My Lost Soul

By RealMadao

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On a different Earth, a nuclear accident in the midst of WW3 spreads radiation throughout the world, leaving... More

Chapter 1 - Fury
Chapter 2 - Relations
Chapter 3 - A Close Kept Fire
Chapter 4 - But a Distant Truth
Chapter 5 - 30 Minutes
Chapter 6 - A Wish
Chapter 7 - Eye of The Tiger
Chapter 8 - The Man of Truth
Chapter 9 - The Concealed Injustice
Chapter 10 - Spade Mask
Chapter 11 - A Conversation
Chapter 12 - You Are Special
Chapter 13 - Chameleon and Snake
Chapter 14 - Wish I Could Understand
Chapter 15 - New Allies, New Mysteries
Chapter 16 - A Leap in the Dark
Chapter 17 - Your Shadow
Chapter 18 - Conquer Your fEAR
Chapter 19 - Heroic Flames
Chapter 20 - Fate's Hands
Chapter 21 - Old, Red Spider Lily
Chapter 22 - Love the White Noise!
Chapter 23 - JanuEri in April
Chapter 24 - Way of the World
Chapter 25 - The Playroom
Chapter 26 - High Value
Chapter 27 - Artificial Blood
Chapter 28 - Protecting
Chapter 29 - Operation Ghostbusters?
Chapter 30 - Unknown Love
Chapter 31 - Hunter's Hunt
Chapter 32 - War Machines
Chapter 33 - Yonai
Chapter 34 - Glees Turner
Chapter 35 - Councilman Dillemma
Chapter 36 - Alcatrat
Chapter 37 - The Best of Three
Chapter 38 - The Third Sky
Chapter 39 - "Lans"
Chapter 41 - How It Came to Be
Chapter 42 - The Black Stained Curtain
Chapter 43 - A Fitting Grave
Chapter 44 - What is. . . Happening?
Chapter 45 - Thank You, My Soul
Chapter 46 - Omega's Curse
Chapter 47 - Assessing Damages
Chapter 48 - Our Realities
Chapter 49 - Soul is Alive
Chapter 50 - Asura's Ego

Chapter 40 - Two Sides to Every Coin

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By RealMadao

Enjō and Omega sat in the back of Uyama's car, while Omari sat in the passenger. Omega was quiet while Enjō and Omari caught up.

"You look a lot happier, Jojo. What happened after I was arrested, eh?" Omari looked back and smugly smiled, "You got yourself a girl, didn't ya?"

Enjō cleared his throat and looked away, "Nah, I don't need a girl."

"Mhm," Omari turned back around and laughed, "You got yourself some good friends, though. I can tell."

Enjō looked at Omega and smiled, "Yeah, thanks. They're the best."

Omari squeezed his eyes and blinked, "I'm curious though, why did those people decide to come with you to break me out? They're part of the Investigative Department, right?"
Uyama scratched his head and groaned, "There's probably things they know about you that we don't. We decided to do it because you're his dad. It's the right thing to do, ya know."

"Probably? You—probably?" Enjō smirked from behind.

"There are certain things that I don't like to know," Uyama's hands gripped the wheel.

"It might be best if it stays that way," Omari said, "We have to rest now, especially those three."

"They took the same route as us and they're still so far ahead of us," Uyama whined, "I guess getting a speeding ticket isn't necessarily important to them."

Omega was brooding silently in the back, his head raised to the roof of the car.
Lans...Lans...Who is Lans? He's thought for a while now, feeling his mind scramble, I don't get it!

A shock went through Omega's head, he put his face into his palms and combed his hair with his fingers, Ah, I don't want to get it! I don't want to think anymore! Altsaama, Steele, Ael, me—it's just too much! I can't take it anymo—

"You alright, bro?" Enjō whispered and patted Omega on the back.
Omega slowly lifted his face to turn to him, "Yeah," his vacant eyes looked away from him as he leaned back into the car seat, looking up at the roof again.

Enjō took out a piece of paper and a random pen from the bottom of the car door and wrote down on it. He showed Omega the paper, it read, "If u wanna talk in private lemme know".

Omega nodded his head weakly and took a deep breath, At least I have someone who understands me.

Later, they sat in the parking lot of the apartment under the setting sun.

"Don't you think you should cover your face, dad?" Enjō asked, "We don't want the cameras to find you.

"I don't think that really matters at this point, we were probably identified with him at the prison." Uyama groaned as he climbed out of the car.

"So we actually are on the run. This is bad."

"We still have time, Jojo. They won't act unless they have a good plan." Omari said

"And how long'd that take?" Enjō furrowed his brow.

Omari chuckled nervously, "A couple of days?"

They all went into the apartment complex until Omari grabbed Enjō from behind, "We gotta talk, yeah?"
He brought Enjō outside, further away from the complex.

