By faultinmycodes

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𝐯𝐢·𝐫𝐚𝐥·𝐢·𝐭𝐲 /ˌ𝐯īˈ𝐫𝐚𝐥ə𝐝ē/ 𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨, 𝐩𝐞... More

01 - Business Offer
02 - Small Venues
03 - Rehearsal
04 - Rained In
05 - Team Building Exercises
06 - Whiplash*
07 - Heartthrob Strategy
08 - Play Along
10 - Maybe Both, Maybe Neither
11 - Peak Fashion

09 - Lavender Haze**

622 27 19
By faultinmycodes

TW; smut, weed/alcohol, unprotected sex, mentions of std testing/birth control, etc
18+ MDNI



When we get to their house, I'm grateful for the empty driveway, which means no Jolly and no Folio. Nobody else to know about this.

I round Nicholas' car to open the passenger door for Noah.

"Hey, hey." I pat his cheek to wake him up.

The singer looks up at me with glazed over, sleepy eyes. His drinks finally caught up to him, especially the last ones before we left which he claimed, "helped with the pain".

The whole bar fight was quite sobering for me, but a small bit of alcohol is still running through me, and that tiny bit is not helping me with this 6'3 drunken baby. His slim face is so beat up and while my patience is waning, I still feel guilty. While he's paper thin, when I pull on his skinny arm, he feels so heavy.

"C'mon Sebastian let's go." Nicholas finally makes his way around, snapping at Noah to get up. I'm glad Nick is here but he wasn't much fun on the way home either. He kind of reminded me of a father having to pick up his drunken teenager. It makes me wonder how many times he's done this song and dance with Noah.

Nicholas dips into the car and pulls the long-haired boy out easily. He comes to just a bit, enough to notice who's holding him and seems to relax. I notice how sleepy Noah leans into Nick and nudges his head into the crook of his neck. I can tell Nicholas isn't happy with the situation but even still, he wraps an arm tight around Noah's waist. The scene is so delicate considering the circumstances of how we got here.

Nick gestures to me to sling his right arm around my shoulders to help carry a mumbling and incoherent Noah inside. We hobble him through the front door of the empty house and by a miracle we got him upstairs to his room in one piece.

The actions of babying a drunk Noah and throwing him into bed felt all too much like déjà vu. His room was the same, if not worse, than from that night of the party. There are so many clothes and so much trash on the ground that I can barely see the floor. Nicholas and I basically used our feet to push a path through to his bed. There was only a tiny sliver of mattress even visible, the rest was piled up with just... garbage. At least, it looks like garbage. We plop him on the bit of mattress just like last time and try to navigate our way out. Just as we reach the door, there's a stir behind us followed by a sleepy groan.

"Nicky?" Noah's voice cracks.



Nicholas tenses up immediately, I can't tell if it's because he doesn't like the name or if he doesn't like me hearing it.

"Nicky." He whines again, calling him over.

Nick sighs and looks at me gesturing me to go on without him. I make my way to the door and watch from behind the doorframe while he makes his way back over to the boy.

When Nicholas reaches the bed, Noah's tattooed arms swing around his waist, pressing the side of his face into Nick's tummy while he's still laying down. I squint my eyes to see what Nicholas is doing to find that he's brushing Noah's hair out of his face.

"Thank you." Noah mumbles against his shirt.

"I know." Nick replies softly.

I step out of the doorway before Nicholas turns to leave to make it seem like I hadn't just witnessed that.

Once I'm alone with Nicholas, I sense that he's fuming which is a much different vibe that the one that was just stroking Noah's hair.

"Why the fuck would you take him out drinking in the middle of the day?" He asks through grinding teeth. The way he poses the question implies that it was my idea, like it was my fault. Which I guess it half was.

"I don't know? He made me go to this meeting with Bryan and-"

"He took you to meet Bryan?" He interrupts.

"Yeah? To brainstorm for the music video?" I answer as if it was obvious.

"Music video?" He sucks at his teeth, taking an aggravated step back. "Funny how this is the first time I'm hearing about a fucking music video." He drags his fingers across his forehead in a pinch. "I need a drink, or a blunt or... something." He sighs then turns away from me heading towards his room down the hall.

I decide to follow him, "Why is a music video bad?" I ask, confused.

