Bloodline Divine-WWE Fanficti...

By SuzieMarie26

259K 7K 921

Briar Wild only ever had one dream and that was being a part of WWE. After two years on Monday Night Raw she'... More

Story Notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Story Update
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.5
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32.5
Chapter 33
Chapter 33.5
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 37.5
Chapter 38
Chapter 38.5
Chapter 39
Story Update
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 44.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 46.5
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48.5
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 50.5
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 56.5
Chapter 57
Chapter 57.5
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Story Update
Chapter 61.5
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 65.5
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 68.5
Chapter 69
Chapter 69.5
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 73.5
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 76.5
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 42

2.4K 70 7
By SuzieMarie26

 As the wrestling world mourns here's a longer chapter in case you need to take your mind off things for a while.

RIP Terry Funk

RIP Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) We'll never see all of what your creative mind had to offer but we are grateful for what we did get to witness.                                            

                                                               Hearts to Hearts

Roman moved us through the lounge that was now empty. He showed no hesitation when he carried me down the bus steps. I had to shield my eyes from the sun for a minute but the warm Florida sun felt good on my skin, I'd missed it especially after being in the northern states. When my eyes adjusted, I saw we were standing in the driveway but it was twice the size as mine. Several cars including a black SUV and a hummer sat in the opposite corner of the driveway from the bus. Roman moved around the bus to the front of the house. My jaw instantly dropped. The house was massive, two levels but tall and long it kind of looked like it wrapped around to the backside in a half-moon shape. It was white, modern, and sleek. Tall windows showed the openness of it. Not many trees just a line of palm trees down the front side. A sidewalk wrapped around the house on both sides.

"Wow," I said the only word I could get out. Roman didn't stare at the house but at me. I felt his chest rumble and I looked back at him, a smirk on his face.

"What you think so far?" he asked.

"It's nice, it's big, can we go inside?" I asked wanting to see more.

"Sure thing," he said and he still didn't seem to want to put me down. The front door was huge and all glass, we walked in and you could see everything. It was a wide-open floor plan from the living room to the kitchen. The back wall was floor to ceiling windows overlooking the backyard that had a really big pool. The place was so massive with tall ceilings I bet if I yelled my voice would echo off the walls several times over.

"I like the big windows and tall ceilings," I said to Roman. Bloodline members were roaming around the place. I could see Nicole in the kitchen at the biggest island I'd ever seen. It was white marble with bits of grey swirled around in it.

"A few of the reasons why I bought this place, big Samoan family helps to have a lot of room," he said. I craned my neck around as I did a double take.

"Two fridges?" I questioned.

"Like I said big Samoan family when we all get together two fridges is barely enough," he said.

"Right," I chuckled. We walked over to the back and Roman slide the sliding glass door opened and we stepped out into the backyard. Half of it was concrete and the other half lush green grass. The yard was fenced in and only two palm trees were in the back. One side had the pool and hot tub and the other side was a covered bar-b-q lounge area. Also, I was right the house did wrap around in a half-moon shape.

"How many rooms is this place?" I asked.

"I think it's about fifteen," he answered. 'Holy cow,' I said in my head.

"I just wanted to make sure I had enough rooms for the whole family," he said. A thought ran through my mind. "What's that look for?" he asked. I looked back up at him.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something," I said.

"Care to share?"

"Well, you said you wanted to move in with me, but obviously my house is nowhere as big as yours. Where is everyone going to stay?" I asked.

"I have yet to change my mind about your house, we'd figure something out," he said as if he didn't see it as a problem. I looked around at the house again.

"If you say so," I replied not totally convinced about it but another thought for another day.

"Want to see the upstairs?" he asked.

"Sure, but you can put me down now, I'm not the only one who had a match last night," I said. He smiled at me and leaned against my shoulder.

"Appreciate the caring but I'm nowhere near as sore as you. I'll put you down when I'm ready to," he stated. I chuckled.

