𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 - 𝐭.𝐧

By urlocalsoftiejess

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"That'll kill you one day." "It'll kill you first though." More

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𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝟏𝟏

950 25 9
By urlocalsoftiejess

Theo's POV


I let out a loud exhale as I barge into the dorm, flopping onto my bed and ignoring everyone's else's questioning stares.

My head hits the pillows and my face is illuminated by the warm glow of fire from my lighter as I light my cigarette.

Stress and tension is palpable in the room when Draco enters it shortly. None of us say a word to each other. I know they're expecting me to explain what the hell went on out on the pitch today.

I didn't know who they thought I was, but if they expected me to apologize to Aleksander fucking Andreev, they were in for a terrible bloody awakening.

The guy was a bloody joke and he definitely wasn't good enough for Evie.

I'm lost as to what she was thinking accepting that date, and am even more lost as to why Pansy and Daphne were basically falling over there feet watching them speak.

It pissed me the fuck off and I had not a single clue why. That pissed me off anymore. Did me and Evie share a almost kiss? Yes. Did that make us anything more then we explicitly agreed to? Nope.

I was free to do whatever I want to, like I want, and she was free to do whatever she wanted to as well.

I take a long drag of my cigarette as I think about it more. His stupid grin, his hands touching her hair..I should've swung that bludger harder at him.

Enzo, the usual peacekeeper finally breaks the thick tension brewing, "Are we going to talk about it?"

The room remains tense as Enzo's question hangs in the air.

I exhale another puff of smoke, watching it disperse into the dimly lit room. My jaw clenches as I try to find the right words to address the situation without giving in to the building anger.

"Talk about what?" I finally reply, my tone sharp.

My eyes flicker to Draco, who leans against the wall, his arms crossed.

We had argued on the pitch and I was sure had Blaise not broke it up when he did, the two of us would've ended up in a fist fight.

"C'mon mate," Mattheo drawls from where he's sitting on his own bed, "don't play stupid." He says pointedly.

I roll my eyes irritation seeping into my skin, "I'm not apologizing to that git." I state, my tone final and stubborn.

Blaise rubs his jaw from the desk to my right, "It's not about that Theo and you know it, what the bloody hell was that out there?"

My fingers tighten on my cigarette, I bring it to my mouth to take another drag to calm down the anger.

"He was asking for it." I mutter after exhaling a long stream of smoke, "Andreev is arrogant and I decided to knock him down a few pegs."

I can hear Mattheo snort, "More then a few pegs."

From his position against the wall Draco finally speaks, "I don't care about Andreev but you got us caught and got us detention." He snaps.

Burning out the cigarette in the tray near me, I take a moment before responding, "As if you really give a shit about detention," I grunt, "You've lost your shit plenty of times and got us into trouble, you can do it but I can't?"

Draco scoffs, "Yeah but it's stupid petty shit Theo, I've never almost killed someone with a bludger."

I don't respond, letting the silence invade the room again. I wasn't going to apologize and Draco wasn't going to let up.

This conversation between the two most stubborn people was pointless for all parties involved.

Plus I was sure Evie was preparing to rip me a new one tomorrow so I really didn't need to listen to Draco's bitching.

Blaise sighs shaking his head, "Listen you two," he mutters, "Clearly neither of you are going to admit you're wrong, but just give a inch."

Draco and I stare at each other, both of us contemplating Blaise's' words.

"I shouldn't have thrown that buldger at him." I mutter begrudgingly after a moment of silence.

"Andreev was being pretty fucking annoying..next time we'll just hex him..together." Draco mutters in response.

Both of us nod in acknowledgment at each others words, not really sure what to do after each others half apologies.

Enzo claps his hands, "Problem solving 101." He grins, "Your guys' communication skills improve everyday."

I roll my eyes at his statement, "Evie is going to fucking kill me." I groan, shoving my face into a pillow near me.

Mattheo just laughs, "You've really outdone yourself this time mate," he muses, "knocking her bloody boyfriend out."

Shooting him a scathing look at the mention of 'boyfriend', I reply, "That arsehole is not her boyfriend."

Blaise gives me a pointed look, "Jealous Nott?"

A scoff leaves my mouth, "Of course not," I reply dismissively, "I'm just saying that he's a twat and Evie can do better."