He glares at me from his open bedroom door, "If you're gonna pry you might as well help me with this blunt."

I tug at my bottom lip in thought. I shouldn't stay here with him, and I definitely shouldn't be smoking with him while still a bit tipsy, but curiosity gets the best of me. "Fine."

His room is dark and lit with LED, neon, and decorative lights on almost every surface. Opposed to Noah's, his room is neat, tidy, and spotless. His bed is pressed against the wall and perfectly made with grey sheets, a black duvet and coordinating pillows. I set my bag down on the ground in front of his bedside table and sit on the end of the bed right behind his desk chair. He has a similar gaming set up to Noah's, two monitors, a long light-up mousepad, and some other neon lights. There's even some plushies in the corner of his desk that I recognize to be some animals from video games. He sits on his gaming chair which is black and blue opposed to Noah's black and red. Reaching across the desk, he grabs a jar, a lighter and part of a wrapping leaf.

"I thought you said you can't roll?" I ask as he starts filling the brown wrapper with ground weed.

It isn't until the smell of green hits my nose that I realize there's also a sweet smell filling the room, something like butterscotch. I track the smell to find a burning candle sitting on a bookshelf across the small room.

"I can't. But Folio's been trying to teach me." His focus is on evening out the grounds across the leaf. His tongue begins to carefully dampen the edges of the wrap and the sight of it sends a buzzing down between my legs. He was so good with just his cock... I can't imagine what his tongue would do to me.

I press my thighs together and shift in my seat then clear my throat, "So, what's so bad about Noah wanting to make a music video?"

He sighs harshly, "It's not about the music video, it's about him making decisions without us." His tongue does one last swipe before sealing the roll completely. "And because of," Gesturing towards Noah's room with the blunt between his fingers, "That."

I furrow my brows, "Because of what?"

The lighter sizzles the end of the roll and burns a cherry red when he inhales. "The drinking."

The words flash me back when I overheard them in the kitchen when Nicholas asked him about meetings. Guilt swells in my chest knowing I contributed to it today. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault he's a fucking drunk." He exhales thick smoke above us. "He gets like this then does a bunch of shit without talking to us first. That's how Just Pretend got released as a single before we even have an album finished."

He's getting riled up but seems to stop himself from continuing, choosing to take another hit, maybe in the hopes of it calming him down.

I take the blunt from his offering hand and put it to my glossy lips, leaving a rim of light pink when I pull away to exhale. "He really did that?"

"Vallie, our album is barely halfway done. We haven't even chosen a title yet." He says watching me inhale again. "That is who you wanna put the focus of the band on, that is who you wanna draw people in with: a drunken fucking mess." He hisses and snatches the roll the second I offer it back. His tone and actions are getting increasingly more aggressive, in a way I've never seen him before – not that I've really known him for that long, but it makes me nervous either way.

"I mean... he is the lead singer." I counter, even though I know he's not going to like it.

Nicholas' thick brow hangs low over his eye, "He's a liability. Since you're so concerned with money and numbers, that should be very clear to you."

He's right.

If Noah can get as unhinged and unpredictable as he's saying and as I saw today, he is a liability.

I'm a fool for not realizing it sooner, but maybe the glimmer of hope from his small cooperation blinded me.

Regardless, Noah's reckless behavior is something to think about... when I'm not cross faded with the band member I already fucked.

"It doesn't really matter if he's a drunk, Nicholas." I steal the blunt back and perch it between my index and middle fingers. "If we do this correctly the girls will be flocking to him." I take in a short puff and let it out. "And to you, to the band as a whole."

He rolls his eyes so hard I think they might fall out. "Oh, cut the business jargon Vallie. We get it, everyone wants to fuck Noah fucking Sebastian." He shoots up from his seat in aggravation.

So much for the weed calming him down.

My brows knit together confused at the inherent jealousy. If I was more foolish, I'd think this jealousy was over just me, but it seems much more complex than that. It's murky and conflicted and I feel a piece or two missing in the puzzle.

It's not uncommon for band members to be jealous of their frontman and to an extent, I feel this is true for them as well. But there's still something more than that.

Something more complicated.

More confusing.

Could it be...

No, of course not. Right?

Perhaps it's not just me he's jealous over.

