Naruto: Forgotten Prodigy

By lysmork18

471K 7.8K 1.6K

Born as the oldest, as the child of prophecy, and born with the potential to become great. A child grows from... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 68.2
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Author's Note
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96

Chapter 94

263 2 1
By lysmork18

Liam arrived with a bang, his presence commanding attention. The warriors on both sides turned their heads to see him, their fatigue momentarily forgotten as adrenaline coursed through their veins.

Kakashi , his Sharingan eye gleaming with anticipation, approached Liam cautiously. "Chancellor Heroux, what brings you here?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and relief.

Liam smiled, his rugged features illuminated by the fire in his eyes. "I have come to aid you, my friends, in this ultimate battle against darkness," he replied, his voice resonating with determination.

Might Guy, his vibrant green spandex suit slightly torn from the fierce clashes, clenched his fists in excitement. "Liam! You have arrived at a crucial moment. Our combined strength may be enough to turn the tide of this war!"

Killer Bee, nodded in agreement, his sunglasses hiding his intense gaze. "Yo, Liam! Let's show these masked foes the true power of our unity!"

Narumi, Mito, and Menma, stood beside at their senseis and Bee, their young faces etched with determination. "Chancellor Heroux, we are ready to fight alongside you. This is our chance to protect the legacy of our clan," Narumi declared, her voice filled with resolve.

As Liam gazed at the battle-scarred landscape, his heart swelled with pride. These warriors, each with their unique strengths and experiences, had come together to defend their world. They were the symbol of hope and unity.

"Rest my friends, you finally finished your part. It is mine turn"

With a nod from his allies, they finally felt themselves worn out. Liam charged towards the enemy, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. The battle cried out once again, the clash of weapons and jutsus reverberating through the air. Liam fought with unmatched skill and strength, seamlessly coordinating his attacks causing Madara and the masked man having a hard time catching up with him.

Naruto hidden in the shadows, watched as his comrades fought valiantly. He knew that the war's climax was fast approaching, and victory could only be attained by the unwavering spirit and unity.

As Liam, engaged in a fierce battle against Madara and the mysterious masked man, a sense of desperation and determination filled the air. The power and might of the ten tails, unleashed by their adversaries, posed a grave threat to humanity. Liam knew that there was no other choice but to fight back with everything he had.

As the battle raged on, Liam's relentless attacks clashed with the overwhelming force of Madara and the masked man. The earth shook beneath their feet, the sky crackled with lightning, and fiery explosions rocked the battlefield. Liam's sword danced through the air, embodying his unwavering resolve to protect his clan and the world.

Sensing the grave danger, Liam's allies, including Kakashi Hatake, Might Gai, Killer Bee, Narumi, Mito, and Menma, promptly evacuated the area. Their safety was of utmost importance, and they understood that Liam could handle the situation at hand.

With each strike, Liam could feel his stamina drain, but his determination only grew stronger. Through sheer willpower, he managed to land a powerful blow on the masked man, shattering the mysterious facade. As the mask crumbled, the truth was revealed - his opponent was Obito Uchiha.

Their eyes locked for a moment, a mix of sadness and remorse passing through Obito's gaze. But that moment was fleeting as the ten tails roared, reminding them of the task at hand. Obito knew there was no turning back now, and Liam could see the conviction in his eyes.

They couldn't believe that their former comrade, Obito, whom they believed to be dead, was standing before them in cahoots with Madara.

Unable to fathom the reasons behind Obito's alliance, Kakashi and Might Gai hesitantly approached him. Gai's eyes were filled with disappointment, while Kakashi wore a troubled expression. "Obito, why? Why did you join forces with Madara?" Kakashi inquired, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and confusion.

Obito, no longer hiding behind a mask, looked sorrowful. "I was saved by Madara when I should have died long ago," he admitted, lowering his gaze. "And Kakashi, you broke the promise we made to each other. You failed to protect Rin Nohara, the girl I cared for."

Hearing this revelation, Menma, Mito, and Narumi who also happened to be present, were left wide-eyed and curious. They had never known about this connection between their father and Obito. Their senseis as well. on the other hand, Liam stood silently, observing the unfolding events with a stern expression, while a distance away, Naruto found himself fascinated by this unexpected turn of events.

