Year in Time

By ShefaniCaskett41319

891 2 0

Castle and Beckett experience the challenges and triumphs of parenting together during Avery's first year of... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 2

48 0 0
By ShefaniCaskett41319

July 30, 2014 — Taking Avery Home
The few days that they spent with Avery in the hospital were wonderful. They had the best nurses and it made Beckett feel comfortable and confident in her maternal skills. It's now a little after 8:30 two days after they welcomed Avery and they just signed their discharge papers. Kate changed into a pair of sweatpants and one of her NYPD t-shirts before she and Castle tag teamed getting Avery into her going home outfit. It was a soft, white onesie with ruffles along the edges and 'avery' monogrammed in baby pink cursive along the front.
It came with a headband that had a baby pink bow attached to it that made Beckett almost burst into tears when Avery began crying as Castle slipped it onto her head that was already full of soft, brunette curls like her mother's. "You're hurting her!" She insisted, "Kate, I'm not. I promise I would never hurt her, she's just a little fussy because this is something new." He assures her as he gets the headband settled and then lifts Avery to place her in the car seat, "You wanna do this part?" Castle asks his wife.
She nods, "I'm sorry." She whispers. He chuckles and kisses her forehead, "It's okay, love." He assures her. Beckett turns and lowers Avery into her car seat, "What if I pinch her?" Kate asks, "You won't, Kate. And if you accidentally do, she'll never know." He lays a gentle, reassuring hand on her back. She takes a deep breath and straps her newborn into the car seat with shaky hands, "You did it!" Rick says excitedly from behind her. Beckett chuckles and turns, "I just want to thank you again for everything you've done." She tells him. He smiles.
One of his hands lift to tuck a curl behind her ear, "Kate, I'm your husband and that little girl's father. Taking care of you two and Alexis is my top priority in life." He tells her. She smiles and pulls him down for a kiss. "You ready to take our girl home?" He asks her and she nods excitedly. He lifts the car seat after slinging their duffel bag over his shoulder while Beckett grabs the diaper bag and their pillows. She opted not to have the nurses wheel her out of the hospital, but she does wait for Castle to pull the car around.
Once he's in front of the hospital, Castle opens the back door and helps his wife secure the car seat in its base, "I'm guessing you want to sit in the back with her?" He asks and she nods. He walks across the car and opens the other door for his wife who climbs in with his help. He settles into the driver seat, "Ready?" He asks. She nods, "Just drive careful. We have precious cargo." She tells him, "I've been driving with precious cargo for over five years." He states and she blushes.
When they make it into the parking garage of the loft, Castle grabs their bag and pillows while Beckett slips the diaper bag on her back and carries the car seat inside. In the lobby, Ernesto their doorman stops them to see the baby. "She's beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Castle. It's my honor to welcome our new tenant to the building." He says. "Thank you, Ernesto." Beckett smiles before they walk towards the elevator and take a quiet ride up to their floor. Once outside, Castle slips the key in the lock and looks back at her, "Ready?" He asks with a smile.
Kate smiles and nods excitedly. He opens the door and she walks inside to see their precinct family and actual family there under a banner that reads 'Welcome Home Baby Castle!' "Welcome home!" They all exclaim. Tears are brought to Kate's eyes as it now hits her how much love Avery has coming her way. Lanie is the first to step forward and wraps her best friend in her arms, "You look good, Girl. Now, let me see my niece." She jokingly insists. "Okay, let me get her out of the car seat while you guys wash your hands." She tells them all.
Castle takes their bags and pillows into the bedroom while Beckett drops the diaper bag by the front door and then places the car seat on the couch and lifts Avery out of it. Once Castle comes back out, he stands with his wife while their friends sit, "Everyone, this is Avery Johanna Castle." Rick says. They all smile before Beckett walks over and gently passes her daughter to Lanie. "Hi sweetie pie." Lanie coos at her best friends baby. "She's beautiful." Jenny says from her place next to Lanie, "Thank you." Beckett appreciates.
"Girl, she looks just like you with a little hint of Writer Boy." Lanie says, "Writer Man, Lanie." Castle insist. Beckett smacks his chest to remind him that his oldest daughter and her father are in the room. After Lanie gets her time with Avery, the baby is passed to Jenny. "Are you two hungry?" Martha asks, "Starving." Rick says. He taps Beckett's hip, "Come eat, she'll be alright for a few minutes." He insists. Kate nods and follows him into the kitchen while keeping her eyes on Avery. In the kitchen, they eat reheated, homemade chicken noodle soup and bread.
She watches as Avery is passed to Ryan and then to Esposito and finally Captain Gates settles with the baby in her arms. By the time they've finished their soup, Avery begins to get fussy. "She's probably hungry." Beckett says, "We'll get out of your hair." Captain Gates says as she stands, "Congratulations, Detective." She adds, "Thank you, Sir." Beckett says. She hugs the boy and then Lanie and Jenny as they leave before going into the bedroom to nurse Avery. "Avery Johanna, so many people love you and would do anything to protect you." She whispers to her little girl, but she adds that she loves her little girl the most and would move mountains to protect her.
Part 2! So sorry for my little break in this challenge, I am currently moving into a new apartment and things have been crazy trying to get stuff set up plus I start classes tomorrow!!! Wish me luck and I will try to update everyday until Sunday ;)

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