Decisions. {Continuation of G...

By theweirdkindaguy

14.4K 610 597

Spoilers for Good Omens season 2!! (and not my cover art.) - - - Crowley and Aziraphale part ways after Crow... More

1: Stuff Happened.
2: The Coffee
3: A Job Offer, A Flashback And A Wish
4: Girls (and others) Time
5: Realisation & Regret
6: Fear & Hurt
only geniuses wouldve noticed THAT.
7: I'm feeling devious
8: The New Old Job
9: A hurried reunion
10: Fleeing, A Flashback, And Nearly Hatred
11: Nightmares and a Kiss
12: Kissing, Dancing, Snuggling
13: Hide & Seek (But what does the seeker look like?)
14: Bookshop Reunion & Getting Drunk
15: Reunion And Interruption
16: Goodbye- Wait, Yes! Interruption!
18: Something To Last Forever

17: Rezcuerz & Propozalz

458 15 28
By theweirdkindaguy

Crowley & Aziraphale:

Even at their worst, neither Aziraphale nor Crowley would've expected that their former bosses would come and rescue them.

Out of all the people that though the two of them were together, Gabriel and Beelzebub, or in this case in general Heaven and Hell, took it the worst.

Their reaction was followed by a couple from 1902, but half of that couple understood the perks of same sex partners in the end, heavily influenced by Crowley and Aziraphale, of course.

(quick disclaimer: homophobia in the beginning.)

Aziraphale and Crowley had once again run into each other, once again in Paris, and once again decided to spend a little time together.

They were strolling through the streets at night, catching up what happened since they last ran into each other, which was exactly 40 years ago.

They had a rather pleasant chat, passing few other couples that late, but one in particular peaked both their interest.

They were loudly arguing at first, but when briefly noticing Crowley and Aziraphale, they stopped arguing and started to whisper to each other.

When passing, the man bumped into Aziraphale, on purpose. Crowley didn't exactly like that, intention set aside.

He turned around. 'Excuse you?', he said, looking the both of them up and down.

The man coughed arrogantly. 'Well, you were offending us. What if there were children running around at this time?' The man was able to speak English relatively fluent, and his wife seemed to understand him too.

'Well there weren't. Uhm, even if, what have we done to offend you? Or the children, in that matter.', Aziraphale asked, completely oblivious about the whole situation.

Crowley tried to briefly explain, but he was cut off by the man, who seemed even more offended now.

'Really. Look at you. You pretentious, intelligent, English man, acting as if his highly homosexual behaviour was completely normal.'

Aziraphale was dumbfounded at that.

'What my... friend here is trying to say, is that, even if we were together, it shouldn't offend anybody. And not you, rich, careless folk anyway. Although I'm starting to get the feeling that the money you've been getting from daddy won't flow for much longer.'

With that, Crowley turned around, guiding Aziraphale with him.

'Intelligent, English and homosexual. That has got to be the most humorous one I've heard thus far.', Aziraphale said after a moment of thinking.

Crowley snorted. 'Oh, it's not the first time I've heard that combination about you.', he grinned at the memories.

Aziraphale looked at him, half shocked, half amused. 'Sorry?'

'Yes. What do you say about some nice French wine this Sunday? It's been a while since we've last been in Paris, hasn't it?', Crowley said, not wanting to further discuss that matter.

Aziraphale nodded excitedly. 'Oh, I know just the-'

'As much as I appreciate that, I've already got something in mind. Let's meet by our crêpe place Sunday, 8pm.'

Aziraphale agreed, and the two if them continued strolling for a while.

When Sunday came around, Crowley led Aziraphale to a nice restaurant, with the largest range of different wines in Paris, according to him.

Aziraphale was, at first, not aware that there was a familiar face in the restaurant, within perfect viewing distance of them.

After the fourth bottle of wine or so, Aziraphale asked him about it, after which Crowley explained that he had remembered the woman whose husband had so rudely talked to them.

He apparently had seen her before, in this restaurant, at that time. The woman was first accompanied by friends, but at last she sat there, alone, finishing her wine.

Not at last because Crowley and Aziraphale were absolutely drunk, they decided to pay a quick visit to her. Not unprepared, of course.

They had changed into their elegant female forms, joining the woman at her table.

