Frosted- Descendants (ocxoc)

By Giliblossom

12.8K 272 18

Harlee Westegaard has lived on the Isle ever since King Adam Beast booted all of the villains to the Isle of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Not A Chapter
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

570 14 2
By Giliblossom

Harlee POV:

After the plan got busted because Jay didn't listen to Mal. The boys went to their dorm and the girls gave me the key to mine . Since it was dark I couldn't exactly tell what it looked like clearly. As I blindly settled into bed and my adorable companion cuddled close to me I realised that I probably needed to get stuff for Emerald, luckily my dad told me that he should still have a bank account active . I'm just not sure what to do. How does one go to a bank? He said that my name is on it but would they even let me have access to it? So many questions that are better left for tomorrow. With a sigh I let myself relax and took myself away to dreamland.


"AHH!!" I woke up with a gasp, confusion covering my features as I took in a blonde girl with light purple pajamas with a flower/star symbols on them. She was holding a frying pan defensively in my direction, I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" I questioned slightly amused.

"There's something there" She whispered pointing underneath my bed. I rolled my eyes at her and noticed that Emerald was not next to me.

"Emerald?" I panicked slightly, hoping I hadn't squished her when I was sleeping. There was a ruffling noise and Emerald popped out from underneath my bed. The blonde girl screamed. "Emerald! There you are" I said with relief. I looked at the blonde girl with a deadpan look.

"Stay calm, she can probably smell fear"

"Oh it's a bunny, just a bunny" She breathed as she sat down on her bed and put the frying pan away. "They didn't tell me you had a bunny" She tilted her head at me curiously.

"I didn't" I nodded, glancing around my new dorm. Yep, barfable princess room,  my side at least. Confusion covered her features.

"Then how did you get her? Him?"

"Her, and I was strolling down the woods, found her on the way over, asked her to be my companion. She agreed and now we're here" I stated casually.

"Oh" she nodded."I'm Ruby, Rapunzel's daughter" she introduced.

"Harlee" I stated simply, she probably already knew who my father was anyway. I pointed towards my furry companion "Emerald"

"It's very nice to meet you both, I have a companion too. He's around here somewhere, his name is Leon. He is a chameleon" As she said this a white creature moved from the bedpost and into her lap, changing his color to match the pattern on her pajamas before changing to a dark green color. I jumped slightly in surprise.

"Nice to meet you as well" I smiled politely before picking up Emerald from the floor and placing her on my lap. "So you're the poor unlucky princess that got stuck in a room with me?"

"No, I actually requested that you room with me. My old roommate was incredibly- well not nice to say the least so I asked for a switch" My eyebrows raised.

"And you chose a villain kid?"

"No, I chose a person who's less likely to have a stick up their arse than anyone here" She said bluntly and I laughed in surprise. Seems like this princess won't be so bad.

"What time is it?" I asked suddenly, noticing that the sun was barely rising.

"Oh, 7:15" she said in a sheepish tone, my eyes widened.

"Hmm, what time do classes start then?" I tilted my head at her.

"Ummm nine?" She chuckled nervously and I gave her a deadpanned look.

"Why are you up then?"

"I'm an early riser, I prefer to take advantage of my mornings" She smiled and I nodded.

"There's no way I'm going back to sleep so I might as well get ready" Maybe I could give myself a tour and visit the library as well. And maybe I can find Prince Ben and ask him about the bank, and get some things for Emerald. I'm hungry as well, I should get food. "Do they serve breakfast here?" I questioned curiously as I went through my bags and grabbed an outfit for the day.

"Oh yes of course, I can take you to the dinning hall. I was heading there myself anyways" Ruby said excitedly.


After I got dressed, Ruby and I (and our adorable companions)  went to the dining halls, there were barely ten students inside. There were tables pressed against the wall that were filled with multiple different foods, some that I recognize from my books and my father and others that I didn't recognize at all. I ended up grabbing a little bit of everything.

"Your eating all that?" Ruby's eyes widened as she looked from my plates to hers with an incredulous laugh.

"You bet I am, everything looks good besides I'm not turning down free food" I smirked and she shook her head.

"Alright" and suddenly her eyes brightened "Oh there are some people that I want you to meet. Follow me!" Before I could protest she grabbed my arm and dragged me to a table where a black haired girl sat with bright dark blue eyes that reminded me of the sea. Next to her sat a brunette curly haired girl with chocolate brown eyes and next to her sat the pale blonde almost white haired boy I spoke to in the library.

"Guys, this is Harlee" They all stopped talking and glanced at me with wide eyes.

"Sup" I said plainly as I glared at Ruby but she ignored my glare.