Struggling to comprehend the magnitude of Obito's pain and the depth of his grudge against Kakashi, Liam spoke up. "Obito, I understand that you're hurt, but joining Madara and perpetuating this cycle of violence won't bring Rin back. Is revenge truly the answer?"

Obito's eyes flickered with a mix of conflict and sadness. "I know what I'm doing won't bring her back, but it's too late to turn back now," he confessed, his voice laced with regret. "Madara has shown me a different path, one where I can reshape the world and prevent others from suffering as I did."

Meanwhile, Madara Uchiha, ever observant, watched the exchange unfold with a calm expression. The Ten-Tails under his control roared menacingly, making the ground tremble. With a confident smirk, Madara said, "Enough of this sentimental banter. It's time to put an end to this battle."

As Liam realized the dire situation they were in, he stepped forward, a sense of duty and determination emanating from him. "We cannot let the world be plunged into darkness," he declared, unsheathing his sword. "We must stop Madara and Obito, for the sake of our loved ones and the future."

With a resounding battle cry, the clash between Liam and Madara intensified. The air crackled with energy as Liam's sword clashed with Madara's techniques. Despite the overwhelming power of the Ten-Tails, Liam fought valiantly, drawing upon his unwavering resolve and the strength of his clan.

In the midst of the chaotic battlefield, the clash between Liam, and the formidable Uchiha duo, Obito and Madara, had reached its peak. Two hours of relentless combat had taken its toll, and signs of fatigue were evident on Obito while Liam, with his mask concealing his emotions, managed to catch his breath.(without knowing from everyone and also the spectators).

Meanwhile, Kakashi and Might Gai closely watched the intense struggle. Alongside them stood Menma, Mito, and Narumi, eager to lend their strength. And not too far away, Killer Bee, the Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails, readied himself for the impending fight.

Madara, sensing an opportunity to claim victory, unleashed a devastating blow towards Liam. However, Liam, standing tall and composed, smirked confidently. He knew that Itachi Uchiha, with the help of his younger brother Sasuke, had managed to defeat the mastermind behind the war, the devious Yakushi Kabuto. This allowed the release of the Edo Tensei, a technique that controlled the reanimated shinobis, including Madara himself.

Just as Madara anticipated his triumph, it seemed fate had another plan in mind. He goes back to his reanimated body much to dismay from the others. Suddenly they were greeted the five people who just arrived the battlefield.

Sasuke and his brother Itachi with three former Hokages, Hashirama Senju with his younger brother Tobirama Senju and also his student Hiruzen Sarutobi.

However, something caught the five Konoha shinobis' attention.

Zankoku, the merciless warrior who had attacked Konoha years ago, appeared with a newfound desire to repent for his past misdeeds. Utilizing the reanimation jutsu, Zankoku had come to undo his wrongs and help turn the tide of the war.

In the midst of this chaotic battle Liam, remembered the events that had led them to this point. It had all started when Naruto's friends, had been captured by the Akatsuki. They had been the first to seventh jinchūriki, filled with the power of the tailed beasts. But together, they had managed to overcome their captors and save their dear friends.

However, during Naruto's journey, they were building a temporary settlement in the land of Spring, they were unexpectedly attacked by the wicked leaders and their men. In the ensuing chaos, Naruto's jinchūriki friends were captured by the remaining force of the Akatsuki. Liam vividly remembered how Naruto and Kenji had fought ferociously, killing the rest of the Akatsuki members. But they had not seen the corpses of their friends, giving them a glimmer of hope.

And now, as Liam stood with the Allied Shinobi forces, he could see a flicker of movement in the distance. The ten tails, under the control of Obito and Madara, was still standing, waiting to unleash its devastating power.

But then, like a beacon of hope, the remaining force of the Allied Shinobi, led by their Kages, Minato, A, Mei, Gaara, and Onoki, emerged onto the battlefield. Joining them were Mifune's Samurais and Liam's own men, the first and second group armies.

The sight that greeted them was beyond anything they could have anticipated. Standing alongside Killer Bee, Might Gai, Kakashi Hatake, and Minato's children, Narumi, Mito, and Menma, were the three deceased Hokage - Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, and Hiruzen Sarutobi. Beside them stood Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, along with Zankoku.

As Liam's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and awe, he realized that they were not alone in this battle. The spirits of the fallen were standing beside them, fighting for the same cause.

