Ben 10 Omniverse: the Predat...

By Geo-devourer

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Dr. Psychobos makes one last attempt to get his nemtrix back from the Galvan, Axmuth, once he gets he finally... More

Nemitrix Reborn
Alien Predators
Love interest.
Predatrix vs. Omnitrix
King of the predators
New predator.
Tetra Beauty and Alien Beast
The Alien predator meets Cryptids.
The Beast of the beach
The Revenge Beast Style
2 twins 1 beast
Like Son Like Ma
Season 2
Bros, Girls, and a Rumble Dome.
Alien Vet
The Drilling Question
The Speed For Greed
Winter Break in July

Milk Run

480 9 2
By Geo-devourer

- Bellwood streets

The scene transit to the streets of bellwood, All was peaceful and quiet, until a rumbling as the e see rojo driving on her rocket bike. Stacks of money fly from her bike as it's reveals several bags of cash in her seat. 

Rojo: hahaha, easiest payday ever.. huh

Behind her we see a dust trail as it gets closer. Inside the dust we see a blade tail, bared fangs, and silver horns. Setting it all together was the predatrix. The beast was dashslicer. 

Dashslicer: [laughs] it feels so good to be back in action and stretch my legs. Now you better come quietly rojo, or else things won't be so pleasant 

Rojo: hah, nice try Leo, but this girl don't stop for no one

Rojo laughs as she speed up. 

Dashslicer: oh I know you're not speeding up. Do you not know what I am 

Rojo: don't care 

Rojo fires off rockets from her motorcycle. Dashslicer easily avoids the rockets. But looks back and sees the new targets. Dashslicer growls and runs back. A rocket flys towards a couple of people; a black blur zooms over them as they disappear as the rocket hits and explodes. A rocket hits the edge of a building, rubble falls from it as descend into the people below, only for another black blur to grab them before the rubble hit the ground.  They are take a sigh of relief when dashslicer appears on the street, succeeding in rescuing  them; he eyes rojo driving away as she watched him from her real view.

Rojo: hm, he's not so bad 

Rojo revs up her bike going even faster. Dashslicer sees this and grows chasing after her. 

Dashslicer: ugh where is Ben when you need him 

Dashslicer continues chase. They arrive to a bridge, halfway across dashslicer gets closer, only for rojo to go over it and land on the ground. Dashslicer looks over and sees her entering a sewers tunnel. 

Dashslicer: one of those days 

Dashslicer lands and chases after rojo. The tunnel was dark as we see rojo motorcycle. Once on the other side they were in undertown. Rojo flies down the streets with dashslicer in pursuit. Rojo evades dashslicer as she flies off. 

Rojo: hahah, he may be cute, but he's to gullible 

She turns and sees dashslicer on her motorcycle.

Rojo: what the

Dashslicer: well you know me, I just slice expectations. Now pull over before I give you a nice crew cut 

Rojo: no thanks hot stuff

Rojo winks before stopping the bike, dashslicer was sent flying into the market place, crashing through each stand with such force. Rojo laughs as she powers up her bike.

Rojo: see you next time, Leo 

Rojo begins to drive off, until her bike is hit with electricity and stops midair, it turns upside down dropping rojo. Before she could one the proto truck flies down.

Rook: rojo, you are under arrest 

Then see shocksquatch walk in holding the motorcycle with his powers.

Shocksquatch: I'm getting pretty hood that this eh. Your dashy how's it going

We pan over to dashslicer, who was covered in alien goo sitting on a broken stand. 

Dashslicer: I'm covered in stand products and My type for the bad girls is being shown more and more. I'm peachy 

Shocksquatch:..... I feel like your not 

Dashslicer: [snarls and runs off]

Rook: I do believe he is not peachy 

Shocksquatch: nope, no he is not 

Shocksquatch and rook load rojo into the truck. 

- Plumber Hq 

The scene changes to the command center, Ben is seen playing video games on the computer, as Rook catalog their report. Then Rook sees Leo walking in with a towel over his head as he finished taking a shower. 

Rook: you seem to be doing well leo 

Leo: yeah, it's nice to take a shower after a ymission, but it would be real nice to have a sweet ride like you and Ben. 

Ben: what you mean 

Leo: if I had a car I could've gotten to rojo and save power on my predatrix.

Ben: oh come on Leo, you don't need a vehicle

Rook: actually, according to the plumber handbook, a plumber does require a vehicle that fits plumber code

Ben: Huh, I didn't know that 

Leo: sweet, so where can I get one

Rook: hm, for that I do not know 

???: maybe I can help 

They all look and see a figure walking to them. Then we see it's Kevin 11. Leo walks to Kevin, both exchange glances before fist bumping. 

