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Over the next 6 months both Seungmin and chan have been going into the village more often, Seungmin was always excited to go out for he was able to see his older brother more. Minho and Han both happy to see the prince out more, the townspeople also like the brunette. Hes always given food and handmade clothes and stuff. 

Seungmin has so much fun each time he goes out, chan only having to pull his sword for one man who had escaped jail and attempted to hold the prince hostage. Though Chan really only had time to pull his sword out before minho had stomped the man into the floor. 

Literally, the townspeople had to basically peel him off the dirt floor. But in those 6 months that was the only thing that happened, the people liked Seungmin for his puppy-like attitude and helpfulness. Though the younger noticed that a lot of them also adored chan. 

Again who couldn't not like chan? 

He was amazing, in every way

His kind, helpful, and joking attitude 

His muscles that make everyone swoon and drool over 

His gentle, firm hands that make Seungmin feel so special (he was though, no one else got that pleasure of being held by chan)

The older was also constantly receiving thanks from numerous people, mainly soldiers who were off duty. Everyone had a reason to like the guard, Seungmin didnt exactly know why but now as they were walking back up to the palace it was the perfect time to ask. 

"Hey chan" 


"If you dont mind me asking, why was everyone thanking you?" 

Chan looked at the younger for a moment with a smile, "i saved a ton of soldiers in some battles i was in" Seungmin gave a nod and stepped a little closer to the older. 

He just wanted to be as close to him as possible, for as long as he could till the inevitable day he'd take the throne and chan would find a woman. 


Just hours away from Seungmins coronation the brunette was freaking out, he didn't want to take the throne and Chan had had just confessed his feelings for the brunette. Stating he wanted to get it off his chest before the younger became king. 

Seungmin was filled with feelings, he was happy and giddy that the older liked him, but also nervous as hell. How would he face chan after he was crowned king? Whos to say he wont crumble down in tears when he sees the other again. Hes dreamt of that moment for over a year. Never once expecting it to become reality. 

Now as he walks up to his father in possibly the heaviest outfit hes ever worn, he desperately tried really hard not to look at chan. He failed, the two made eye contact a good 10 times throughout the coronation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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