Omari took a serious tone, "So, what's this?" He pointed at the scar on his neck.
Enjō stammered and covered the scar, "Shit, it's—it's nothing. I was just being stupid, I was just stupid!"

Omari grabbed his shoulder, "No, no, no, Enjō. It's fine. I understand. Your powers, they saved you."
Enjō sighed and strained his eyes as to not tear up, "Hellfire burns forever,"

Omari stared into Enjō for a while, his hands on his shoulders, "I'm sorry I left you alone."

"Huh? You didn't get a choice, it's not your fault."

Omari laughed, "You're right, sorry about that. But," He pointed out the apartment complex, "How did you get here?" Weren't you still at home?"

"After the—uh..." He touched his neck, "The thing—Uyama found me knocked out and brought me with him. I thought you were killed so... I guess I thought I needed revenge."
Omari listened to him silently.

"I guess the search's done now." Enjō laughed awkwardly.
Then, does that mean I got nothing else keeping me here? I got what I wanted, but there's still a little somethin' that I can't describe inside me, somethin' missing.

"Okay, I understand the situation now. Thanks, Jojo. Now, who's your friend, "Omega", was it?"

"Oh, he's special. Apparently, Uyama found him at a dumpster after he destroyed an entire Nursery by himself. I believe it, cuz they're starting to add more security and stuff I think."

Omari covered his mouth with his hand and looked down, muttering some words before looking up at Enjō, "Does he know?"

Enjō furrowed his brow, "Know what?" Omari narrowed his eyes and bit his nail.

"So you don't know either." He paced around, "In my article that I was writing, I was exposing the treatment of Artificials, specifically Omega."

Enjō listened intently.

"There are times when...super machines don't have the necessary amount of fuel. The Nurseries—the Gila Liner, they expel a greenish smoke, unlike that of any known source of fuel." Omari paused for a moment and cleared his throat, "That smoke comes from Artificial soul energy. They use some machine that pumps and squeezes it out of Artificials like a sponge," He grimaced, "It's disgusting."

Enjō scrunched his face, "Wha? That can't be real, it sounds so...fantasy."

"But it is, and Omega are the main source of their fuel. I'm guessing that's either due to the fact that most of them die at an early age, or possibly because they have the most potential, like Omega here."

Enjō looked down and started to sweat. Sparks began crackling from his body, and he bit down on his lip.
"Enjō." Omari reached for him when he shook his head.

"No, I got this, " Enjō growled through his teeth. Sparks fell down to the ground and died with a sizzle. He finally relaxed and threw his head back in relief, "Phew, first time I've done it by myself. I'm fine now."

"I don't know if Omega is ready to hear that, though. He's already heard a lot today."

Omari frowned, "As I said before, we don't have much time before something happens. I don't mean to be pessimistic, but at that point, it might be too late."

"Okay...I'll tell him tomorrow, I guess. Good?"



Machida sat in a chair outside of a hospital room with his head laid back against the wall.

"Hey, you." A woman called for his attention. He jumped up and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Is she alright, nurse? Can we see her?"

The nurse rolled her eyes, "The cut was really deep. Any deeper and she might've died by now. She's open for visitors, though." She was scrolling on her phone as she walked away from the room.

"What kind of..." Machida glared at her back as she left, "Where is Kitt?"

Kitt walked up to Machida with two drinks in his hand, "Hey, can we go in yet?"

"Yes, I was waiting for you. Is that apple juice? This one's for me?" Machida reached for one of the drinks when Kitt yanked it away, "Hmph, this one's for Iseri." He smiled smugly.

Machida groaned, "Anyway, have you stopped glitching?"

"Hm..." Kitt playfully drank the juice from a straw, "Oh, it's cold on the inside? Technology is so great—"


"Right, right! Sorry. Other than my right foot's big toenail, a little chunk of my left forearm." He noisily sucked the straw.

Machida furrowed his brows and grabbed Kitt's arm, "Isn't that bad?"
Kitt's arm passed through Machida's clutches.

"Maybe, but Iseri." Kitt walked past him and opened the door to her room. She was laid down on her bed with minimal equipment around her.

"Kitt?" She said weakly and turned her face towards him, "What happened to Uyama and them? The invisible one? Who was that angel?"

Kitt scratched his hair, "Aaagh! Too many questions, just drink!" He held the juice out to her.

Iseri stared at it as he shook it in the air.

"Well? Ya gonna take it?"

Her blank expression twisted into a disgusted frown, "How do you expect me to drink it on my back, dumba—"

Machida walked into the room and stood next to her, "Let me help," he said as he lifted her and put her head against the headboard. Iseri groaned and clutched her stomach with a painful smile on her face. She snatched  the juice box and opened it.

"Hold—hold on! Is it okay for you to drink that right now?" Machida grabbed her hand.

Iseri's cheeks puffed out before she let out a guttural laugh, it didn't take long for Kitt to join her.

