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~Second Year~

"You realize that you've got a target on your back now, right?" Hermione says to Serena as they sit in the great hall for lunch.

Serena scoffs, "Someone needs to put him in his place. He walks around like he owns the whole damn school."

"I agree with that." Harry says.

"Me too." Ron jumps in. "Malfoy needs to learn that not everything is at his grasp."

"'My father will hear about this!'" Serena mocks Draco, making the golden trio laugh.

"Talking about me, I see." Draco's voice sounds from behind Serena.

The raven-haired girl rolls her eyes as she turns to look at him, "Is there a purpose to your presence?" She sighs.

"I just wanted to tell you good luck in Potions today, you'll need it." Draco smirks before walking away.

Serena turns to her friends, "Well, that was incredibly cryptic."

"What do you think he meant?" Ron asks.

Serena shrugs, "Don't know, don't care. He's probably just trying to scare me."

Serena and her friends leave the great hall before they part ways, only having Hermione for Potions.

As they walk into the classroom, Serena is greeted by her father as she goes up to him and embraces him before returning to her seat.

Everyone else walks in, Draco smirks as he locks eyes with Serena. She sends him an eye roll as he sits behind her.

"Today, we'll be doing the Amortentia potion. Can anyone tell me what it is?"

Serena and Hermione's hands shoot up, Severus points to Hermione.

"The Amortentia potion is a powerful love potion. It works in the way of smelling like what that specific person is attracted to." Hermione explains.

"Thank you, Miss Granger. Serena, if you could continue." Severus nods at his daughter.

Serena nods before continuing, "It doesn't create actual love but rather obsession and infatuation."

"Correct." Severus says, "So, we'll be doing partners for this assignment. Granger and Lovegood.... Weasley and Potter.... Longbottom and Zabini.... Snape and Malfoy."

Hermione gives Serena a sad smile before going over to Luna while Draco sits next to her, giving her a smirk.

"Fuck me." Serena groans as she plops her head down on her book.

"How hard?" Draco replies, making Serena look up at him with an annoyed look.

Draco grabs the ingredients before returning to Serena who was looking over the book.

Taking her quill out of her bag, she writes down different notes of the reactions the potion is giving.

Draco watches her concentration, she's fully focused on getting the potion right. He admires that in her and realizes, it's a personality trait she gets from her father.

"So when mixed right, it's supposed to turn pink..." Serena trails off as she throws in a couple of rose petals. Draco stirs the cauldron, the potion turning red.

Serena groans, "What am I doing wrong?" She asks Draco.

Draco laughs, "You forgot the dove feathers, Snape."

Serena looks down to see the feathers in front of her, still untouched. She sighs at her mistake before throwing in a couple.

Draco stirs the cauldron, making the potion finally turn pink. Serena shyly looks up at Draco and mouths 'Thank You' to him.

Draco smirks and nods at her as they finish the potion, Serena calls over her father.

Severus walks over to the two and looks over the potion, "That is perfect. Now, tell me what you smell in it."

Serena takes a deep breath of the potion, "Mint, aftershave, green apples." She lists before looking at Draco who smirks.

"Mr. Malfoy." Severus motions to the cauldron. Draco takes a deep breath of the potion.

"Lavender, vanilla, earl grey tea." Draco lists, making Serena stiffen. Her shampoo is lavender and vanilla scented, she loves earl grey tea.

After class, Serena heads to the library to study a little. Draco follows close behind as they both enter the library.

Serena heads to the non-fiction section while Draco watches her from afar, not wanting to scare her.

There's something about her that makes Draco want to tame his beast inside him. She seems so innocent, yet she's the daughter of the most mysterious teacher.

What really drew Draco in, is her eyes. Yes, their brown, almost black. But there was something so enticing about them.

"Are you going to keep staring, Malfoy?" Serena says, not looking up from her book. Draco is taken aback but keeps his composure.

"I wasn't staring, Snape." He snaps at her while walking over to her table.

Serena laughs, "You do realize I knew you were following me. You're not exactly stealthy, Malfoy."

That laugh, it did things to Draco. Naughty things.

"I'd like to think, I'm pretty stealthy." Draco says, smirking at her.

Serena rolls her eyes before closing her book and getting up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Draco calls after her.

"To class. You should get going too." Serena says before disappearing into the corridors.

Draco sighed as he ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair, no girl had ever spoke to him like that.

Usually he has girls who fall to their knees at the mere sight of him. Not Serena though.

That was why she was so alluring.

A/n~ Sorry for the short chapter but I promise it gets better.

Snape's Siren (Draco Malfoy) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt