Puppy King

By Kinko25

1K 75 11

After former prince, Lee Minho stepped out of line of the throne the royal family frantically tried to get a... More



125 10 0
By Kinko25

while watching over the prince, chan had picked up on quite a few things. The boy isn't really used to human interaction and his social battery runs out quickly, he may seem kinda cold hearted but he's actually really sweet and innocent.

For example: one time the brunette had freaked out over a small paper cut chan accidentally got, he isn't even sure how he managed to cut himself. He just saw blood over his hands and asked the brunette for the first aid kit. He had never seen someone run so fast in his life.

Poor boy had probably never even gotten one himself, he seemed shocked it happened and sympathetic. That didnt stop him from sitting, basically in the guards lap and helping clean the wound out.

Chan had also found out that the brunette loves to cuddle, no matter where they are he'd cuddle into chans side. It didn't matter, standing up, sitting, laying down, eating, seungmin found a way to cuddle.

The maids wouldn't dare say anything to the king about it, they were not in the mood to clean up the guards blood. The other guards stationed inside the castle didn't say anything either, Chan was their caption. He was the soul who made sure his soldiers had food and water every night. He was the one who made sure they sticked together.

So no one was willing to say anything, plus the prince seemed happy so there was no reason to tell the king.


Though while being with the older, seungmin had gathered that all his subordinates have high respect for him. He don't blame them.

If he can watch his finger bleed profusely and still keep a stone cold face, he was definitely worth respecting. Recently as they got closer the brunette had began cuddling with chan. He just can't help it, something about how safe the older makes him feel allows for him to be pliant to whatever chan does.

The olders natural smile and clingy personality makes it easy for seungmin to open up to him and show him his most vulnerable side. Even when hes is a sour mood the olders presence makes everything better, though he had only gotten mad twice in the days Chan has been watching him.

Granted the first one was because he had no more books to read and the second one he just lost his patience trying to open a box, he even threw it on the ground and it still didn't open. Chan had came and saved the day though, he opened the box as if it was butter (the older busted out into laughter at the look he had given him).

Thankfully Minho would be coming over later, and he always comes with new books for seungmin to read, the brunette wasn't sure how his brother would react to the situation that happened; he was always really protective over seungmin.


Minho had met the boy when He was 3, his parents didn't think to tell him of his new sibling. Obviously he was mad, but what angered him the most was the fact that they left the 3 year old alone. They didn't even let him outside!

Quickly the older realized it was because he had stepped out of the line of the throne, he felt bad for the kid. He also felt very guilty. It was because of him that the boy was such a pasty white and looked as if he would die any moment.

That night he had gone home and cried about it to his husband, jisung helped him realize that his parents were just the assholes. He was also the one who suggested he visits once every week and bring things the boy likes, at first he brought pastries. Seungmin liked them but he would savor them so he wouldnt eat it as quickly, there was always one or two out of 7 left by the next week.

One time he came over and noticed that the young prince was reading, he was so lost in the book that he hadn't even noticed that minho had came in. The next week Minho had came back with 3 books, seungmin looked so happy to have more.

The smile on the brunettes face was what made Minho keep getting him books, even when a few books were harder than hell to get. Minho had only realized what books had been doing to his little brother when they talked for a while one week.

The 5 year old had the vocabulary of a 50 year Olds, he knew the meaning to some huge words that minho didn't even know. It was humiliating to be taught what words mean by a 5 year old but he knew he was also to blame.

He remembers one year when seungmin was 8 the kid had finally met jisung, he was weary at first but eventually once minhos husband began playing with him he came around. The two played for a long time that day, they played so much that they had to stay at the castle overnight because seungmin had fallen asleep on jisung's legs. And the quokka like man didn't want to wake the brunette up.

After that day seungmin would ask about jisung, mainly if he was doing good or not. There were a few times minho thought that his own brother was more interested in his husband than him.

Either way he'd still love the kid as if he was his own.

When he had arrived today he wasn't expecting to see a new bodyguard, nor was he expecting to hear that his little brother was almost raped. The older didnt waste any time going over to his father and demanding to know what had happened.

His father just answered him with a short and simple version, he was a little satisfied to hear that the bodyguard was hospitalized. Still angry that it even happened but it was the best they could do in the meantime until seungmin could remember what had actually happened. Though due to the kings half-assed job at retelling what had happened the brunette went to ask the new bodyguard.

He explained it in more detail, he even stated how the young princes room was an absolute disaster. Nothing missing but a giant mess. Minho thanked the raven haired man and went to talk to his little brother; which currently he was reading the brief summaries of the books Minho had gotten him.

"Minnie are you sure your ok??"

"huh?-oh yeah, aside from the bruise on my butt and back I'm fine"

The older nodded but jumped when the guard next to them freaked out, "You have a bruise on your butt and back and didn't tell me?!?!"

"if I did the king would want to see them, I ain't showing my father my arse"

"He's got a good point" Minho said as he looked at the guard who just sighed and went over to the younger, "do they still hurt?" He asked once he was 2ft away from seungmin.

"kinda, the one on my back doesn't hurt it just feels numb when I lay on it. And the one on my butt only hurts for a moment when I sit down"

"ok, is it ok if I tell the king of the one on your back but exclude the butt situation? He'll kill me if I keep this from him"

"....fine, you can tell him of my back"

"Thank you"

The guard then went to write a letter, though he was only in the corner of the room so he was still able to watch seungmin. But just far enough it'd be hard to hear what the two were saying. Minho smiled, all the other guards just sat there and listened in on their conversations.

"you like him?" He asked while sitting on the edge of the bed, seungmin looked over at the black haired guard then smiled a bit. "Yeah, he's nice. Definitely a lot better than my last guard's, plus he's funny and not an asshole so he talks to me often!" The older smiled and nodded, "you definitely seem to trust him more than your last ones"

"Mhm! Though he does have a hugging addiction I dont mind it, it feels nice to wake up and immediately get a hug"

"It is, Jisung loves getting and giving hugs" seungmin just giggled before changing the topic.

They talked for about 10 minutes before chan had sent the letter down, yeongi being the one who delivered it. Though they knew that they would be called down once the king read it, so seungmin had changed from his light blue sweater to one of his loose white button ups. Just so he'd have an easier time taking it off and back on again.

They had waited a good 30 minutes before another guard came up and told them; "the king wants to see you" and with that they ventured down to the kings office.

Seungmin knew his father would be a little annoyed for not knowing about it sooner and would take his anger out on chan, so he'd have to reason with the high standing man a little.

But that was fine, he did it every so often. Though those times was because the guards threatened him to, chan hadn't and was probably ready to take the punishment. But Seungmin won't let that happen, no matter what.

He was at fault for keeping it hidden, he even went as far as facing the older when he would get in a bath to avoid chan knowing. So if anything he should be the one taking the punishment. 

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