I shake the thoughts from my head, today is not the day to unpack any of that. Maybe it's the weed that's making me overanalyze things.

The smoke over filling my nose reminds me that I'm in possession of the still lit blunt, so I take it and smash its sizzling end into the ashtray.

"This isn't about whether or not people want to fuck Noah, this is about the success of the band Nick." I stand to meet his face, so he'll actually listen to me. Well, look up at his face anyway.

Never in my entire career have I ever had to convince anyone this much to make more money.

"The band is already successful." He snaps back, his eyes stone cold grey looking down at me.

I'm not about to insult his band again so I shift the topic, "As I said before, fangirls don't mean just for Noah. Sure, he'll get the most, that's natural. But they'll be there for you too. Don't you want that?"

"No." He says shortly.

"You don't want your own group of girls that you get to pick and choose from at every show?" I say, leaning heavy on the clichés of it all. "Girls that are begging to be backstage and are willing to give you anything you want?"

But it's not until then, as it's coming out of my mouth, that I realize the idea of it settles a weird pit in my own stomach. It's something also reminiscent of jealousy but I can't quite put my finger on it. Odd.

"No, I don't want fucking fangirls Vallie." He says through gritted teeth.

"What kind of fucking rockstar doesn't want fangirls?" I can tell he's being purposely difficult and it's making me begin to lose my composure.

"Oh my god, are you really this fucking dense? This isn't about fucking groupies." He nearly spits the word.

I'm trying to put puzzle pieces together in my head but they're not fitting. I don't understand his anger, where it's coming from or the reason.

"Then what the fuck is this about then? Because I called him hot at our meeting the other day? Because we went out drinking today?"


His eyes narrow down at me and I'm suddenly extremely aware of his height. He's not as tall as Noah, but he still towers over me. "I just think it's funny that you're trying to make a sex symbol out of a man who couldn't make you cum if he tried." He hisses, his steel eyes warn me not to push.

But I do, I always push.

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?"

He gives a breathy chuckle and brings his hand to hold my chin up by the tips of his fingers. "If he wasn't a passed out drunken mess right now, I'd drag him in here to prove me right."

My eyes widen not just at his words but at his deep voice that shifted into something sinister. He has to be joking right? He wouldn't actually bring Noah in here to do...that, would he? And why is the thought of it... of both of them causing a throbbing between my legs.

Regardless, fear creeps up my chest one rib at a time and gets lodged in my throat. My mind can't comprehend how Nicholas can go from his normal sweetness to something that scares the shit out of me.

"Why do you care is he couldn't make me cum?" I ask for some stupid reason. "And you only made me cum once, how do I know it wasn't just some miracle? I was drunk after all." I pop a brow and cross my arms over my chest.

I never was one for cooperation.

His hand seamlessly slides down from my chin to around my throat. There's no pressure beneath his fingertips but they're taunting a good squeeze.

"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I'll have to prove you wrong." I swallow hard under his grip and squeeze my thighs together. I shouldn't be this turned on by him talking to me like this. "Did it feel like a miracle? Did it feel like I don't know how to make you feel good?"

My eyes glance at the barely cracked open door nervous that someone would see, and he catches me. "Noah is passed out. Nobody else is home, nobody to help you out of this." He growls and presses a tad on the sides of my neck. My eyes widen at him, at how easily he can control me from just one hand on my body. The rest of my body is begging to bow to him. "Answer the question."

I gulp slightly and question my options. I could take the safe route, the route I should be taking, and tell him what he wants to hear so I can leave. However, that's not what the pooling in my panties is telling me to do. I readjust under his grasp with still crossed arms and a straightened back. "I've had plenty of guys who've only been able to make me cum maybe once. You're probably the same."

I didn't think his brows could lower any further and his eyes turn a dark stormy gray. Long, messy strands of black hair shadow across his face menacingly and there's a tinge of true terror in my stomach. In one fell swoop, he slams me onto the bed with his hand still stapled around my neck. He nestles his head by my ear while his hand trails down my body, "I know you're used to talking to the others like that, but you'll learn not to talk to me that way." He whispers lowly and the grip on my throat tightens ever so slightly. His hand lingers around the waistband of my skirt and somehow already found the hidden zipper. He roughly tugs it down past my ankles and forcefully spreads my thighs open with his leg. His hand moves up from my throat to grip my jaw hard and looks straight into my eyes, "I can fuck you better than that pathetic mess ever could."

