My Cancelled Stories: Transfo...

By AnimalX23

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Probably the most ambitious project from my history as a writer, Transformers: Re-Animated was a story idea t... More

Arc 1: The Trial of Megatron
Arc 2: Combiner Wars
Arc 3: Predacons Rising
Arc 5: New Spark
Arc 6: Shattered Glass
Arc 7: Techno-organic Virus
Arc 8: Stunticon Job
Arc 9: Sword of Light
Arc 10: Finale
Postmortem 2: energon boogaloo

Arc 4: Children of the Axalon

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By AnimalX23

(WARNING: this arc is when we start to get into REALLLL cringy fanfic territory, which may give you an idea as to why I scrapped this story in the first place. you have been warned)

This is the arc where we would have delved into Sari's origins, where she would go on a journey learning more on her Cybertronian heritage. at the beginning of the Trial of Megatron arc we see that Sari would have begun her education learning about Cybertronian culture under the tutelage of Arcee, however so many questions as to where she came from. these answers would be revealed in this arc, as she discovers that many years ago, an Autobot cargo ship known as the Axalon (deep-cut reference for you Beast Wars fans) was shot down causing it to jettison all of its cargo down onto Earth, that cargo being hundreds upon hundreds of pods containing protoforms. one of those protoforms was Sari's, which of course landed in the home of Isaac Sumdac. the implications of this are huge, as this revelation implies that there are more techno-organics out there besides Sari, of which she gets to meet in the form of a pair of edgy techno-organic teenagers with attitude:

Meet Lance Fernandez and Josie Beller, members of a techno-organic biker gang known as the "Circuit Breakerz" with Josie serving as the leader of the biker gang and Lance as her second-in-command. Josie is of course based on Circuit Breaker from the Marvel Transformers comics from the 80s of which her biker gang was named after while Lance was my OC (in other words an Original Character I created myself in spite of his design taking visual cues from Shattered Glass Sari, his name is actually an homage to Lance from the under-rated cartoon Sym-Bionic Titan since I'm a big fan of the works of Genndy Tartakovsky) also while Sari is of Indian descent, Josie is Irish and Lance is Latino.

And here they are in their robot forms, as you can see by their overtly-edgelord designs (and the Decepticon insignias on their jackets in their human forms) they're clearly meant to be bad guys. also Lance rides a purple-and-yellow motorcycle, if that sounds familiar then it should (wink wink hint hint).

this arc begins with Sari and the Autobots learning of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang who've been causing chaos in the streets of detroit, disrupting traffic by riding their motorcycles not obeying the rules of the road, looting stores stealing whatever stuff they want, and causing violence whenever they go. all the crimes committed by these troublemaking teens has been giving Captain Fanzone (and his new robo-deputy Barricade) along with the rest of the Detroit police department a headache, leading to Fanzone resorting to ask the Autobots for help. Sari volunteers, as she believes herself to be the best qualified since she might be able to relate to them since they're all kids her physical age. She then has a run-in with Lance Fernandez, who doesn't know who she is thus is unaware that she's with the autobots. 

Lance and Sari start flirting, the two hitting it off pretty well with Lance offering to bring Sari to his secret hideout if she promises not to tell any of her friends, offering her a ride on his suspiciously familiar-looking purple-and-yellow motorcycle. Lance then takes Sari on a ride to the super-secret lair of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang, located in an abandoned train station in the middle of Detroit known as Michigan Central Station (which is a real place look it up) the place is filled with rebellious runaway teenage boys and girls of different shapes and sizes all decked out in leather biker gear some sporting tattoos and wild haircuts. the lair serves as a hangout where the Circuit Breakerz can relax and be themselves, with Arcade games, a pinball table, and even a basketball hoop, all stuff that they stole during their daily routines of looting. Lance introduces Sari to Josie Beller, the leader of the Circuit Breakerz biker gang. she explains to Sari that she, Lance, and the other kids are all outcasts who ran away from home because they felt like they didn't belong, many weren't accepted by their peers or parents for what they are. Lance and Josie reveal that they are techno-organics: human/cybertronian hybrids just like Sari, along with all the other kids in the Circuit Breakerz. Josie then recounts the backstory of the Axalon to Sari which blows her mind, Lance saying that they are all "Children of the Axalon"