Liam also remembers that Gaara was dead during their travels before he was revived by Lady Chiyo, due the attack of Akatsuki when Naruto was still recruiting people with him. He saw what happened on that day, that memory still burning inside his brain. He will never forgive someone if they hurt his friends on one way or another.

As the Allied Shinobi Force are now standing before Madara and Obito who were controlling the ten tails using tendrils from their heads. 

As they were about to attack, in the blink of an eye. Madara and Obito found themselves

Naruto along with his men, marched through the dense forest, their footsteps echoing through the silent night. They were on a mission to provide backup to their fathers, who were engaged in a fierce battle against the formidable Ten Tails.

As they advanced, Naruto felt a sense of urgency in the air. The sound coming from behind them grew louder, causing Naruto to quicken his pace. He knew that something was amiss, and he couldn't afford to waste any time.

Meanwhile, Minato, Hashirama, Tobirama, and Hiruzen stood firm on the higher ground, their sights fixed on the Ten Tails in the center of the massive crater. 

Seeing the opportunity, Hashirama, in his sage mode, activated his Sage Art: Gate of the Great God. The jutsu temporarily disabled the Ten Tails' movement, leaving it vulnerable to attack. The creature's fissions swirled around in a desperate attempt to protect its main body.

As Hashirama called forth his wooden clones to open the gates for the allied shinobi forces, a strange sound reached their ears. The ground beneath them trembled, and they turned to face the source of the disturbance.

To their astonishment, Naruto appeared at the edge of the battlefield, leading his men in full haste. His eyes burned with determination and resolve. Up into the heavens where Eron, Vincent and John were watching the war below them, they saw their little adopted brother Naruto charge the enemy head on with no fear that can trouble in his heart. He truly inherited Eron's fearless and astonish leadership that will shape the history of the Shinobi Era, even the humanity as well.

Madara and Obito were outside of the prison. Not knowing what happened, they remember that they were at the top of the head of ten tails controlling. Seconds later, they were outside of the Four Crimson Ray.

The Uchiha duo who were observing the battle from afar, noticed the dust clouds erupting behind the allied shinobi forces. Their plans were in jeopardy as the unexpected reinforcements arrived. They exchanged a knowing glance and unleashed their own attacks.

Naruto charge at the head of his mighty army, they were ready to face the formidable enemies that stood before them. Their determination to protect the world and those they held dear drove them forward with an unwavering resolve.

The Allied Shinobi Force, including the legendary Hokages, watched in awe as Naruto and his men charged towards the Ten Tails and its Fissions. Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, The third Hokage known about the creation of the Arisato Clan by Naruto himself, were filled with pride and admiration for their bravery.

Madara and Obito, found themselves momentarily off guard, surprised by the audacity of Naruto and his small band of warriors. The clash between the Arisato Clan and their enemies shook the very core of the battlefield.

Navigating through the debris-laden terraces, Naruto and his men fought their way closer to the center of the massive crater. The battle raged on around them, but their focus remained unyielding. They knew that the fate of their world hung in the balance.

"Fools what are they doing!" Tobirama Shouted in anger and confusion that was written in his face. He didn't believe to see someone who led a charge without chakra to face the worst enemy of all.

Suddenly, Liam emerged from the chaos. Holding his sword high, he created a gate that shimmered with an otherworldly light. The gate, a secret technique passed down through generations, would lead Naruto and his loyal men to deliver a devastating blow to their enemies.  He and Naruto exchanging nods to each other, knowing that the next plan has now in motion. Liam left the battlefield to join with Shinobi spectators who were watching them charging towards the ten tails.

With a war cry that echoed through the battlefield, Naruto and his men charged through the gate, their eyes shining with determination and power. As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves face to face with the Ten Tails and it's Fissions.

Undeterred, Naruto and his men attacked with unmatched precision and skill. The clash of their weapons and the fury of their assault reverberated through the battlefield, causing even the Ten Tails to tremble.

The Allied Shinobi Force eyes wide with shock. Even the legendary Hokages, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, wore expressions of disbelief including Madara and Obito.

A young man named Naruto Arisato, leading a meager force of only 1,500 men. But what they lacked in numbers, they made up for in sheer determination. To the surprise of his adversaries, Naruto's men wielded weapons that had long been forgotten in the world of Shinobi.