I'm melting under his touch; he looks nearly angelic despite his devilish demeanor. His raven hair is long, wild, and framing his face perfectly. His necklace with the thorny circular band symbol hangs just above my face and it takes every ounce of self-control not to pull it into my mouth. I want all of him, every part.

Though everything right now is really intense, all I want to do is kiss him. So, I do just that. Quickly, before he has a chance to stop me, I gently take his face into my hands and meet his lips with mine. He gives in immediately and matches my energy making the kiss soft and tender even though he's about to tear me apart. I really enjoy this about him, this duality he contains, and I can't tell which side of it I like more.

It doesn't take long for the kiss to escalate and for our tongues to be fighting for dominance, but his hand never leaves my jaw. He draws a finger up my drenched covered slit then circles around my swollen nub. A small whimper escapes me into the kiss and a smirk tugs across his face. "I've barely touched you and you're already making a mess."

I squeeze my eyes shut trying my best not to fall apart in his hands already. My hands are burning for him and all I want to do is touch him. I feebly go to palm the visible strain in his sweatpants, but his hand leaves my throat and snatches my wrist, pinning it to the bed. "You'll touch me when I want you to touch me." He growls. My eyes widen at his words and renders me speechless. "Is that understood?" He demands and I nod quickly.

His hands rake down my body until he's on his knees between my legs, his fingers hook into the band of my panties and rip them down. Fingertips ghost-trail up my inner thigh which only worsens the pulsing in my clit begging for him. He then gently runs two fingers up my folds using my arousal to easily glide up and down slowly, from my bud to my entrance. I've never had any other man take his time like this, it's almost like he's taking the time to learn my body and how I react to anything he does. Like a predator learns its prey. His fingers spread me apart, causing every muscle in my body to tense up from being so exposed to him.

"So pretty." He mutters. The sides of his fingertips begin to slowly scissoring around my clit and I unintentionally let out a small whine. I feel him smirk into a kiss he presses onto my inner thigh. "Maybe making you cum will fix your little attitude problem."

The comment pisses me off, but it's not enough to risk not getting his mouth on me, so I let it slide. I'm nearly vibrating under any touch he gives me and I'm so desperate for more.

He leaves a trail of kisses up my thigh until he reaches my core, each kiss reminds me how much my lips miss his. Time is moving too slow for my growing impatience. The second his tongue meets where I need him most, pleasure blooms across my body. He then slides two fingers inside, curling them directly into my sweet spot. I bite down on my bottom lip to contain my noises. In delicious unison, his tongue and fingers work together perfectly. His tongue is circling and rolling against my sensitivity and making me feel a knot in my stomach begin to grow already. There's so much pleasure and tension built up in my body that all it wants to do is let it out in noises. I bring a hand to cover my mouth to stifle any moans that threaten to escape.

He rolls his tongue flat against me and pulls away just a bit. "Nobody's home and Noah's passed out." He reminds me. "You can be as loud as you want for me." He says before going to lightly kitten lick at my clit. "I wanna hear how I good I make you feel." I look down to see him giving me a prideful smirk that makes me want to ravage him back.

That's all the invitation I need to let my moans pour out with every roll of his tongue or curve of his fingers. My hand flies down to grip his hair, raking it through and gripping the root. "Fuck!"

"C'mon baby let it out," He says against my core. "I know you can be louder than that."

A loud moan rips out of my chest and my hips roll up into his mouth, "Fuck Nick!"

I'm so close already it's embarrassing. Goosebumps erupt all over my skin and I'm tingly all over, down to my toes. My body is overwhelmed with his tongue rolling and swiping at my sensitive clit and his fingers knowing exactly where my g-spot is. I'm so needy and so desperate, I feel like I could just explode.

I grip on tight to his locks and rut my pussy into his mouth. He is the only thing in my head. In this moment, my mind belongs wholly to him. He lets me know that he loves the way I'm reacting to him by using his free hand to grip onto my thigh tug me closer. The louder I get the harder he works and the harder his fingers dig into my thigh.

The tight knot in my stomach feels like it's about to snap. "Fuck, Fuck!" I cry, my legs involuntarily closing in around his head.

