Snape's Siren (Draco Malfoy)

By deanlover275

607 7 0

Originally named "You're a Snape?" "Well, maybe you should've told me this is how you felt!" Serena shouts at... More

Hogwarts Letter
First Day
"Do it, then."

Parties & Stoners

56 1 0
By deanlover275

Serena's POV~

It had been two days. Two since the whole incident in the abandoned classroom. I've been avoiding him like the plague since then. Hermione questioned me when I got back to the common room, asking where I had been and why I looked flustered.

I, of course, told her it was nothing and she shouldn't worry about it. She replied, "Just be careful of what you're doing. Make sure you don't get hurt."

It was like she read my mind that day.

It was now Friday and the Slytherin party was tonight. I had never been so nervous for a party before and this party is riddling me with anxiety.

What am I gonna wear? What kind of makeup should I do?

Just a bunch of questions that I can't answer right now. I have to impress almost everyone and live up to the Snape reputation of being weird and mysterious.

So, I'm thinking a black dress with black heels and light makeup that'll make me stand out from the rest.

I walk with Reggie as we head for Charms with Professor Flitwick. The thought of two days ago is still replaying in my head.

I hate to admit this but I liked it.

I liked the way his hands felt on my body, the way his tongue made me want to cum in seconds, the way he moaned in delight at the taste of me.

The secret of it was eating me alive, I have to tell someone. "Reggie?" I say in a timid voice. He turns to me, "Yeah?"

"I have something to tell you. It's kinda personal." I say, clutching my books to my chest.

"It's okay, Ser." He puts a hand on my shoulder, "You can tell me anything."

"I kinda.... had something happen." I look to the floor and away from his eyes.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I got.... head." I admit, his eyes go wide with amusement.

He chuckles, "From who?"

"M-Malfoy." His smile disappears from his face. "That's not even the worst part. I liked it. Oh, who am I kidding? I fucking loved it."

Reggie scoffs in disbelief, "Did you just say Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?"

I nod, not meeting his gaze. The bell rings, bringing us out of our conversation.

"Look, we have to get to class. But after, you are telling me everything."


We had a free period so Reggie and I sat in the library as I told him everything. From what Draco had said about me to him eating me out in the classroom.

"So, did you tell Hermione?" Reggie asked, making me look at him in disbelief.

"What am I supposed to say? 'Hey, Hermione. You know Draco, right? The one who calls you a mudblood gave me some of the best head I've had.' Are you crazy?"

Reggie shakes his head, "Well, when you put it like that...."

I look down at my books and shrug, "I don't know what to do, Reg."

The bell cuts him off, "We'll talk about this later. We have Care for Magical Creatures with Hagrid."

I stood up with him, "I still can't believe they made him Professor."


We walk through the forest, following Hagrid when he speaks up.

"How are we supposed to open these books anyway?" Malfoy asks with an attitude.

"By strokin' the spine o' course." Hagrid replies.

"I think they're funny." I hear Hermione say.

To which Draco replies, "Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my Father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

Harry steps forward to him, "Shut up, Malfoy."

"Ooh." Draco and his friends tease. He smirks as he hands Crabbe his bag before stepping towards Harry but stops when he notices something behind him.

His face turns scared as he points above him, "Dementor! Dementor!"

We all turn, only to have him laugh at us and taunt us.

"Daddy's boy! Daddy's boy!" I mock, making everyone laugh harder.

Malfoy gives me a glare as Hagrid returns with a Hippogriff.

Harry ended up taking a ride and when he landed, that's when the problems started.

"Oh, please." Draco scoffs as he pushes through the students towards the Hippogriff. "Yes, you're not dangerous at all, you great ugly brute?" He mocks before the creature neighs and injures his arm.

He whimpers in pain, "It's killed me! It's killed me!"

"Hagrid. He has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione says, making Hagrid nod.

"I'll take him. Serena grab his bag and follow me." Hagrid says to me, making me roll my eyes before grabbing Draco's bag from Crabbe and following Hagrid.


We walked into the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey was tidying up the beds.

She looks at us and motions for Hagrid to lay Malfoy down on one of the beds.

"Well, what's happened this time, Mr. Malfoy?"

I smile, "In his words, 'It's killed him!'"

Malfoy glares at me, making me quirk a brow at him.

"Well, be happy that you had a narrow escape. Another minute and you could've lost your arm."

"Oh, yes. Very happy." Draco says sarcastically. I lightly smack his other arm to be quiet.

He shuts up, surprisingly before Madame Pomfrey wraps his arm.

"Alright. I will be right back to give you the potion for the pain. Miss Snape, can you stay with him?"

The question takes me aback, but I give a stiff nod. I mentally curse myself as she and Hagrid leave the room.

Malfoy looks at me with a smirk, "Hate that you have to interact with me after two days of avoiding me?"

"I wasn't avoiding you. I just think we have nothing to talk about." I say, not meeting his gaze because I know if I do, I'll melt.

He stands up, towering over me. "You mean, you don't want to talk about how I had you cumming on my tongue?"

Chills run down my spine as he reminds me of that day. "You don't want me to talk about how fucking delicious you tasted? Or how I want to kiss you so hard right now?"

Did he just say that? I look up at those piercing eyes and my breath hitches in my throat.

"Y-You want to kiss me?" I stutter, making him chuckle.