Mattheo bursts out laughing, "Better?" He muses, "As in someone who's name starts with T and ends in ore?"

I glare at him, not bothering to hide the irritation in my expression. "Do I look like I give a crap what you think right now Mattheo?"

"What, touched a nerve?" he smirks, "Bet if Blaise said it you wouldn't be so pissy".

The room snickers at Mattheo's goading and it makes me roll my eyes once again. I swear if I spend anymore time around them, they'd get stuck at the back of my head.

"Well I like Blaise you're just a stupid twat Mattheo." I shoot back.

He only cackles, unphased by my statement. At this point, we've all known each other for so many years it's hard to take anything each other says seriously anymore.

"That's cute mate, trying to defend yourself. You can deny it all you want, but we all know you fancy Evelyn," Mattheo teases.

"I do not," I reply with a grin, "I fancy Evie as much as I fancy every other girl."

Mattheo leans forward and points his finger at me, "Deny it all you want, but it's obvious you have a thing for her." He smiles.

From the corner Draco speaks up, "You practically follow her around like a lost puppy when she's around." He points out.

Enzo pitches in as well, "We all know how Theodore Nott is around women..complete player but around Evie it's like he has heart eyes." He teases.

The room bursts into a loud fit of laughter and all I can do is flip them all off. "You guys are all dicks," I mutter.

I want Evie as much as I wanted every other girl in this school....ok..maybe I wanted her a bit more but I'll never admit it.

Not to her, sometimes not even to myself and especially not to the morons I call my friends.

They would never let me live it down.

"As if I'd fall for her, I'm not some lapdog." I grumble, "There's plenty of girls that want me, I'm not some hopeless idiot following her around."

Mattheo sighs and just shrugs, "Hey I mean, if Evie looked at me the way she looked at you, I'd want her too," He says, "She's fit."

I frown at him instantly at the statement. I'm going to gouge Mattheos eyes out so he could never look at her again.

"Of course you would, you little pervert." I mutter, not bothering to keep my frustrations down.

Enzo laughs at my remark and I roll my eyes. I try my best to ignore them all, even though that was never something I'm very good at. I'm too volatile.

"She's not interested in you Mattheo..." I say firmly. I knew Mattheo didn't even see her like that, those two are strictly friends..and not in the way me and Evie are.

Enzo laughs, "He's right mate," he says to Mattheo, "we all know Evie just sees us as friends."

The statement makes my frown deepen. I don't want her, but if she saw me as only a friend why would she let me almost kiss her at the Astronomy tower.

I wasn't even sure why this was bothering me so much anyway, Mattheo was just trying to get under my skin and Enzo was just pointing out the obvious.

Draco sighs from the corner of the room, pushing off the wall to dig through his chest on the foot of his bed, "We should probably sleep.. detention with Snape tomorrow..perfect way to spend our Saturday morning." He utters.

I open my mouth with a quick retort but am quickly interrupted by Blaise, "Don't even start Theo." He interjects pointedly.

"Whatever night." I mutter before falling back against my pillow.


I wake up with a groan to the blaring sound of an alarm clock, everything is groggy and disorientating to me at this hour.

Damn the nurse for giving us detention this early...I'd rather have gone to the forbidden forest alone with no wand then deal with Snape at 9am on a Saturday.

Sounds of the same sentiment come from everyone else in the dorm room, protests and complaints tossed in the air in groggy and tired morning voices.

"Fuck you Theo." Draco grumbles into his pillow, exhaustion lacing his voice.

I mumble something in response but I doubt it's even intelligible as I'm trying to fall back asleep despite the blaring noise.

I hear Mattheo curse, "Someone turn that bloody thing off." He utters, irritated.

The alarm blares on but I'm too tired to give a eff and just shove my face into a pillow. I'll be damned if a noisy alarm is going to get me out of bed on a Saturday morning.

I just want my eyes shut and the alarm silenced.

Unfortunately, no amount of head shoving into a pillow does an alarm and soon I have one of my roommates grabbing me and shaking me to wake up to turn it off.

"Theo.. Theo wake up." Blaise calls, his hand coming to grip my shoulder and shake me awake.

Damn him for being a morning person.

I groan under my breath, I'm gonna have to get up, "You do it." I mutter, rubbing my eyes that are adjusting to the lights that someone had flipped on.