"Give in to me baby, cum for me, will you?" He says between licks. "Be a good girl and cum for me."

I'm nearly blinded by his words. I've never been called anything like that before nor have I ever thought I'd like it. But that was it, that tipped me over the edge.

My back arched violently from the bed and my fingers curled tightly into his hair. Euphoria washes over my entire body and I'm seeing only fuzzy white. I can't control the noises that leave my mouth but I'm sure if anybody heard them, they'd assume this was an exorcism.

He doesn't stop until I fall limp under him and twitch at every tiny flick of his tongue. He finishes by cleaning all my juices up with one fat stripe up my slit. He looks up and chuckles at me, "You did such a good job for me." He presses a kiss on my knee. For some reason his words make me feel warm all over.

He pulls his fingers from me and the emptiness they leave behind makes me crave his cock even more. He brings them to his lips, taking each tattooed finger into his mouth, sucking them clean. He smirks at the taste and at how I'm looking at him like I could devour him whole. The violet glow from the lights around us illuminate his features beautifully. If I didn't know better, I'd swear there's starlight draped across his skin, sprinkled above his brow, across his cheek bone and down the perfect slope of his nose. The purple reflects into his silver eyes making them look as though they encapsulate some lavender cosmos. Everything about him is so delicious, it's hard to focus on just one part of him. He's gorgeous.

He tethers me back to earth when runs his hands up and down my thighs as if to soothe me. "Are you okay?" The front of his brows tilted up.

"Yeah, yeah." I nod my head.

"Do you want to continue?" He asks.

I inadvertently smile at the question. "Yeah, I do."

The ends of his lips curl into a happy grin then leans down to gently cup my cheek and presses a soft kiss to my lips. He feels like ice water on a scorching summer day. I know I'm going to regret this when it's over, but right now, it feels too good to pass up.

"Hold on let me get a condom." He goes to reach behind him into his nightstand.

"Oh um, we don't need one. I'm on birth control." I say shyly. "If you want to that is, of course."

He gives me a skeptical look, maybe surprised that I even said anything. "Are you sure?"

I stare at him just for a second contemplating if it's a smart idea but the insatiable need for him convinces me it's fine. I nod.

He pats my outer thigh telling me to make room for him. I scooch backwards in the bed as he slides his sweats down, letting his cock spring free. My mouth waters at the sight of it – the first time on the couch I only felt it in the darkness, but now I see it, every ridge and vein. I'm throbbing at the mere idea of him inside me. "Please fuck me." I ask desperately, looking up at him.

He grips my cheeks and looks directly into my eyes. "It's cute that you think you can tell me what to do." He hisses and I'm suddenly once again afraid of what he could do to me.

He teases my entrance with his tip rolling it up and down my slit excruciatingly slow. While he is deliberately taking his time, the lustful glint in his eyes tell me that he's just as needy as me. Finally, he slides in, stretching me out a bit painfully. I don't remember him being so thick, but it was probably the alcohol that helped me to adjust to his size.

He lets out a deep groan once he's bottomed out. "Fuck you're so tight."

Heat fills my cheeks at his comment and I'm putty in his hands again. I go to grab his face but quickly pull away remembering his instruction to not touch without permission. He looks at me confused with knitted brows.

"I just um, I just," My stomach is suddenly filled with butterflies with razor wings, "Could you kiss me again?" I ask with a timid, almost embarrassed voice.

A smile tugs at his lips like it's the easiest task he's ever been asked to do. He leans down, cups my cheek in his hand and meets our lips once more. It's gentle and sweet while he rubs his thumb across my cheekbone tenderly. "You were so good for me." He says quietly within a small gap between our lips.

The praise makes my heart swell, only making me want to be better for him. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer into the kiss and wrap my legs around his hips pulling him deeper inside me. Slowly he begins rolling his hips into me, his length filling me over and over.

"Fuck." I breathe out as he speeds up, "Fuck you feel so good."

His head falls into my neck and begins peppering open mouth kisses into it while he buries himself into me. He kisses on all my sweet spots only increases the buzzing in my clit. His cock is so big that it fills me up completely and then some. He stretches me more than I thought was possible – it stings, but in the best way. I blink the tears from eyes from the pain.