Katanas gleamed in the moonlight, their sharp, deadly edges reflecting a hardened resolve. Spears were raised, their points poised to strike with unwavering precision. Shields, adorned with intricate designs, provided both defense and a symbol of unwavering loyalty. Battle axes swung through the air, their heavy metal heads leaving destruction in their wake.

Tobirama, renowned for his analytical mind, spoke the astonishment that hung heavy in the air. "These weapons, they ought to be useless against the Fissions. They hold no chakra, no power to disrupt their essence."

Madara, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation, added, "Indeed, it is puzzling. Yet, it is clear that these weapons have been imbued with something... a hidden power."

In the midst of chaos and destruction, the Shinobi populace watched in awe as Naruto and his small army from the Arisato Clan unleashed their devastating power against the Ten Tail's Fissions. The battle between good and evil reached its pinnacle as the reanimated Hokages and legendary foes like Madara and Obito Uchiha stood dumbfounded by the unexpected turn of events.

The significance of Naruto and his men's weapons could not be understated. These weapons, seemingly ordinary yet mystically altered, were injected with Naruto's signature chakra. This infusion allowed them to strike with an intensity that surpassed any previous measure. Those who possessed chakra, including the Fissions, would experience intense agony as the potent chakra-infused weapons tore through their defenses.

Tobirama, the Second Hokage, known for his analytical mind, marveled at the ingenuity behind Naruto's strategy. He had always believed that the most effective way to defeat an opponent was through precise use of ninjutsu. But Naruto had proven him wrong. By utilizing traditional weaponry, infused with chakra, Naruto had found a way to level the playing field against powerful enemies who relied solely on their chakra.

Madara, the once indomitable Uchiha, and Obito, his ally, exchanged incredulous glances. They had always prided themselves on their unparalleled shinobi prowess. With their Sharingan and mastery over the Uchiha clan's legendary techniques, they had dominated battles effortlessly in the past. But now, faced with Naruto's unrelenting assault, they found themselves at a loss for words.

The Arisato Clan, known for their valor and unyielding spirit, pressed forward with unwavering determination. They fearlessly faced the Ten Tails' Fissions, striking them down with precision and skill. It was a sight to behold, an unstoppable force clashing with an immovable entity.

As the battle raged on, the Ten Tails attempted to replenish its dwindling numbers, spawning more Fissions in a desperate bid to survive. However, to their dismay, the Arisato's weapons continued to deliver crushing blows, reducing the newly formed Fissions to nothingness. The very existence of chakra became their downfall, as Naruto's infused weapons penetrated their defenses with ease.

The Shinobi populace watched in amazement, their belief in the power of chakra shaken to its core. For so long, chakra had been the pinnacle of their strength, the source of their remarkable abilities. But now, faced with Naruto's formidable tactics, they began to understand that true power lay not solely in one's chakra, but in the sheer resilience and adaptability of the human spirit.

As Naruto and his men were about to reach the Ten Tails, they were stopped by the sudden noise coming from the north, instantly Naruto felt a dread that was coming from the north. His men began to question about that noise and one by one they felt the familiar dread that was coming to them.

meanwhile at Liam's position, he too felt the dread that was coming from the north.

A loud noise echoing erupted the whole battlefield, everyone looked around to see what kind of noise is that. The Three Hokages were confused about the noise earlier, none of them ever heard this kind of noise. 

They put their attention to Liam who was in shocked, looking at the north in fear, his skin grew pale from the noise he heard few minutes ago. When they turn around and saw Liam's men has the same reaction as their Chancellor. The Shinobis looked their allies in confusion and wonder on what kind of fear that install them from the sound they heard before.

Questions and murmurs erupted the Arisato Army like a wildfire, the shinobi force quickly found themselves to witness the distress and fear of their powerful allies.

"What the hell?"

"I thought we finally sealed them?!"

"What the fuck is going on?"

"Before we left, I just to make sure that the seals are still intact?!"

"Me and my partner double check, triple check hell even our 55th checks, to see if the seals were loosing its place??" 

"Then why the hell are they free?!"

"Who makes the deal with them??!"

That single questions snapped the whole Arisato Army. Causing their allies looked in fear and wonder including the Uchiha Duo.

"WHO?! WHO?!"













The Arisato Army began to chant death for the culprit's foolish decision, they didn't know that it was Obito who struck the deal with them including Madara who witness the deal.


