Leave It In The Past

By te-ef-de

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I'm only one person. This is ridiculous. She walks around like she owns the place and yet I never see her wor... More



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By te-ef-de

"her clothes?" Shaw walked out "Nevada, you can't just take that" "well I'm taking my bike" Shaw looked at the men "one of you drive her car" "I'm not driving a piece of shit" Nevada rolled her eyes at Max's comment "never knew an nsx was a piece of shit" "what.." "I will drive it" Nevada liked at tomi "tomi" Nevada nodded and threw him the keys "you can ride with me" "no" "Nevada.." "she's taking her bike" "another Honda?" "Yes" "the rest of your belongings?" "I will get them" "it needs to be soon. Vaughn broke your window" "you did what?" "She wouldn't let me in" "what the hell do you expect?" "Shut it Shaw" Tomi grinned as he followed Nevada out. 'shes doesn't care about their arguing' "Now this is a ride" "you break it, you buy it" "can I drive it?" "Yes" "now we are talking" Nevada opened the garage and uncovered her bike. "WHOA.." Nevada grabbed her helmet and put it on. Doing up the buckle, Tomi spoke "Nice CBR" "goes well" "can you keep up?" "Maybe" 'shes very short. Been through a lot is my guess' Tomi got in Nevada's car and looked around. 'pristine. Yeah I would keep it clean too' starting the car, tomis eyes lit up. 'now this is a car' Nevada rolled her bike out as the men walked past. "HOLY FUCK" "DONT TOUCH HER BELONGINGS" "I'm just appreciating her rides" Shaw smirked "what a shame you missed out max" max kept walking and got in his car. 'fuck. Not a good start at all. She's very straight forward. I'm surprised Ambrose allows her to speak that way'.
Closing the garage, Nevada made sure the house was locked up then got back on the bike. Tomi wound down the window. "I will lead" "alright" closing the dark tinted window, Tomi reversed out and put the Car in drive. 'lets see what you can do Nevada' flying up the road, Tomi looked in his rear vision mirror. 'she can ride' "if you break my car, you will know about it" tomis eyes widened 'she has a blue tooth between both vehicles' kicking the car around each corner, Nevada stuck with him the entire way until arriving at ambroses. Nevada stopped at the gates while Tomi drove in. Noticing Nevada had stopped, Tomi reversed up beside her. "Are you alright?" "Can you ride?" "Yeah" "then take the bike" "what?" "I have to go get my belongings" "oh, right" Nevada removed her helmet as she dropped the stand on the bike then got off while Tomi got out of the nsx.
"HURRY UP" 'fuck she is gorgeous' Nevada handed Tomi her helmet then opened the car door. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" 'he won't get an answer talking to her that way. That much I already know'. Nevada got in her car while Tomi got on the bike. Rehan looked between both. As Tomi rode forward, Nevada put the car in reverse and her foot to the floor. Slamming it in first, Nevada took off up the road. Tomi stopping to watch, he grinned 'she drives it like an animal' "TOMI. FUCKING CATCH HER" "why?" "BOSS WILL LOSE HIS FUCKING MIND" "TOMI. WHERE THE HELL DID SHE GO?" "TO GET THE REST OF HER BELONGINGS" "NOW?" "VAUGHN SMASHED HER WINDOW" "SHE SHOULD'VE JUST DRIVEN HER CAR" "MY GUESS IS, THIS MEANS MORE TO HER THAN THAT CAR" Ambrose showed a slight nod. "WEST WING. PARK IT. THAT'S HER GARAGE" Tomi nodded and slowly rode it to the west of the house and parked the bike in the garage. Removing the helmet, Tomi placed it on the seat.
Arriving at her home, Nevada parked the car in the garage and walked inside. 'i guess I just grab my clothes. There's nothing here of importance. Everything else is in a safety deposit box' hearing two cars, Nevada rolled her eyes. 'no doubt assholes' packing her clothes, Nevada ignored the men that entered her room. 'Rehan and max. Just wonderful. That's all of my clothes' exiting her room, Nevada threw the bags in the car then went to walk back in. "The Disrespect.." "move" "Rehan what the hell?" Rehan stepped aside and Nevada walked back in. Grabbing her personal belongings from the kitchen, Nevada then looked around. 'the furniture can stay. I need to take the keys to the real estate. Ask them to get the window fixed and if need be they can keep the bond. The insurance will cover it anyway'. Exiting the house, Nevada got in her car and reversed it out then closed the garage. "Ready?" "Yes" Nevada got in her car again and took off into the city. "Where the hell is she going?" "Running" "put boss on the line" Rehan dialled Ambrose's number. "Where is nevada?" "She looks to be running boss" "THEN GET HER" "we are trying" Ambrose looked at shaw "GO GET NEVADA. SHES NOT SAFE OUT THERE" Shaw rolled his eyes "weak cunts" Shaw walked out and jumped in his car. "Location?" "City centre. Minneapolis street" Shaw shook his head.
