Gormiti| A new age | fanfic

By Jcfuntime

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The gormiti are trapped in another world, again! This time for almost two years. These one shots will be al... More

Battle tournament
Rainy Day
Sleep over
Dinner at Fylkir's house
Kidnapped Part 1
Kidnapped Part 2
Kidnapped: Extra Scene
Kidnapped Extra #2
Kidnapped Extra #3
A new world
The Library
Back Home
Human Au
Season three.
Incorrect Quotes
AN- Gormian terms P1
Pokémon Au- Part 1
Pokémon Au- Part 2
An- Q and A
AN Answers Part 1
An Answers Part 2
An Answers Part 3
AN- Unfinished Drawing
Gacha Ocs P1
Christmas special
Questions? And Answers!
The First Heralds
The First Heralds Funfacts
The First Heralds Scenes/Incorrect Quotes
Avatar the last airbender Au

The temple

100 7 7
By Jcfuntime

The beast walks up slowly up the steps of the temple with the five children on its back.

Ikor: Ack!

Aoki: It's not broken... but the cut's deep. I doubt the pain's gonna go away soon either.

Ikor: Perfect...

Erron: At least it's not broken? Heh...

Ikor: Hmm...💢

Aoki was checking Ikor's arm. It was still bleeding.

Riff: Guys look! We're here!

The temple was much bigger than it looked where they had woken up. The door was almost twice as tall at the guardian.

Trek: Wow, that's a big door.

Erron: Whoa! This place is huge!

The beast then let out a loud roar. It shook the ground and the kids had to hold on tighter so they wouldn't slip of the animal's back. The door then opened up slowly, revealing a long hallway.

Kids: Whoa...

The beast walked into the temple and through the long hallway. The five all looks around at the interior of the walls on either side of them. Long wooden pillars seemed to be the skeleton of the temple and the wood had a purple tint to it.

Ikor: This is...

Riff: Wow...

Trek: It looks bigger in the inside than the outside...

Erron: Ooh! Look at those!

The windie pointed to a row of stained glass windows with pictures in them.

Trek: Those are beautiful!

Ikor: I think these tell stories...

Aoki: What are these Bohoja?

Riff: Uhh... Aoki, who are you talking too?

Aoki: The guardian.

Erron: How do you know his name?

Aoki: He told me.

Riff: He told you?

Aoki: I... think so.  Isn't that your name?

The beast, who apparently name is Bohoja, seems to nod as he continues down the hallway.

Erron: How can you understand him?

Aoki: I... don't know. I-

Riff: WHAT?!

Ikor: Riff what is it?

The firie points to a stain glass window, it's at the end of the hallway which they were nearing.

Riff: The girl in in that picture. Doesn't she look like-

Aoki: Me...

Erron: You even have the same headpiece!

Trek: Freaky...

Ikor: Is that why the Guardian didn't attack us? Did it recognized you from the window?

Aoki: I...

Erron: Then if that's Aoki, who's the other guy. He kinda looks like you too.

Ikor: What is going on?

Riff: Could this place have something to do with your past Aoki?

Aoki: I don't know... but I wanna find out.

By now they were all in front of the stained glass window. Bohoja then slowly sat back down, allowing the Gormians to climb off his back. Aoki stands in front of the window and looks up at it in silence.

Aoki: I've always wondered... where I came from. I'm not like any other Gormian. There's only one of... me on Gorm. Maybe there's something here that can help me find out what I am.

Ikor: That's a possibility-

Suddenly a Gong sounds and the kids turn to the source. A group of hooded figures appear from a turn in the hallway and are walking towards them. The heralds least injured ( Erron and Riff) step forward protectively, not sure if they we're friends or foe.

Erron: A-are those ghosts?!

Riff: Who are you?!

The one in the front steps forward and speaks. They hold a long wooden staff similar to the purple wood pillars in the temple. On the tip was a white jewel.

...: We are the keepers of this temple. Welcome travelers. I see you've met Bohoja.

