A sweet mistake..

By Venus_writergirly

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Maia Grindelwald recently expelled from Beauxbatons and now entering Hogwarts School of Magic and Witchcraft... More



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By Venus_writergirly

At the end of that day we had Defence Against the Dark Arts, I thought this would be our usual boring class with a boring professor..

"Would anyone like to guess as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin asked.

"That's a boggart, that is" some boy said "Very good Mr. Thomas" Lupin said

The cabinet started thudding louder.

"Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

"No one knows" Hermione said, she appeared from nowhere. "Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape whatever particular person fears the most, thats what makes them so-"

She was cut off by Lupin and said "So terrifying, yes yes yes" The cabinet kept thudding. "Luckily a very simple charm existe to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now"

"Without wands please. After me: Riddikulus" everyone repeated it.

A loud thud made everyone take a step back I was laying on the wall besides Draco and Lila ho seemed very interested in the class.

"A littler louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus" They repeats the sentence louder and Draco said.

"This class is ridiculous" Goyle nodded in agreement and I rolled my eyes.

The professor kept explaining, he mention that laughter is what finishes a boggart is laughter, that you need to force it to assume a shape that you find amusing.

He took the same boy who got Lila helped on the woods. "Neville, what frightens you the most?" Lupin asked

Neville mumbled something and he asked for him to repeat it "Professor Snape" he answered and most of the kids laughed.

He explained to Neville and then he opened the cabinet and professor Snape came out of it.

Neville yelled "Riddikulus" and Snape was wearing some odd clothes with a hat, they all laughed and I let out a small chuckle.

We formed a line and Draco and his goons started to push everyone, the professor played some music and the ginger haired boy stepped on the front.

The boggart turned into a immense spider and we heard Rons whimpers, then he conjured the charm and the spider was slipping with roller skater, while the class laughed, a girl passed and then Harry Potter whose fear was a dementor.

Lupin shield him and his fear appeared it was the moon, that was stranger than having a professor as your biggest fear.

As the day finished Lila kept taking about the class and the professor, I was sure someone had a tiny crush.

That day I was really tired so after diner Lila and I went to the common room and lay in the couches, talking while we saw the fire crackle. Later nobody was left in the room just us.

"I'm going to bed, you should go too" Lila said with a smile that transformed into a yawn. I giggled and said.

"I'll go in a minute, night" I said as I watched her go to her room, no one else was there so I decided to put on Dracos sweatshirt to keep me warm along with the fire.

His smell mixed with burned wood was heaven.

My eyelids started getting heavier and heavier and before I knew it, I was asleep on the couches.

My hair falling in my face as I entered a profound sleep.

Later I felt a cold hand putting a white strand of hair behind my ear, I tried to open my eyes but I was too tired to do it.

I hear some muffled words and felt how some arms wrapped my body on their arms, as they carried me to a dorm.

They opened my door and gently placed me on my bed while opening the sheets for me to get snuggled up in them.

I remember seeing a blonde hair passing through my room as they turned off my light.

My sleep that night was filled with Draco Malfoy, why? I didn't even know.

Dracos POV:

The morning after my midnight ecounter with Maia I woke up in a good mood, I putted my uniform, sprayed a puff of my cologne on my neck and robes, brushed my hair trying to do a new hairstyle with resulted on me getting frustrated and ended up with my same hair as yesterday. I wanted to look perfect, but not especially for someone. Right?

Ever since the last sorting of the ceremony something weird happened on my stomach, like if I got instantly sick..

I got out of the dorm and sat to wait for Blaise, as an excuse to stay a bit longer on the common room, waiting..

I knew when she got out her dorm, he air got warmer and a sweet vanilla scent surrounded the room. When I locked eyes with Maia I gave her a little smile which she returned.

We had our first Care for magical creatures class, with that oaf of Hagrid, although deep down I was partially exited.

As we walked into the wood he told us to open the book that was some sort of creature, I asked how and Hagrid responded as it was the easiest thing to do.

My fingers ran through the spine of the book as it purred. Hagrid later showed us a hippogriff, and as always Potter was the star of the show.

He flew the creature and my eyes followed him through the sky. Wondering what that felted like.

After I noticed Maia by my side as I thought to myself that riding that wasn't hard.

She said something, as she knew my exact thoughts, that was odd. But I was determined to showed her and the rest that Potter wasn't the only one who could do it.

Of course I couldn't do it, instead I ended up hurting my arm. I was humiliated by the bloody chicken. My father definitely will hear about this.

I was taken to the infirmary and was disappointed to see no one but Pansy, I was really started to get terribly annoyed by her presence, always following me around.

As we later sat on the Slytherin table Maia, Jade and Lila sat in front of us. The pain at that point had already faded but being over dramatic never hurt anyone.

The day passed painfully slowly and I wasn't too exited by our last class: Defence against the dark arts.

The topic was boggarts which I found interesting, not to know everyone's fear but to see mine. I started thinking what could happen if I passed, what would it morph into?

Potters fear was a dementor so I felted proud about my little dementor prank on the woods.

When classes finally finished, after diner I snuck into Lupin office. I was intrigued by my biggest fear.

I opened the cabinet and my father placed a foot on the ground.

That's my biggest fear, he's my biggest fear.

He walked up to me with a very upset expression and he said "I'm terribly disappointed of you, I don't know how you can call yourself my son" the boggart said and I took my wand and conjured the Riddikulus charm.

My father appeared with a silly haircut and ginger hair, which let out a small laugh.

As the boggart disappeared I sat alone on the floor thinking about how my father, one of the persons who supposed to love you could be my biggest fear.

I realised how late it was and head back to my common room, as I entered I noticed the room completely alone, except for a long black haired girl with a white strand.

I discovered Maia siting on the couch, wearing...my sweatshirt. She looked so..dreamy.

I slowly putted her white lock of silky hair behind her ear. I couldn't let her sleep there, I had to take her to her dorm.

As I wrapped her around my arms I carried her to her dorm. Gently I placed her body on the bed and started to open her sheets so that she could sleep covered.

I admired her for a moment, how could anyone look so good sleeping? I was sure she didn't even saw me and sure she wasn't even going to remember this the next day. But I'll never forget how she was sleeping so cozy on my sweatshirt. I passed through her room and turned her light off, as I was going out I peeked through her door and saw her there laying on her bed, so peaceful.

That night I couldn't take off my mind that black haired girl and her blue-black eyes..

What had she done to me?

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