Love magic trapped in stone

By MichelleAlba9

1.1K 46 8

Having to chose love over her role of guardian is not easy. However she keeps it as a deep secret for so long... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24⚠️
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28⚠️
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
chapter 36 Goodbye till we meet/Hello to our world
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42

Chapter 9

30 2 0
By MichelleAlba9

Morning soon came as Taiju woke up first before anyone. As he got up yawning a little then looked around the room but soon froze the moment he saw his friends. Michelle leaning against the wall her head tilting to the side with senku's pillow as she sleeps soundly, Senku was also sleeping so soundly and comfortable with his head on her lap both having light angelic faces as they kept on dreaming… he was happy seeing this and only wished he had his phone to take a picture to show them later how they slept.

Ruth soon woke up and shake his fur lightly then saw his master sleeping with the human on her lap… he had mix feelings about this, seeing he grew more fond of himself being the only one sleeping on her lap than anyone else, but keeping the mental image seeing he knew his very own mother might go thru his memory and take this moment and place it into a memory graph for her book album.

Later on Tsukasa as well woke up, yawning and looking to the side. He saw how Taiju & Ruth where just looking at the girl and Senku… he too came to see what was going on but seeing his head on her lap for an odd reason it had him feel jealous, do to officially wanting to be her brother he can't help but be protective of her, and like any brother would they want what's best for there own little sister.

So yes he wasn't so sure bout her and Senku maybe dating? It was then that Senku would wake up as he felt a lick on his cheek, groaning lightly not liking to feel something wet drag on his cheek he'd look to the side, eyes half open but showing discontent as he saw Ruth too close to his face. He would then see Taiju making an odd funny face almost like he was trying to contain his own happiness, not understanding why, till he looked up slightly to see Michelle, still sleeping soundly, her hand still placed on his hair do to rubbing his head last night.

No wonder he felt some what more comfortable with sleeping this time than before. Getting up and giving a light yawn, Taiju was already closer to him obviously wanted to know the details on how he was on her lap “So Senku~ you want to explain how come your using her as a pillow?” it was obvious he wasn't going to let this conversation go till he got what he needed to satisfy himself. Sure Senku felt well rested thanks to his Assistant but waking up to this… he almost felt like he wanted his own pillow back to smack the idiots face to get him away as far as he could.

“Taiju… get back would you. Last thing I want is for anyone being this close to me.” As he got up and crack the back of his neck he'd then push his friends face out the way but even that didn't stop him to still be close like a child wanting to know something new, seeing everyone looking at him was enough to feel annoyed to a new level, not even given enough time to explain they all looked back at Michelle, her yawning was as light as a kitten. Getting everyone's attention, Tsukasa came closer to her smiling a little but still hold a somewhat sharpness look towards Senku as he was still waking up 100%.

Opening her eyes fully she saw how everyone was so close but seeing Taiju's face she felt some what dread already “uhm… morning?” her slight reply was both confused and wanting to know what was going on. Taiju being the loud mouth he is couldn't wait any longer “CAN someone explain why Senku was on your lap!?” understanding why now Michelle open her mouth to a small 'O' as she then laugh a little nervously and got up her self seeing she felt too stiff on her legs “You see Taiju while I was working out a bit & Senku was keeping me company.

Well when I was done and we both came to bed, he had trouble sleeping so I lay him on my lap and rub his scalp and just sang a light lullaby to help him sleep… nothing more nothing less.”

Unfortunately seeing he too knew that at times Senku would have trouble sleeping, but thanks to Michelle living with him for a while that habit of his got better, so he knew far too well by now what she did was helpful for not only Senku but for everyone as well, do to times he would keep working on more of his own experiments and would drink a bit more of energy drinks till he would pass out mid working, and he did last time had to help carry him home.
Taiju being the more calm person than the others only smiled and pat her head a little as if he was petting a puppy

“I'm glad we have you with us Michelle. With out you I think we all could be less comfortable, I mean you are the best cook out of all of us… you do know a few medical supplies to keep all of us healthy… not only that you look after us almost like a caring mother.”

Saying those words everyone looked at him surprised but Michelle couldn't help but question his words seeing she wasn't trying to be motherly but then again wasn't the first time she's been told she was one in away?

Tsukasa couldn't help but agree with Taiju & Senku knew far too well with them living together that it was true Michelle fit the bill correctly for a loving spouse, friend, mother… someone you could rely on when your having a bad day or just someone to have fun with. The topic already had her feel slightly uncomfortable and she just wanted to jump out of it.