Leo: good to see you Kevin 

Kevin: likewise Leo

Ben: hey kev, didn't know you were coming 

Kevin: simply stopping by see how you were doing, now that I know you're in a pickle. I'm willing to help 

Leo: yeah, how 

Kevin: first we'll need a lift, Rook? 

Rook: I have no task to complete, so I will be honored to join you

Ben: sweet have fun

They all head out. 

-Alien Planet

Our scene transit to the space where we see rook's ship flies to towards a planet. Entering its atmosphere we see the the land is completely all-terrain. The place was also brimming with taydenite as we see serval miners at work. 

Kevin: there it is boys

Kevin states as we see a town filled with vehicles, weapons and crooks of all kinds.

Leo: you sure this is where I'll find my ride

Kevin: yep 

Rook: we should be cautious my friends. Surely our enemies will be at this auction 

Kevin: what's the worst that can happen 

Leo: oh you did not just say that. Rook reminded me to smack him when trouble happens 

Rook: noted 

Rook finds a place to land. The scene transit to them where they walk around. Leo and rook tried some food, rich and juicy alien cuisine. They eat it and thought it was delicious, Kevin who witness this was digusted.

Kevin: ugh and I thought Ben's flirting skills were revolting

They continue to walk off. They finally reach the place kevin told them. And auction house.

Leo: an auction house, this is where my vehicle is  

Kevin: well must of it 

Leo: what!

Rook: before any of us start hurting the other might I suggest we go inside and see the goods

Leo: hm, alright 

They all walk inside. The room was filled with aliens and such. They find thier seat and watch the show.

Rook: I have counted over 23 enemies we've made all here, and Argit 

Kevin: get out where is he 

Leo: ssh, it's starting 

They watch as the annoucer robot appears. 

Annoucer: aliens galore I am your host today, your have all gathered here to see the latest in al-terrain battle vehicles. Meet the Royale IX

His worker come out bringing forth a sphere.

Robot: don't let the appearance full you, it is the lasher in weaponry; able to become any vehicle you can imagine, it will respond only to your dna. Think of the possibility 

This cause the others in the stands to smile and talk amongst themselves.

Kevin: so, you convinced yet

Leo: oh yeah, I want it 

Annoucer: now, we'll start the bidding at..................... 50k taydens

This caused the people to be surprised by the amount. And we see Argit run out of the building.

Annoucer: do I hear 50K taydens

He looks across the room as spots one hand.

Annoucer: that makes 50k taydens, do I here anyone else, going once 

Kevin: so, who's got cash 

Leo: you men's you didn't come prepared

Then another hand is shown amongst the crowd

Annoucer: and that makes the bit a 100k tayden

Kevin: well this is troubling, how are we gonna deal with competition 

Rook: do we still have leftover taydens from the taydenite car. 

Then suddenly we see the total bid, it was 10 million Taydens, it left rook, Kevin and everyone in the room jaw dropped. 

Robot: sold for 10 million taydens... to Leo 9 

Rook and Kevin look to their left seeing Leo place the bid with a unique card. Later we see Leo, rook and Kevin walk down the hall towards the garage to retrieve the Royal IX.

Kevin: alright dude I got to know, how were you able to afford it, not even the plumbers can afford that with their salary 

Rook: why that is beside the point I have an idea

Leo: alright, do my girlfriend have me a few credits to share

Kevin: woah, few weeks on the force and he already had a girlfriend, so tell me Leo who's the lucky lady to deal with your wild side

Leo: you sure you wanna know Kevin 

Kevin: so, I don't mind 

Leo: alright, sees looma red wind 

Kevin: looma?

Rook: yes Kevin, Leo is indeed dating looma red wind, they have become what you humans call, a power couple 

Kevin look at the two, before busting into laughter.

Kevin: hahaha, ah good ones guys, you really got me for a second, looma red wind hah

Kevin walks ahead of them laughing.

Leo: should we tell him 

Rook: normally I would tell him, but I want to see the look on his face when he is wrong

Leo: Ben has taught you much 

They head to the garage. Once their kevin is left shocked, Leo and rook arrive to be shcoked as well, the garage was being raided by the pickaxe aliens. They were trashing the aliens cargo for the taydenite.

Rook: how did we miss them in the stand

Kevin: I have a guess their boss isn't to far behind 

Vulkanus: yeah yeah, just load up the taydenite

They see vulkanus what into the garage from the other entrance. 