"Whatever you say Chief," I grinned. We went back inside where Roman showed me his gym which out of everything in his house it was the only thing that wasn't as big as mine. Up the stairs which were off to the side of the kitchen so they wouldn't be in the way of seeing the whole first floor in one shot. Roman showed me his office and the library a few of the guest rooms then we walked around the corner to the west side of the house which apparently was mostly his room. two big wooden doors stood before us once we turned the corner. Roman opened the door and you could fit at least three of my bedrooms in this one room. He had pretty much an entire living room in his bedroom. Two recliners, a couch, and a flat screen tv on the east side of the room. I saw two doors with black curtains on the west wall on the other side of the living room.

"A balcony?" I asked. Without saying anything Roman walked over and opened the door. We walked onto a decent size balcony. Two chairs and a table decorated the place. He walked us over to the railing; you could see for miles. I took in a deep breath as a small breeze blew around us.

"Facing the west," I commented.

"Yeah, I like watching the sunset more than watching it raise," he explained.

"Me to," I added. We stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence before he took us back in. On the other side of the room was the master bath and closet. It was kind of like the house in a half-moon sense. You walked in through one door to the big all glass and marble bathroom. A giant tub with a separate walk-in shower that could probably fit ten of me in it. The toilet even had its own separate room. On the opposite side was his and her sinks that had the same marble counter top as the island in the kitchen. Around the corner of the shower was a big walk-in closet. On the other side of the room was the door that led you back into the bedroom. A king side bed with a black bed frame, black comforter then red sheets and pillows. I loved this bed and the look of it, I wanted the same thing in my room. Roman went over to it and that's where he finally sat me down.

"You have a really great place here, Chief," I said. Still standing he leaned forward putting his fist on the bed on either side of me as he was just inches from my face.

"Thanks Wildfire," he said before his lips embraced mine.


I stared up at the ceiling not an ounce of sleep anywhere near me. We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out and dealing with recovering from the fallout of the rumble, no more word from Linda or Jey. I looked to Roman, who was facing toward me with his hand on my stomach. He rolled over facing the other way, his breathing evened back out in just seconds. I laid there awake and it wasn't that the bed was uncomfortable or because I was in a new place. Being on the road you get use to sleeping anywhere and everywhere, I just couldn't turn my brain off, also my body just ached. I looked at the clock it was 1:15 am.

Feeling thirsty I got out of bed quietly and made my way across the grand bedroom. I shut the door and walked down the hallway to the stairs everything was silent till I got to the last few steps when I heard a noise from the kitchen. I stopped for a second then procced down the rest of the steps and rounded the corner to the kitchen. I stopped to see Jimmy sitting at the island a small overhead light, lighting the area just enough, his back facing me.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I asked approaching. Jimmy turned around to look at me before facing back.

"Hey Little Uce, no I couldn't sleep either," he said. I went to the fridge poured a glass of milk then went to sit next to him.

"Jey?" I questioned.

"Yeah, its fine if he needs to be alone, it's fine if he needs time to think but he's my twin no communication from him at all its difficult," he said and I can hear the pain in his voice.

"I can't completely relate but I can understand. He goes into hiding at my house then tells me he want's me to stay away from my own home," I said and Jimmy actually smiled at that. It'd been well over twenty-four hours since I last saw a hint of a smile on his face. I wasn't sure I was going to ever see it again.

"Everyone always says he's the hot head of the family, the irrational one, but the truth is he just cares so much that he can't always control his emotions," Jimmy explained.

"Like the opposite of Solo," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Solo is very blank face keeps his emotions on the inside doesn't let no one see what he's feeling, unless he straight up tells you. Jey he's the opposite his emotions are always written all over his face," I said.

"Yeah, guess you're right."

"Then there's you," I added. "Your right in between the two of them."

"That a bad thing?" he asked me.

"No, I think it's the best place to be, but it does give you more pressure to be the level headed one."

"Ain't that the truth. I just keep going over everything and I keep coming back to one thing."