"So good baby, taking fucking all of it." He grunts as he thrusts into me hard and fast.

I'm so fucked out, my body has basically gone limp below him as he fucks me senseless. I'm on a pink fluffy cloud of building pleasure and my eyesight blurs everything around me. I can't think about anything other than him. Right now, I am his, wholly, completely, entirely.

I let out a strangled moan as my hands reach around him to his back, digging my nails into it. He hisses at the pain of it.

"What did I tell you about touching?" He asks in a low whisper beneath my ear and fear climbs up my spine.

"I'm sorry." I squeak.

His thrusts increase when he pulls back. I whine at the loss of contact on my neck. His hands roughly grab each of my wrists and pin them above my head while his length drives into my sweet spot.

His grip tightens around my wrists while the other slithers down my body. His fingers ever so lightly graze my skin and leaves a trail of goosebumps behind. The pads of his fingers find my aching clit and begins kneading slow circles into it. I wriggle beneath him from the sudden stimulation and let out a whimper.

"What did I say about touching?" He repeats and I dare not stay silent again.

"I'm not allowed to touch you." I struggle to say past the noises threatening to leave me.

In contrast to earlier, his face now is angular and sharp. His thick, dark brows are low and menacing.

"Why can't I touch you?" I ask meekly, although perhaps not the smartest idea.

He dips his head into the crook of my neck while his hips continue to crash against mine like waves to sand. "Because when you touch me, I can't be responsible for what I'll do." He whispers low and raspy. "It makes me want to fuck you like that pussy is all mine. It makes me want to fuck you until you're so sore that you can't stop thinking about my cock, not even for a second."

My eyes widen flutter closed and roll my hips up into him. His words are driving a rampant pulsing in my clit that he's so deliciously helping with his fingers.

I blink up at him, "Maybe I want that."

His face his twisted in concentration and now confusion. "What?"

"Well, I... maybe I want those things. Maybe I want you to take my pussy as yours. Maybe I don't want to stop thinking about your big fucking cock. "I straighten out my shoulders. "Maybe I want to feel empty without you inside me."

"Fuck." He breathes out and speeds up, both in his thrusts but his fingers on my nub.

My body fills with tingling, budding excitement. He rails into me mercilessly, and I love every second, every inch of him – no matter how much it hurts.

His face falls into the crook of my neck and fills my ears with raspy breaths. "Fuck I'm close."

"Me too." I breathe out. "Cum inside me, please."

He lets out a deep groan below my ear. "Fuck." His thrusts become quick and hasty, but still precise and deliberate. The added speed to his momentum tips me over the edge.

"Fuck!" I yell out as my orgasm crashes into me like tidal wave. I feel the need to anchor myself to something, anything. One arm hooks around his neck, holding on for dear life. My other arm is tangled in the duvet and yanks on it so hard that it rips the sheet off the corner. My eyes roll back in bliss as he drills into me ruthlessly. Moans, curses and his name all tumble from my mouth.

It seems that enough to push him over the edge too. "Fuck. Fuck I'm gonna cum." He grunts just before he stills for a moment, and I feel his cock twitch and spill his seed deep inside me. He lets out a long groan as he continues to rut into me through his orgasm.

When we come down from our high, Nick pulls from me and lands next to me in bed. He leaves me with an emptiness between my legs that apparently only his cock can satiate. But being filled to the brim with his cum definitely helps with that.

My eyelids are heavy as they slow blink up at the ceiling where the glow of his lights illuminate the edges of the room. Our mutual heavy breathing is the only noise filling up the room.

"You alright?" He asks, looking at me in the dimness.

"Mhm." I turn my head slowly towards him, he's glistening in sweat, the baby hairs that frame his face are stuck against his skin. He looks beautiful like this.

I never really thought a man could be beautiful. Handsome? Sure.

Cute? Yeah.

Hot? Of course.

But he supersedes them all. He's stunning, angelic, nearly ethereal.

Of course, this gorgeous man has to be my client. I shouldn't even be in his bed right now.

The warmth of his body next to me isn't doing me any favors. After the whole Noah/bar situation earlier and all of me and Nicholas' ... activities, I'm drained completely. I can't help but nuzzle into him, laying a bit on his arm.