Clearing her throat and being the first one to head out she didn't want to look at any of the guys, not wanting to show how odd she felt at the moment. “Well best we start the day no? I'll get breakfast ready then we can head to the beach, not sure about you guys but I am kinda wanting to have a little fun while we work.”

Jumping out the tree to get away from everyone soon as she could, Ruth would soon follow, leaving the others looking where she once stood a bit in question. They haven't seen Michelle acting odd before but taking the hint Senku & Tsukasa knew that the topic was a bit unsettling for her… for what reason they didn't know why but they thought it was best to leave it be. As for Taiju… well being a block head he didn't know what was wrong with her.

They all head out to gather baskets to fill in more shells once at the beach even refill the bamboo flask with fresh water to drink for later. Michelle was in her own little world thinking while she cooked… it's not like she didn't dislike what Taiju said about her, it was more like how it maid her feel… sure it was flattering in away but it also had her Realized how different she was from them.

What she meant was she was slightly older than the rest of them, in dragon times she was still consider in away 12 years old but as a human she was 16. Dragons age slower than normal humans, it's kinda the reason why they live longer but they could also chose as well if they want to grow up faster to be fully grown.

This topic alone had her think in many things but one thing came to mind the most making her miss her dear sister… once at age 18 well in human year's it was a coming if age ceremony, one that can't be taken lightly but it was also something she was looking forwarded to do along side her sister.

As she kept on cooking she did more than enough that Ruth had to help her snap out of it before she over cooked again. Licking her leg did wake her up as she saw him looked at her worried “Sorry must be over thinking again… but it's nothing to worry about.” Ruth new far too well she was correct but it still couldn't be helped how odd she was acting recently.

Michelle later on gave breakfast to everyone but this time she didn't want to sit close to them, seeing she was still feeling odd about the topic this morning she didn't want to make it feel more off for her self mostly. Tsukasa was getting worried about her thinking if what was said to her could have offended her or could it be tied to the church and what she was force to do? He wasn't sure but he wanted to ask… but he knew now wasn't the time.

Senku was also worried about her, for all the times he's spent along side her, he's never seen her act this way unless it was the day when her mind was half working, it was rare to see her forget every 15 to 5 minutes other then those odd times, he's never once worried till now… and as for Taiju he wanted to get up and ask right away but Senku & Tsukasa stopped him before he could, saying it was best to leave her alone for now.

They couldn't help but pay attention to her once they where done eating. Her movements where a bit slow and her eyes shown as if it was close to lifeless and distance. It was seen she was thinking hard but what could it be? They didn't know, till they had things packed and ready to go to the beach. Taiju this time was ahead of them while Michelle was in the middle along side with Ruth.

Senku & Tsukasa where behind watching over her. There where times on there walk where she would almost trip yet didn't make a sound and keep walking. Close to a mindless zombie in away. At that point Tsukasa took it upon himself to carry the food instead of her, she didn't even protest or even a word to him.

She only kept on walking till they finally got to the beach. Taiju & Ruth where the most happy out of everyone. The other guys only saw Michelle still lifeless “Before we work seeing it's still early why don't we have fun been a while for all of us.” Tsukasa mention seeing he hoped his idea could mostly help Michelle. Normally Senku would want to use each ounce of sun light for working but seeing his Assistant he couldn't help but agree this time.

“I don't see why not, we do need to balance the fun at times while still working hard.” This time, this got her attention as Taiju was pumped at the idea itself “ALL RIGHT so what we gonna do first!!?....oh HOW ABOUT A RACE?”

“Taiju I am not doing a race.” Senku protested but Tsukasa only smile and came closer to him “Well you can tell us who's the winner at least. Someone needs to make sure the race was done well.”  It has been a while since Michelle done a race, last time she done it. It was with her sister but using her dragon wings, on land she wasn't consider fast.

True she be faster than the average human but for her family she was consider the slowest, but she was fast on water and air. This alone put a bit of a smile on her face as she came closer to the guys feeling more shy this time “c-could… could I hum…could I g-give it a…a try?” her voice was almost too silent to hear but Senku & Tsukasa heard it just enough, they couldn't help but both each pet her head like a puppy forgetting for a split second there was distrust from the both of them.