"What's that?" I questioned.

"That this is all my fault," he answered.

"Really because I thought it was mine," I said surprised by his answer as he looked at me surprised by mine.

"Yours Little Uce? Why do you think it's your fault?" he asked.

"Maybe if I didn't stay quiet for so long, I would have gotten through to him sooner. Maybe if I didn't make it so bluntly clear to Sami what I thought of him maybe he wouldn't have turned on us."

"No, it wasn't your fault. Thinking back on it all now it was obvious like you said since KO came into the picture. I should have been more observant done something instead of ignoring it. I'm the older brother I shouldn't have just stood by. I should have been more vocal about it," he said anger laced in his voice.

"Like you are now," a deep voice came and Jimmy and I both jumped. We turned at the same time to see Roman standing there with his arms crossed. He was shirtless and wearing black sweatpants.

"Sorry Roman did I wake you?" Jimmy asked.

"No, the empty spot next to me in my bed woke me," he answered staring me. I realized in his words he's never woken with me gone. He's always up before me or gone when I wake up.

"Sorry Chief, I couldn't sleep and I came down for something to drink," I said motioning to my now empty glass. Roman didn't say anything but extended his hand out to me.

"You should get some sleep too," Roman said to Jimmy as I stood up. I pushed in my chair and put my fist out to Jimmy.

"Night Little Uce," Jimmy said returning my fist bump.

"Night," I said moving away and reaching my hand out for Roman. His fingers laced with mine and we turned to go before Roman stopped and turned back to Jimmy.

"I'll only say this once, what happened wasn't your fault," he said then turned heading for the stairs pulling me with him. I looked back at Jimmy who was sitting there in utter surprise that Roman said that to him. I turned back and moved quicker to get closer to Roman. I wrapped my arm around his that held our hands together as we climbed the stairs. We got to the bedroom door and Roman stopped. He glanced over at me as I looked up at him in curiosity.

"It wasn't your fault either. I shouldn't have been so careless with my approach to it," he confessed.

"You know what, I don't blame you, or me, or Jimmy. The only person I blame is Sami, this is all because of him," I answered.

"This is true," he said and we went back into the bedroom. We crawled back into bed the clock now reading 2:15 am. Roman pulled me over to his side and I laid my head on his chest.

"Don't do that again," he spoke.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Not being there when I wake up, especially after everything going on right now, you scared me."

"Sorry Chief, but now you know how it feels when I wake up and you're not there," I said.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said and it only took a few minutes this time before I fell asleep.

The next morning everyone took things easy. Nicole and I spent some time in the pool then I spent some time in the hot tub to help my back, at least the bruising was as bad as it was going to get. I was definitely stiff this morning. I was lucky Roman was in the shower so he didn't see me fall to my knees when I got out of bed. By the time afternoon came around I was antsy and on edge in anticipation before RAW. Cody was going to address his WrestleMania opponent which he didn't have to choose since Roman was the undisputed champion. Then Rhea Ripley who won the women's battle royal was going to pick her opponent for WrestleMania which was either me or Bianca Belair. Since I couldn't workout, I paced around the house thank God it was a big house there was plenty of room to walk around.

"Brair, will you stop pacing already and sit down," Jimmy said as we all had gathered together in the living room to watch the show. I sighed then sat down in the middle of the couch, Roman to my right and Solo to my left. Jimmy sits in a chair, Nicole, Rick, and Paul sitting on the other couch.

Highlights from the Rumble start the show and I grit my teeth, seeing images of The Wild One. After the opening Cody Rhodes made his entrance. I glance at Roman but he doesn't seem to have an emotion. I focus on the TV.