Naruto's voice echoed across the battlefield, his words filled with a blend of sadness and fury. The once silent type and smart shinobi had now become a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of determination and strength. 

Naruto scanned the crowd, his gaze searching for the culprits responsible for the chaos and destruction that had befallen their world. A deep crater marred the landscape, evidence of the immense power wielded by their adversaries.

Suddenly, the figures of Obito and Madara materialized behind Naruto, wearing sinister grins upon their faces. Their presence sent a wave of unease through the gathered shinobi, but Naruto remained unfazed.

He whipped around, a flash of anger in his eyes as he swiftly caught their necks in his powerful grip. Lifting them high, he addressed them with a voice filled with contempt.

The Arisato Army Clan and the Allied Shinobi Force stood silent, their eyes locked on Naruto as he held Madara and Obito high above him, their feet dangling in the air.

"You fools, playing with the lives of innocent people and making deals with ancient demons," Naruto spat out, his voice laced with venom. "Did you honestly think you could outsmart us?"

Madara and Obito laughed, their voices dripping with arrogance. "You know nothing, Naruto! You are but a naive child, ignorant of the true nature of war and politics," they mocked.

Onoki and A agree, The Third Tsuchikage asked that triggers Naruto's hatred, rage and fury "I would agree his statement my boy. I don't know what kind of deal they have or what kind of schemes created and I understand your fear, you still have much to-"

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!!!/YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!!!" Naruto shouted with a second deep demonic voice that feel of pure rage, despair, hatred, sadness and most of all agony. As they saw his head look at Onoki's eyes in his now shining eyes like a light of heaven.

Silence erupted the battlefield, even the demons. Their enemies who are on the run halted to this sudden outburst, the atmosphere drastically change and how much pure rage and agony that was filled in his outburst.

Naruto released a gigantic killer intent, to Onoki.

Onoki began to brearh heavily. "What is this? His vibes completely changed?! His pure rage and hatred is extraordinary, is he even a human? I never met a human who can produce this kind of killer intent. It felt a meteor pressing me down on me?!  His presence alone can make normal people faint?! He is very dangerous. I have to be so careful of him". Onoki thought as he struggle to stand up.

Meanwhile A the Fourth Raikage trying to stand up but fails to do so, A thought to himself " It feels like if there was a biggest boulder of my shoulder, i have ever experienced in my entire life."

"You think I don't understand anything? war and politics?" Naruto's voice trembled with intensity.

"Fools!" he shouted, his voice carrying through the silent battlefield.

A surge of rage swelled within Naruto, his grip on their necks tightening. The crowd watched in anticipation, their breaths held. Naruto's voice thundered as he unleashed a torrent of words.

The Three Hokages, Minato, the Four Other Kages of different Nations, his friends Team 12, 10, 9, 8, 7 and his family. Including Liam and some High Officers of the Arisato Army Groups were shocked and fear the pure anger and agony that was written in Naruto's face.

"You think I know nothing about war and politics? I may be young, but I have witnessed the darkest corners of the world. I have trained with my brothers, born in another universe where peace was just a distant dream."

The tension in the air was palpable as everyone listened intently, captivated by Naruto's words. He continued, his voice trembling with bitterness and sorrow.

He recounted his training with his three brothers from another universe, Eron Kensato Arisato, Vincent D. Guiterrez, and John McCain Kennedy. They had come from a world ravaged by constant conflict, where peace was an unimaginable luxury.

Naruto painted a vivid picture of their reality, describing the consequences of deals made with demons. The demons devoured not only their lives and souls but also their very essence, leaving behind nothing but darkness.

"Your deal with the demons," Naruto continued, his grip tightening even more around their necks. "You made a pact with the very creatures who feed on your souls and desires. Did you really think they would honor their end of the bargain? Did you not understand the insidious nature of their intentions?"

Madara chuckled, his voice now tainted with uncertainty. "We had our reasons, Naruto. We believed it would bring order and the truth to this world."

The blonde shinobi's eyes burned with a mixture of anger and fury. "The demons do not bring order; they only bring chaos and destruction. They consume everything in their path, leaving nothing but despair and regret. You have betrayed your own people, your comrades, for an illusion of power."