Aoki: So that is your name!

Bohoja: *growls softly *

Another cloak spoke.

...: How do you know that? You are foreigners are you not?

Aoki: He... told me. I think.

...: Told you?

Aoki: Ahh.. I guess. He didn't really talk to me, more like we connected through our minds. It's how I know he's this place's protector right?

...: Yes...Wait...

The main cloak eyes the same stain glass window that the kids were just looking at. Suddenly his staff glowing and a beam of energy shot forward at the heralds.

Ikor: What the-

Aoki jumps forward and shields her friends

Aoki: Light shield!

...: Hmm

Erron: Hey!

Riff: What was that for?!

...: So it's true. You are the Gurdian of Light.

Kids: Hah?!

Aoki: How... Do you know that?

...: I am Jidoja. The leader of the Gurdians of History.

Ikor: The Gurdians of History...

Jidoja: Let us explain this later. It seems like you all are in need of medical attention.

The guardian point specifically to the Ice herald who is still bleeding.

Ikor: Ahh..









































Trek: We woke up just outside of the temple. We have no idea where we are!

Erron: Yeah then I saw Bohoja at the steps of the temple and he suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind us!

...: Yeah. He tend to do that. He's a little dramatic.

Bohoja: *growl*

The heralds and Aoki were in a different room. A large room with an open space. It seems to be a snort of library as the walls were filled with books. Blankets and pillow covers the floors and everyone was sitting down on them. All of them were bandaged up. As it turns outs they had some other injuries. Erron and a large bruises on his thigh, Ikor had big one down his back and Trek had twisted his wrist. Riff... he broke two ribs.

Riff: Yeah, I thought so...

Aoki: You what?! You said you thought you bruised your ribs!

Riff: Ah...

Bohoja was there sitting next to the kids. Erron was leaning up on him.

Erron: You're so warm!!

The creature purrs loudly. Ikor was also leaning back in Bohoja for support.

Ikor: This day has been horrible.

Trek: Tell me about it...

Jidoja: It's amazing you all were able to just stand up with how much of a bad shape you are in.

Aoki: You'd be surprised how much these four can take..

Riff: So if you guys are the guardians of this temple. What's Bohoja the guardian of?

Another guardian, Rīdā answers.

Rīdā: Bohoja here is the Guadian of the forest that surrounds the temple, the Forest of Memories.

Erron: Whoa! Cool!!

Trek: So the glass windows we saw with the pictures. Are they all of different Guardians?

Jidoja: Yes young one. They all tell a story.

Aoki: Jidoja... If I'm the girl in that window, who's the boy? What is he the guardian of?

Another Guardian, Ketua speaks up.

Ketua: Do you truly not remember him? Stories say you two were inseparable.

Jidoja: That may be true Ketua. But you know how the end of this story goes.

Ketua: Yes Master...

Aoki: What do you mean by that? I want to know.

Jidoja: Hmm...

Rīdā: She deserves the truth of her past Master.

Jidoja: Very well...

With that the elder guardian lifts up his staff and the white crystal glows once again. The book's surroundings them glow with the same white light.

Erron: Whoa...

Ikor: Amazing...

A book then flies out of its place on a shelf and floats down to Jidoja who opens it with his staff. A voice seems to come out of the book it's self as it read his own pages.

This window is the most recent window that appeared in these halls. The two in that window are the Guardians of Balance. Two twins, children the embodiment of opposites. The girl was the Guardian of Light the boy the Guardian of the Darkness. They were inseparable pair whose power brought balance to all the worlds. The were watched over by the Guardian of Order, Onë, and looked out for all those who were in need. But once day, a tragedy struck and the three were separated. The twins were said to go into a deep sleep due to the extent of the injuries the sustained. They were eons apart. Some say that Onë used the last of her power to save the two and now is a lost soul, others say she's still guarding at least one of the children in hopes the find the other. It's likely that the children lost all their memories at the price of saving their lives. What became of them now is still unknown.