Pulling up in a car park near the real estate, Nevada got out of her car like Rehan and max did. Locking her car, Nevada then walked towards the real-estate only to be grabbed "you can't fucking run.." Nevada slammed her elbow to Max's throat and flipped Rehan on his back then kept walking. "Shit".
Shaw pulling in side ways he jumped out. "GRAB HER SHAW" "WHAT THE FUCK?" max held his throat while Rehan got up off of the ground. "Your mates touched me" Nevada kept walking and entered the real-estate. Shaw right on her tail, he looked at her curiously. "Miss Brinson. How can I help you?" "Unfortunately I need to leave the property. All furniture can stay. The bathroom window is broken. That can be fixed out of my insurance.." "oh, this doesn't sound good" "that's all. I swear. The rest of the house is immaculate. As I stated, the furniture can stay" Maryse grinned "it's fine miss Brinson, I appreciate you letting me know. The bond will be returned to you. I will send out a contractor shortly" "much appreciated, Maryse. Here are the keys" "thank you. Nothing needs to be signed. Good luck to you" "thank you" Nevada walked out with Shaw. Rehan and max smirked "you can't run" "shut up dickhead. She had to go to the real-estate" Max's face paled. "Ahh.." "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TOUCHED HER CAR" Nevada walked around the corner to see all of her tyres popped "cough up the money" "WHAT?" "NOW BEFORE I SHOOT YOURS" "Nevada.." Shaw swallowed hard "the money. Now" Max sighed and grabbed his wallet out. "They are seven hundred a tyre" Rehan shook his head as he did the same. Both handing over fifteen hundred, Nevada grabbed out her phone. "Miss Brinson" "tow truck. Four new tyres. Assholes think they can control me" Shaw's eyes widened as Rehan and max slightly lowered their heads "fuck we weren't to know".
"Ten minutes. Where?" "Freeman's car park" "you've got it. Bye" "bye" Nevada walked to her car and sat on the bonnet. "We thought you were running" Nevada put her hood on and stayed silent while Shaw called Ambrose. "Got her?" "She wasn't fucking running. She had to go to the real-estate. Max and Rehan popped her tyres" "WHAT?" "you told them to get her. They had to pay her fourteen hundred each" "she made them pay?" "Yes" "right. I will speak to them when they return" Shaw hung up and waited with Nevada, Rehan and max. No one game enough to say a word, nevada looked up as a tow truck pulled in. 'thats Jess' Nevada moved out of the way allowing Jess to pull up to her car. When Jess jumped out he looked at the three men then at Nevada. "Nevada" "Jess. Straight to the shop?" "Yes" "twenty eight hundred. Five hundred a tyre. The travel and the work" Nevada put the money in Jess's hand "always good doing business with you" "you stated seven hundred a tyre" "you think a tow truck and work is free?" Shaw held in his laughter "right". 'oh she just conned them into paying for the lot. From what I hear she is much like her father. Haven't seen her smile or heard her laugh but I guess with everything that's going on, she wouldn't want to do either'.
"Troubles Nevada?" "I'm sure it won't happen again" "seen butch?" "Last week" "alright".
Nevada and Jess working to chain the car up, Shaw, Max and Rehan just watched with shock. 'she is paying him and yet helping him out. How does she know this stuff?' When the car was up on the back of the truck, Nevada jumped in the truck just like Jess. "They look fun" "yep" Jess chuckled "always the same, Nevada".
'looks like we are following her to the workshop. Not what I had in mind for today'.

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