At first they held small talk, but after talking more and putting more trust into the two women, she answered their question. 'On which matters do you and your husband disagree?'

She sighed. 'He's a sensitive man, he also believes he's always right. He thinks everything's about him, and whatever someone does, he thinks it's attacking him, and he has to be defensive.'

When being asked to clarify, she did. 'Well, for example, sexual partners. I know everyone says it's wrong, and it's not good, but I must admit, I don't think so. I think everyone has the right to be attracted to whomever they're attracted to.'

'Have you ever been attracted to someone who's not male?', Crowley asked, moving her foot to stroke the woman's shinbone lightly.

She was tripping over her words. 'Well- there, I must admit, have been fellow lady friends who I've taken interest in.', she admitted.

After talking to the women a bit more, she realised more and more that the two were actually flirting with her.

She let herself be seduced, which even ended up with her joining Crowley on her trip back to her hotel room.

Aziraphale didn't join them, but she heard more then she wanted to about it afterwards.

But not only did they find out that the women's born last name was 'Device', which would be interesting for them later, but also did she vanish a while later, getting quite successful in London.

-Present Day-

But as previously mentioned, Gabriel's and Beelzebub's attempted execution outweighed that couple's reaction.

But apparently after running off together, the four of them were on friendly terms.

'Although I can understand why you want to do what you want to do right now, reconsider. Look at us. We did that too.'

Beelzebub proudly held up their left hand, showing off the ring on their finger, Gabriel doing the same gesture shortly after.

The Metatron and Shax looked at each other, then at the two of them.

Gabriel got the clue. 'Oh! Right! Buzz, the reason why we're here?'

(haha. buzz, get it? ofc u do. is that a good nickname or just weird??)

'Right. A word?', Beelzebub and Gabriel pulled the Metatron and Shax aside, talking about something of great importance, apparently.

Meanwhile, Crowley felt a hand on his shoulder.

'Angel? Are you alright?', he looked up at him.

'Just wanted to confirm it's not just me seeing this.', Aziraphale responded, at which Crowley chuckled slightly.

After finishing their talk, Shax and the Metatron looked both confused and in awe. Crowley had already stood up, and there was not much more interaction between the four.

Instead, Gabriel and Beelzebub were the ones guiding them back to Earth, to the bookshop.

After being asked several times, Gabriel answered the question what on Earth was going on.

'Well, we decided to not stay on Alpha Centurai, not just because the Nightlife's not existent.'

Both of them looked at Crowley, who was offended by the looks.

'And back on Earth, which you two praise so much, we decided to get married.'

'And you're invited. If you invite us to yours, too.', Beelzebub barged in.

'And to wrap it up, we were told you two were in serious trouble.' - he pointed upwards - 'She told us.'

Crowley and Aziraphale were impressed at that.

'And we came to rescue you, although we're not quite sure why.', Gabriel finished the story.

'Really, angel. No, we were told it could only do us good.', Beelzebub correct, smiling at the two of them.

Crowley snickered. 'Right. Why would you do it for free?'

'Exactly. Oh, you're freed of your duties for the final time now, too.' Eventually, they left, and Crowley and Aziraphale were alone in the bookshop once again.

'You noticed Beelzebub calling Gabriel 'angel' too, didn't you?', Crowley asked, sitting back down on the couch as soon as the two left.

'Unfortunately.', Aziraphale responded, sighing and sitting down next to him.

'Should've copyrighted it.', Crowley tsk'd and Aziraphale snickered.

The two of them enjoyed each other's company for a while, cuddling with each other.

'Hey, angel?', Crowley asked after a while.

'Yes, dear?', Aziraphale answered, stroking through Crowley's hair.

'D'you wanna get married?'

'Help can come from an unexpected quarter.'

-The Horoscope in the Tadfield newspaper, 11 years ago.

- - -

i know this is one and a half hours late, but now it's here, isn't it.

phew, what's there to say. something to say: disenchantment. anybody know the show? i'm excited for the fifth season to come out this week and, yeah. it better fix everything good omens caused.

as you can probably imagine, this book won't continue for much longer. well, the main plot, anyways. i'm planning on just one more chapter.

as usual, thanks for the support, i hope you enjoyed the chapter,

and feel free to vote.

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