I half expect him to pull away or make some snappy remark, but he doesn't. Instead, he pulls his arm out from under me and wraps it around my shoulders.

My first instinct was to run but my exhausted body refuses. I cuddle onto his chest sleepily. My arm stretches across his front.

I am far too tired to be worried about the consequences. Through in my half-awake state I mumble, "We shouldn't be doing this."

"We shouldn't be doing any of this." He clarifies while raking though my hair gently. "But I can't help it, I don't know. I can't help what you do to me."

My cheeks burn hot at the compliment. "Shut up."

I think about it for a moment longer and it sets an odd, confused, sad pit in my stomach. "No but really we shouldn't be doing this."

He's silent. "I know."

I gulp staring at the wall.

I don't even really know what "this" is, but I don't want to think about it now. And I certainly don't want to ask. I'm not even sure if it is anything or if it's anything I want more of.

"If the others find out..."

"I know." He stops me.

Another factor slips into my mind. "If they find out, they won't take me seriously."

I see his face twist in thought, maybe trying to calculate if that's true. "Yeah, maybe... I guess."

I don't have the energy to explain the implications of it all, so I leave it. I sigh and hide my face in his chest.

Suddenly there's a stir from outside the room that disrupts the calm peace between us.

A door opens from down the hall.

Nicholas' eyes shoot open, "Fuck it's Noah." He whispers urgently. "Get under the covers." He directs and I listen.

I quickly flip the duvet over the top of both of us and lay as flat as possible beside him. He places an extra pillow on top of me.

There's a soft knuckle knock at the bedroom door that's been cracked open this entire time.

"Uh, come in!" Nick calls.

The door creaks open. "Hey." Croaks a still somewhat drunk Noah.

"Hey dude... what's up?" Nick asks.

Discreetly, he slips his hand beneath the covers and taps his finger gently against the bed. I take the hint and intertwine the tips of our fingers together. My tummy flips at the way he gives my fingers a little squeeze. It's a small gesture, but it's one that says some version of 'partners in crime'.

"Were you... were you watching porn or something?" He asks, no doubt with a propped brow.

"What?" Nicks voice cracks. "No, no, I've just been watching..." He takes note of whatever's on the TV. "Bob's Burgers."

"Oh..." Noah trails off unconvinced. "I just heard loud... noises coming from your room."

My cheeks flush cherry red in embarrassment that I had been that loud. Nicholas gives my fingers another tiny reassuring squeeze.

"Nope, nope." Nick shakes his head. "Nope, just Bob's Burgers."

"Right..." Noah replies. "Also, um, I just wanted to say thank you for rescuing me... us, from our mess."



Nicholas nods, "Yeah of course, no problem." He says hurriedly.

There's an awkward silence between them. I can only assume it's Noah giving Nick an odd look.

"Okay well... I'll let you get back to... Bob's Burgers then I guess." Noah tapers out.

As the door begins to keep closed Nicholas blurts out, "Drink water!"

Noah pauses at the door, "I will. Thanks." Before closing it behind him.

Both Nicholas and I are frozen in place until we hear Noah's door close. I pop my head out from the duvet and the moment our eyes meet we bust out laughing. I press my forehead against my arm flat on the mattress laughing probably the hardest I have in a while.

Nick hits my shoulder playfully. "Shhh!" He whispers between his own giggles. "He's gonna hear us!"

I swat his arm, "You're laughing too you asshole!"

My chest hurts from both how hard I'm laughing and how much I'm trying to stop.

"'Were you watching porn?'" I imitate Noah which causes another fit of laughter.

"God." Nick shakes his head. "That was pretty bad."

I sigh and drag my hands down my face. "God I'm so fucking embarrassed." I whine and land my face down into my folded arms.

"Yeah, I guess that's kinda my fault. I thought he was knocked out." Nicholas rakes through my hair softly. "I would say I'm sorry... but I'm not. I loved making you sound like that."

I prop my head on my arm to scowl at him. "I don't know if I should be flattered or offended to be compared to a pornstar. Jesus."

He chuckles and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear then trails his fingertips across my jaw, tilting my chin up. "I've never heard a pornstar sound as good as you did with my tongue in your-"

I reach up and cover his mouth before he can finish because I know if he does, I won't be able to leave without having him again. "Shush!"