Aoki: ...

Trek: Wow...

Erron: Aoki had a twin brother?!

Ikor: Of Darkness. Was he like Voidus?!

Trek: Representing The Dark doesn't always mean evil Ikor.

Jidoja: Trek is correct. Darkness also represents solitude, seriousness, the strength the push through the dark, the spiritual power to see in the darkness and be as one. It takes great mental will. That is why many who use it succumb to the temptation of greed and ignorance. The Guardian of the Dark is one of the few how never did.

Ikor: And that. Guardian of Order, Onë?

Erron: Wait... Onë... It's spelt the same was as One! Like the One Tower!

Trek: C-Could the One Tower be-

Riff: Guys! Hold on. Let's not jump into the realm of theory. This is already a lot to process, especially for Aoki.

Riff looks over at his Light friend. He eyes haven't left the book that was still floating in front of her.

Riff: Are you okay Aoki?


Riff: Aoki?

Aoki: Jidoja. Is there any other books on me? And the window?!

Jidoja: A few but the knowledge here is very scarce. You are a very young guardian after all.

Aoki: May I still look?

Jidoja. Of course my dear guardian. But let's leave that for tomorrow. We still need to figure out how to send you all home. I have a few ideas but I think it's best for you kids to heal up a bit first before we try anything.

The Kids nod. With that the Guardians of History all stood up in Unison and most in the room started leaving. 

Jidoja: Bohoja, Will you stay with them.

Bohoja: *Nods.*

With that the kids were left alone. After a bit, most of them fell asleep, exhausted from the day they had. Aoki was reading the book Jidoja had brought down. It was written in a writing that Aoki wasn't that familiar with, she was having trouble understanding it. Riff who was half asleep was watching her in concern. He knows how fixated Aoki could get on researching something. He closed his eyes for bit, but gets woken up a bit later by Trek rolling into his back. He turns and shoves the rockie back.

Riff: Trek watch it!

Trek: *snore*- Huh?

Trek jolted awake and knocked into Erron who in turn knocked into Ikor.

Erron: Oww! Trek!

Ikor: Ack-! Hey!

Trek: Sorry...

The fire-ie rolls his eyes and then glances over to where Aoki was sitting.

Riff: Huh?! Where's Aoki?








































Aoki stood at the stained glass window of her and her brother, the book was still in her hand.

Riff: Aoki?

Aoki: Huh?

She turns to see all four boys looking back at her.

Aoki: Guys? You all should be resting—

Riff: That's not important right now. Are you okay?

Trek: Yeah. We want to make sure you're alright.

Aoki: I'm fine I'm fine. It's just...

The guardian sighs loudly and looks back at the painting.

Aoki: All this time. I had a brother I never knew about. No, that I forgot about! And a caretaker that may or may not be Tower! Hell I don't even know how old I am now with how this story goes! Did I stop aging when I went into that deep sleep?! Will I ever age?! Am I immortal?! I may put live you all! I have so many questions! Even more than when we came here... What am I?

Aoki hung her head in frustration. Tears threatened to pour down her face. The four heralds exchanged glances of worry.Riff steps forward and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Riff: Aoki... What you are is our friend, our family. No matter what we find here, please never forget that.

Erron: Riff is right. No matter what we may find here, nothing will change between us. We'll always have your back Aoki!

Ikor, Trek:Yeah!

Ikor: We've been through too much together for something like this to break us apart.

Aoki: Guys...

The guardian managed to smile through her tears at them.

Aoki: Heh, of course. We'll always be together.

Erron: Group hug!

The five all come together for a big hug, Aoki in the center. She chuckles and wipes her tears away.

Aoki: Thanks guys.

Riff: No problem Aoki.

Trek: Now can we go back and lay down. My body is aching...

Ikor: Mine too...

Aoki: Heh. Okay.





























































I'll do a small third part before the part where they return to Gorm. Bye listeners!

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