“I don't see why not kitten?” “It would be funny to see who's the fastest out of all of us.” Looking at the two boys her brown eyes turn hazel from the light of the sun, taking both there breath back seeing they haven’t seen someone’s eyes change color before. For Senku it wasn't that uncommon sure he's read before that given the type of DNA with in the body, if the eyes where exposed to more sunlight, there own eye color could change to something lighter.

They where locked on her gaze for a moment, till Taiju took hold of Michelle and hug her tight seeing it be the first time she willingly run along side him. “okay but let's start at the edge the forest to the cost line where this statues are.” Senku mention as he pointed where there was a bolder and 1 half statue close to the tide and another that was already in the water half seen, making between them the finish line.

Everyone agreed as Ruth stayed behind with Senku as the others went to start near the edge of the forest. “If your wondering what's wrong with my mother then don't. It's normal for her seeing between you humans and her kind. Well let's say in dragon year's she be younger by now seeing dragons age slower.”

Both of them walk near the statues as he thought of his words 'So that's why they live longer? Even if she is a teenager but in dragon kind she's younger… makes me wonder how young would she be?' looking ahead he saw every one was ready then just waved his hand to signal them to start. Once running Michelle trips on the sand making the two boys get a head start, Tsukasa obviously faster than Taiju.

Getting up she then started to run on all 4s instead making her catch up with Tsukasa, it was something to see, seeing they didn't expect her to run like an animal, less alone catching up in a fast time rate.

They where neck to neck on the race and Taiju kinda well behind in the last second Michelle jump forward, like a Predator catching it's pray in this case it was Ruth. Giving out a high pitch yelp as she caught him but then role forward laughing. She lay flat on the sand and holding Ruth closer to her chest as he shook his fur and bark like mad while she kept on laughing, both of them covered in sand as the guys just looked down at her lightly smiling at how silly she was and kinda felt bad seeing Ruth seem to be scared out his mind from the little stunt that she did.

Once the race was done the winner was Michelle for that game. Then they started to play more games in this case it was more who could catch more fish? It was both a game but also help to resupply for dinner later. And for this game it was Tsukasa VS Michelle seeing Senku & Taiju need to count how many would be in each basket. Even if it was a race Michelle was going for bigger fish then normal, Tsukasa would take on each time.

Which maid him the winner for the next round, but least Michelle was able to score 4 very big fish. As fun as the games where they did needed to keep working so Taiju went ahead to gather more shells while Senku sat on top of a rock while Michelle was next to him, playing in the sand trying to make a small castle with some shells she found.

Tsukasa was more deeper in the water as it reached his knees as he looked out into the horizon, the beauty of the waves was calming for each of them even for Ruth who was yawning and laying on the sand. “You know we live free in this stone world.” Giving a light hum in response as she looked up from her sand castle to Tsukasa as he spoke.

“Free in every way with out corruption…where the land didn't belong to anyone, or can't be told that it was off limits.” Senku only had his eyes closed as he listen, his right hand resting on top his knee seeing it was bent to be close to his body while he other leg lay on the rock.

“There once was a boy who went to the beach to collect some shells. His sister love the little mermaid so he wanted to bring a gift for her. But then came a man who smell of booze. The boy thought he got in trouble for taking the shells but to the guy he accused him of stealing them.” Listening carefully at his tone of voice Michelle lightly got up from the sand and came closer to Senku, her left hand clutch his shirt behind his back while the right as clutch on her shirt on top her chest where her heart would be.

Her face showing sadness but also being alert, Senku saw this but still kept calm while he listen. Ruth was also on alert but didn't yet growl. “he sadly couldn't make his sister feel like the little mermaid… Senku are you truly planning on reviving every human? Sure at first they be grateful to you…  but then the powerful and greedy would come to say something like 'this was my land so you better start paying me rent' all those corrupt people would rob the future of the young ones once again.” Hearing his words Michelle was torn for a bit…it was true humans are greedy by nature and for them enough was never enough and always take things for granted.

But she also knew not all humans where like that. She too knew a few elderly or adults like Senku's father who was nice and accepted her even once they knew who she truly was. They never once pushed her away. In some cases some yokai where not much different from humans. Coming back from her thoughts she heard something brake before she looked up she saw a head of a man roll towards her feet, and that alone had her on full alert even if they where still in stone, they where still human and to do that it was killing a person

“You do know what you just did right…” Senku felt as Michelle's grip on his shirt trembled, he knew she was fighting with her self right now and not only her, he saw Ruth was the same thing. Fur on point, claws more open to kill, eye's shaped and focused on the target. He needed to calm down this situation before things could get out of hand. His sharp red eyes narrow a bit as he looked towards Tsukasa as he mention his final statement “You just killed a man.” “of course I know. Senku I vouch we only revive the pure young and innocent… to keep this world free and pure. That way we can live in peace… wouldn't you agree with me?”