He rolls his eyes with a smile tugging at the corner of his lip.

Quiet falls over us before panic courses through me and I perk straight up. Oh my god I'm such a fucking idiot.

Nick wiggles his brows at me, "You good?"

"Jesus I'm so stupid. I was only concerned about the birth control but I didn't even fucking ask if you're clean?" I ask, the reality of my horny decisions hit me all at once.

Truthfully, I was selfish, and I wanted to feel him fully. Though it didn't occur to me until just now that he is a musician after all.

"Yeah?" He answers without hesitation. "Are you?"

"Yes. Of course." I reply like it's obvious. "But are you sure? Because I know, like, being in a band and everything..."

"Yeah, I got tested recently. I'm clean." He leans over and pulls out a folded paper from somewhere in his bedside table, and hands it to me. "Here. Proof."

I unfold the paper to reveal exactly what he said, negative test results. But then I notice the date. "Recently? This is over a year old?" I flip the page towards him.

"Yeah," He clears his throat. "I haven't slept with anyone since then."

I scoff, "You? Haven't slept with anyone in over a year?"

"Except you? No." He shakes his head.

I squint at him skeptically and cautiously hand he paper back to him. "I find that hard to believe. I mean you're...well you."

"I'm not quite sure what that's supposed to mean but," He sighs and sits up a bit, "My ex and I broke up just before that."

"Got it." I nod. I wonder if that's the ex Noah mentioned in the kitchen weeks ago, Alice. But I'm certainly not going to ask and then have to explain how I know that.

I lay back down and reclaim my spot from earlier, cuddling into him with my head on his chest — even though I definitely should be trying to escape before the rest of them get home. It's been a long while since I've had someone to cuddle like this, it's nice and warm. I probably shouldn't feel safe with someone I barely know, but I do, and I can already feel it starting to lull me to sleep. Sleep is not something that comes easy to me, most nights I only get about 4 hours of it.

His fingers begin to play with my hair and my heart swells. I can't help but nuzzle into him further, he makes a small comfortable noise. The pads of his fingers start to massage my scalp.

I'm not sure if he just assumed I fell asleep, but a quiet hummed melody comes from his chest. It's familiar and comforting but I can't quite put my finger on it.

I know this song

What is it

Without lifting my head, "Is that twinkle twinkle little star?"

He chuckles, sounding a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry."

"Don't be. It was cute." I dig my teeth into my bottom lip to hold back a smile even though he can't see me. "I liked it. Keep going?"

He's quiet.

"Do you ever sing? I don't hear a lot of other vocals on your tracks besides backups."

He laughs, "No, no. I can't sing. Not really anyway. The only thing I think I'm half decent is twinkle twinkle little star, that's why I hum it. I don't really know why. Maybe I sang it a lot as kid or something? But I hum it sometimes if I'm stressed or nervous."

I stay silent for a bit. "Are you nervous right now?"


"Yeah, I guess a bit. But mostly I thought it'd help you sleep." His finger tucks a hit of hair behind my ear.

"Why are you nervous?"

"I don't know."

But I know.

"Me too." I reply quietly.

He seems to understand as I do.

I hear his heart rate pick up under my head. My own heartbeat matches his and suddenly I feel like I'm in high school hanging out with a crush for the first time. I'm so grateful that I'm not facing him because my face is burning hot.

"Can you sing it to me?" I ask.

He chuckles anxiously, "No, no, no. My voice isn't that good, and the song is so lame."

"C'mon," I search for his hand and hesitantly intertwine our fingers. "Please I wanna hear it?"

He lets out a small, flustered groan, "Fine. But you can't make fun of me. And this doesn't," He gives my fingers a tight squeeze. "This does not leave this room. Ever. Got it?"

I giggle. "Got it."

He timidly begins singing and his voice is light, soft, and smooth. Which isn't really what I expected from his deep, grainy voice. It's beautiful and soothing, nonetheless.

Between his voice and his fingers massaging my head, I don't last long enough to even hear the second verse.


A/N:  Thank you SO much for getting this story to 2k - that is insane! The love for this story has honestly been so overwhelming in the best way possible. Thank you for all the comments and votes on this series. It means the world to me truly.

Also, thank you for the love on my new bad omens series, Intertwined 💗 New chapter coming soon!

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