Cody takes a mic and before he can speak the crowd chants you deserve it and Cody looks like he was about to cry. I actually liked Cody his story, his journey to bring it back to WWE I think it's great. However, beating Roman for the title at WrestleMania just isn't going to happen.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about," he starts just like he always does. He starts by telling his story of the 15-year journey he took to get to this moment. And what he would tell his 19-year-old self if he could write him a letter. He makes a list of all these things that happened in his life and then says he wouldn't tell his 19-year-old self, anything. He brings up his entrance music and talks about the words that he speaks before the music starts.

"Wrestling has more than one royal family. But actually, WWE has more than one royal family. But for that to be true, for that to be real I have to stand across from another. I have to stand across from an entire Bloodline. I have to stand across from the Tribal Chief, the head of the table, the biggest superstar on the planet. A man who has had the title for over 800 days. I have to stand across from Roman Reigns," he said. I looked around everyone had moved to the edge of their seats, including me but not Roman. He was in the same position from when the show started. He rested his elbow on the arm of the couch and was rubbing his fingers through his beard in contemplation. Chants of Roman sucks rings out. My hand reached over to grip his leg not in hopes to keep him calm but to keep me calm.

"I'm sure you can tell I have a great deal of respect when I talk about Roman and when I'm talking, I'm taking sincerely. But what I say next I say with the same sincerity. WrestleMania is in 62 days. Roman that might be just 62 days to you but it's 62 days for the rest of my life. At WrestleMania undesirable has already become undeniable but undeniable remains uncrowned. And on that night, it ends. At WrestleMania pull up a chair, sit wherever the hell you want, on that night somebody else is going to be eating. And after WrestleMania you can be the Tribal Chief, you can be the head of the table, you can be the biggest superstar in the world but the one thing that Roman Reigns will not be is the WWE Undisputed Universal Champion," he said and his music hit before anyone could react to what Cody said. His music was cut off and The Judgement Day came out.

Balor starts off by asking if Cody was coming back to do something original or if he's going to knock off all of Balor's old stuff. Dominik gets on the mic and say's Cody ruined the Judgement Day's plans at the Rumble.

"Rhea did what she was supposed to do and later tonight we'll have the privilege of hearing her pick her WrestleMania opponent," Dominik said and I gripped Roman harder.

"Briar," he said. I looked back at him then down at my hand. I let his leg go.

"Sorry Chief, I'm kind of tense about the show right now," I said.

"I couldn't tell," he said sarcastic. My attention is brought back to the TV as Cody says he doesn't care who it is he'll fight any member of The Judgement Day tonight. Edge's music hits and he comes running out attacking Finn Balor. The rest of The Judgement Day joins in. Cody hesitates for a minute then joins in the fight as officials try to break up the fight and the show goes to its first commercial.

"Well, that was interesting," I said.

"My Tribal Chief, don't take anything Cody says to seriously. He's just amped up on winning the rumble. The guy has never been in the main event ever before," Paul said getting up from the couch.

"I'm not worried. Cody Rhodes has finally found himself but he's not even close to being on my level," Roman said. I smiled up at him he reached forward putting his hand behind my head and patting my hair.

"That's right the Tribal Chief going to put him in his place at WrestleMania," Jimmy said adding to the comments. He was trying to be all hyped up like he would be if Jey was here but you could tell the hype just wasn't all there in his voice, so I spoke up.

"Damn right," I added. The show came on and they showed pics from Rumble. One was of The Wild One making her entrance. The last pic and of course they got a still of Sami holding the chair with me falling against Roman.

"Really they had to show that pic from that angle," I said.

"I don't know I think you look good behind me too," Roman said. I looked up at him smirking. I shook my head leaning my forehead against his arm. They confirm the main event for RAW as Cody Rhodes will take on Finn Balor. We watch a few matches, some backstage scenes, then a little over an hour after the start of the show they show Rhea backstage making her way to the ring. I tensed up and got more tense as the commercials went by.

"Who do you think Rhea is going to pick?" Nicole asked.

"Well if she really wants a title, she'll pick Bianca but I already know what she's going to do," I said. The show came back on and they showed what happened in the women's royal rumble match. I got off the couch and stood there watching unlike Roman I couldn't just sit and watch. I had to stand and work myself up into a frenzy like any sane person would do. After they showed the highlights, we watched Rhea make her entrance.