Blaise rolls his eyes, "I would've but you insist on hiding it to ensure we all get up."

Right. I did do that.

With a groan I manage to pull my body away from my comfy bed to turn off the annoying alarm.

Kill me now.

I feel like a grumpy old man at 9am.

I look as irritated as I feel and my hair is all over the place and sticking out.

I'm so not a morning person I could actually throw up at the thought of the day ahead.

Everyone is in the same grumpy mood as me. Everyone bar Mattheo who's in a weirdly peppy mood, especially with how bleary eyed we all are.

"Are you insane?" I mumble under my breath, "What planet are you on to be so chipper?"

He pulls a jumper over his head before flashing me a mischievous grin, "You're kidding right?" He asks, "I get to watch Evie and Snape rip you a new one today, best day ever."

I only narrow my eyes at him. Prick.

"I bet that's the most excited Mattheo's ever been for detention." Enzo muses from the bathroom.

I scoff, "Does Snape let you slobber down on his knob or do you just do that for free?" I ask Mattheo with a glare.

Usually I'd let Mattheo have his fun, but it's way too early so I'm in no mood to listen to his prattle or his annoying giggle's and definitely not in a mood to be watching him smirk at me with the fact he gets to watch me be reprimanded by both Snape and Evie.

I'd be lucky if Evie doesn't throw my body in Azkaban for the rest of the year.

Draco and Blaise are prattling on together about something stupid and irrelevant, Enzo is getting dressed and Mattheo is fixing his hair into a presentable state.

Pushing past all of them I enter the bathroom where I begin to get ready.

When I finally emerge everyone is essentially ready and waiting..or just prolonging the inevitable fact that we have to eventually face Snape and whatever he has planned for us for the next two hours of our lives.

"I need a fucking cigarette." I grumble under my breath, plucking one out of the quickly depleting box before slipping it into my pant pocket.

Draco rolls his eyes, "You always need a cigarette." He points out.

"Maybe you should try it out, you'd be less uptight." I shoot back with a grin to which he just ignores.

Mattheo grins at me, holding his hand out for the box, "Pass me one mate."

Despite him bothering me this morning I toss him one before lighting my own.

As the smoke infiltrates my lungs I feel my body instantly relax, the familiar feeling of the cigarette calming me down.

Enzo chuckles from his position near the door, "Let's go." He motions for us, "The girls are downstairs and waiting..Merlin knows we don't need to be late to detention."

They all begin to walk out and I follow closely behind still cradling the cigarette between my fingers and blowing out a long stream of smoke.

I've only got five cigarettes left and I'm not sure if the supply will last me the rest of the week.

God, maybe I should really think about quitting..but I doubt I'll ever get that lucky enough to kick this habit.

We descend the stairs and begin to make our way to Snape. The girls are waiting by the entrance, looking at us expectantly.

Evie stands front and center, looking like thunder ready to break loose and I cringe in anticipation of the scolding I'm about to get.

"Look who finally joins us." Daphne drawls with a unimpressed glance at all of us.

Clearly the three of them are all irritated about having detention. To be fair they were only spectators in the whole matter.

Blaise sighs and wraps a arm around his girlfriend before whispering in her ear.

Mattheo snickers but Blaise elbows him from his chest, "Shut your mouth Mattheo." He murmurs, sounding exasperated with him this morning.

He looks at the girls, "Good morning ladies, shall we?" He says, trying to sound a little enthusiastic.

I take a long drag of my cigarette and exhale.

In my experience a lot can be avoided with a cigarette but I know this isn't going to save me from whatever ass-reaming Snape or Evie are planning to get me.

We begin to file out of the room reluctantly.

Pansy shoots me a glance, pointing at the cigarette in between my fingers, "Put that out, Mcgonagall does not need to catch you smoking again."

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes I do as told and crush the remaining cigarette against a ashtray nearby.

The walk to Snape is a long one, our feet dragging against the ground with every step that we take.

It's clear that none of us want to be at detention, especially this early in the morning on a Saturday.

Evie doesn't look to me once during the walk and I'm not sure if that's better or worse as I keep finding my gaze drawn to her.

"No feelings?" Mattheo snickers in my ear for only my to hear when we walk into Snapes room.

Snapes voice is already loud and drawling, silencing all of us before I can shoot a snarky remark back.

I need a fucking cigarette.

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