Leave It In The Past

By te-ef-de

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I'm only one person. This is ridiculous. She walks around like she owns the place and yet I never see her wor... More



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By te-ef-de

Unknown - hello Nevada
Nevada stared at the number unsure what to think as another message came through.
Unknown - I believe I have something of yours.
'its the man from the cafe'.
- who are you?
Unknown - does that matter?
- you stole my purse
Unknown - I had a reason for it
- are you poor?. I have no money. You chose the wrong person
Unknown - that is not the reason I took your purse, Nevada. I promise you I had a good reason for it.
- then tell me
Unknown - in person. Meet with me.
- I don't even know you
Unknown - not into dating strangers I guess
- not that it's any of your business but no. Tell me who you are
Unknown - I already stated in person
- no
Unknown - don't want what belongs to you
- I could have you charged
Unknown - but you haven't. I don't believe you will. Meet with me
Nevada stared at all of the messages and re-read them. 'how did he get my number?'.
Unknown - it's that or I come to your home
Not even bothering to reply, Nevada lowered her phone as worry ran through her. 'they may know my fathers family. What if it happens all over again. They got what they wanted and put it to the world that I was dead. I have worked hard to get where I am today..' hearing a knock on the door, Nevada's heart rate picked up. 'my gun' rushing to grab her gun, Nevada held it in her hand as it shook. 'im not mentally capable right now' Nevada dropped the gun and slumped on the couch. 'i know she's home. Something is happening' 'i can't go through that again. I can't do it' Nevada looked at the gun as it laid on the ground. Hearing a window shatter, Nevada's throat tightened. Her hands shaking, Nevada grabbed the gun and checked the bullets. 'still three' Vaughn quietly walked through Nevada's home taking In every detail. 'small and yet cosy. She lives alone' stopping just short of the living room, Vaughn watched Nevada as she sat on her grey couch. 'what is she doing.. she has a gun..' Vaughn grabbed his gun out to protect himself. Although he doesn't want to hurt her, if she tries to attack him, he needs to be able to fire first' sneaking up behind Nevada, Nevada already knew he was close. She has trained to listen out for movement. "If you are going to kill me, just do it" Vaughn put his gun to Nevada's head "drop the gun, Nevada" without a care, Nevada slid the gun over the hard wood flooring. "That easy" "saves me doing it. Trying to kill yourself takes a lot of guts" "what.." "just do it" 'something is definitely wrong here' Vaughn walked around the couch but never lowered his gun incase Nevada still had another weapon. Nevada sat still staring at the ground just hoping and praying he pulls that trigger. She doesn't want to be tortured again. It took her years to overcome the injuries. "Raise your head" Nevada kept her head down "Nevada, raise your head" "why?" "Do you ever listen?" Nevada slightly shook her head "can you just get it over and done with. You're wasting your time and mine" "you planned to shoot me. I want to know if you have more weapons on you" "it's there" Nevada never moved only pointed to her gun "I said more" "no" 'her hands are empty. I'm not seeing one in view' "I didn't plan to shoot you" "bullshit. You wouldn't have a gun otherwise" Nevada scoffed "why the hell would I waste my bullets on you. So you robbed me, I don't care. The gun was for me" Vaughn lowered his gun as he stared at Nevada in disbelief. 'well if he's not going to fucking shoot me. I'm eating. If he tortures me, well at least I died full' Nevada stood up and walked to her kitchen as Vaughn never moved but never removed his eyes from her. 'even her rear is perfection. Those sweatpants suit her. She must've changed as soon as she got home'.
Grabbing out ingredients for pasta, Nevada kept her eyes away from vaughn. Without a word, Vaughn picked up her weapon and walked to the kitchen. "This is yours" Vaughn slid the gun across the bench to Nevada. Stopping it By slamming her hand on it, Nevada tightened her fingers around it worrying Vaughn. 'i may have made a mistake'. To his surprise, nevada put the safety on and put it in her pants. "My purse?" Vaughn pulled it from his back pocket and gently placed it down "everything that was in it, is still there" Nevada nodded as she continued to cut up ingredients. "I suppose you want to eat too?" 'shes very on edge. This isn't how I expected this to go' "I wasn't planning to stay long.." "fine" "but I think I will" "right" Vaughn walked around the living area and the dining area while Nevada cooked. 'not one photo of her family. Not one photo at all' his phone vibrating in his pocket, Vaughn grabbed it out "yes?" "You went to her home didn't you?" "Yes. She wouldn't meet with me" "Vaughn you took her belongings. Did you really expect her to meet with you?" "Yes" Shaw shook his head "that's not how women work" "wouldn't know" "no shit. So what? She just let you in her home?" "No.." "VAUGHN.. fucking hell. The door or window?" "Window. Something doesn't add up" "you are digging too deep" as the smell of a true Italian dish lingered around him, Vaughn approached the bench. "I will speak to you soon" "right. Bye" "bye".
"Your accomplice? Do I expect more of my belongings stolen and more things broken" "you wouldnt open the door" Nevada stayed silent. "You don't have any photos" "no" "why?" "Everyone is different" "don't lie to me. Why is it that Clarissas photo is in your personal data" "ask them" "I'm asking you" "because I'm dead" "what did you do?" Nevada only shook her head and ignored his question as memories flooded in. "What did you do?, Nevada" "I let them take it all" Nevada slid the bowl his way "cheese is on the table" grabbing her bowl, Nevada walked out the table and pulled out a chair. Sitting down, Nevada put cheese on her pasta then picked up her fork while Vaughn sat down opposite her. "your father died" "I know" "you weren't at his funeral" "no" "why?" Nevada lowered her fork and raised her head to look at Vaughn pulling him in just by her eyes. "because my life isn't a fairy tale. While my father was on his death bed, I wasn't able to get anywhere near him due to being assaulted to the point I wasn't able to move for over two years. They think I'm dead and that's the way I want it to stay. Now If you plan to go play buddies with them and tell them I'm alive.." "we aren't friends with Wanda and Clarissa" "and yet you know who they are" "many know of your family.." "THEY ARENT MY FAMILY" Vaughns chest raised as he inhaled a long deep breath 'that I didn't expect. None of this news is what I expected' "why did you take my purse?" "It doesn't matter.." "you said you had a reason. You won't give me a name, you take my purse, demand I meet with you, break my window and now eating. I deserve some answer" "because.." Vaughn sighed "because you intrigued me. I wanted to see you again" "you steal from someone to see them again?" "Not someone. You. While finding out who you are, I also found that you have two files in the database. One has Clarissas face on it and the other yours. If you are hiding, why use the same name?" "Im not hiding nor running. I'm living my life, well.. this" "you aren't living. Just here" Nevada shrugged "if you weren't able to move. Who helped you?" "What's it matter?" Vaughn inhaled a deep breath "Vaughn" Nevada looked at Vaughn again as her phone rang.
Nevada rolled her eyes. "Danika" "where are the files needed for brian?" "The files have been sent" "WHAT?" "I sent them to him via email. He has already responded" "THE FILES WERE SUPPOSED TO GO THROUGH ME" "it states in his email that he is shocked to hear I have been doing the work..." "YOU ARE FIRED" "then good luck to you Danika. Have a wonderful life won't you" "ne.." Nevada hung up then slammed her phone to the table. "Work?" "Not now" "you just let them fire you?" "Well when I'm the one with all the data and she has no idea how to do the job and yet wants to take all the credit, yeah. She can go down for it all. I won't be there to help her anymore. I will find a new job".

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