"You know it's been a long time since I've come out here alone without The Judgement Day. But I really just wanted all the attention on me," she stated and I rolled my eyes. "Two nights ago, I disrupted the status quo, I did the unthinkable, I went the distance, I came in here at number one and overcame and outlasted 29 other women to win the Royal Rumble match. And now I get to choose whichever champion I want to face at WrestleMania. At first, I thought it was going to be a difficult decision to make but then I realized the decision was quite easy. Last week at Raw 30 Briar Wild you attacked me from behind and suplexed me onto the steel ramp," she said and I stepped closer to the TV. "See back in August when you power bombed me through the announcer's table, I told you I'd collect my receipt for that one day. When you suplexed me last week that became two receipts you owed me. And Briar I can't think of a better way to collect my receipts by first humiliating you on the grandest stand of them all then taking the Smackdown Women's Championship from you. So, see the choice is easy.... Brair Wild I... choose... you. I'll see you at WrestleMania," she said smirking and I was smirking right back at the TV. The crowd made noise then went to commercial. I still stared at the TV lost in thought. A hand fell onto my shoulder and I jumped around in shock, my back stinging in the process.

"Whoa, it's just me," Solo said putting his hands up in surrender. Roman stood up from the couch.

"You good Little Uce?" Jimmy asked. A slow grin grew on my face.

"I'm great actually," I responded then looked to Roman. "I need paper and a pen," I said to him.

"In the kitchen in the drawer next to the fridge," he said and I moved quickly as words filled my mind and needed to be put onto paper. I found the paper and pen and sat down at the island. The words just poured out of me and forty minutes later ten sheets of paper I finished rewriting one of my best promos I'd ever done.

"The guys want to know if you're coming back in to watch the main event? It's starting soon," Paul said walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, I am, but first will you look this over?" I asked sliding the notepad over to him.

"Sure, I had a feeling something was brewing when you were listening to Rhea," he said taking a seat. I sat in anticipation as he read it. When he was done, he slid the paper back over to me no expression on his face.

"I can redo it if it's not good enough," I said not being able to take the silence. Paul looked up at me.

"You know when Roman first came to me about his idea of bringing you into the group I have to admit I was hesitant, skeptical about it. He was seeing something I wasn't. I told him I wasn't a hundred percent sold on it but that he should go with his gut. I now see what he saw, of course I'm not always happy about the on-the-fly decisions you make but I'm glad the Tribal Chief proved me wrong. You have proved me wrong. You're in ring skills, your mic skills, the way you carry yourself, your character it's all improved ten-fold. Your just as important to the group as anyone else. Any doubt I had about you went out the door when you willing took a steel chair to the back for Roman," he explained and I definitely didn't expect that as an answer.

"Thanks Paul, you saying that means a lot," I said.

"For so long I never thought anyone was worthy enough to be with The Tribal Chief to stand next to him, at least I did. Now I can't see him with anyone but you," he said.

"Are you trying to make me cry," I said and he chuckled.

"I just wanted you to know that," he said with all seriousness.

"So, the promo is?" I asked.

"One of your best, expect for this line here," he said pointing to the paper.


"Roman won't go for it," he said. We took a few minutes to discuss it before Solo came in and said Roman wanted me back into the living room to watch the main event.

"We can talk more about this later," Paul said. I agreed then followed behind Solo back to the living room. Cody was already in the ring and Balor was just finishing making his entrance. I sat down next to Roman. He pulled me into his side. When Rhea spoke, a lot of things I wasn't sure about made sense, things I was in doubt about became clear.

"When this is done can we talk alone. I've come to a decision on if we should go public or not about us," I said because if Rhea didn't make it clear to me listening to Paul just now just confirmed what I'd been thinking.

"Sure thing, Wildfire." 

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