01 - Business Offer

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I sat in a random white conference room for a meeting I'd been invited to with a potential client. The email I received came from the record label itself and specifically stated it would be a "strictly need-to-know basis" – so need to know that I didn't even know whom I was meeting.

Since my recent success with a chart-topping heartthrob, these meetings had gotten quite frequent. Though, not one had enticed me enough to take them on.

While I tapped my fingers on the glossy white table-top there was a bustle of male voices booming from down the hall, approaching the door. Instant disappointment fluttered in my chest - I wanted to take on a female client. I hadn't gotten the chance to really look over the label's roster to see whom they could possibly try to pair me with, but I sure was regretting it now.

Suddenly, the door opened, pouring in a flood of suit-and-tie businessmen followed by what I could only presume to be the talent; four tall, skinny men. Three with long past-shoulder length hair and one with slicked back short hair, all four adorned with ample tattoos. The last one to walk in had medium brown hair and tattoos trailing all the way up to his jawline. His fingers were wrapped in thick metal rings and his wrists with beaded bracelets. All four were in far from business attire; each with some variation of band tees, some with sleeves, some without and black jeans across the board. For a second I wondered if maybe they'd gotten me mixed up with somebody else.

I knew immediately what my answer would be before anyone said a word.

"Good evening Valerie." The most intimidating executive said as the rest took their seats around the rectangular table. Men like him used to intimidate me but it's amazing how success changes the way men treat you. Money is a powerful thing to hold in front of someone who wants it. The salt-and-pepper-haired man held out his hand, "I'm Richard Callahan, we spoke on the phone?"

"You can call me Vallie, or Val." I gave a tight-lipped smile and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you."

Richard gave me that ever identical overly enthusiastic smile that every businessman has before any big presentation. "This is my associate, Anthony." Pointing to another cookie-cutter executive, then gesturing towards the other four. "And this is the band, Bad Omens." Finally introducing the mystery men that had plopped into the office chairs at the head of the table opposite from me. "This is Jolly and Nicholas, the guitarists." Pointing to the other two long haired men. "Nick, drums." Motioning towards the slicked-back hair one. "And of course, this is Noah, the front man." The brunette man, whom I had already assumed to be the lead singer, propped his leather booted feet on the table. All of the men gave me a small nice-to-meet-you wave, except Noah.

Richard gave a nervous laugh, "Oh don't mind Noah." He waved away his actions, "He's just dramatic."

"Nice to meet you." I said professionally even though I was disgusted with his tactless act. Before the business brigade could speak again, "What kind of music do you make?" Speaking directly to the evidently pompous musician who hadn't even looked at me.

Chocolate brown eyes lined with thick lashes snapped up at me for the first time, "Metal." He said shortly. His voice was deeper than I anticipated it being.

"Uh - Rock." Richard clarified with a slightly anxious smile, "They're a rock band." Evidently trying to water down the genre for your regular wheelhouse.

"I'm sorry Richard, but I just don't represent 'rock' stars." I said curtly, closing the portfolio I'd brought.

He let out a sigh, lightly gripping the back of the tucked-in leather chair he stood behind, "Yes, we're aware. However, this could be a unique opportunity for you."

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