"Your deal with the demons wasn't a solution; it was a shortcut to the abyss. They preyed upon your desperation, promising power and victory. But in return, they demanded your lives, your souls, your very essence. They would never be satisfied until they had taken everything from you."Madara and Obito stared back at Naruto, their sinister grins fading. Reality was starting to settle in, and they could no longer hide behind their delusions.

"Do you truly believe that selling your humanity and embracing darkness is the right path?" Naruto's voice seethed with anger as he continued. "Look at what you have become! Nothing more than monsters, devoid of any sense of humanity. You've lost sight of what truly matters."

As Naruto's words echoed through the battlefield, flickers of doubt ignited within the hearts of the soldiers. The darkness that had held their spirits captive began to waver, and hope seeped back into their souls.

Naruto's gaze never left Obito and Madara, but his words were meant for everyone present.

"The path to peace is difficult, filled with sacrifice and hardship. But we must never lose sight of our humanity, no matter how dire the circumstances. We must resist the temptation to strike deals with the darkness. Our fate rests in our own hands."

"They will not stop until they have devoured every inch of your being, until they have taken everything you hold dear," Naruto warned, his voice laced with a chilling finality.

Silence enveloped the battlefield, broken only by the soft sound of wind rustling through the trees. Obito and Madara, once proud and arrogant, now stood humbled before Naruto's steadfast resolve.

With a final glare, Naruto released his grip and let them fall to the ground. Somehow, he knew that their hearts would never truly change, but he had planted the seed of doubt within them.

Naruto  released his grip on Madara and Obito's necks, allowing them to gasp for air. Madara found himself totally confuse on how did he managed to feel pain despite the reanimation jutsu state. He suddenly lifted them higher into the sky, tilting their heads so they could see the formidable army of the Allied Shinobi Force and Arisato Clan Army. These two fools were responsible for striking a deal with the Arisato Clan's ancient and demonic foe, and Naruto intended to make them witness the consequences of their actions.

As he held them suspended in mid-air, Naruto glanced at Liam. He told Liam that he would personally lead the Elite Army Group of 1st and 2nd, ready to engage in battle. Just as the intensity of the moment peaked, three figures emerged from the shadows behind Naruto.

It was Hata, one of the female commanders and the top on Naruto's list of trusted subordinates. Standing beside her was Kenji K. Arisato, Naruto's adopted older brother. And to Naruto's surprise, there stood Shinja Akuma, his oldest foe, who had returned from their scouting mission.

They informed Naruto and Liam about the location of the portal where their enemy, the ancient demons, were emerging from.

Naruto made a quick decision, understanding the urgency of the situation. The three newly arrived warriors would lead the Army Group 1st and 2nd, while he and Liam, along with the Army Groups 3rd, 4th, and 5th, would stand as the final barrier to protect the Shinobi Force. Naruto knew that they were outnumbered and that the enemy possessed unimaginable power, but he was determined to give his all to defend their land.

With a resolute expression, Naruto addressed his chosen comrades. "Hata, Kenji, Shinja, your mission is to seal the portal and eradicate every last demon we encounter. The fate of the world lies in our hands. Let us not falter in the face of adversity, for we are the last line of defense!"

Hata nodded solemnly, a fire burning in her eyes. "We won't fail you, Naruto. We will put an end to this once and for all."

Kenji, who had always been a pillar of strength, spoke passionately. "Together, we will protect the Arisato Clan's legacy, and rid the world of these ancient demons. They will know our wrath."

Shinja, despite his troubled past, stepped forward with determination. "This time, Naruto, our rivalry and bitter foe will be onhold. Due to our mutual enemy leaves us no choice but to fight side by side."

Naruto's gaze hardened, his resolve unyielding. "Remember, we have the lives of countless innocent people resting on our shoulders. Failure is not an option. We will prevail."

With a synchronized nod, the three commanders, Hata, Kenji, and Shinja, prepared to lead their respective Army Groups into battle. Together, they embodied the strength, skill, and unity of the Arisato Clan, a force that would not be deterred by even the most ancient and dangerous of foes.

The three armies charge, to fight the very demons who seeks to destroy the planet and lives they hold so dear.  Leaving the unforgetable impression to the Shinobi World.

Standing in the forefront were four figures: the reanimated Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, and Naruto's father, Minato . They all gazed at Naruto in anticipation, hoping to understand the courage that seemed to permeate his entire being. His eyes never leave the battlefield in front of him.