"Yes, Snape. I do." He whispers.

I stand on the tips of my toes as I press my lips to his. He kisses back before pulling me in closer by my waist.

His hand travels down to my butt before giving it a hard squeeze, making me gasp. He takes the opportunity and slides his tongue into my mouth, I let out a soft moan as we continue our makeout session.

We hear voices, making us pull back instantly. Madame Pomfrey walks in with a small vial in her hand.

"Here you are, Mr. Malfoy. The pain should subside in one hour." She says.

Malfoy takes the vial and downs it in one gulp. "Thank you, Madame." We say in unison before walking out of the room and walking to our next class.


After an eventful day, I'm finally back in my dorm. I throw myself on to my bed and tangle into my sheets before Hermione walks in.

"No, you are not going to sleep. We have a party to get ready for." She says as she rips the blanket off of my body. I groan in response but don't have it in me to argue.

I get up from my bed and walk over to my wardrobe where my black dress and shoes were waiting.

I take a quick shower and dry my hair with a drying spell. I get dressed and do my makeup before walking out of the bathroom where I find Hermione wearing a red dress and heels with light makeup.

Her eyes catch my outfit and widen when she sees it. "Wow, Serena. You look beautiful."

I smile, "Thanks, Mione."

We leave our dorm and head down to the dungeons where we're greeted by two Slytherins who seem to be guarding the door.

They whisper the password before the door opens and we head inside.

Loud music fills the room as Hermione and I look for Fred and George. We spot them by the drinks table and walk over to them.

"Wow, Ser. You look hot!" Fred says to me over the loud music.

I thank him before he hands me a drink. I take a sip and the strong taste of Firewhiskey hits my tongue. My throat burns as I drink it down.

A feel of uneasiness washes over me, I feel eyes on me. I look around and sure enough, I see Malfoy staring at me.

His jaw clenched and a drink in his hand. His eyes look me up and down before returning to my eyes.

I roll my eyes before turning away and enjoying my drink. Hermione takes my hand and pulls me to the dance floor.

We sway to the beat of the music, enjoying ourselves with no worry.

After a good few minutes, I tell Hermione I need another drink. I walk over to the drinks table and pour myself another glass of whiskey.

"I have muggle weed. You want some, meet me at the Astronomy Tower in a few minutes." Malfoy's voice sounds in my ear.

I turn to look at him but he's disappeared. I think about his words. Should I go? Or should I just leave him there?

Against my better judgement, I decide to follow him.


Walking up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower, I see Malfoy sitting by the railing. He has in his hand, the herb and rolling paper. I take a seat next to him.

"Where are your friends?" I ask him, confused as to why only he and I are here.

"They're not coming." He replies as he rolls the paper into a small stick.

Putting it between his lips, he lights it and takes a long drag. He passes it to me, I take it between my fingers before bringing it to my lips. I inhale deeply and hold it in.

I exhale and feel my body become heavy. I pass it back to Malfoy who smirks at me.

"Want to try something?" He asks me.

Maybe it's the weed but my head nods without even meaning to.

He takes a drag from the joint before he leans over to me. I lean in a little bit as his lips barely touch mine. He exhales into my mouth, surprising me as I inhale the smoke.

I sigh, letting the smoke leave. "What was that?" I ask.

"It's called a shotgun kiss." He replies.

My body starts to sway slightly. I look at Malfoy who was focused on the stars, I take in his beautiful features.

His sharp jawline, his perfectly angled nose and those piercing gray eyes.

"Staring is rude, you know." He says, not taking his eyes off the stars.

I smirk, "You're named after the constellation, aren't you?"

He nods as he takes another hit before passing it to me, "You're named after a siren, aren't you?"

"Yes. Father had told me that my mother wanted to name me Serena because she was always fascinated by sirens." I explain, "Then as I got older, Father told me my name suits me because I'm like a siren."

"Well, I can definitely say he's right." Malfoy says, taking me aback. He looks at me, I notice his red eyes. "You are definitely alluring. Mysterious."

Is he really saying this sincerely? Or is it the weed talking? Either way, I like that he's talking to me about something other than what happened in the classroom.

"What happened to your mother?" He asks, "You never talk about her."

I tense at the question but answer anyway, "She died having me. When I was only 5, Father told me that she had gone to Heaven but that she loved me very much."

It was a sore subject to talk about my mother. As far as I know, Father never loved anyone else like her.

"What about your parents? You already know about my father. What are the Malfoys like?"

I take a hit from the joint and pass it back to him, "My father is nothing but an egotistical prick who likes causing people pain. But, I have to do what he says or else he'll have my head. My mother is the most loving person in my family. She raised me without the help of my father, I love her so much."

I could tell it was a sore subject for him to talk about too. But this is the most we have ever talked without fighting or arguing.

Malfoy and I lock eyes, both of us not saying anything. We start to lean into each other but we're cut off by a booming voice.

"What in Merlin's beard is going on here?" My father's voice sounds.

Malfoy and I stand up, facing him. Father looks at the joint in my hand, making me throw it over the railing of the Astronomy Tower.

I look up at my father, his eyes filled with anger and disappointment.

"Detention. Both of you for the next week."

"Father, I-"

"Silence, Serena. Mr. Malfoy, you will return to your dorm immediately. Serena, you and I are going to have a long talk in my office."

Well, that couldn't have gone any worse.

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