Supergirl x Male Reader

Par AnotherRWBYFan

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Any and all rights to pre-existing characters in this story belong to their respective owners. Plus

Part 0: Introduction
Part 1: Supergirl
Part 2: a Walk in the Park
Part 3: Movie Night
Part 4: the Following Day
Part 5: the Party
Part 6: Coffee Meeting
Part 7: Working
Part 8: Kara in Gotham
A/N: How the Characters Look
Part 9: Justice League
Part 10: Earth 2
Part 11: Kara Zor-El
Part 12: Justice Society Pt. 1
Part 14: the Perks of Dating a Superhero
Part 15: Powerless
Part 16: Movie Date
Part 17: Livewire
Part 18: Slow Morning
Part 19: Finale
A/N: Thank You

Part 13: Justice Society Pt. 2

485 24 4
Par AnotherRWBYFan

Vandal Savage stepped out of the truck to become face-to-face with the JSA, Wally and Kara. He seemed confused by the presence of the latter two.

(Vandal Savage): And who might you two be? You look familiar, but this one seems to be a cheap knockoff.

(Wally): Hey! I'm way better than a knockoff!

(Vandal Savage): Be that as it may, you and these children won't be stopping me. Remember, Doctor, you aren't the first with that helmet I've seen and you won't be the last I've killed.

(Kara): What's he talking about? Who is this guy?

(Karen): He's an immortal who's been involved in multiple different dictatorships over the years and was the first threat the JSA faced back in the forties. Long story short, not a good guy.

(Kara): So, how do we beat him?

(Kent): He cannot be killed, so we must contain him.

(Vandal Savage): You will certainly try, won't you?

And with that, Kara, Wally and the JSA went straight for Vandal Savage. Karen flew around his back, after which she and Kara both fired heat vision blasts at him from in front and behind. Hawkman and Green Lantern attacked him from above, but neither could put a dent in him. Red Tornado tried to knock Vandal Savage off his feet, but the most he could do was to push him back several yards.

After well over an hour, Vandal Savage was still fighting, but some of the heroes were running low on energy. Both Flashes, though especially Wally, were struggling to keep running. One moment, however, did reinvigorate the heroes. Red Tornado rushed towards Vandal Savage, but he grabbed him by the neck, threw him into the air, and punched him in the fail-safe located on his heel hard enough to destroy it. Red Tornado was dead.

(Karen): NO!!!

Kara then flew straight at Vandal Savage, grabbed him by his trench coat and threw him so high he saw the curvature of the earth. When he landed, Karen threw him into a building and started using her freeze breath on him. Karen saw what she was doing and assisted her younger, Earth 1 counterpart. After they froze Vandal Savage to the point where he couldn't move, Karen had Alan Scott come in and encase the villain with his ring. Once he was captured, Doctor Fate stepped in and began using a spell that made Vandal Savage disappear.

(Kara): W-what happened? Where'd he go?

(Kent): I sent him somewhere you yourself are familiar with, Kara Zor-El.

(Kara): Oh my god.

(Karen): How do we know he won't escape after a few hundred years?

(Kent): We do not. However, the one that posseses this helmet when he escapes will know what they must do.

(Kara): It only took me a couple decades to drift out. He could be back sooner than you think.

(Karen): That's a good point. Thankfully, it's unlikely that we're the last superheroes in history.

(Carter): You did good, kid. We'll have Alan get your Flash back to the Javelin. He looks like he needs some food.

(Wally): A burger would be nice.

(Alan): We'll see what we can do.

After the group returned to the JSA's headquarters, Kara, still in her Supergirl attire, was immediately brought into a hug by (Y/N).

(Y/N): I saw what you did back there. That was amazing.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem.

Just then, Kara did something (Y/N) wasn't expecting. She leaned in and kissed him right on the lips.

(Y/N): Wow.

(Kara): Did you like it?

(Y/N): Yeah. A lot.

(Kara): Good. I know we aren't back home yet, but do you wanna make this official now?

(Y/N): That would be awesome.

(Kara): Sounds good, then.

After a few more hours of trying to relax, (Y/N), Kara and Wally were called into the main hall by Karen

(Karen): After seeing Kent seal Vandal Savage away, the two of us came up with an idea.

(Kent): More accurately, the idea came to you. You merely brought it to my attention.

(Karen): Fair. Basically, the idea is that there have been a lot of Doctor Fates over the past several thousand years. And a few of them have been able to access other worlds.

(Kara): What are you saying?

(Karen): What I'm saying is that Kent has the memories of all of the past Doctor Fates thanks to the helmet. In theory, he could send you back home.

(Kent): But it has been millenia since the multiverse was last accessed. I do not know what could happen if it were to go awry.

(Kara): How confident are you?

(Kent): Quite. It does not require any resources apart from knowledge. In percentage, roughly ninety-nine. As close as I can be without total certainty.

(Wally): I don't know about these guys, but that's good enough for me.

(Kara): Agreed. (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I think I like those odds.

(Kara): Okay, then it's decided.

Karen and Kent then led the trio out to the courtyard behind the JSA's headquarters. Kent then placed the Helmet of Fate on his head and began the spell to send them home. The ground around the trio began glowing yellow, illuminating them and seeming to dissolve them from the ground up. The last thing the trio saw of Earth 2 was each other. When they woke up, Kara saw the Hall of Justice across the street and buildings, with caution tape still in front of some.

(Kara): Is this...

(Y/N): I think so.

(Wally): Y'know what? I don't wanna be on another earth again.

(Y/N): Yeah, uh, same here.

Kara then picked up (Y/N) and brought him to the top of a nearby building. The pair then sat down.

(Kara): I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. I meant to tell you, but I didn't want to put you in danger. Then I felt like I was lying to you.

(Y/N): Hey, I get it. For what it's worth, though, I think you're awesome. Now more than ever.

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem.

The pair then stood up and hugged. Then (Y/N) kissed Kara like she did earlier that day

(Kara): I think I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too.

Continuer la Lecture

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