"But why?" asked Hashirama, one of the legendary figures now at Naruto's side. "How did you manage to instill such fearlessness in them? These are the same people who trembled at the mention of your demonic enemy."

"It all started with my oldest adoptive brother Eron" replied Naruto as his eyes shone like a sun as memories rushing him on how he and his three brothers met, spending time with them and so on. "Allow me to tell you his story".

Naruto began to share the stories that had influenced him the most. They were of his adoptive older brother, Eron K. Arisato, a hero born in a distant and different universe, Eron's birthright as the Heir of the Arisato and Kensato Clans, the second to the last descendants of ancient origins.

Eron's exploits were awe-inspiring. How he defended the city as a teenager and led teenagers and young people. His achievements resonated through the centuries, reaching well beyond the confines of their home universe. The peace he had achieved lasted for five centuries due to his journey from other vast lands, where clans rise and falls, alliances forged and invasions. Was now over when Eron claim the throne and finally set his goal to the age of Unification. Until a formidable foe appeared, a demonic presence eerily similar to the threat they faced today.

Despite knowing the war could lead to the extinction of humanity, Eron rallied his people and led them in a grand charge against the ominous threat. His acts mirrored the courage of their Ancestors, who also stood against the demonic foes to safeguard humanity.

“He led them to a war that seemed to promise humanity's end, just like his Ancestors' tragic path." Spoke Naruto in sadness and admiration

His listeners were transfixed as he disclosed how Eron trained two other brothers from separate universes, Vincent D. Guiterrez and John McCain Kennedy. Both were masters of their fields, the former well-versed in the events of time and the latter known for his scholarly knowledge about warfare tactics, politics, and philosophy. Meeting these two different individuals broadened Eron's perspective, adding a number of new tactics and knowledge to Arisato clan's already impressive strategy book.

They, too, would go on to train Naruto, passing on the wisdom and technique he had learned under Eron's also Vincent and John's tutelage.

And then they met Naruto. Seeing the potential and determined will within him, they decided to train him as well, helping him prepare for the potential threats that loomed large in his world's future.

After hearing the battles where Naruto's three adoptive brothers faced were unlike anything the shinobi world had seen, each a dark testament to the endurance of the human spirit.

Eventually, it was my turn to learn from these legendary brothers of mine," Naruto continued. "They not only trained me for battle but also shared their wisdom about defending our world and conquering the universal battles that lay ahead."

His tale resonated in the eerie silence. Madara and Obito , Naruto's reanimated family (Menma, Narumi, Mito, and Kushina), his friends - Satsuki  Yakumo, Haku, and the others - all listened to his narrative. Their individual dialogues wove a complex exchange of inspiring thoughts and strategy.

Minato's chest swelled with pride hearing about Naruto’s training. "Despite these trials, you've shown such bravery," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Your adoptive brothers, their sacrifices… all have served to inspire these people."

"Yes, Eron and these brothers of mine taught me," Naruto admitted, his eyes gleaming with conviction. "And I will in turn teach every people here to wield the courage they did. To challenge the impossible as they did."

"I have to," Naruto admitted in low tone, his eyes tracing over the crowd, and his words cannot be heard from the battlefield behind him. "We have to fight. As Eron-nii did. As Vincent-nii and John-nii did. Now it’s my turn."

The audience - the reanimated hokage, his father, and the comrades from his world - were in awe, even Madara and Obito as well. History echoed in Naruto's voice, painting spectral images of battles fought and victories won. The shared lineage of struggle and survival between his world, Eron's, and those of his other adopted brothers painted a tapestry of shared courage.

The story, as much as it was about the courage and heroism Naruto's brothers exhibited, served as a testament to their resilience and unwavering resolve. Naruto's tale infused the populace with valor, helping them understand the importance of unity in the face of destruction, and importantly, instilling in them a newfound admiration for their own united stand against the monstrous demons.

And it also hit their mark, rekindling a spark of hope in the hearts of those present. The narrative of Eron’s unyielding resilience served as an inspiration, an inviolable promise that they too could overcome the impending doom.

Naruto's Army led a resonating battle cry filled the air, Naruto couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride towards his adoptive brothers. Their legacy, bravery, and teachings were seeing him – seeing them – through their darkest hour. And, with a surge of hope, he realized they might just live to see a future as bright as his three brothes' ever was.

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