightly as he wonders why you had spoken of a world different than this one just now. "Your home, eh?" His voice is full of thoughtful curiosity now, as he tries to understand why you spoke of your world and why you tried to hide it. "Well, what's stopping you from taking me with you to your home? I want to be with you no matter where it is."

"I wish I could, Prince Legolas, I really do, but that is an impossible ask."

"Why?" He presses on, his curiosity still piqued. He still wants to know why you won't bring him along to your home. "What's stopping you from taking me with you?" He is starting to wonder if you are simply too attached to this world to leave it. He tries to imagine living in this world without you, and a chill runs down his spine at the thought of it. "Is it too risky to take me along?" He can't help but feel a pang of worry as he considers what he might have to go through without you by his side.

"It's nothing like that," I promise, "It's just that its physically impossible for me to bring you along, no matter how much you or I want to."

"Impossible?" His curiosity turns to concern now, as he wonders what this impossible scenario could be. "Why is it impossible for you to take me with you? Is there a great distance that you cannot travel?" His tone is now thoughtful and analytical, as he tries to narrow down the cause of your impossibility. "What is it, (Y/n)?" He looks at you with a mix of worry and urgency, as he becomes increasingly concerned about the reason for your secrecy.

I look up at the darkening sky, longing for him to just accept you explanations and let the matter go, but knowing that that isn't possible.

"Please, Prince Legolas-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Stop calling me that." Is all he says.

"What do you mean? That is your title is it not?" I ask.

"It is my title, yes, but I thought we had become well enough acquainted with each other that formalities are unnecessary." Legolas responds.

"Oh..." (Y/n)'s voice trails off as she processes this information, her face turning slightly red from embarrassment. It seems that she may have underestimated just how close they have become.

"Is that so?" she asks, her tone sounding a little bit flirty as she realizes how close they have really become. "Well then, I guess you're right." She looks up at him with a wide smile, her tone sounding slightly more playful now. "So what should I call you, Legolas?" She steps closer to him now, her voice sounding slightly more teasing as she waits for an answer.

He blushes at her playful tone but says nothing.

"What do you wish me to call you?"

"Call me...." He pauses for a moment, trying to figure out a nice name that he wouldn't mind having her call him by. After a few moments, a playful smile crosses his face. "Call me... just Legolas, nothing more."

"Okay, 'just Legolas', " I tease.

"That didn't sound the way I meant it." He scoffs, rolling his eyes and shaking his head slightly. "You know what I mean. Just call me by my own name, like we're friends." His tone is slightly more serious now, as he looks at her with an expression of concern and caution. "You know how I hate titles and formalities. We don't need those." He's done with the playful and teasing banter now, and he's all business. "How can we ever be together if the only things we use to address each other are titles and formalities?"

"Thats the thing, Prince Leg- Legolas, I don't know if we can be together."

"No, no no! That's not true, (Y/n)! We've come this far; we are bound to be together. I can't just live my life without you by my side. I won't allow it!" He looks at her with a determined expression now, as if trying to hide his nervousness and anxiety with the force of his conviction. "It'll work out, (Y/n), you'll see. There's no way we can't be together, I just know it. I can feel it in my bones."

"I really hope thats true Legolas, but for now I must go. I will see you soon, in no longer than a day, I promise."

"I... I can't wait that long." Legolas steps closer to (Y/n) again, his tone sounding more urgent and desperate now. "You have to stay, (N/n). We can't be apart for that long again." He looks at her with pleading eyes, his tone soft and sincere now. "After everything we have been through together, we can't go back to being strangers. We belong together. Don't you see that?" He moves a step closer still, his face only inches away from hers now. "I won't let you leave yet."

"You have to Legolas, I need to go back home and sort a few things out, but then I will return and we can be together for eternity, this I promise."

He stares at her with hopeful eyes, as if wanting to believe everything she says but still feeling a deep sense of uncertainty. "But how do I know that? What if you don't come back this time? Or worse, what if something happens to you on the way home?" His tone is full of worry and concern now, as he tries to convey just how deep his feelings for her run. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, (Y/n). Please, please, stay. We can sort out the problems that need to be sorted right here. Together."

"I wish I could Legolas, I really do, but it's either I leave, or I get removed and I may never be able to come back."

"Removed? What does that mean, (Y/n)? Who could possibly remove you?" He steps still closer to her now, his voice sounding more intense and serious than before. "Is this about these other things you mentioned?" He pauses, realizing that she has yet another secret she keeps from him. "(Y/n), why do you have so many secrets? You keep saying to trust you, but how can I do that when you keep so many things hidden from me?"

"I don't know, Legolas. But I promise that I will explain everything, tell you all of my secrets when I return."

Legolas is quiet for a moment as she speaks, still struggling to make sense of her words. "Okay, okay." He finally gives up and nods slowly. "I guess I'll just have to trust you for now." He pauses, wanting to say one last thing before she leaves. "Don't be gone for too long, (Y/n). I'd rather not wait too long to see you again." He smiles briefly and gestures for her to leave. "Go on, you better hurry so that you can get back to me sooner."

"Thank you, Thank you Legolas."

"Don't mention it," he replies, his smile growing wider. "Just don't keep me waiting too long, alright? I can't stand to be without you for too long."With that, he takes a step back and lets her pass, the last thing he sees is her figure disappearing into the darkness of the forest. As soon as she is out of sight, he sighs and turns around, a strange feeling of emptiness filling his chest. The last few days with (Y/n) had been an exciting and chaotic period of time, yet it felt like an eternity of waiting had just begun.


Another long one, but part 3 should be up soon. 


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