"Harlee, this is Elias, son of Elsa. Melody, daughter of Ariel and Kailani, daughter of Moana" They gave me small waves and 'hi'. Ruby sat down and when I was about to leave she grabbed my arm and pulled me down next to her.

"We're really going to have a chat about you touching me?" She simply smiled at me and I gave an annoyed huff.

"Look Mel, it seems like Harlee here has a stomach that rivals your own" Kailani, the curly hair with chocolate eyes said while nudging the dark blue eyed girl next to her, Melody. I frowned slightly before looking at Melody's side and we definitely had the same amount of food but I think she may have had a little more. I looked at her.

"Tell me is everything as good as it looks?" If I was going to ask anyone about food, a foodie is an opinion I can trust.

"Yes!" She stated excitedly.

"No" Kailani and Ruby said while Elias remained quiet simply staring at me glancing at his plate when I returned his stare.

"Don't trust them, they all have ruined taste buds" She whispered to me loudly, glancing at Kailani and Ruby mockingly. I chuckled and dug into my food. My eyes widened, Melody was right, everything is as good as it looks.

"Holy Demeter" I hummed, eating absolutely everything that I grabbed. I noticed it was oddly silent and I looked up. They were all staring at me with wide eyes and amusement. "What?" I asked in a mouthful, I swallowed and drank the weird looking red juice.

"Why are you all staring at me?"

"You ate all of it" Ruby's voice was filled with surprise, I gave her a 'duh' look.

"And you liked all of it?" For the first time that I had sat down, Elias spoke.

"I told you" Melody sang with a smug look. I was about to say something when I saw Ben walking past the dining hall. I stood up.

"I'll see you guys around" I grabbed my empty plates, glancing at Emerald who was comfortably sleeping in my bag and stood up, discarding everything in the trash can nearby, faintly hearing my name being called.

"Ben!" I called out, catching up to him. I digged into my bag, accidentally waking her up to grab the twenty dollar bill. Emerald hopped out of my bag and onto my shoulder, her small claws digging into me. Ben's eyes widened. "This belongs to you" He stared at Emerald.

"Uhh" He continued to stare at Emerald before looking back at me in confusion "You didn't have a bunny before... did you?"

"No I didn't" I nodded and he looked at Emerald again." Anyways this belongs to you" I paused, pushing the twenty into his hands. "Im *breath* so-sorry" That felt weird coming out of my mouth, my nose crinkled.

"It does?" He looked confused, respectably so considering he didn't notice when I pickpocketed him.

"I stole this from you yesterday, someone reminded me of the right thing to do" I recalled the limo driver from yesterday, a sense of familiarity passing through before I shook it off.

"Thank you" He smiled. He jumped slightly when Emerald moved from my shoulder into my arms. "I have to ask, when did the bunny appear?"

"I found her yesterday in the woods, her name is Emerald. Auradon Prep doesn't have anything against animal companions does it? Because Ruby has Leon and Im pretty sure that-"

"No, you can keep Emerald. But you do have to fill out a form for her and as long as your roommate doesn't mind which I doubt Ruby does. We shouldn't have a problem" He interrupted my rambling with a smile.

"Great" I stated before remembering my 'bank issue' "Ben, my dad told me that he had a bank account , he said that it should have my name on it and he gave me a bunch of papers but to be honest I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. I need to buy things for Emerald and while I appreciate the nice dorms I'm not interested in barafable bubble gum pink.And I-"

"Woah slow down, you talked to your dad?" I stared at him oddly.

"Don't you?"

"Well of course but I didn't think that-"

"That villains care about their kids? Some don't but most do and even if they don't care they still talk to their children. I would've thought that you had a different perspective. You know what? Forget about what I asked. I'll figure it out by myself" I said annoyed, just because their villains doesn't automatically mean they're heartless monsters. I walked away from him, suddenly reminded of how people will always see us.

"No, Harlee. Wait! Listen" He stepped in front of me. "That's not what I meant. . I didn't mean to offend. I didn't know you were referring to Hans. I'm sorry" I stared at him as he looked at me apologetically.

"Who else did you think I meant? Listen I don't know what you've heard about my father but he's happily married to a woman who gave birth to my sister. That makes him my only father now had my father married a man... I would understand your confusion but I-" Ben's eyes widened.

"No I didn't mean to suggest that-, not that there's anything wrong with" He took a deep breath "I just thought that you spoke with him today and I was confused on how you contacted him"

"There is no way to contact the Isle" I pointed out, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Hence my confusion, look I can help you with the bank issue" He said abruptly. I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion but I let it go... this time.

An: I decided to age Izzy down to an 8 year old btw, I don't think I mentioned it before. Have a brilliant day

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