Looking at his hazel chestnut eyes it was more in a crazy mad daze. One Michelle knew far too well. This was dangerous and making him see reason would be out of the question, she knew that from experience. Seeing him walk closer to the next statue she felt a shiver down her spine, she didn't want to see another one smashed to bits, before she even got the chance to move this time it was Senku who did the first move and stopped him before he mashed the person. His hand was on his shoulder why'll the other one was on his hip.

“No I don’t… I'm a guy who enjoys space, chemical reactions, advanced technology anything that revolves Science… and my plan is to save humanity itself, every last person.”

Senku Pov:

This guy went in the deep in. I knew he was too strong for our own good but now he thinks of him self of some cleanser of the world, like some kind of overlord, seems we are gonna have to start packing right away and ditch this guy. I'm also gonna have to explain to Michelle we both need to keep the formula of the elixir, to keep it secret…we need to guard the formula with our very lives.

None Pov:

Tsukasa knew from the start but hope he could be wrong that Senku would follow along side his plan. He then looked toward Michelle and seeing her hold back Ruth closer to her chest, the look on her eyes mostly showed how scared she was and something else he couldn't point. It broke him inside to see her that way seeing he was starting to consider her like a little sister. The last thing he wanted was for her to look at him with such eyes, he took off senku's hand off him and came a bit closer to Michelle. Ruth was already growling viciously but she still kept him in place.

“Michelle… wouldn't you agree with me that this could be better for the world?” Senku was still on edge seeing him get close to her but he too wanted to know what she would choose? She wasn't force to stay with him but he wasn't sure seeing the mind could always change. Looking at his face then at Senku, she was puzzled and unsure. Her face showed how perplexed she was with this information, as she looked down at Ruth and pet his head gently to calm down, then slowly looked back at Tsukasa sadly… she didn't like this at all to choose between two sides.

“Tsukasa… ever since I was young… my memories with… with humans have never been a good one. If my sister was here she would agree with you. How ever knowing her fully well she would do it differently…” it was true. Out of everyone in her family her sister had a more deep hatred for human kind then she did, especially everything she witness in order to protect her even if she was the oldest sister.

Her own sister sacrificed more for her own older sister sake to be happy. Even if she would have in a word “Human friends” to her they more like pawns to a chess board, she would often use humans and there very lives as if it was nothing but a game to her. True she was Evil but she had her limits as well.

“Even if I agree some are better off dead then alive… I won't hold there lives in my hands. There are even some who aren't that way at all. For example some my family or those whom we consider family. There are some adults who would be more beneficial them have them destroyed.” She saw in the corner of her eyes that Senku was giving off a small smile, he was more than happy with her words while Tsukasa was torn as he held her by the shoulders and looked down at her. She let go of Ruth as he was about to attack his neck, but Senku held him back best he could.

He was barking like crazy wanting to be free to attack but by her hand movements he stopped his struggle seeing she didn't want him to attack yet. “So you would want those who use you… the ones who maid you into this, I saw how it affect you… when you sleep. or when it's mention. The one's in the church.” She didn't knew she was being so obvious about her feelings about the church.

Then again she mentally groan at her self, thinking back she was hell a stupid to make it so bloody obvious that she wanted to slap the stupid out her if she could. Seeing Tsukasa's eyes it was a mix between pleading for her to understand and still hatred for the adults… she couldn't help but reach her right hand to his cheek, shocking him and the others as she seem in away relax yet sadden for his hatred. Her eyes shown concern for his well being but also a bit of seriousness as well.

“Tsukasa… it is true. Those who are in the church if I get a chance I would rather me and my family have them pay. Because them my family for generations where chain and given almost no chance of freedom… even less on who.” The last thing that came to mind was when the was going to be force to marry someone she didn't know. Someone who would be more beneficial with the church than for her to have a loving partner she always wanted. Remembering that bit of information almost had her blood boil and if it wasn't for her struggling to calm down her eyes would change color to forest green to symbolize her power and anger.