Vulkanus: that tin head thinks he can just break our deal use my taydenite, I didn't sneak off earth just so he can-

Vulkanus sees rook and Kevin. 

Vulkanus: oh come on, can't a guy get a break. Hey who's the new guy, your teams mascot

Leo: the names Leo 9, and it's better being a mascot then a talking baby man 

Vulkanus: grr, that's it waist them 

His pickaxe men move towards them.

Kevin: hold up Vulkanus,

Vulkanus stops his men.

Vulkanus: I'm listening 

Kevin: if we fight you know you gonna get your but kick 

Vulkanus: maybe?

Kevin: we can ignore this little smash and grab as long as you walk away, 

Rook: but you leave with no more taydenite 

Vulkanus: hm tempting but seeing as I get away, ask me this Kevin. What do you get out of this

Leo: Kevin don't

Kevin: relax i got this, my pal Leo here bought a fortune on the Royale IX, capable of transforming to a man's dream car. 

Vulkanus: the Royale IX! 

Vulkanus men see the sphere incase in a container. 

Vulkanus: hm, alright you got yourself a deal, I won't take no more taydenite

His pickaxe alien move out as does Vulkanus.

Kevin: see, what did I tell you


Thena pair of hooks burst through the container wrapping around the Royale IX. They see it's Vulkanus in his tank truck.

Vulkanus: but you never said anything about taking the Royale IX. Cya Kevin [chuckles] that was a good deal

His tank drives off leaving the trio dumbfounded, except Leo.

Leo: rook?

Rook: yes it does appear the time leo

Leo: thank you

Leo smacks kevin upside the head.

Kevin: ow

Leo: come on we got to get them.

Leo transform, becoming swiftstinger, he grabs both of them and flys off.

Swiftstinger: I don't want to lose my ride without even trying  it.

He flies after the tank. We transit across the plains to see the tank. then we Vulkanus as he tries to open the sphere and failing.

Vulkanus: ugh, how much tech did they put into the machine, you can even pry it open.

Swiftstinger: yo baby man 

Vulkanus: Huh

He looks up only to be tackled by swiftstinger. His men go to attack only for Kevin and rook to land and attack them.

Kevin:[absorb the metal]  the dude knows how to make an entrance

Rook: indeed, no wonder he is best friends with ben

Kevin: more alike then they know 

They start attacking the pickaxe men.  Vulkanus tries to hold back swiftstinger.

Swiftstinger: give back my ride you baby man

Vulkanus: that you Leo, oh come on, you have a watch too.

Swiftstinger: yep, and I don't need my powers to tear you apart.

He bites off Vulkanus finger. 

Vulkanus: hey 

He throws swiftstinger off him and brings out a weapon. Swiftstinger flies up and eveafes the swings.

Vulkanus: what happen to not using your powers

Swiftstinger: Huh, I guess your right

Swiftstinger lands on the tank as Vulkanus charges at them. swiftstinger smiles as he hits the collar. Vulkanus sees a red flash before swinging, but his weapon is caught. Vulkanus looks to see ursa solar

Vulkanus: oh no 

Ursa grabs him and throws him off the tank. Vulkanus rolls across the ground before groaning. Then he is grabbed by the legs and slammed into the ground. He's pinned by ursa. 

Ursa: listen up punk aka Vulkanus, taydenite miner and winner for best baby man award. If you think you can steal a man's ride even though it wasn't mine yet, doesn't mean you can steal a man's ride. Now I'm about to show you what happens when you touch a man's ride, you get the bear claws.

Vulkanus: that last part doesn't even make-

Ursa repeatedly beats down on Vulkanus, tearing apart his armor and chucking it away. He finished by holding Vulkanus in his teeth. Then they see the tank park by them. Rook was driving as the alien miners were unconscious.

Rook: look Leo, I believe I got a new ride as well

Ursa laughs as they walk off. Later they at the proto-truk as we see eye the sphere. 

Leo: hm, I guess there's nothing left to do but open it.

Kevin: so, will you do the honors 

Leo smiles and touches the sphere. It scans him, it beeps and gives him a set of new clothes, matching bikers and racer clothes. 

Leo: wicked

Then the sphere begins to change. It reveals to them the vehicle of Leo imagination. Leo smiles from the imagine.

Leo: and this, is my sweet ride.

He smiles as we hear the engines roar.

Boom that's it for the chapter, sorry but you'll have to see the vehicle another time. Leo and Kevin got a chance to bond through this chapter. Next chapter, old doctors, older tricks in, Alien Vet.

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