 Sari is ecstatic about this, being able to meet other kids her age who are just like her, she doesn't have to be alone anymore! upon returning to Sumdac Tower she recounts her time spent with Lance and the Circuit Breakerz to her dad and the Autobots. Isaac is concerned, the thought of having his teenage daughter run off with some emo bad boy who also happens to be a gang member is enough to give him a panic attack. but Sari believes that the Circuit Breakerz aren't as bad as people think they are, they're just misunderstood. Bulkhead sides with Isaac acting just as overprotective, reminding her of all the stuff Captain Fanzone said about all the crimes that they've been committing, going as far as to say that they sound like Decepticons in human skin (FORESHADOWING!) but Sari retaliates by saying that they're only doing this because they're mad at the world, a world that won't accept people like them or even her. she goes on to say that being with them was the first time she felt like a normal kid, being amongst techno-organics like her made her feel a sense of belonging, a place where she could be with her "own kind" and storms off right into the arms of Lance who's ecstatic to see her again.

Lance brings her back to the lair of the Circuit Breakerz, inviting Sari to come with him and Josie to the Detroit museum tonight to steal an ancient Cybertronian artifact from its collection: the golden disk, Sari is conflicted as she can't bring herself to steal since stealing is wrong and all that, Josie telling her that she's no longer one of the cool kids. Lance's motorcycle suddenly transforms, revealing it to be Sideways whom was the one who founded the Circuit Breakerz, as he was the one who took in all these techno-organic teens and provided them a home after their foster parents abandoned them, including Lance who sees Sideways as like a father figure who took him in after he ran away from his foster home. Sideways is revealed to be a former Decepticon courier who got booted from Megatron's ranks after one too many times of grifting ol' buckethead who had enough of his treachery. and with the Golden Disk, he'll use it to get back into the good graces of the Decepticons. Sari then realizes that she was in way over her head, being so trusting of the Circuit Breakerz was a big mistake that she made. this leads to a one-against-many fight with Sari fighting all of the Circuit Breakerz gang members by herself to prevent the Golden Disk from being stolen, with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Isaac Sumdac coming to her rescue with Bumblebee and Bulkhead double-teaming against Sideways.

oW tHe EdGe!!!

This culminates in a one-on-one fight between Sari and Lance, techno-organic vs. techno-organic in their robot modes, Sari's wrist-blades vs. Lance's wrist-chainsaws, Sari's hammer vs. Lance's mace (as seen in these designs) ending with Lance pinning Sari done and coming close to killing her, but Sari gives a rousing speech to the Circut Breakerz about how Sideways is using them and they're all just pawns to him causing all the teens to turn on the disgraced Decepticon courier and leave the building. Sideways tells Lance not to listen to the girl's lies and offline her already but Lance can't bring himself to do it. Josie calls Lance weak and grabs Sari by the throat, saying that she'll just finish the job for him like a true Decepticon leading to Lance turning on Josie and slicing her arm off.

Later on when we see her again she'll be sporting a prosthetic arm given which is given to her by Flatline when Sideways delivers the techno-organic girl to the mad doctor. said arm will give her energy-absorbing powers. she would have become a recurring villain in this series, acting as a rival to Sari as well as harboring bitterness towards Lance for leaving the Circuit Breakerz. her energy absorbing abilities would eventually evolve into her being able to copy the abilities of other Transformers by absorbing their energy, similar to Kevin 11 from the Ben 10 franchise.

Sari returns home to the Autobots and tells them that they along with her dad are all the family that she'll ever need, with Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Jazz, and Ironhide all giving her a transformer group hug. this arc ends with Lance returning to his foster family, his mom Carmen Fernandez and dad Luis Fernandez happy to see that their son is alive and so grown up along with his many, many younger brothers and sisters happy to see him again only for Sari to pay the Fernandez family a visit, and well... THIS happens:

(I DEEPLY sorry for subjecting you all to see this piece of cringe fanart I made, thank you for indulging me)

Bonus drawing I made of the two techno-organics as kids (Canonically the two didn't meet when they were kids I just drew this because I thought it would be cute)

After scrapping Transformers Re-animated I disowned the character of Lance Fernandez because I felt like his character just wasn't that good. however I felt there was potential there, which is why I repurposed some aspects of his character for Johnny in my all-original story "Sector 51" which I will discuss further in-depth when I get around to publishing a page about the legacy of Re-animated and how I later recycled some of my ideas for it into my other works.

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