Instead she reach Tsukasa's right hand and give it a bit of a rough squeeze but not enough to show him her true strength.
“Even if back then I was never free to choose my own path and less alone choose my own happiness… that's for me and my family to say. But other adults shouldn't pay for what they done to us…less alone what they done to me.” Her voice grew cold at that point showing how deep the situation was when she mention about punishing those from the church.

Her very ora grew dark and cold as well putting everyone on edge and a slight chill down there spine. For that moment Senku saw just a bit that even Michelle could be dangerous, but then wonder who was more dangerous? Her or Tsukasa. Tension was still in the air almost like a small storm was coming above there heads. But was soon broken the moment they heard Taiju yell from the distance making everyone looked at his direction. Given how sharp her sight was, Michelle already grew stiff and in almost in a panic seeing she knew right away what was in his hand.

As he got closer she let go of Tsukasa and went to calm Ruth even more at this point. “HEY GUYS WE FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH MAGICAL WATER TO REVIVE YUZURIHA”
At that point Senku was already in a state of panic that he wanted to shout and slap the living shit out his best friend for giving away the trump card he wanted to keep hidden. Michelle was quick to cover up Senku's expression from Tsukasa so he wouldn't see his very panic face but it was too late seeing Taiju saw him and was looking at him as if to ask “what was wrong?”

sighing lightly she too wanted to slap him harshly 'Honestly Taiju your too naïve for your own good. I swear to the gods you’re the one who would get everyone killed someday' Michelle thought as Tsukasa then looked at her then at Senku for an answer. “What's this magical water he's talking about?” she knew far too well he'd ask but playing dumb, she’d only shrug her shoulders “To be honest I'm not sure. For me I was mostly in charge of my own medicine or help make the baskets mostly… sooo I don't have much of a clue.”

Taiju looked at her puzzled and before he could say a word Ruth jumped on him and took the container away from his hand and start to run off. Making Taiju give chase towards him “HEY RUTH GIVE THAT BACK! THAT’S FOR YUZURIHA” giggling lightly she smiled seeing Ruth knew far to well it be best to get the idiot away from them and his mind else were before he give out more information, “AWwww looks like he wanted to play. Well can't be helped he is needy as well. Good luck getting that away from him!!”

yelling at her friend Taiju was still giving chase but at times falling when Ruth would make a sharp turn to the side or jump away making himself seem like he was trying to play a game of keep away. Senku knew better that this wasn’t a game. But more like a way to prevent the big oaf to say more info before this could get more out of hand. He was starting to like Ruth more thanks to his quick thinking and distraction, it took the tension away from him for a while.

But he knew Tsukasa would ask again and wouldn't stop till he got his information, this was a gamble but he need to take a risk this time for all there sakes. He would walk ahead and silently showing his assistant to follow close behind as they start to head back to camp. “It be better then showing you, then wasting my breath explaining. Consider your self lucky, your about to witness humanity's awakening first hand.”
Senku took a glance at Tsukasa then kept on walking but also making sure Michelle was closer to him this time. He didn't want her anywhere near him if he could help it. “Ruth! You can still play keep away but let's get back to camp!” as he called out, Ruth would growl and shake the container like if it's was his own chew toy in response, his tail wagging as he then start to run off towards the camp site. Making Taiju grown in frustration and running for him “OH COME ON. That's NOT A TOY.”

Michelle still couldn't help but chuckle to her self seeing it was very funny how Taiju tried but still couldn't catch up to him. As they walked back and still seeing how they where still “playing” the game. Michelle couldn't help but give a light yawn.. The sun always affected her and seeing it was very hot, it drain her energy more.

Tsukasa wanted to offer to carry her but before he could she would hold Senku's arm instead, as she lay her head on his shoulder while they kept on walking. He didn't mind if anything he kinda enjoy her being close, but them walking like this was a bit of a bother… but thinking again he thought it be better then having Tsukasa carry her back.

“If you hold me too close your going to make us fall.” “I'm sorry just…the sun is affecting me too much.” She sounded so sleepy that it almost affected him… almost, he did fake a protest but either way kept on walking “Try not to slow us down. Once where back, you could fall asleep till next morning if you want.”

Giving a light nod in response, she would then snuggle a little bit closer to him. He didn't mind that she would get cuddly when being sleepy but he knew now wasn't the time. All the why'll Tsukasa couldn't help but watch… he was getting more jealous seeing he wanted to carry her and not see her so close to Senku….more after he didn't agree with his plan.

He wanted very much to pick her up and take her into his very arms than see this. But he didn't want to cause another conflict so as reluctant as he was, he would let it be for now.

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