"What? I'm just concerned for your health." Machida groaned.

"Ah, it's okay—ooh, that hurt," She clutched her stomach again, "It's just some apple juice." Machida let go of her arm and let her drink.

"But, are you feeling okay?" Machida asked.

"I'm fine," She started to imitate Machida, "But do they think I'm some old woman who can't take a slash in the stomach?!"

Kitt chuckled and sipped his juice, "This some Machida lore I don't know about?" Machida looked at Iseri carefully, like he was scanning her face.

"You changed, Iseri." He sat down next to her, "You used to be so formal, and you used to bow constantly."

"I've always been this way, General, around Kitt at least. He brings it out of me, regrettably." She snickered.
Machida's mouth hung open for a moment before he cleared his throat.

"Anyway, listen. Today is June 3rd, Sunday. Sometime next week, we can expect an attack. It could be from Benno Corp, the national government, or both. I've decided I'm going to recruit some people I know in order to fight them off, since Iseri isn't able to fight."

"Would that really be necessary?" Iseri sat up.

"It's best not to underestimate Steele or Dawa. We don't know what the scale of the attack would be. The whole city could be in danger, knowing how mad he could be now."

"Don't we still have to talk to that Omari guy?" Kitt asked.

"Yes, the article he wrote was lost, but he himself would remember its material. It's up to him to give us proof that Steele is the one responsible for this...Omega thing."

Kitt bit on his straw and turned away. Silence entered the room.

"Alright, I'll be rooting for you two." She pumped her fist, "Just make sure you come back in one piece."

Machida strained his face to grin, "Of course."


A knock came to Steele's office.

"The door is open," He called out. Ael opened the door and walked inside with Yonai dangling from his other hand. Ael's shirt had gashes in the front, but was covered by a coat.

"It seems like Falan and Yonai are due for a promotion." Steele rested his head in his palm as he turned to Ael.

"You're not our direct employer. You don't have jurisdiction over our actions." Ael responded and dumped Yonai's body on the ground.

Steele stared at him for a while, and finally asked him, "Why did you let them go?"

"It's not for you to know. If that's all you want to know, then I'm leaving." Ael remarked and turned to leave.

"It was the Omega, wasn't it? So, his name is Lans? I wonder how he's doing right now..." Ael stopped and put his hands in his coat pockets.

"Don't you think he's been overwhelmed lately? He's learned a lot from you in the span of one meeting.
Ael stood still and turned his head slightly.

"This time of confusion would be the perfect time for a counterattack. The only other problem would be Enjō Omaron—the Lambda, and the Investigation Department. One of their finest has already been incapacitated, thanks to Yonai."

"What're you planning to do?" Ael asked.

"Other than them, I have...other motivations too. This city is dull. The way my father changed this city is frustrating. It works for us, but it has, you understand?"

"Nevertheless, it's your fault for upholding the barrier." Ael turned around completely.

"...Yes," Steele groaned, "I guess you're right. It's under my control, after all. Regardless, I want you to watch. Unlike all of you, I have no bias, no one to protect, nothing to hold me back." Steele reached for the bowl of croutons on his office's desk.

Ael stared at him with his dull eyes as Steele snacked on the croutons, "You're lying."
Steele turned around and popped a crouton into his mouth, "Hm?"

"You don't care about Shacia City, nor do you care about Shacia at all." His voice became harsh. Steele looked at him blankly.

"You're only feeding your starving ego."

Steele's lips curled into a smile as he rested his head on his palm, "That's an interesting hypothesis...Do about Shacia then, perhaps?"

Ael narrowed his eyes, "It isn't humanity's worst creation, but it could be worse."

Steele then frowned, "...You may have misinterpreted my words at the Conference. I'm not a one-sided man. I simply see the logic in both sides, and draw a conclusion. For me, I admit that I want this situation under my control, but I also admit that this city was quite important to me. I went to university here. Before I became the head of the world, there were people that would help me financially in the absence of my father."
Steele sighed and stood up from his chair. He walked up to Ael and whispered in his ear, "Surely, there is more than one side to your logic, Ael. Or are you just a liberator of your people?"

Ael grunted softly and pushed Steele away from him, "Just do what you will."

"Trust me, I won't tell my father about that plan of yours. Your secret is safe with me." Steele put his finger to his lips and backed away.

"Do what you will." Ael glared at him as he walked out of the office and slammed the door shut.
Steele turned his attention to Yonai, which was still unconscious on the floor. "I think I do feel bad for Hunter, though." Steele picked up its body and opened the window in his office. The cool night breeze brushed against his face, "Ah...this is looking to be quite the summer." He grunted as he lifted Yonai over the windowsill and hurled them over. Metal crashed at the bottom of the building, but the splatter of blood felt the loudest to Steele's ears. He grimaced before closing the window.

"The sound of blood."

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